HBO Game of Thrones, Season 2

Sansa and Jaimie become much more interesting after they suffer a bit. Tyrion on the other hand appears to be degrading.
Don't spoil him, just keep on reading.

@ace99, I dunno, I arrived in my reread at AFFC and ADWD which I read together to have them more or less chronologically. With the gap closed, how Tyrion behaves seems much more 'logical', I mean, it is just after the events of ASOS. This is btw. also true for the Wall and Dany and everything else that got left out of AFFC, I'd really advise to read those books together ;)
Don't spoil him, just keep on reading.

@ace99, I dunno, I arrived in my reread at AFFC and ADWD which I read together to have them more or less chronologically. With the gap closed, how Tyrion behaves seems much more 'logical', I mean, it is just after the events of ASOS. This is btw. also true for the Wall and Dany and everything else that got left out of AFFC, I'd really advise to read those books together ;)

I definitely will in my second read through.

You gotta be careful though if it's your first time reading the series, as ADWD spoils stuff that happens in the end of AFFC. As much as it is parallel chronologically, certain characters like Arya IIRC are not really in chronological order. You get spoilered stuff 200 pages in ADWD that happen at the end of AFFC I believe.

You'll have to do the research online and see how and in what order to read the chapters. (Doesn't help though that George Martin doesn't number the chapters...)
A Storm of Storm spoilers about Lord Beric

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oops he died a few chapters after he's introduced lololol
I assume

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you've read to the end of that chapter where he dies, right?

I mean he dies a few times in the books ;) And we don't actually see the last one at all ;)

I don't see him as hyped up at all btw., his story is just one in the web that GRRM webs to illustrate what war does to a fertile county such as the Riverlands. If you see him as some sort of Robin Hood, there's quite some authoral commentary to be found about his story.
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To be fair, Lord Berric is totally some kind of Jesus, he died seven times like the septatitty that these dudes worship:

Impaled on a lance by Ser Gregor Clegane
Smashed with a mace on the side of the head by Ser Burton Crakehall
Hanged at Rushing Falls by Ser Amory Lorch
Stabbed in the eye with a dirk by Ser Gregor Clegane
Killed by an archer of the Brave Companions sellsword company
Killed by Sandor Clegane in a trial by combat
Gave up his lifeforce to resurrect Catelyn Tully

con't above

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Almost everything that happens to Arya in A Clash of Kings and A Sword of Storms revolves around Beric; she's captured by Gregor because he's trying to sniff out his collaborators, and she's always hearing the whispers in Harrenhal about those out to kill him.

His death was rather... anticlimactic. I was expecting him to be Azor Ahai, since he converted to the faith of Rhllor, was unkillable, and had a flaming sword. Oh well.
Looks good!

Also, they seem to be going forward slower than in season 2 which I think is a good thing, the characters need to breathe a bit.
Not sure if the Reeds are as how I had imagined them. Same with Beric Dondarrion.

I don't have any audio because I'm at work at the moment, but at first I thought the man with the flaming sword was Thoros until I noticed the eyepatch. Beric was supposed to be covered in scars and wounds, ghastly thin and with an open eye socket, not like Jeor Mormont with an eyepatch.
I assume they tried a few different looks and it just didn't look good. How do you make someone look like a skeleton and still have him moving and being able to stand against the Hound who has been shown in the show to be a real badass fighter?

I am ready to wait before judging him, though I do agree with you. In Theory, Beric needs to look absolutely low on health...
Beric feels like a really tough character to get the looks right. Beyond what was mentioned in the last two posts, we also have to remember that before the Brotherhood he was a young and handsome Stormer lord.
Eh, the people who said the story goes downhill after the Red Wedding are right. The plot is getting kind of ridiculous, what with

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Varys/Aegon, Cersei, Pycelle, Euron, Victarion, Petyr, Doran, Arianne, Quentyn, the High Septon, and Mace Tyrell all having plots against each other. Really only reading because Stannis' plotline is intriguing and I want to see how the Others are ultimately defeated; Jon Snow, Dany, and Aegon riding dragons with Arya rallying the North, and Bran leading the wolves?
I'm not sure the plot itself is ridiculous, it's just that

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there's too many of them. Each one of them is a compelling read by itself, but in combination too many things repeat itself (X presumed dead and then turns up alive), are just basic simple tropes (or simple subversions of it, i.e. Val as Princess in the Tower, Quentyn's quest) and the unreliable narrator can make it a bit annoying. There's also so much happening behind the scenes, f.e. Littlefinger's machinations, that we can only speculate about, it gets annoying. But ridiculous? No, all of those things can happen and just because they happened once, doesn't mean they can't happen twice (as many are looking out for a second RW by the BWB, the repeat of the conquest of Winterfell by the bastard, but this time with Storm's End and Aegon, etc.)

Additionally, the climaxes have been left out of ADWD unfortunately...
Con't above

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Look back to the first book where it was basically just Eddard versus Cersei, and their subtle game was to see where each other's power base is and who is on the other's side, which Cersei ultimately won. I like every character having their own ambitions, but having 5% of the characters in the story with their own candidate for the throne playing the same game is getting really old, really fast.
Can't say I agree, given the historical sources that helped inspired Martin and the genre the books are.
hardcover really isnt that expensive...
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