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Civilization 6 for Mac?? Release date?

Beyond Earth and it's big DLC Rising Tides were released on the Mac at launch.

Yes, but it used Civ5 engine which were ported to Mac long before. Civ6 uses totally new engine which is likely not ported to Mac yet.
The system requirements are also not too mac friendly. I really hoped that the new macbook pro would be released this autumn, but got disappointed...
I think about buying an alienware laptop just for civvi, but somehow I am very reluctant to buy a windows machine again. Especially since I know I wouldn't use it for anything else besides playing civvi...
The system requirements are also not too mac friendly. I really hoped that the new macbook pro would be released this autumn, but got disappointed...
I think about buying an alienware laptop just for civvi, but somehow I am very reluctant to buy a windows machine again. Especially since I know I wouldn't use it for anything else besides playing civvi...

The system requirements are for the Windows version though. We're still waiting on the OSx requirements.

Have you tried bootcamp? Best of both of worlds.

I'm getting senile, I actually wrote the DOS version then realized it wasn't 1984... ;)
Yes, I know about Bootcamp, but I usually go with official ports or wine though. That might slow the cpu a bit, but cpu/ram is not the problem for me ( and I guess for mac user generally).
Do you think the OS X requirements might be lower? It looks like you can't get a graphics card that is around recommended with any of the MacBooks/iMacs as it is now. So gpu is the big problem that I see here. That, among other unrelated things, is why I hoped the would release a new macbook pro soon. But it turned out that they released a new of the usual macbook line that is very mobile, but without much power.
I'm guessing they'll be lower due to what you stated. The average mac's GPU isn't the same as the average PC GPU. I have no idea what the differences are between direct x and open GL but we won't be required to have the latest and greatest because of it. I think. I hope...
The system requirements are for the Windows version though. We're still waiting on the OSx requirements.

If history is any indication, they'll likely be higher for the non-Windows versions.
Ughh. Can't they just tell us something! :mad: I'm on the fence between buying a playstation, or going through the hassle and money of getting a gaming pc and this is what decides it.
Get a gaming pc
MacRumors.com says that Mac will be updating the MacBooks and iMacs in October. Last year there was an update to the iMacs on 13 October, so perhaps that's the date to watch. iMacs, at least, are supposed to be getting new GPU and CPUs, with the GPUs being near-top-of-the-line AMD models.

That could give us all a very narrow window (13 - 21 October) to decide whether we have to plunge for a new PC or a new Mac, or can stay with what we have ...
Get a gaming pc

I'd much rather have one that works... :)

MacRumors.com says that Mac will be updating the MacBooks and iMacs in October. Last year there was an update to the iMacs on 13 October, so perhaps that's the date to watch. iMacs, at least, are supposed to be getting new GPU and CPUs, with the GPUs being near-top-of-the-line AMD models.

That could give us all a very narrow window (13 - 21 October) to decide whether we have to plunge for a new PC or a new Mac, or can stay with what we have ...

Thanks for the update. Sounds promising.
Any Mac people looked into Steam Machine? I can’t see myself buying a Windows PC just for gaming.

FWIW, the current Mac Mini, two years old, still meets the minimum CPU spec (2.8Ghz i5).
And then the question will become "Civilization 6 for Linux?? Release date?"
Face palm. You are quite correct of course. I think I might hold out for the App Store version of VI. I really do not care for Steam, and V is the only Steam title that I actually play.
And then the question will become "Civilization 6 for Linux?? Release date?"

Actually porting Mac->Linux is way easier than Win->Mac. Both Mac and Linux use OpenGL, so the majority of the graphical engine could be reused, even all if written properly.
Actually porting Mac->Linux is way easier than Win->Mac. Both Mac and Linux use OpenGL, so the majority of the graphical engine could be reused, even all if written properly.

Yes however the point is that we still don't know when either of those versions will be released, so a Steam Machine would not be a solution to getting the game earlier if we don't know when the Mac version will be released.

I just hope we get some word soon, the tweet in May that said "more info in the coming months" is getting a little bit old..
Blizzard have ceased Mac development of all new titles, including Overwatch, because they consider Apple's graphics support and hardware insufficient.
Wow, I missed that. They used to be great about supporting Macs. I never did buy StartCraft II, so I guess that makes me part of the problem!

Many struggle to run Civ5.
I don’t think that is really accurate. My iMac is five years old (“Mid 2011” per the “about” button), and it runs Civ5 just fine. (On the other hand, I don’t really have a clue about aspects of the display I might be missing. But it looks beautiful and the between-turn speed is quick enough.)

What is making a difference though, is iOS gaming.
I agree. Firaxis seems to have passed on that. It makes no sense to me!

The DLL is what I'm referring to. With Civ4 and Civ5, Aspyr deliberately folded the DLL into the application itself. If they hadn't done this, we could have figured out a way to take a mod's source code and compile it for Mac.
I am not so sure about this. My understanding is that Aspyr has developed their own custom in-house tools for that sort of thing. I think commercially available cross-platform development tools generally avoid DLLs because they are such a mess. (They are a mess on Windows too, but even moreso when trying to port something.)

I contacted Aspyr about this prior to Civ5's launch but they flat out refused to consider doing it differently, stating that they had no obligation or interest in supporting modding.
Can you share their exact phrasing? I would think that, because of the choices Firaxis is making, that “supporting modding” translates to “supporting DLLs generally on OS X and Linux”. That is a pretty big ask, and no one has figured that out.

This was their attitude for Civ4 too, shipping it with Python 2.3 despite the Windows version launching with Python 2.4. Refusing to fix Mac-specific bugs and memory leaks that you only noticed if the game was modded.
Not fixing Mac-specific bugs is a different thing. (I agree that Aspyr dropped the ball there, and I agree that Aspry does not provide good customer support generally. I just disagree that they deserve all the scorn you are giving them.) The version of Python available might not have been under their control. Again, I will point to the deeply flawed choices Firaxis has made (and continues to make). Technologies like Python (and now Lua) were developed largely in response to the frustrations developers had with the old ways of doing things, including DLLs. And then Firaxis goes with this Frankenstein’s Monster approach where they mix the good new with the terrible old. They program like kids in high school. But you point the finger at Aspyr?

And the only reason we even had a game editor in Civ3 is because one of their (now former) employees, Brad Oliver, put it together in his spare time.
We can agree he is a saint! The support he provided for SMACX was even more amazing! Where is he now?

Beyond Earth and it's big DLC Rising Tides were released on the Mac at launch.
That is an interesting point! Anyone happen to know anything about how that came to pass? Did Aspyr do the BE port?

Is it a good sign that mac OS is listed here?
I do not think that means anything. That site is not formally associated with Steam, they are just pulling from public data. Firaxis has announced OS X and Linux support, so those bits could well be flagged in the data that SteamDB is using.
Maybe they are already playing on mac?
I see nothing that would indicate that. The link you posted seems to be for the mainstream (i.e., nominally Windows-only) version of VI. Or do you think your link is Mac specific? (If so, please post the SteamDB link for the Windows version as well, so we might compare the two.)
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