• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .


That too :D
Sorry dudes! I am innocent! I just spent a week in the Netherlands at my grandparents' house and a) I did not have Civ on me, and b) I can't use English/Dutch keyboards. (no seriously, I really am so used to my Swiss keyboard.)
Update tomorrow! Promised!
Well that explains why you never posted in a...week

But now that you are back, you should join the GNP party :D
Yes, Civ'ed, you can join VaP as well.

But Hoplitejoe actually really prefer's you to join GNP, even if VaP is also...a good alternative
i think...
I won't join any. Just 'cause.
I promised an update, didn't I?
(Jonas won't be back for a while, I set him on explore :D)
Instead we will probably hear from a warrior who calls himself Hoplite Joe despite not having a spear :crazyeye:
Update!!!! :D:D:D
Chapter 1 and a half: "Hoplite Joe" Jonathan Holzspeer*
Before I came into the military, many things happened. A man with a tan came and said hello in the name of his Kaiser, Augustus Caesar. The men had a peace contract signed - obviously, I did not exist yet! The military of the little neutral city of Bern was nihil - Jonas Schiegg had other duties, like exploring.
Spoiler :

Augustus Caesar, Kaiser of Rome by Julius Nota, 1900. It was a feeble attempt to cover Frank Holzspeer's Grossbern in Europa, 1700

In 3820 BC, I saw a little kid run around. He was holding a string, which lead to a toy on wheels. The wheel had been discovered. My training was almost finished. My friends decided to go for Animal Husbandry, though I repeatedly told them it was an offense to the gods to marry a cow! Then they explained the concept. Maybe, they say, we can use horses as military weapons!

Let me introduce myself. I am Jonathan Holzspeer. Everyone calls me "Hoplite Joe" because of my favorite weapon while hunting - a spear. I also wear a sort of leather armor that makes me look like a hoplite and no, I have no idea where the idea comes from and do not know what a hoplite is**.

My training is finished. I am to guard the City for no obvious reason, but I'm colonel and that makes things better.

*Holzspeer is German for Wooden spear. Which is practically all we've got.
**Hoplite, no offence, it's not even 0 and we haven't discovered Greece yet. So be quiet.
Sorry for the lack of pics, ever since I plugged a second screen into my pc getting images up is tough.
What's the screenshot button for Civ4?
Nice. An update!! :)

Sorry for the lack of pics, ever since I plugged a second screen into my pc getting images up is tough.
What's the screenshot button for Civ4?

I believe it's Print Screen for me. :rolleyes: :)
If that doesn't work, then I don't know what to do...
Crop it? :)
that's what I Usually do. It's too time consuming as I:
1: Printscreen
2: Copy into paint
3: Crop
4: Take the screenshot into a new paint
5: Open a new tab
6: imgur
7: save the image
8: upload the image
9: post the pic here.

Takes about 5 mins. a 4 pic story would thus take longer than 20 mins!
Have you looked in the Civ4Screenshots folder in the BTS files? When you take a screenshot it usually gets stored there. It might be easier just opening those and cropping.
I'm halfway through my holidays :)

Keep the updates coming, quick is good.
I said that in post 34 :)
i did it the paint way for age's before i found that folder :lol:
I struck lucky and saw the instructions for it on here before I started taking screenshots. :lol:
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