Glory and Greatness


Apr 21, 2006
California, United States
After much time in development, I am pleased to present Glory and Greatness, a Civ IV mod. The Authors are Seasnake, Baldyr and Asaf.


What is Glory and Greatness

Glory and Greatness is 40 civilizations (the base 34 plus 6 new) reworked. Each civilization has 3 Unique Abilities, 1-2 Unique Buildings and 2-3 Unique Units. Each civilization has only one leader.

Glory and Greatness also updates much of the art in Civ IV, using Blue Marble Terrain and has six complete Unit and City Artstyles: European, Greco Roman, South American, Middle East, Asian, and African. All people units except for Missionaries and Executives are ethnically diverse, and all wooden ships are as well except for Privateers (if you're playing a smaller map and there's only 1 African civ and an African-styled Privateer comes up, let's just say it swiftly negates the advantage of a unit without Nationality). Further several wonders have simply had their artwork upgraded or replaced. Finally, every leader has been plussed to some extent, or is completely new (like Alexander and Catherine).

Glory and Greatness extends your game into the Future, with Futuristic Units, Techs, Buildings and Wonders. All of the Mod Next War is added in plus extra features to round it out.

Finally, Glory and Greatness brings new wonders, terrain, resource, units, buildings, and other such things to round out gameplay.

Some Instructions
Please Note that Glory and Greatness is for BTS 3.19. Please note that it has Custom Python, DLL, and XML so it most likely will not run on a Mac. Also, if you play a Custom Game using Glory and Greatness do NOT use unrestricted leaders, nor should you turn off espionage. Doing so may ruin game balance and gameplay.

To install Glory and Greatness, place this unzipped folder into Sid Meier's Civilization IV/Beyond the Sword/Mods. Please note that mods placed in the My Games/Beyond the Sword/Mods directory do not work. Included in the folder is a shortcut button that may or may not work depending on your computer's set up. However, just open your copy of Beyond the Sword and select "Advanced", then "Load a Mod", and then choose "Glory and Greatness" and you should be up and running.

Thank you to the following:
Tsentom1 for his Python Wonders, promotions and Traits.
Chuggi for Improved Graphics, which improved several leaders and brought Blue Marble Terrain
The_J for his invisible techs and tech support.
Geomodder for Cultural Citystyles, from which many of the new buildings come from.
Ekmek, Sabioleth, Refar, MethylOrange and Nitram15 for Leaderheads and LH tutorials.
The Navy Seal for unit formations
Arian for his Wondermovies
PND for test play
Deliverator for the EE2 future units
Walter Hawkwood for Various Buildings
Bakuel and Danrell for units
Voyhkah for his helpful Civ 4.5 project
AsioAsioAsio for the UI project and buildings
Mallin for Titanium
Johnny Smith for Marsh terrain
Team NextWar
Team Varietas Delectat
Team BlueMarble
Here are some screenshots to give you an idea of what this mod has. Pictures are laid out so:

1) The Main Screen, a shot taken from the Civ V trailer. Menu music is from Empire: Total War

2) Germany with its Unique Abilities, Furor Teutonics. Many names come from Civ V, but not all.

3) Siam, one of six new civs, along with the Iroquois, Israeli, Songhai, Gran Colombia and Polynesia. Siam has two Unique Buildings, the Wat and Ho Trai, and two Unique Units, the Royal Elephant and King's Rifles.

Note that every civ has a Unique Technology and Unique Palace. This was just a convenient way to tie certain abilities to certain civs, like a civilization-wide reduction to war weariness. Also, the Palace adds a nice touch on the main map.

4) A city in the future, with the Arcology Shield on top. The Future Era is a dynamic place in Glory and Greatness

5) New and Improved Wonders. From Left to Right, the World Trade Center, the Hagai Sophia, Brandenburg Gate, the Statue of Liberty, Transiberian Railroad, the Pantheon, The Eiffel Tower, The Sphinx, The Bamyam Buddha Statues, and the Empire State Building.

6) The Native American city Artstyle in the Classic Age. Note that all Artstyles merge as one in the Industrial, Modern and Future Eras.

7) Some unit Artstyles, a sample. The Styles from left to right are Asian, South American, Middle East, African, Greco Roman and European. The Units are the Caravel, Settler, Great Prophet and Rifleman. Note that the Rifleman is improved greatly by the new unit formations in Glory and Greatness.

8) Titanium is a new resource, needed for the best units in the future era. Surrounded by Marsh Terrain, a new terrain that has a defensive bonus and slows building improvements.

