• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .


Seems like I found the critical point and fixed it. Let me test another game and I'll upload it if there's no error in that game.
The most important crush issue has been solved, and therefore I could test further than before. I found that there are some problems in UHV mechanism, but it is obvious python programming miss and seems like I can fix it soon. I hope that I can release 1.12 (SVN 787) compatible version before the weekend.
Uploaded 0.06v

Now compatible with SVN 787 version (released RFCD 1.12v)
Thanks to Leoreth, about answering question-pile made by me :D

It worked well in my last game, but please make a reply here when you find some error or improper events in your game.

Now I'm considering about making South African civ and modifying the Australia mod compatible with recent SVN versions(Canada), but didn't made a decision about priority.
I had yesterday time to test your Australia mod at least via autoplay mode. I have chosen 3000 BC scenario and selected Brazil. Unfortunately Australia was not spawn when I took over Brazil. I made a second try and same happened again. Then I choose Australia civ in 3000 BC scenario and it worked. So have you done a scripted spawn for Australia or why its not spawn when I choose Brazil ?
And can you release the source code so we can adjust settings for personal favor with your mod.Thanks
I can give you a easy solution for that. That happens because of the fact that Australia is conditional spawn. It spawns only when England made colony on Australia and unstable.

You can change that by go to (your mod folder)\Assets\Python\RiseAndFall.py and change the condition. Use ctrl+F to find "if iCiv in [iAustralia]:" part. Then you can see the conditional spawn part of Australia. You can change stability threshold by changing "if utils.getStabilityLevel(iColonyPlayer) > con.iStabilityUnstable:" part. With some flexible programming senses, you will available to change that condition on your flavor.
Ok thanks, now I understand why Australia was not spawning. I will change affected values in "RiseandFal.py" for Australia spawn in any case. But I also would like to make changes in the file "CvRhyes.cpp" ( especially religion spread parameters and settler maps for civs ) so for that I would need the source files to build new "CvGameCore.dll" with my settings.
Ok thanks, now I understand why Australia was not spawning. I will change affected values in "RiseandFal.py" for Australia spawn in any case. But I also would like to make changes in the file "CvRhyes.cpp" ( especially religion spread parameters and settler maps for civs ) so for that I would need the source files to build new "CvGameCore.dll" with my settings.

Then I need to upload new files. Sorry but not possible now.

I think it's better not to limit the conditional spawn to just an English city in Australia, but a Dutch city as well. (Or even an European civ)

I wrote it English, but in fact it applies to every civ that have city in Australian Flip zone. (Maybe core, I cannot sure about it.)
Putin is clearly compensating for something.
Is this still being worked on? Just curious
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