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NotW XXXVII - The Party [Game Thread]

Werewolf Team pm

Spoiler sprig :
Congratulations, you are the

Werewolf Faction

Victory Condition:
Overpower the Town and Kill the King. – This is achieved by having equal or greater numbers that the Innocent Faction.

You are all tired of the insane disregard for the Belseraph Nation. You all feel that the Nation could be far grander than it currently is. It is clear that it is all those insane freaks that are holding the Nation back. And there is no bigger insane freak than LightFang the Laughing King, (Perpentach).

You like-minded individuals have banded together and thought up a devious plan to overthrow the King. The key to the plan is to infiltrate the Kings palace but the only way to do that is to create a diversion. Luckily, Catharsis the Feisty Mimic, is actually a Werewolf. A quite handy tool to create distractions and overpower the Town. Robbiecon the Dwarven Druid has developed a unique remote controlled bomb and using the distraction of the werewolf, it is planned to slip these bombs into (literally) key targets. Daveshack the Hardy Blacksmith, has lent his skill to craft the bombs into unrecognisable everyday items, in case anyone should be caught holding the bombs. He is also an Agent of the Council Esus, which makes him an accomplished spy and handy lookout.

Together, you skills should be more than enough to overthrow the King, but you are all without doubt that it will be tricky. The King despite being mad is certainly powerful in his own right. You would be a fool to challenge the King directly. Instead, to be safe, you will wait until you have thinned the Number of Party Guests.

Key notes:
You teams effective Kills per night is two.
The Laughing King (Light Fang) is not a eligible target for Kill Abilities.
If the King Dies before you have overpowered the Innocent Faction, your overpower ratio will double. This means if the king dies and there is Three of you left, victory will be achieved once the ‘Innocent Faction’ is down to Six people. (2 left: 4 people, 1 left: 2 people)

I have taken the liberty to create a quicktopic for faction discussion. The quicktopic is private forum and you should not under any circumstance give the link to another person outside your faction.

Notw XXXVII - Role PM - Bestrfcplayer the Colourful Jester
Spoiler sprig :
Bestrfcplayer the Colourful Jester

The Colourful Jester



Victory Condition:
Remove all threats to the King and Town.

Intuition - During the night phase you may select one player to use your intuition to reveal Alignment.

Sceptre - this sceptre is the source of you power. It was given to you by the king and without it you feel that you will not be able to use you keen intellect anymore.

Personal Goal:
Inflict pain. - lots of pain. Be the person to execute someone. This is achieved by being the first to vote for someone who is then lynched that day.

People generally do not realise the difficulty you go through every day. Being a jester and trying to please the courts of a moody King is no mean feat. Early in the job you came to realise that, your survival really came down to how fast you could suggest a painful games at the expensive of another, before you yourself become involved in somebody else's suggestion.
And so you are here once again to Party with the King, pity you failed to read your invitation carefully and are stuck hunting werewolves. Not Fun.

Notw XXXVII - Role PM - Autolycus the Fanatical Apprentice
Spoiler sprig :
Autolycus the Fanatical Apprentice

The Fanatical Apprentice



Victory Condition:
Remove all threats to the King and Town.

Observation - (item dependant) - During the night phase you may select one player to use your ability on. This will reveal if the target is active at night.

Eyes of Jubilee - Eyes of Jubilee - An orb of seeing. This item enables you to observe if a character is active at night. (Active)

Personal Goal:
Catch 5 people out of bed. – Use your ability to catch 5 different people active at night.

You are a inquisitive person you always have been, even though you are slightly mad. You used to be a poor beggar on the streets after your family kicked you out. All that you retain from your previous life is your grandmothers Orb. You doubt you would have survived at all if it were not for this orb. After having the good fortune to attend a previous royal party, you realised that a Jester is the perfect career for you. You watched the colourful Jester at work and it was magnificent to see his subtle works, watching him hold the Kings ear and suggest tormented games for the other guests to endure. And so the Jester has taken you on as his apprentice and invited you to attend this party. Unfortunately this party involves catching a nasty werewolf but you feel that if you are the one to catch him, you could be celebrated as a hero. You can hardly wait to put your insane mind to the task.

Notw XXXVII - Role PM - Earthling the Zealous Zealot
Spoiler sprig :
Earthling the Zealous Zealot

The Zealous Zealot



Victory Condition:
Remove all threats to the King and Town.

Visions – (Active) - Once per night, you are able to tap into the visions from the Octopus Overlords and determine a selected players ‘Sanity’.


Personal Goal:
Mind Stapling. – ensure that Choxorn the Dancing Bear is killed.