9) The Siege Mech, one of many new units.


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Click the Spoiler button for a full list of civs, UAs, UUs and UBs

Spoiler :

America, led by Washington
We the People
+1 Hammer from Village, Town
1 Free Specialist in all cities
Settlers have Morale, Sentry promotions
UUs: B17, Navy Seal
UBs: Town Hall, Mall

Arabia, led by Saladin
The Caravan Road
Merchant produce +1 gold
Desert Tiles +2 food, +2 gold
Mounted Units start with Hit and Fade
UUs: Camel Archer, Camel Gunner
UBs: Bazaar, Madrassa

Aztec, led by Montezuma
The Triple Alliance
Gold earned for units killed
Start with a source of Gems
Double Production of Barracks, Stable, Arsenal, Manufactuary
UUs: Eagle Warrior, Jaguar Warrior
UBs: Sacrificial Altar, Floating Garden

Babylon, led by Hammurabi
The Code of Hammurabi
Capital more likely to generate a Great Scientist
- 50 percent War Weariness in all cities
Double Production of Walls, Courthouse and Jail
UUs: Scythed Chariot, Bowman
UBs: Stone Tablet, Garden

Britain, led by Victoria
The Sun Never Sets
All Naval Units +1 movement
+2 hammers, +2 gold from Workshops
+1 happiness from Monuments, Broadcast Towers, Customs Houses and Museums
UUs: Man O War, Redcoat, Welsh Longbowman
UBs: Stock Exchange

Byzantium, led by Justinian
The Center of the World
+ 2 Happiness in every city
20 percent discount to train Gunpowder Units
Citizen specialists +1 hammer
UUs: Dromon, Cataphract, Varangian Guard
UBs: Hippodrome

Carthage, led by Hannibal
The Shining City
+1 Gold on plots with two gold
Double production of Banks, Markets, Grocers
Stronger Vassals
UUs: Armored Elephant, Sacred Band, Numidian Cavalry
UBs: Cothon

Celts, led by Boudica
The Emerald Isle
20 percent discount to train Melee Units
+10 percent unit combat strength when fighting in own territory
Start with source of Copper
UUs: Gallic Warrior, Highlander, Ulster Swordsman
UBs: Dun

Chinese, led by Taizong
Art of War
+2 Culture from all Specialists
+100 percent great general emergence
Can Adopt Bureaucracy at Game Start
UUs: Cho Ko Nu, J-10
UBs: Pavillion, Papermaker

Dutch, led by Willem
The Merchant Republic
+100 percent Gold from Trade routes
+3 percent interest on gold reserves
+1 food, +1 gold from Windmills
UUs: Guezen, East Indiaman
UBs: Dike, Molen

Egypt, led by Ramses
Children of the Nile
33 percent discount to Wonder Construction
+1 food from farm
Start game with knowledge of Pottery
UUs: Mamluk, War Chariot
UBs: Obelisk, Burial Tomb

Ethiopia, led by Zara Yaqob
The Dear Motherland
Workers build improvements 33 percent faster
No Anarchy
Start Game with source of Dyes.
UUs: Kuhorsehockye Chariot, Oromo Warrior, Kagnew Battalion
UBs: Stele

France, led by Napoleon
Ancien Regime
+3 culture per city
10 percent combat bonus when fighting in enemy territory
Start game with source of Wine
UUs: Culverin, Musketeer, Foreign Legion
UBs: Salon

Germany, led by Bismarck
Furor Teutonics
50 percent chance of capture barbarian units and earning gold
+1 hammer on tiles with four hammers
No Unhappiness from Conscription
UUs: Howitzer, Panzer, U-boat
UBs: Assembly plant

Gran Colombia, led by Simon Bolivar
Live Free or Die
No revolting in captured cities
+1 gold, +1 food from Pasture
Units promote 25 percent quicker
UUs: Grenadero, Libertador
UBs: Plaza, Mission

Greece, led by Alexander
Hellenic League
Double production of Great People
Can form Defensive Pacts and sign Open Borders at game start
Double production of Theatres, Colosseums
UUs: Companion Cavalry, Hoplite
UBs: Agora, Odeon

Holy Rome, led by Charlemagne
Heirs to an Empire
Start game with a Great General
Double production of Workers, Settlers
Free tech when entering the Classical and Renaissance Eras
UUs: Teutonic Knight, Landsknecht
UBs: Opera House, Rathaus

