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Civilization Kings: Tales of the English Royalty

Unless the King disapproves the King Justice System shall be implemented in the County of Oxford.

EDIT: I believe this updates soon so I should have gotten it in just in time.
For the most part I agree with Lord Ravenloft's suggestions on the matter of justice, however on the matter of treason and oathbreaking the wager of battle should not be permitted as an oathbreaker or traitor of sufficient station may use it to avoid drawn out execution in favour of quick death in honourable combat even if they are outmatched by the champion of the realm.
For the most part I agree with Lord Ravenloft's suggestions on the matter of justice, however on the matter of treason and oathbreaking the wager of battle should not be permitted as an oathbreaker or traitor of sufficient station may use it to avoid drawn out execution in favour of quick death in honourable combat even if they are outmatched by the champion of the realm.

I find myself in agreement with you and will edit the proposal swiftly.
My I suggest interrogating the bandit with moderate wounds?

That one was taken away by the bandits. They all got away, unfortunately.

It is a Lord's duty to keep the Kings Peace, he must uphold order, hear petitions, and mete out justice and punishments, all in the name of his liege-Lord, whether that be Baron, Count, Duke, or the ultimate authority, the King.

This gave me a decent idea for the Chancellor. Right now, all the other Council Actions have actual actions attached. The Steward is running the books, the Marshal is training the troops, the Spymaster is....spymastering. The Court Spiritual is useless so it doesn't matter right now. But the Chancellor needs something to do.

So, I could make the Chancellor Action "hear petitions".

The second special circumstance is where an accused Highborn asks for a Trial by Combat. Only the accused may call for this, and only if they are a Highborn of one of the recognised Houses. Otherwise a strong and powerful swordsman could accuse whomever he likes as a pretence to murder. The accused must then fight their accuser. Both sides may put forward a Champion to fight in their place. The Liege Lord usually offers a Knight to fight on the side that he supports and both may appeal to the people for someone to Champion them. If a cause is deemed "Just" by the masses then Champions are usually lining up for the honour of defending a harmed person. In matters of a defiled maiden it is normally impossible for the accused rapist to find someone to Champion them and they must fight themselves, meaning their victims Champion gains the honour and satisfaction of killing the rapist.


I'm working my way through the update as we speak. No more orders, except the ones I haven't gotten to in thread that still need to be processed.
That one was taken away by the bandits. They all got away, unfortunately.

Unfortunate but understandable.

This gave me a decent idea for the Chancellor. Right now, all the other Council Actions have actual actions attached. The Steward is running the books, the Marshal is training the troops, the Spymaster is....spymastering. The Court Spiritual is useless so it doesn't matter right now. But the Chancellor needs something to do.

So, I could make the Chancellor Action "hear petitions".

Indeed. Unless a lord uses an action to make sure he takes the time to run his land properly he is not maintaining peace and goodwill. A Chancellor can very well be a named officer who can dictate in his abscence and thus insure that there is always someone who can hear petitions.

Of course other lands do not have to use the same Legal system. The Duchy of Normandy seems to be trying to run a more complicated Common Law system that will involve historical precedent whereas the Kings Justice will involve noble wisdom and enlightenment.

OOC: I feel a great disturbance... as if the GM just had a great idea... Oh well, I have updated my House so as to help the GM steal from this for his update.

Spoiler House Information :

The House of Ravenloft

Founder: Count Strahd Ravenloft
Patriarch: Count Strahd Ravenloft
House Words: "The Raven Judges True, We Humans pay our Due"
Unofficial Motto: "Go for the eyes!"
Succession Law: Feudal Elective Cognatic
Legal System: The Kings Justice
High Crimes: Murder, Rape, Oath-breaking, Treason
High Punishment: Raven Recess, Starvation​

Count Strahd Ravenloft​

A nobleman who has so far stuck to the shadows of public affairs...

Age: 4 turnsets (Young Adult)
Diplomacy: 7
Martial: 1
Stewardship: 8
Intrigue: 2
Learning: 2

1st Generation
Count Strand Ravenloft - Patriach/Founder
Ser Valeria Ravenloft - Wife & Knight

2nd Generation
Elizabeth Ravenloft - Child (Redspy)
Victoria Ravenloft - Child
Raven Snow - Child, Bastard Ward (Mosher)
Brian MacFarlane - Child, Vassal Ward (Celticfury)

Baron MacFarlane
Lady MacFarlane
Lord Timothyson

Marshall: Baron MacFarlane
Steward: Lady MacFarlane
Chancellor: Sur Lady Ravenloft
Advisor: Gaylord Walton Timothyson

Note: The Raven Recess is a method of starvation where the law breaker is imprisoned in a high tower or aloft cage without food or water. So named because the Ravens of the land end up eating the victim once they are too weak to resist.
Extremely helpful. Speaking of which, update might take a while today. Besides the, what will be, usual baby boom children become children (and getting stats), I'm also reorganizing it altogether to include holdings, vassals, council members, and ages next to all characters so that someone can just glance and see what is what.