You were adjusting the mainsail, getting ready to head home after a long day at sea, when suddenly you felt it. A terrible presence situated thousands of feet beneath you. You thought you were going mad, until you saw your expression mirrored on the faces of your crew. Something was down there, and had you known then what it was, you would have headed for the shore and never sailed out again. But that was then, and now your mind is fully open to the Octopus Overlords. The madness sweeps over in waves, it helps the Overlords communicate with you, it tells you want to say and do. Visions they show you, madness is the key you need to unlock the mysteries of those visions. You wish for others to join you in the madness, it is clear that the Dancing Bear refuses to cooperate; his mind is just not on a level that will be able to communicate with the Overlords. If he can’t join then he is of no use and must be killed.

Notw XXXVII - Role PM - Robbiecon the Dwarven Druid
Spoiler sprig :
Robbiecon the Dwarven Druid

The Dwarven Druid



Victory Condition:
Overpower the Town and Kill the King.

Implant - (item dependent) – Once a night, using your ‘Surgical tools' you may insert one of your Bombs (or another item) into another party guest.
Detonate – (item dependent) - At any time, you may pulled the trigger on your detonator.

Surgical Tools – Allows you to ‘Implant’ an Item inside another person. This ability will RoleBlock the Target and hide an Item inside them. (Active)
Detonator – Appears to be a Metal Box with a button on it. Allows you to ‘Detonate’ all active bombs. Bombs in your Faction’s possession are automatically inactive. (Active)
Worn Ring – Appears to be a normal Ring – ‘Bomb’
Shiny Amulet – Appears to be a normal Amulet – ‘Bomb’
Silver Coin – Appears to be a normal Coin – ‘Bomb’

Personal Goal:
Make at least Five people Explode at once. – Unfortunately you have not figured out how to control which bombs explode. It is all or none. The best way to win will be to surprise the King and Innocent Faction. Implant your bombs into at least Five people and Detonate them.

You have always loathed the King, that evil man who thinks he is better than everyone else. Well, you know for a fact that he is not greater than you. You are greatest Druid the world has seen, the world just doesn’t know it yet. You have developed an amazing technology that no one has seen before, a soft and chemically inert explosive compound. The trouble with normal explosive is that they explode with the slightest spark but not so for your invention. Better yet, you can remotely activate the explosive. As soon as you invented this, you knew that you could take over the world. The world would fear you for your ability and bow down before you. Such ambition you have. But the first step of many steps is to get rid of the troublesome & insane King.

You have found some others who are not happy with the status quo and convinced them to help you. The Feisty Mimic is a Werewolf and will provide useful distraction. The Blacksmith is the Brawn and will keep a look out and he is also holding the rest of your Bombs. As well as being a skilled Druid, you are also a sharp eyed surgeon. The best way to ensure an item is with the intended target is to implant it inside them. Of course, you can just give the item away but there is no way to know that the recipient will keep it.

Notw XXXVII - Role PM - Rhawn the Glorious Harlequin
Spoiler sprig :
Rhawn the Glorious Harlequin

The Glorious Harlequin



Victory Condition:
Remove all threats to the King and Town.

Educated – (Active) - At night you may study any item in your possession for hidden abilities.

Blue Whistle – A normal whistle. Makes a high pitched sound when blown.

Personal Goal:
Animal Freedom. – Ensure that both the Dancing bear and the Cute Bear-Cub survive.

You are a rare find in Jubilee, someone with an Education is far from normal. Also it is abnormal that you are a educated Harlequin. Even more abnormal is that you are completely sane. Normally, most of you kind are wild and run around the countryside catching animals and other wild creatures and while your heart does belong out in the open and wild world, it is the study of animals that most interest you.
Long ago you captured a great bear. Such a difficult task it was, he was like no other bear. It was clear from his movement and his elusiveness that he was completely sentient. You had to capture him, you just had to. You knew that the bear was important for your studies. A long time has past since then and while there was great animosity between you in the beginning, you feel that you have started to develop a friendship. So when a werewolf started ripping through the population, you knew that the Dancing Bear would be an asset in the capture of said werewolf.

Notw XXXVII - Role PM - Choxorn the Dancing Bear
Spoiler sprig :
Choxorn the Dancing Bear

The Dancing Bear



Victory Condition:
Remove all threats to the King and Town.

Bear Protection – (Active) - At night you may choose to protect one person. You will guard them from any intruders.
Bear Fury – (Passive) - You fear no werewolf and are immune to any werewolf attack against you.
No Items – (Passive) - You have no pockets nor use for any item.


Personal Goal:
Survive. – Survive to the end of the game. Regardless of who completes their VC, you will escape Alive.

Long ago you were captured, you hold no more animosity towards the Harlequin, you just long for freedom. You heard the Harlequin read out the invitation and, of course, heard the part about catching the werewolf. He begged you to come to the Palace to help but you had no interest, after all the werewolf was not your problem. In the end, the Harlequin offered you the only thing that could entice you to help… Freedom.

Notw XXXVII - Role PM - dcmort93 the Bloody Butcher
Spoiler sprig :
dcmort93 the Bloody Butcher

The Bloody Butcher



Victory Condition:
Remove all threats to the King and Town.