Inca, led by Huayna Capac
The World Shakers
+20 percent research in all cities
Start game with source of Stone
+1 food from Hills
UUs: Andean Slinger, Quechua
UBs: Terrace, Stone Walls

India, led by Gandhi
Cities start with 2 population
Extra food on population growth
Can Adopt Pacifism at Game Start
UUs: Sepoy, Siege Elephant, Fast Worker
UBs: Mausoleum

Iroquois, led by Hiawatha
People of the Longhouse
Forests +1 Food, +1 Hammer
Can Adopt Representation at Game Start
+3 Health in All cities
UUs: Aenna, Mohawk Rifler
UBs: Longhouse, Fur Trapper

Israel, led by Solomon
The Chosen People
Start game with Great Prophet
+50 percent production of Espionage
+50 percent city defense
UUs: Macabbee, Merkava, Nagmachon
UBs: Mossad

Japan, led by Tokugawa
25 percent chance of healing after combat victory
Units killed in own borders add culture to nearest city
25 percent discount when rushing objects with Gold.
UUs: Zero, Samurai
UBs: Shale Plant, Pagoda

Khmer, led by Suryavarman
The Gold Kingdom
Cities trade and share resources without roads
No unhappiness in Capital
Start game with source of Ivory
UUs: Ballista Elephant, Vietcong
UBs: Rice Paddy, Baray

Korea, ledt by Wang Kon
Land of the Morning Calm
+2 beakers per specialist
Can adopt Caste System at game start
33 percent discount to build Siege Units
UUs: Goa Missile Launcher, Joseon Elite, Hwacha
UBs: Seowon

Mali, led by Mansa Musa
Reign of the Mansas
Free tech at game start
+1 gold from Mines
Double production of all monasteries, cathedrals and temples
UUs: Tuareg, Skirmisher
UBs: Salt Mine, Mint

Maya, led by Pacal
Kingdom of the Maize God
Start with World Map centered
25 percent chance of enslaving defeated enemies
Double production of Monuments, Granary, Aqueducts and Observatories
UUs: Holkan, Plumed Archer
UBs: Step Pyramid, Ball Court

Mongolia, led by Genghis Khan
Empire of the Horde
-50 percent civic upkeep
Start with source of Horse
Mounted Units have Flanking, Sentry promotions
UUs: Arsiyah, Hunnic Archer, Keshik
UBs: Ger

Ottomans, led by Suleiman
The Eternal State
50 percent chance to capture defeated enemy naval units
Conquered cities immediately acquire 50 percent Ottoman culture
Bombard, city raider promotions to Siege Weapons
UUs: Sipahi, Janissary, Bombard
UBs: Haman

Persia, led by Cyrus
Achaemenid Legacy
+100 percent Golden Age length
+1 movement for all units during Golden Age
Can have Vassals all game
UUs: Immortal Guard, Immortal
UBs: Satrap’s Court, Apothecary

Polynesia, led by Kamehameha
Breath of Life
+1 hammer on all Sea tiles
Units do not need open borders agreements
Start game with Worker and Workboat
UUs: Manu’a, Koa
UBs: Tiki, Fishery

Portugal, led by Joao
Colonial Aspirations
+1 Trade route in all cities
Start game with knowledge of Sailing
20 percent discount to sailing ship production
UUs: Jinete, Carrack
UBs: Shipyard, Feitoria

Rome, led by Augustus
Glory of Rome
25 percent discount to build buildings already in Capital
+1 movement on roads
-50 percent cost to upgrade units
UUs: Legionnaire, Ballista, Quinquereme
UBs: Forum

Russia, led by Catherine
Mother Russia
Enemies moving or fighting in Russian territory take Damage
Drill 1, Combat 1 promotion for Armored Units
Start Game with Great Spy
UUs: Cossack, Akula, Mi8
UBs: Research Facility

Scandinavia, led by Ragnar
Wrath of the Norsemen
Double income from pillaging, no income for enemies who pillage in territory
City Raider, Survival promotion for all melee units
Double production of Lighthouse, Harbor, Customs House
UUs: Huscarl, Beserker, Longship
UBs: Trading Post

Siam, led by Ramkhamhaeng
Father Governs Children
+50 percent Hammers from Trade Routes
+50 percent Food from trade routes
Double production of Library, Forge, University, Factory
UUs: Kings Rifles, Royal Elephant
UBs: Wat, Ho Trai

