City State Diplomacy Mod (Updated)

Does anyone else have an issue where the AI players don't work on the world congress projects? I'm not sure if it's CSD or the Community Patch causing this for me but in all my games the projects sit at 0 hammers unless I build them solo.
Yes! I have seen this issue crop up from time to time. Often; AI will compete hard for one project and then, the next, not at all.
Yes! I have seen this issue crop up from time to time. Often; AI will compete hard for one project and then, the next, not at all.
"I don't care much about +5 Happiness when I can get me +1 Free Social Policy"
*AI Logic*

Nevertheless, Vox Populi package doesn't have this problem because they want to compete with the human in terms of everything anyway.
I've been running CSD with the CP by replacing the .dll in the CSD folder with a copy of the one from CP. It seems to be working fine except for AIs not contributing to World Congress projects.
Do the AI still use emissaries and try to gather favor with CS?
You can do this as follows:

  1. Download the auto-installer VP and choose the no-EUI full version.
  2. Delete all but (1), (3), and (6b).
  3. In (6b), delete all folders except for LUA and CSD.

Hi, I've been testing the CSD without CBP and it seems to be working fine so far. One thing I'd like to know is if the Papal Primacy founder belief that gives +15 resting point to CS relations, that would be chanced to something else in CBP, stacks with the CSD "Charitable Missions Belief is now called 'Divine Right,' sets minimum City-State influence at 15 for city-states following this religion" or are they doing just the same thing?
On the scale 1 to 10, how good is the AI to utilize mod's features in non-DLL version? Is it compatible with Smart AI? (

I know it is not what you are asking, but why do you want to use SmartAI (another DLL mod) if you can use the Community Patch (not the whole Vox Populi, only the AI improvement + bug fixed) which contains most of SmartAI and adds its own improvements of AI?
I know it is not what you are asking, but why do you want to use SmartAI (another DLL mod) if you can use the Community Patch (not the whole Vox Populi, only the AI improvement + bug fixed) which contains most of SmartAI and adds its own improvements of AI?
Well, I'm quite new to play modded Civ, but this mod looks great! Definitely will give it a try, thanks!
Well, I'm quite new to play modded Civ, but this mod looks great! Definitely will give it a try, thanks!

Give the whole Vox Populi a try, it is amazing! I admit, there are many new game mechanisms and many changes which make the unmodded civ strategies invalid, so it may be a bit overwhelming at first. But once you get a grip of the new game, you will see it is very well thought through and very balanced. Go 2-3 levels below what you are used to for your first play through.
I am using the Community Patch version of the mod but I experiencing a bug which doesn't allow city states to spawn at all. I have tried using the In game editor to reveal the map and look around just to make sure however I did not find a single city state. I tried changing maps but it didn't work. Any help would be appreciated.
If I am using only CP, do I download the one without dll?

I figured out what will work. You have to use the one without dll.
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It would be really great if the VP installer had the option of installing CP, CSD and C4DF without installing CPB.

CBP is great and all but it's a complete overhaul, it's not for everyone.
It is not hard to install manually. Select the first 2 (1 and 1a) and download them. There is a link to CSD in the first post.
It is not hard to install manually. Select the first 2 (1 and 1a) and download them. There is a link to CSD in the first post.
That's the non-DLL version though, it doesn't have all the features and it's a bit old I think.

Anyway, after some fiddling with the XML and LUA files I managed to make the Vox Populi version of CSD work together with the Community Patch, Civ4 Diplomacy Features and More Luxuries. So basically I have Vox Populi without the Community Balance Patch :)
Could you explain what you did?

Hmm, I was not taking notes of all my steps so I am not 100% sure but it should be something like this.

1) Install Vox Populi (No EUI)

2) Delete the "(2) Community Balance Overhaul" folder

3) Delete the following line from "City-State Diplomacy Mod (CSD) for Brave New World (v 27).modinfo" file

<Mod id="8411a7a8-dad3-4622-a18e-fcc18324c799" minversion="0" maxversion="999" title="Community Balance Patch" />

4) Delete the following line from the "(4) C4DF - CBP (v 11).modinfo" file:

<Mod id="8411a7a8-dad3-4622-a18e-fcc18324c799" minversion="0" maxversion="999" title="Community Balance Patch" />

5) Delete the following line from the "More Luxuries (v 155).modinfo" file

<Mod id="8411a7a8-dad3-4622-a18e-fcc18324c799" minversion="0" maxversion="999" title="Community Balance Patch" />

6) Add the following lines in the "CorpText_en_US.xml" file in the "(6b) Community Balance Overhaul - Compatibility Files (No-EUI)\Corporations\Text" folder

<Text>Swap &amp; Optimize</Text>
<Text>Rearrange Great Works into potential Themes. Swaps Great Works with other Civilizations and may put excess Great Works up for trade (if needed).</Text>
<Row Tag="TXT_KEY_CPO">
<Text>Corporations &amp; Monopolies</Text>

7) Delete the following lines from the "(6b) Community Balance Overhaul - Compatibility Files (No-EUI) (v 1).modinfo" file

<Mod id="8411a7a8-dad3-4622-a18e-fcc18324c799" minversion="0" maxversion="999" title="Community Balance Patch" />

<File md5="F4C5FF88A472CDD690729E3FC634634F" import="0">Corporations/Corporations.sql</File>

<File md5="C092419C95C508F846AE763378239142" import="1">LUA/CityBannerManager.lua</File>



Note: it seems to work fine but I haven't play a full game yet, I have only tested the very early game.
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