What do we know about the next expansion?

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Aug 9, 2014
Kinda curious what the community knows about the next expansion from little bits of information here and there. I know there was an interview with ed beach where he talked about wanting the world congress. There was also the whole nuclear proliferation message that one patch which i feel might have been an accidental leak.

Is there anything else the community knows?
I've been bouncing this idea around my head for a few weeks.

I think basically "everything that's in Civ V BNW" that wasn't in Vanilla.

Seriously, BNW is amazingly close to Vanilla and RnF (which I appreciate isn't by chance). You can see so much in both games that's just designed to work with or expand mechanics along the lines of those in BNW.

Tourism is one in particular I've been thinking about. In BNW, I understand tourism interacted with ideologies, diplomacy, trade and happiness amongst other systems. I could see Civ VI tourism getting a similar rework and getting rolled into loyalty as well.

Otherwise, I think the only things Ed has confirmed are "World Congress" and "Ideologies".
At the risk of sounding like a smartass, I think the real answer to the question is "Nothing".
Not true. We know that they created a new DLC depot (Eagle Pursuit FOR THE WIN) which means it might actually exist.

Which means that I can (probably) at least remove "Civ6 is abandonware" from my list of possible scenarios.
If it exists, we know that Firaxis doesn't want us to know they're working on it. Does that count as "something"??
Ideologies is definitely something I miss just because of how they redrew the diplomatic landscape in the modern era. I feel like the lategame is where the game feels most hollow. I still find it strange that tourism has zero use unless your going for culture victory
At the risk of sounding like a smartass, I think the real answer to the question is "Nothing".

Well, yeah I guess. Fair point.

I do think we can make some educated guesses though. That’s the reason for my comments on Civ V BNW. It’s also my reason for this post. And more generally, Ed has said World Congress and Ideologies, so I think that’s a safe bet.

But yeah, you’re right, it’s all speculation. I’m still fairly positive the next expansion will be pretty good. I think the next patch might be good too given the scale of the last one and the one that came out just before RnF. We’ll have to see though, won’t we?
Not true. We know that they created a new DLC depot (Eagle Pursuit FOR THE WIN) which means it might actually exist.

Which means that I can (probably) at least remove "Civ6 is abandonware" from my list of possible scenarios.

Note that the comment you replied to was made an hour or two before EP's post about the DLC depot.

I hope they are working on Civ4 2 ^^

As long as it includes districts I'm game.
I want BERT2 with districts.

...and everything fixed that made BERT weird. Affinities could have needed a rework, and tbh, hybrid ones only made it weirder, at least the way it was implemented.
We don't know much, but it is expected to come, and I would expect it to include something related to diplomacy, and hopefully, a diplomatic victory. I do think VI needs a significant expansion at this point, if it is to rival its predecessor.

Things which must be there for me not to be disappointed
  • World congress
  • Diplomatic victory
  • Ideologies
  • Changes to district/city mechanics to make large cities worthwhile
Things which would make me happy
  • Economic victory
  • Cooperative projects
  • UI overhaul
  • AI overhaul
  • Cultural/religious influence having a broader impact
We don't know much, but it is expected to come, and I would expect it to include something related to diplomacy, and hopefully, a diplomatic victory. I do think VI needs a significant expansion at this point, if it is to rival its predecessor.

Things which must be there for me not to be disappointed
  • World congress
  • Diplomatic victory
  • Ideologies
  • Changes to district/city mechanics to make large cities worthwhile
Things which would make me happy
  • Economic victory
  • Cooperative projects
  • UI overhaul
  • AI overhaul
  • Cultural/religious influence having a broader impact

Totally agree.
I would add either making tourism useful or changing the culture victory. Hated tourism since it appeared. I dont want to win by having more useless points than other civs. I want to build a good useful empire, and tourism is useless. I have done 1 culture victory in civ5 and 0 in civ6. I cant frakin care about tourism points.

But yeah, making large cities worthwhile is a big improvement needed. Diplomacy options too.

Oh, another thing Id love, but this is more balance than adding stuff: make capturing some cities for the sake of having those cities worthwhile. Every change they make goes in the direction of either going 100% war or 100% peaceful. Warmongering makes capturing cities turning into a train of hate and war declarations that once you start you cant stop. Stupid loyalty system makes capturing cities while not erasing the other cities almost impossible. I want to be able to go mostly peaceful, but with some wars to get some cities. I want to play a civilization and build a cool empire, not a chess game to see if I can win, like the direction they seem to want to go since civ5.
They might as well call the next Xpac "Shrödinger's Expansion" man, for we won't know whether it does or does not exist until it is announced by Firaxis :p

It is safe to assume a second XPac will happen sometime in the future, but it's impossible to say when. With the release of Civ 6 on Switch (which defo must take up SOME of Firaxis's resources), it looks likely, but maybe not for this gaming season.
I hope we will get more fleshed out ideologies, more units especially early naval units and land units missing (riflemen, renaissance cavalry, trebuchet etc) plus some more WMDs for late game warfare and diplomatic interactions with wmds bans and the likes.
They might as well call the next Xpac "Shrödinger's Expansion" man, for we won't know whether it does or does not exist until it is announced by Firaxis :p

From now until proven otherwise by Firaxis, I'm calling the speculative second expansion Shrödinger's Expansion!! Or Civ 6: SE for short :)

I do think we can make some educated guesses though. That’s the reason for my comments on Civ V BNW. It’s also my reason for this post. And more generally, Ed has said World Congress and Ideologies, so I think that’s a safe bet.

Terraforming. There were indications when the game first came out that part of the reason for the engine change from Civ 5 to Civ 6 was to allow for terraforming. I doubt the polders are the only instance of this we'll see. I'm expecting canals, and possibly tunnels, potentially involving railroads, too, to be announced at some point, possibly as part of Shrödinger's Expansion. But to the topic of this forum, we don't know this, or anything, about Civ 6: SE yet.

Hated tourism since it appeared. I dont want to win by having more useless points than other civs. I want to build a good useful empire, and tourism is useless.

Thanks for capturing so succinctly my dislike for the tourism bucket. If tourists had any in game effect other than as a victory counter, it would be an improvement.
Thanks for capturing so succinctly my dislike for the tourism bucket. If tourists had any in game effect other than as a victory counter, it would be an improvement.

Agree completely. Civ v tourism influence added science to trade routes, improved espionage and reduced population loss on city conquest. Making it a useful thing to have even when going for domination or science victories. As well as the negative happiness to civs following different ideologies. All this feels missing in civ vi late game.

I massively prefer Civ Vi overall but i still feel the Civ V lategame is much stronger and much more interesting
And more generally, Ed has said World Congress and Ideologies, so I think that’s a safe bet.

Where did he say that?
Quick googling just gives me this PC Gamesn interview some ten months ago, pre-RnF, where he couldn't be more vague about WC and diplo victory, and there's no word about ideologies. Some of the "global interactions between the leaders" he talked about turned out to be the emergencies, others probably were left for the yet later expansion.

If WC does come back, I'd prefer it to be without such things as "ban X luxury" or "embargo city states" - those were just awful. At least give us choice of sanction-busting, defying or ignoring the resolution. You may very well ban the spice trade, but if I find a like minded gourmet AI who's into spice, no WC will prevent us to hide some spice bundles inside perfectly legally traded warhorses. :mischief:

I only liked collaborative projects in Civ V - World Fair, World Games and ISS construction, although the last one wasn't used very often.
I still find it strange that tourism has zero use unless your going for culture victory

They really need to change this. You can find many uses for faith without going for a religious victory, science will always be relevant no matter the victory, etc. Tourism is just a thing in itself.
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