Sioux, led by Sitting Bull
People of the Plains
20 percent discount to train Mounted Units
No Unhealthy in Capital
+20 percent heal rate in enemy territory
UUs: Mounted Warrior, Dog Soldier
UBs: Sacred Council, Wigwam

Songhai, led by Sunni Ali
The River Warlord
+100 percent War Weariness for enemies
All units have Amphibious Promotion
Start game with Knowledge of Animal Husbandry
UUs: Royal Guards, Mandekalu Cavalry
UBs: Julla, Mud Pyramid Mosque

Spain, led by Isabella
The Golden Age
+1 Gold on Sea Tiles
Goody huts yield extra gold
Double production of Spies, Scouts, Explorers and Missionaries
UUs: Tercio, Hidalgo, Conquistador
UBs: Citadel

Sumeria, led by Gilgamesh
Cradle of Civilization
Extra Settler at game start
Can build Farms anywhere
Melee, Gunpowder and Archer units have Drill 1, Combat 1 promotions
UUs: Enkidu Warrior, Vulture
UBs: Warlord Encampment, Ziggurat

Zulu, led by Shaka
Horns of the Bull
+1 movement for Melee Units
Free Granary in every city
+2 Espionage from all Specialists
UUs: Assegai, Impi
UBs: Ikhanda, Kraal

Thanks to everyone. Working on a Hotfix right now, addressing a few small things (Polynesia and Iroquois need mild nerfs, the Spanish message needs to only address the player). I'll link when done.

Oh, and if you've played it please take time to comment on this thread, it helps a lot for me to make sure the quality is there or lacking.

Finally, I'm working on a DLC pack that will add four civs, any thoughts? I'm leaning toward Mississippi, Italy and Hittite with one other.
Looks cool. Downloading it now.

EDIT: The Trireme seems to be glitched right now. When selected, I cannot do any of the commands (upgrade to caravel, sleep, sea patrol), but every other unit seems to be working fine.

Could you tell me which civilization you were playing please, that makes a difference! There are six styles of trireme, and some civs have Naval bonuses that could be linked to the problem.
Hey seasnake! Congratulations on the release of your mod. I'm going to download it and have a closer look but I am already fascinated by your use of culture specific units. Some time ago, I had the idea to make and/or add new unit models/skins to BTS in a similar manner. I figured such an approach was a good way to add diversity in an efficient manner.

I never did get my project up and running, but I'm very excited to see how the concept has worked for your mod and what it "plays" like in the game.
To GrueKiller: Thanks, I see what you mean, don't know how I missed that one! The South American style Trireme is having issues, I'll fix and release with the hotfix (tonight most likely).

To Keldath: To be honest, my first attempt at this mod with Baldyr was started using RevolutionsDCM as the base and the result was we were unable to get the Python abilities to work well. It set the project back months. Knowing that we would need custom DLL and custom Python we decided to start over with a completely blank slate with no other mods that affected those. I would love at some point to add in a couple of things from Revolutions DCM: Inquisitions, BBAI, Revolutions and DCM. But that's for later.

To Acronym2: Hope you enjoy it then. I think that the look is pretty good in this mod (if I do say it myself).
Looks cool...I'll give it a try. Big modpacks always some to crap out on me at some point. Any thoughts on performance with this mod?

Some of those UAs look wicked overpowered....
Yeah, probably. After I finish my Polynesia game I'm going to see how many chariot rushes I can pull off with the Holy Romans thanks to that Great General.

EDIT: When I tried to start up a new game, the descriptions and leaderheads for the civilizations wouldn't show on the selection screen.
When you added the hotfix, did it ask to merge files and replace certain ones. If so, are you sure it did it successfully?

Oh, and to lymond, some of the civs are easier than others, but I think ALL of them are fun.
I downloaded and really like it. I also installed the hotfix. I am having an issue with the Songhai Cavalry unit, whether I build one or upgrade a unit to a cavalry I get a glitched unit. No options to promote the unit, no highlighted unit icon in the stack, and entering a city screen with the glitched unit doesn't redraw the screen properly upon exiting the city screen. As a result I am avoiding upgrading any cuirassiers to cavalry or building any. This is my second game, the first time I played as the Dutch and didn't find any problems with cavalry.

Great modpack, it adds a lot of variety without majorly overhauling the rules I am used to.
seasnake - are there any preferred settings and maps for this mod? are you planning any scenarios?

Also, in reading the UAs, I see several references to +1 gold for certain tile improvements or trade routes. Do you mean commerce?
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