Detection - (Active) - At night you may scan someone for items, this scan will reveal any hidden items as well, whether the targeted player knows of them or not.

Butchers Knife - A normal tool you use would use every day, you would never use it on people though. Could be dangerous in the wrong hands though.

Personal Goal:
Lost & Found. - Successfully scan someone who is holding a hidden object.

You love the town of Jubilee, it is such a fun place to live. You were not originally from the town, you have explored most of the known world and visits all the major races, but you found the Jubilee was the one place you wanted to settle. People might call you crazy for this but unlike most of the towns inhabitants you have kept your sanity. Well, except for one small quirk.

You have a rather weird curiosity, you love trying to find stuff. It might stem from working with dead animals all day. You love to slice open animal stomachs and see what is hidden in their entrails. People would be surprised by what you find there. Not you though, you probably have seen it all. Well almost, you haven't had any dealings with werewolves before.

Notw XXXVII - Role PM - j65536d the Crazy Orphan
Spoiler sprig :
j65536d the Crazy Orphan

The Crazy Orphan



Victory Condition:
Remove all threats to the King and Town.

Puzzle Analysis – (Passive) You can determine who is holding your trinket which is the ‘Difficult Puzzle’ Item. If the puzzle is left in a players possession over night, you are able to determine their Sanity.

The Item is currently in the hands of ‘The13thRonin the Raving Lunatic’. It is clear that he is ‘Insane’


Personal Goal:
Puzzle Solver. – Only the Insane can Solve your puzzle. Your goal is to have Four People solve the puzzle. (excluding the Lunatic)

Your parents used to be Merchants, they sold many fantastic items, of which, only the Difficult Puzzle remains. Your Parents were unfortunately killed by a roving band of Werewolves. Watching your parents get ripped apart is enough to drive anyone a crazy. It is probably fortunate that you are crazy, It is highly unlikely that you would have been able to survive on your own if you were not. When you are in the crazy world, begging and thievery are just mere games, challenges for the mind and body. The recent spate of Killings by werewolves has reignited the memory of your parents death and but also a passion for revenge. Perhaps this werewolf is the one responsible, Maybe you can be the one to bring it to justice.

Notw XXXVII - Role PM - Daveshack the Hardy Blacksmith
Spoiler sprig :
Daveshack the Hardy Blacksmith

The Hardy Blacksmith



Victory Condition:
Overpower the Town and Kill the King.

Shadow-meld – (Active) - During the Night, you are able to bend into the darkness and follow anyone of your choice. You will be able to see who they interact with, as well as who interacts with them, if any.
Backpack - (item dependent) - Allows you to carry an extra 5 Items

Large Backpack – Allows you to carry an extra 5 Items (Passive)
Silver Flask – Appears to be a normal Flask, there is something in there but it won’t come out. – ‘Bomb’
Iron Hammer – Appears to be a normal Hammer – ‘Bomb’
Pocket Watch – Appears to be a normal Watch – ‘Bomb’
Rusty Saw – Appears to be a normal Saw – ‘Bomb’
Porcelain Vase – Appears to be a normal Vase, there is nothing inside. – ‘Bomb’
Leather Gloves – Appears to be a normal pair of Gloves – ‘Bomb’
Yellow Lamp – Appears to be a normal Lamp – ‘Bomb’
Broken Horseshoe – Appears to be a normal Horse but broken – ‘Bomb’
Noisy Clarinet – Appears to be a normal Clarinet albeit out of tune – ‘Bomb’

Personal Goal:
Trigger Man – use the ‘Detonator’ item to cause at least One person to explode.

You belong to the Council of Esus and are a formidable spy. The Council has had many dealings with the Laughing King, but he is a shrewd negotiator and has made things very difficult for the Council in the past. You have been tasked to help overthrow the King. Your partner in-crime is the Dwarven Druid who has developed and interesting device, a ‘detonator’ which can remotely detonator explosives with the press of a button. Oh how you would love to get your hands on the explosive ‘detonator’. The Council of Esus would pay you a fortune for the device. But getting it might not be that simple. Will the Dwarven Druid let you have it? Either way, there is another member of the Council here to observe the device in action. If you can get your hands on the detonator and Kill at least one person with it, you are sure that you will be well rewarded.

Notw XXXVII - Role PM - Duke Blackstone the Mighty Dragon Slayer
Spoiler sprig :
Duke Blackstone the Mighty Dragon Slayer

The Mighty Dragon Slayer



Victory Condition:
Remove all threats to the King and Town.

Self Defence- (Item Dependent) – The presence of your large Sword is bound to keep attackers like werewolves away.

Dragon Sword – A huge sword used for killing dragons. Suitable for other Large Creatures as well. While carrying this item you are immune to attack from any werewolves. (Passive)
Dragon Head – the head of the previous Dragon you defeated. Can be used as a magical ingredient. But you require it to claim the bounty that was placed on the Dragon.

