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Which Ideology will you choose?

Which Ideology will you choose?

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Well, kamikaze ability with autocracy sold my first ideology!
I'm a culture player so i'm voting freedom but I might switch if I find Order or autocracy better for me.
Well, that's why this poll is senseless. Aside from the fact that we can't make an informed decision, there's also the matter of suggesting that people will always choose the same ideology every game. I'm sure I'll try them all at some point.
We know next to nothing about each ideology yet... In GK I normally end up choosing either Freedom or Order simply to buy either a great artist/engineer
My understanding of the ideologies is that they're designed to help with each victory condition and, I think, are going to be more reflective of your playstyle than anything else. So warmongers go Autocracy (whether they're going for Domination or not - gunboat diplomacy is a really cool example of how this will work in practice, I hope all the tenets mesh as nicely as that), sprawling empires go Order and small empires go Freedom. I typically play with a relatively small empire so I presume I'll end up going Freedom but, as has been said, it's altogether too early to tell.
We can't really say, since the new Order, Autocracy and Freedom ideologies are going to be completely different from the Order, Autocracy and Freedom social policy branches that we currently have, right?
We can't really say, since the new Order, Autocracy and Freedom ideologies are going to be completely different from the Order, Autocracy and Freedom social policy branches that we currently have, right?

Agreed, I gotta see what each has to offer
I'd like to know more than 20% of what the tenets for each ideology are before being asked to pick a favorite.

I agree with you, but isn't it fun to see how the votes are now, with little information given about the tenets, and the votes will be based on what experience people have with the policies in G&K/Vanilla and/or political preference, and then, when most information is given, make the same poll again and compare the results. I think the developers would like to see that too.
Well, that's why this poll is senseless. Aside from the fact that we can't make an informed decision, there's also the matter of suggesting that people will always choose the same ideology every game. I'm sure I'll try them all at some point.

It is more a question of, what do you think will be your favorite, or which will you choose first.
Well, in real life, of course I'd choose Freedom, maybe with a bit of Order. Autocracy is a big no-no. :lol: But I assume we're talking about the game and not real life. I usually end up picking Order, since I seem unable to stop myself from building a sprawling empire. Even when I start a game with the intention to go small, I end up building more cities since I cannot stand the thought of those AIs settling all those prime city locations. :D I need to try small empires with Freedom more often. As for Autocracy, I'm a peaceful player, so I never pick it. :p I also need to try being a ruthless warmonger with Autocracy sometime.

But again, as I said, I'm sure the ideologies will be quite different from the current social policies.
I'm in the depends camp. Depends on the game I'm playing. Depends on the civ I'm playing as. I have no idea how the new ideologies are going to be and how they're going to interact with everything else that will be introduced in the new expansion. Really looking forward to it!
...But again, as I said, I'm sure the ideologies will be quite different from the current social policies.

Oh, I imagine that they'll almost certainly be different but I really can't see how the underlying driving factors that pushed you towards one of the three previously will change all that dramatically.
Definitely freedom. I've always chose freedom, regardless of my game, so I don't see that changing

The specialist bonus is a hard thing to pass up. I tend to be a war-monger, but I find freedom to be more useful, than autocracy. I like to have a technological edge on the rest of the world, so I like to spam great scientists. I rather have 8 quality units, instead of 16 mediocre ones.
Tough choice to make, I'll probably play a couple of games with the BNW and find out the main differences before I can make a proper choice. Always been kind of a freedom-lover though..
As far as we yet know each Ideology bind to at least two possible way of winning the game. So for me it would be interesting to try and to win all victory types that are dedicated for certain Ideologies. It would be interesting to do a culture/political victory, while taking Order, or science/political victory while taking Autocracy. Moreover, if it will appear that tenants are really well balanced I will try to choose which leader to play depending on what type of victory I'm going to play and on what Ideology.

It would be really cool to have as many like to say "Communist" Napoleon, for example, or Autocratic Hiawatha (you got my point).

Going little on personal, I think I'ml not really look forward to take Freedom in a first place because:
1. I consider it's rather obvious thus dull;
2. It may appear less challenging;
3. However, if there will be not obvious but yet reasonably achievable victory conditions choosing Freedom ideology tree I will gladly try them with flavor!

Most certainly I'll end up choosing what Ideology is most suitable in given circumstances. So finally nothing is solid...
I always choose Freedom. I do, however, sometimes choose Autocracy after conquering many territories because the bonuses you get are incredible. The one thing that kind of irritates me about choosing Autocracy is the title you get. War in Civ is almost inevitable so I get a lot of territory though war and I don't like being called "the Terrible" because I have a lot of territory from other civs.
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