Glory and Greatness

Looks cool...I'll give it a try. Big modpacks always some to crap out on me at some point. Any thoughts on performance with this mod?

Some of those UAs look wicked overpowered....

I had some lockups during play which required killing Civ IV, then reloading, which worked for a while. I reached a game ending crash in my game as the Songhai, as soon as I discovered Flight and reached the modern era the game locks up after I pick a new technology. Reloading doesn't allow me to continue, always the same lockup at the same point requiring starting task manager, at which point the game kills itself. I was playing on a small Earth2 map and finishing off my last opponent, so the game was basically over, I was just mopping up at the end. I was hoping to see some of the modern era stuff. It looks like a good concept but on my system it was ultimately unstable near end game. I also noticed that this late in the game every time I reloaded the mod after a crash I started with no overlay screen, I had to alt-tab out of the game and go back in and it would draw the screen correctly. Perhaps the Songhai are just bugged, or it could be my system (Athlon 64 X2 3800, 3 Gb Ram, Vista Home Premium, GeForce 8600 GS).
very nice - but the games crashing whenever I constrcut the pyramids (movie plays, game crashes when I close it).
To BeCivilized: I'll test out Songhai and see if I can fix it tomorrow. Thanks. I don't know enough about computer systems but I have some high-res buildings in this mod, so maybe that's killing older systems? My lappy is relatively new but not a gaming behemoth, yet this mod flies on it.

To Lymond: Yes, I mean commerce. I use the two interchangeably, I know it's bad and wrong but still. As far as scenarios I don't really play them, I just fire up a base game. I don't use custom rules. I recommend in the readme that you don't play with Unrestricted leaders because that will ruin gameplay and don't turn off espionage unless you want the Zulu, Russians and Israel to be really nerfed, especially Israel.

To gp_0: Huh? Go figure...never had THAT happen in at least 40 test plays.
I played a game as Holy Rome, with a Late Medieval force with Horse Archers, I defeated both Songhai and Mali, who were Early Medieval, and had much large armies. I only lost 1 Landsknecht due to bad luck. I gained a large swath of land from the ordeal, which included the Colossus.
The problem is the African Cavalry's animations don't match the base model, this is easily fixed and I will do so today. However, I will not release hotfix 1.02 until I figure out something important: How to nerf the Iroquois and India. I've played three games now with India in the mix, and by the middle ages there are more than 35 people in two of their cities!

To Dumanios: Glad you enjoy it.

IF you have played the mod and have some suggestions to balance the Iroquois or India, or some other civilizations, please let me know. I want to get this base mod completely fixed so I can work on 2 free DLCs. One will add four civs, the other will add Guilds, an early type of corporation that will let you build special units, convert certain types of resources into another, etc. They will be available with Economics.
I'm playing as Ottomans and have just gotten the tech to change my mounted units to cavalry. When I select a cavalry untis, however I get one of two bugs. Either there are no unit options at all, or the actions are for workers. I selected one of the cavalry units and the game was suggesting I build a railroad. Haven't had any problems up to this point and it's a great mod nonetheless.
To the forum: Can anyone confirm that bug taht Falkejager is getting? Because I can't recreate it.

I have found a major bug, there's a missing file that screws up the space race and causes a crash when you research Astrogation. I'll post it with the cavalry fix and some balancing changes I've made in about 24 hours.

To Civ'ed: I think the same thing that caused the Astrogation crash will cause the Superconducter crash, so this may the fix to the bug you found.
am getting a bug where is Israeli Maccabee UU appears as a regular swordsman when unit animations are set to frozen.
Yes, thank you. It was fun enough to deprive me of some sleep, you really added a lot to the original game play. I'll download it tonight.
heads up, please note and take the time to post any time you find a button/unit issue. With the six flavors of units, sometimes the african spearman will have a mistake and it's button will be something else. For example, if you build European Longswordsman, you'll notice their button is the same as the Solar Plant! I've fixed it, but I want to catch em all before i release the fix.
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