Personal Goal:
Do not lose your Bounty – You need the dragon head to claim the bounty. Ensure an innocent victory and survive to the end of the game while still in possession of the ‘Dragon head’ Item.

You have to be insane to chase after Dragons and Insane you are. You have never been in Belseraph lands before and it certainly has been quite a marvel. You were on your way back from defeating a rather nasty Dragon and decided to rest in the town of Jubilee to heal your wounds. Being insane, you actually fit in quite well with the Belseraph Crowd. Werewolves are not really you thing but you think they can’t be any worse than Dragons, after all, Werewolves don’t breathe fire. Well since you here you might as well enjoy yourself and maybe help out in catching the werewolf.
P.S. That Cookie from the King was delicious.
Notw XXXVII - Role PM - Classical Hero the Foolish Slave
Spoiler sprig :
Classical Hero the Foolish Slave

The Foolish Slave



Victory Condition:
Remove all threats to the King and Town.

Injured - (Passive) - The wound was deep and you fear that you will not be able to use any items Ability’s for at least two days.
Reconnaissance – (Active) – At night you may scan another player to determine if they are an Agent of Esus.

Medallion of Esus – Has no function but is proof that you are (or at least were) an Agent of the Council.

Personal Goal:
Betrayed. - Obtain a Weapon, kill by any means the other two Esus Agents.

You are the "Foolish Slave", but are you really foolish? You are actually a trained assassin who works for the council of Esus. Being a slave is just a cover role. You want the people to think that you are helpless but inside you have the heart of a killer. But actually you have been pretty foolish, you should have expected that there would be consequences to failing your last mission.

After that Failure, you blindly accepted the mission to kill the Taskmaster and also accepted the weapon they gave you to perform the task without question. You should have asked yourself why they gave you a weapon when normally you source your own equipment, but you didn’t in your eagerness to prove yourself. It was only when you drew the blade to strike the Taskmaster did you realised that the Knife was bound with a curse designed to reflect back on its user. It launched itself with a mind of its own towards your heart, it was only due to your prodigious skill that you were able to deflect it away with your hand at the last second. Unfortunately, you hand is now lame, it will take a couple of days to heal.

You are absolutely furious that the council would tried to do away with you. You want to get revenge you want to prove to them that they made a really bad mistake. You know that there are always several Agents of the Council hanging around the Court of the Laughing King. You will make an example out of them.

Notw XXXVII - Role PM - Camikaze the Grotesque Freak
Spoiler sprig :
Camikaze the Grotesque Freak

The Grotesque Freak



Victory Condition:
Remove all threats to the King and Town.

Light Handed - (Active) - At night you may steal an item from any target as long as you know the name of the item you wish to steal.


Personal Goal:
Desire – Collect more than 5 Items. You may need a backpack to carry more than 5 items though.

You covet all that you do not have. Some things are easier to take than others. Sometimes you can’t help yourself, your hands seem to move on their own. And now you have been invited to the palace. Your eyes light up with the thoughts of all the treasures that are stored there. You decided to bring your friend the Raving Lunatic along, his incoherent ramblings should provide suitable distraction and provide you with ample opportunity.

Notw XXXVII - Role PM - The13thRonin the Raving Lunatic
Spoiler sprig :
The13thRonin the Raving Lunatic

The Raving Lunatic



Victory Condition:
Remove all threats to the King and Town.

Crazed - (Active) - Once per night you may select a target to determine their Sanity

A Difficult Puzzle – A trinket you picked up of the ground. It was a bit tricky but you managed to solve it. Seems like it has no use.

Personal Goal:
Lynch the King. – The Laughing King has his own goals, you are not sure if they align with the rest of the town. You feel it is better to be safe than sorry, now all you need to do is convince the rest of the town too.

Many different kind of people go into the asylum, but only one type comes out, the Lunatic. But the asylum has made you stronger, made your mind more clear. To others it just looks like you are babbling incoherently, but your thoughts are sharp and articulate. Through your internal reasoning, you are able to recognise others that share the same fate as you. After careful study of a particular person you are able to determine their Sanity. You have already studied the Laughing King. It is clear the madness that lies there and you know he wants to turn this place into another asylum. Well you are going to stop him, even if it means overthrowing his rule before catching the werewolf that is running around.

Notw XXXVII - Role PM - Catharsis the Feisty Mimic
Spoiler sprig :
Catharsis the Feisty Mimic

The Feisty Mimic



Victory Condition:
Overpower the Town and Kill the King.

Dismember - (Active) – Each Night, you may select a person to kill. As a Werewolf, you should have no trouble killing your selected target .
Mimicry – (Passive) – If anyone attempts to scan either your Alignment, Sanity , Victory Condition or Abilities, you will appear to have the same stats as your last victim.


Personal Goal:
Kill the King – Survive to the end and you will be the one to Kill the Laughing King.