Though, I need you guys to do me a favor and continually update this for me.
Extremely helpful. Speaking of which, update might take a while today. Besides the, what will be, usual baby boom children become children (and getting stats), I'm also reorganizing it altogether to include holdings, vassals, council members, and ages next to all characters so that someone can just glance and see what is what.

Though, I need you guys to do me a favor and continually update this for me.

Perhaps move this, and the summaries of each house to the Social Group?
EDIT: And perhaps also the Kings Council, and the Queens Council?
The queen decides that Count Ravenloft's system in its revised form is a valid justice system for Normandy.
The County of Hampshire will also adopt the Justice system coming out of Oxford, with one adjustment. If the judge of the trial, whether myself, my heir, or one of my vassals, decides that a different punishment from tradition may be needed then he will be free to institute that punishment. Pending the King's approval of this system of course.
The County of Hampshire will also adopt the Justice system coming out of Oxford, with one adjustment. If the judge of the trial, whether myself, my heir, or one of my vassals, decides that a different punishment from tradition may be needed then he will be free to institute that punishment. Pending the King's approval of this system of course.

The Judgement of a crime is entirely in the hands of the lord of the land. Custom is merely the Custom, it is in the wisdom of the nobles that the decision rests. If the accused disagrees and many believe the punishment is too harsh or too soft then it can always be appealed up the Chain of Authority. Or if they are a Highborn they can demand Trial by Combat as is their right.

How much people protest would depend upon what you institute as your highest punishment.


We thank the Queen for her acknowledgement of this System and hope it brings a simpler order to the lands.
We approve of the justice system proposed by the Count of Oxford, although we include the single addition that the crime of treason is to be dealt with by the Crown, as it is the crown which the crime of treason offends, not any lower Lord.
It cool with everyone if I join as the Gaylord Timmy dude?

...'and change his first name if I can? :p
It cool with everyone if I join as the Gaylord Timmy dude?

...'and change his first name if I can? :p

No, as no such person exists, no such position exists. And you cant change names expect through marriage, and that's just last names.
It cool with everyone if I join as the Gaylord Timmy dude?

...'and change his first name if I can? :p

Gaylord Timothyson is the "special" advisor (spymaster) to House Ravenloft. Tyo has my full support to join and seeing as I already have a ward and a daughter as PCs I don't see why it should be a problem.

Timothyson could do with a first name change, but his stats are superb. If he can't change the name he can just go by Mr Timothyson like I always call him.
No, as no such person exists, no such position exists. And you cant change names expect through marriage, and that's just last names.

Yes he does, I didn't say a position, and I didn't realize you we're either the GM or the person who the currently-NPC worked for. Wait...

If you didn't mean to sound like a douche, you have GOT to work on your writing cause that's exactly how it sounded.

ANYWAY, thanks ravus. I'll officially join next turn as it seems updating is underway.

Moderator Action: Calling someone, or referring to them as, a douche is not acceptable. Please post with civility and greater care in future.
Please read the forum rules: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=422889
Yes he does, I didn't say a position, and I didn't realize you we're either the GM or the person who the currently-NPC worked for. Wait...

If you didn't mean to sound like a douche, you have GOT to work on your writing cause that's exactly how it sounded.

ANYWAY, thanks ravus. I'll officially join next turn as it seems updating is underway.

Its just I can be quite blunt and unsubtle at times...and apple doesn't know what a turn off autocorrect option is also can sometimes make typing a absolute pain.
Yes he does, I didn't say a position, and I didn't realize you we're either the GM or the person who the currently-NPC worked for. Wait...

If you didn't mean to sound like a douche, you have GOT to work on your writing cause that's exactly how it sounded.

ANYWAY, thanks ravus. I'll officially join next turn as it seems updating is underway.

I'm sorry, I didn't know that explaining the rules to somebody made you a douche. In fact, if I'm not mistaken, YOU are the one being a douche, so I am sure we would all appreciate it if you not only would stop insulting people, and be a little more polite, but actually thank somebody who responds to your question.

Daedwartin answered your question when you asked if you could change the guys name. You can't. The only instances where somebody's name can be changed is through marriage or if you take over somebody's bastard and want to change the default bastard name of 'Snow'.

No, Daedwartin is not the GM, not is he the employer of the character you are considering taking over, but nonetheless Daedwartin plays this game and until now, you have not. So perhaps you should run along and play a game that doesn't require manners.

Moderator Action: This is not acceptable. If you have an issue, please report the post rather than respond to it.
Please read the forum rules: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=422889
I only responded as such because that's how I felt his reply was. His response is exactly why I added that part in the middle. I don't know him awfully well but it seemed like he was responding in a terribly blunt manner. As it wasn't his intention, no harm done.

Now lets drop it.
Indeed. We should move on.

Fellow lords, it turns out that the learning mechanic is getting tweaked, placing your child as a Ward helps them learn from now on I believe. I am sure Sonereal will reveal all after this update. Now is where we also start arranging marriages for our children. I am sure young Elizabeth might be quiet eager to get out into the world and annoy other Houses. Unfortunately as the most Democratic House my children WILL have a say in who they marry. So have fun negotiating with a child. (Redspy = Elizabeth)
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