Quick Questions / Quick Answers

Yeah, well that too. I was under impression you can select reformation belief as Byzantiums extra belief, but apparently you can't. Sorry :/
It's more of a whining cry than a valid question, but is it possible for Progress civ to keep up with a Tradition one in the pursuit of ancient\classical wonders? Because no matter what i do, Tradition seem to always win in wonders on the same starting position.
It's more of a whining cry than a valid question, but is it possible for Progress civ to keep up with a Tradition one in the pursuit of ancient\classical wonders? Because no matter what i do, Tradition seem to always win in wonders on the same starting position.
That's one of Tradition's draws/niche. I think not.
Does burst production give a bonus, when, f.e., farming (converts 20% of Production into Food)? If no, what happens with this production? F.e. from chopping down Forest or from Events.
Hi, sorry for the noob q, I have BNW and GAK but I don't have the leader or wonder packs, will this mod not work for me?
Hi, sorry for the noob q, I have BNW and GAK but I don't have the leader or wonder packs, will this mod not work for me?

  • Civilization V (.279 version)
  • Gods and Kings Expansion
  • Brave New World Expansion
  • All Leader DLC
  • Ancient Wonders DLC
  • Windows 7-10
It's more of a whining cry than a valid question, but is it possible for Progress civ to keep up with a Tradition one in the pursuit of ancient\classical wonders? Because no matter what i do, Tradition seem to always win in wonders on the same starting position.
Get stones or marble. Beeline to the wonder's tech. Start production of the wonder immediatly. Focus on production in that city. Chop one or two forests. Somehow, manage to keep up in policies. For Classical, try to pick Holy Law founder belief. Tradition has an advantage, yes, but you can still get some wonders if you really try.
10% on standard map (tooltip in top-left corner shows you).
I'm playing in huge and don't see the tooltip, which is why I'm asking. Tectonic map script. Is that an issue that could be map related or modpack related? I'd be happy to submit it as a real bug, but I'd also like to know what the cost is on huge. (I think 2.5% based on the city I just took, but I'm pretty horsehocky at math and probably messed up.)
I'm playing in huge and don't see the tooltip, which is why I'm asking. Tectonic map script. Is that an issue that could be map related or modpack related? I'd be happy to submit it as a real bug, but I'd also like to know what the cost is on huge. (I think 2.5% based on the city I just took, but I'm pretty horsehocky at math and probably messed up.)

turn off 'no detailed tooltips'
Thanks. Guess that was either changed or added in EUI.

On a related note, is the cost increase additive or multiplicative?
Okay, so additive. If it was multiplicative 3 cities would be 33.1% more, and scaling upwards with more cities.

Thanks man.

Given that this has been increased over vanilla, I take it this had a lot of discussion. I'd trust you guys on balance over myself.

It does feel bad though, especially given that you don't get 1 science per pop automatically anymore.
Okay, so additive. If it was multiplicative 3 cities would be 33.1% more, and scaling upwards with more cities.

Thanks man.

Given that this has been increased over vanilla, I take it this had a lot of discussion. I'd trust you guys on balance over myself.

It does feel bad though, especially given that you don't get 1 science per pop automatically anymore.

Tech costs were scaled to compensate. In short, this is the most efficient and transparent way to limit the benefits of 'going wide.'
I know this has been said multiple times, infact i have read this thing a couple of days ago somewhere in here but cant find it anymore ...

What was the file and field that needs editing if you want unlimited xp from barbs?
Hey. When it comes to getting units from military city-states, what determines whether they'll "spawn" next to the city state itself or next to your closest city to that city state?
should i benefit from defender of faith reformation with its +3 culture and +2faith as non-founder civ?
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