How you hate that King, Always laughing, Always causing mischief and Always you are on the receiving end. Well no more. It is now his turn to be on the receiving end. Long had you served in his army, leading his men into impossible battles and insane situations and in most cases not leading them back out. Many men you had lost under your command, all for that insane King. If it wasn’t for your prodigious skill, you are sure that you would have fallen just like your comrades. In one of your last battles, you had defeated a werewolf. You took from him the ability to turn yourself into a werewolf but without you having to lose yourself to the madness and compulsion that comes with the Full moon. Now you feel that you have the power to overthrow and kill the King. You have a team of likeminded people who are willing to help. All that remains is accomplishing your task and once that is complete, you will be able to take over and rule this land fairly.

Notw XXXVII - Role PM - Diamondeye the Beautiful Courtesan
Spoiler sprig :
Diamondeye the Beautiful Courtesan

The Beautiful Courtesan



Victory Condition:
Remove all threats to the King and Town.



Personal Goal:
Cursed – Place a curse on another two people.

As an agent of Esus, there is nothing more fun than toying with the lives of people around you. Your two tag-alongs, the Orc and Swordsman, are testament to that. Awhile ago you cursed these two mortal enemies and combined their souls into one. So that if one should perish, so should the other. Unfortunately you seem to have misplaced the Parchment that contained the enchantment. If you could find where you misplaced it and get it back, you might be able to curse some more unlucky souls. Though there is a downside, that being the two wretched beings following you around everywhere you go. And in this case they have followed you on your mission to infiltrate the Palace.

There are several other agents here, you noticed the Foolish Slave for one. You saw her lame attempt to try kill the taskmaster and watch the blade fall from her hands. It is a shame that you could not pick it up, as it is sure to cause mischief in the wrong hands. The other agent is one you do not know. All you know is that you are suppose to witness a demonstration for the council. Other than that, you might as well help out in catching this werewolf.

Notw XXXVII - Role PM - Darth Caesar the Dashing Swordsman
Spoiler sprig :
Darth Caesar the Dashing Swordsman

The Dashing Swordsman



Victory Condition:
Remove all threats to the King and Town.

Cursed – (Passive) - You are bound in Life and Death to the Bloodthirsty Orc. If the Orc dies, so do you, unless you can find a way to remove this curse.
Revenge – (Item dependant) - At any night you may choose to use your trusty Orc-Bane to kill the Orc.

Orc-Bane – Enables ‘Revenge’ Ability - (Active)

Personal Goal:
Kill the Bloodthirsty Orc.

Long has the Orc plagued you, how you itch to cleave his head right off. You trusty Orc-bane hangs so restlessly at your side, for it has been idle for too long. Many Orcs have fallen before you and your sword but now there is only one Orc that occupies your thoughts. If it wasn’t for that damm Curse place on you both by the Courtesan, you would have killed that Orc a long time ago. So now both you and the Orc follow the Courtesan where ever she goes in hope that you can find a way to lift the Curse. You noticed a Mage at this Party, if there was anyone that could lift Curses it makes sense that a mage might be able to do the trick.

Notw XXXVII - Role PM - Joooray the Bloodthirsty Orc
Spoiler sprig :
Joooray the Bloodthirsty Orc

The Bloodthirsty Orc



Victory Condition:
Remove all threats to the King and Town.

Cursed – (Passive) - You are bound in Life and Death to the Dashing Swordsman. If the Swordsman dies, so do you, unless you can find a way to remove the curse.
Revenge – (Item dependant) - At any night you may choose to use your trusty Bloody Axe to kill the Swordsman.

Bloody Axe – Enables ‘Revenge’ Ability - (Active)
Stained Parchment – Parchment covered in strange writing

Personal Goal:
Kill the Dashing Swordsman.

Long has the Swordsman plagued you, how you itch to cleave his head right off. Your trusty Axe hangs so restlessly at you side, for it has been idle for too long. Many you have cleaved with your trusty Axe but now there is only one thing that occupies your thoughts, the death of the swordsman. If it wasn’t for the curse placed on you by that damm Courtesan, you would have killed that swordsman a long time ago.

So now both you and the Orc follow the Courtesan where ever she goes in hope that you can find a way to lift the Curse and end that Swordsman’s life once and for all. And so you have followed the Courtesan to this party and along the way you noticed that she dropped a small roll of parchment. Carefully, without drawing attention from the swordsman, you picked it up. You feel that his may be the key to removing the Curse but you cannot understand the strange writing.

Notw XXXVII - Role PM - Seon the Curious Mage
Spoiler sprig :
Seon the Curious Mage

The Curious Mage



Victory Condition:
Remove all threats to the King and Town.

Item Study - (Active) - At night you may study any item in your possession for hidden abilities, messages or Functions
Natural Curiosity - (Active) - At night you may use your ability to examine another person for items.


Personal Goal:
Magical Items. - You love items with magical purpose or at least magical properties. Your goal is to acquire at least two of these.

You are a Mage in the high court of King Perpentach, he is amused by simple things and your simplest tricks are the best. But much more powerful that that you are. You are a natural study and love how objects interact with space and time. But most importantly you study to learn how to cheat the laws that seem to govern this world. You notice a Dragon slayer here, if he has come back from killing a dragon, he might have part of the dragon with him. Dragons are highly Magical Creatures and the by-products are highly sought after. Ok yes, you did notice in your invitation that you are meant to be helping find a werewolf but it won't hurt to have a peep around to see what you can add to your collection.

Notw XXXVII - Role PM - J-Man the Brave Adventurer
Spoiler sprig :
J-Man the Brave Adventurer

The Brave Adventurer



Victory Condition:
Remove all threats to the King and Town.


Walking stick - A study stick that has assisted you in your journey through foreign lands.

Personal Goal:
Accuse - Successfully accuse the werewolf during the Day Phase. You will be notified at the end of the game (Or your death) if you have guessed correct at any stage.

You wanted adventure, well now you have got it and it's a lot bigger than you imagined. to gauge its size you would estimate it to be around a werewolf sized adventure. You are not sure you are up for this, you must be insane to even agree to try. But there is no turning back, think of all the woman, money and fame you could get if you captured a werewolf!
Notw XXXVII - Role PM - Civplayah the Irritated Eater of Dreams
Spoiler sprig :
Civplayah the Irritated Eater of Dreams

The Irritated Eater of Dreams



Victory Condition:
Remove all threats to the King and Town.

Dream Eater – (Active) - At night you may enter a selected persons dreams, From there you should be able to tell the persons alignment.


Personal Goal:
Usurper – you see that the mage belongs to the court of the Laughing King. You are clearly more skilled than him. It should be fitting that you take his place. Ensure that the Curious Mage is Killed.

Ahhh, the insane minds of Jubilee, how they taste so sweet. With a werewolf on the loose killing all those innocent people, there was no way you could ignore the allure of all the frightened souls and their disturbing dreams. You have tracked the werewolf through the dreams of the tortured souls to the palace. Slipping into the palace was rather simplistic and surprisingly easy, not that you mean any harm to the Laughing King. On the contrary, you are here to help, Maybe you will be able to stay.

Notw XXXVII - Role PM - Remake20 the Stoned Knight
Spoiler sprig :
Remake20 the Stoned Knight

The Stoned Knight



Victory Condition:
Remove all threats to the King and Town.

Medicinal High - (Item Dependent) - At night ( after a little toke) you can select a person to investigated. Using your heightened sense you will be able to tell the players alignment.

Magic Herb - A groovy little street dealer introduced you to this lovely little plant. Inhaling the fumes from this plant takes you to magical places and lets you see into the future. (Active)

Personal Goal:
Place Holder. - Explanation.

You are a champion for Truth and Justice, long you have travelled the lands protecting the weak and down-trodden. Eventually your travels took you to Jubilee. You are not so much a champion of justice anymore, you are not sure why. You just feel like it is too much of an effort. You wonder what brought this feeling on. You tell yourself that must be just pure coincidence that your lethargic feeling coincided with your discovery of the Magic Herb. But now there is a werewolf running around. Not long ago you would have got up and hunted it down by yourself. Shamed by your lack of action you have finally stirred into action and gatecrashed the party at the palace. You will find this werewolf to prove that you haven’t lost any of your skill. Of course, you brought along your magic herbs just in case.

Notw XXXVII - Role PM - Takhisis the Cute Bear-cub
Spoiler sprig :
Takhisis the Cute Bear-cub

The Cute Bear-cub



Victory Condition:
Remove all threats to the King and Town.

Bear hug – (Active) - Every night you may select a person to use this ability one. This will both roleblock and protect the target.
Limited items – You are not able to carry more than 1 item at a time. After all, you have no pockets and only your mouth to carry stuff.

Mayor’s Left Arm – The Left arm of the Mayor, You carefully picked it up and hid it after the wolf tore it off.

Personal Goal:
Omnivore – You couldn’t help yourself, the Mayor’s Arm just looked so tasty so you took it. It would be mightily embarrassing and highly suspicious if you were caught with it in your possession. Your PG is to trade it for something better.

Your father has taken up all this sentience crap. Clearly all you care about is eating, hibernating, eating, playing with your paws, eating, hibernating, finding a she-bear once you're… well, up to you-know-what, eating, fishing in the ice, playing with balls, eating, and hibernating again next year. But still the call of species obedience is felt. You follow your father bear to this party. There's also plenty of fish and meat to slake your hunger on; there's also fires and you think you can dig up a lair among all those furs when hibernation time comes… as long as they're not bear furs. Oh and did anyone mention that your Insane, like completely insane? Which bear in their own right mind would wander into Jubilee on their own freewill!

Notw XXXVII - Role PM - Landlubber the Drunken Pirate
Spoiler sprig :
Landlubber the Drunken Pirate

The Drunken Pirate



Victory Condition:
Remove all threats to the King and Town.

Keen intellect - (Active) - You smarter when you are drunker, you can tell if someone is crazy straight away when drunk. At night you may select a person to use your keen intellect on to determine 'sanity'. This ability will consume a bottle of rum per use.

Balseraph Rum - Rum made in Belseraph lands.
Elven Rum - Rum made in Ljosalfar lands.
Illian Rum - Rum made in Illian lands.
Lanun Rum - Rum made in Lanun lands.
Dwaven Rum - Rum made in Khazad lands.

Personal Goal:
Waste not want not. - Consume all 5 bottles of Rum.

You once were a famous pirate, feared throughout the world. However, since then you have been more worried about your rum supply than anything else. Hell, you even sold your ship just to buy more rum. You money is running out, as is your supply of rum. Good thing you heard about this party, if there is any place to score more booze it’s bound to be the Kings Palace.

Notw XXXVII - Role PM - Renata (Witherington, III,) the Upper-Class Twit
Spoiler sprig :
Renata (Witherington, III,) the Upper-Class Twit

The Upper-Class Twit



Victory Condition:
Remove all threats to the King and Town.

Pierce – (Item dependant) – At night you may select at target to stab with your Knife.

Intricate Knife – A pretty Knife covered in Runes. Allows Pierce Ability (Active)

Personal Goal:
Do not Kill Yourself. –Your father ran himself over with his Horse, your father’s father impaled himself with his own sabre and your mother's father choked on his own shoe. Needless to say there is a trend. Can you break it?

You can’t quite say how you got here; all you know is that it looks like a party which should be jolly good, eh, wot? While you crashed the party you picked up a Knife off the Ground. It looked pretty sinister and it would be trouble if it ended up in wrong hands. The Knife has Runes running down the blade. You don’t know what they mean; even if they were in English you probably wouldn’t understand. In any case, a sane person might find someone who could read runes and find out what they say but you are not sane are you?

Private Message: Notw XXXVII - Role PM - Lightfang (Perpentach) the Laughing King
Spoiler sprig :
Lightfang (Perpentach) the Laughing King

The Laughing King


Sane- You are So Insane that you are back to square one.

Victory Condition:
Change all living players sanity to 'insane'.

Madness - (Active) - Every night you are able to drive a player mad. This will switch the players sanity. Insane will turn sane and vice versa.
Itemless – (Passive) - You cannot hold any items but you have no need for mere trinkets. Your toys are all in the mind.


Personal Goal:
Conversion. - Convert at least 4 people from sane to insane.

It is good to be King, you can do what you want. You still don't really care about the werewolf problem. All you want is to have a good time and sane people are just plain boring. If you complete you goal you might just get around to doing something about that pesky werewolf.

Notw XXXVII - Role PM - Winston Hughes the Pretentious Goblin
Spoiler sprig :
Winston Hughes the Pretentious Goblin

The Pretentious Goblin



Victory Condition:
Remove all threats to the King and Town.

Protection – (Active) – Once per night you may Protect another person from Attack. However you will die if the protected player is attacked.
Irritation – (Passive) - You cannot select the same person for protection on consecutive nights least you want the player to commit Suicide.


Personal Goal:
Place Holder. - Explanation.

Proof that an expensive education can turn even the lowliest creature into a poetry-quoting egomaniac, the Pretentious Goblin can be found wherever canapes abound, annoying the other party-goers with his self-serving anecdotes and lacklustre personal hygiene.

Indeed, this green-skinned social climber is so irritating that no killer could resist the opportunity to shut his overactive mouth once and for all, even if it meant allowing a more important target to escape. Your presence is so overbearing that anyone you hang around with for any decent length of time is a likely bash his own brains in just to escape your presence.

Notw XXXVII - Role PM - Domination3000 the Paranoid Priest
Spoiler sprig :
Domination3000 the Paranoid Priest

The Paranoid Priest



Victory Condition:
Remove all threats to the King and Town.

Paranoid - (Passive) - You Accusation will be twice as powerful when directed against a player that is Insane. It will also break tiebreaks.


Personal Goal:
Decision maker - You will achieved this goal when your accusation is the accusation that avoid breaks a tiebreak

They are all guilty. You know it. You just have to make everyone else see it. For how are they to repent if they are not guilty. Those that deny it and revel in it, are the worst. You must bring them all before Junil and deliver justice on them. If Justice means they must hang then so be it.
What's with remake, Renata, and Winston's PG's?

Also, how could Caesar and Joooray be uncursed?
@choxorn: I got remake's character. The PG was to keep my herb item.
What's with remake, Renata, and Winston's PG's?

Also, how could Caesar and Joooray be uncursed?

The Intricate knife which started off in Renata's possession would kill whoever attempted to use it.

The stained parchment in the orcs possession was the key. But he couldn't read it. If the item was studied by Seon or rhawn it would have revealed the item ability which could have lifted the curse (or place a new one).
The Intricate knife which started off in Renata's possession would kill whoever attempted to use it.
I dodged a bullet then. We thought about trying to use the knife to get a 3rd kill. At the time I wrote my orders up, I almost said to stab someone, but decided to shadow instead. Then I almost posted an order change thinking we really needed the extra kill to finish it sooner, but since the description said stab but didn't say kill, I was worried it might reveal the person who used it or something. ;)
I was right! You were behind the curse, and you did want to create another one.

Of course, what I didn't grasp was that your villainy was just a red herring... :blush:

Why did you let us lynch dcmort, when you knew that he hadn't stolen the knife?

Why didn't dcmort see the gloves when he scanned me?

After talking with Renata and classical_hero, we figured that the knife would kill anyone who tried to use it, and agreed to keep that info quiet in the hope that you villains would try it.

My PG was the death of the Orc, Joooray.
I see my fake claim of scanning magical items was practically the same as Seon's actual ability and PG, except I did overdo it with my behind the scenes claim. I said I had to scan 3 magical items AND give someone an item useful to them.
Some Sample night result pms from night 3.

Notw XXXVII - night action results - night 3 (Takhisis)
Spoiler :
You crept into the bed of Renata, whether she was awake or not you didn't know. You assumed you spoon position, your favourite and kept him nice and warm with your soft and cuddle arms wrapped round him.

Late at night there was a disturbance at the door. The commotion was clearly coming from outside the door. You got up and ventured a peak. All you saw was a werewolf running away. Perhaps someone had saved you.

Takhisis said:
Let's hug Renata the upperclass twit!
A three-armed embrace it is.

Notw XXXVII - night action results - night 3 (Choxorn)
Spoiler :
You follow the young Bear Cub. You watch him enter a strangers room. Strange you think but you decide to keep watch for a nice little cosy spot.

Half asleep you notice some movement by the door. You see a human figure, what gender you cannot tell though it does not matter as this figure soon transforms into a Werewolf. You see the werewolf reach for the door, you jump into action, you run at the were wolf and take him in a head on collision. You have him pinned to the ground and unleash a furious barrage of punches. Each one of your mighty strokes bares a terrible toll on the werewolf's body.

Suddenly, you are struck from behind. You look to see who did it and you gave the werewolf the split second he needed. With his immense strength he threw you off him and ran down the hall out of sight.

Takhisis the Cute Bear-Cub was protected from Attack.

Notw XXXVII - night action results - night 3 (renata)
Spoiler :
Since your Knife that you found, then lost, then re-found, then voted to a dirty Goblin and now in said guests possession, you might as well sleep the whole night.

You were lying in your bed listening to the other guests in the castle to go to sleep when you heard your bedroom door open. You were lying on the bed facing the away from the door so you couldn't see who it was.

Whoever, or perhaps to be more precise, whatever it was, moved into your room. It certainly had a large presence and caused you to think 'oh crap, oh crap, oh crap'

The large creature stopped at your bed. it rested what you think was a paw onto your bed then climbed in behind you assuming the spoon position. Needless to say you felt very awkward. A large paw drape over you and it seemed that you would have no chance to escape.

However it didn't take long for the creature to fall asleep. The question was did you risk moving? You slowly turn you head and shuffled you body little by little to see what the creature was.

You finally got to gaze at the creature and saw that it was a bear. Fast asleep in your bed. W... T... F...

You pondered what to do, your couldn't really try get away, what if you disturbed it and it then ate you? As you lay there you noticed the Bear was actually quite soft and cuddly. So you decided to just go back to sleep.

Notw XXXVII - night action results - night 3 (robbiecon)
Spoiler :
It was time to implant the horse shoe into Renata.

You went to her room and carefully looked around to make sure no one else was there.

You were very surprised then to see your comrade Catharsis. It seems he had followed the bear-cub to the room of Renata.

You both decide to let the Catharsis go first. You watch as the Mimic transforms into a werewolf. Just as he is about to open the door, are large creature flies into him knocking the werewolf to the ground. There is a fury of punches, and you run up to the creature and knock him over the head with the horseshoe. It doesn't do much but buys enough time for the werewolf to throw the creature off.

You quickly enter the nearest door to escape but you forgot that the door belonged to renata. You slowly turn around and are in for another shock.

Lying on the bed fast a sleep is Renata the Upperclass Twit and behind her in the spoon position is Takhisis the Cute Bear-Cub.

It takes all your effort to not make a sound. Your are too scared to leave because what maybe lurking outside and too afraid to do anything in case the bear-cub wakes up.

Long story short. You grab a hold of your balls and decide to proceed with your mission. You implant the Horse into Renata without the Twit or the Bear-Cub Waking up.
What the f-? So the implanting of bombs was unprotectable against too?
I believe implanting was probably roleblockable. We certainly treated it as such, so I was using shadow to try to find out who was roleblocking.
(and to find protection too)
btw was Renata's death a reference to The Godfather?
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