• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .
1) Another year, another long distance traditional Saberist purification ritual will be performed by me and the Saberist Priesthood in Canberra (I told you it was long range) to remove Lucina's influence from my body.

2) [tier-2 swearword]ing tanks, eh? You know what can stop that? Card games anti-tank missile launchers on motorcycles! The 7th Biker Squad will recruit more bikers except this time they'll be armed with anti-tank missile launchers and then they'll help the main forces' fighting retreat.

3) Darth Alexis will finally finish reading through the entire IdIOT thread, get the epiphanies he got at the end of that and stop being a national embarrassment.
18 (16): By running on the fumes of broken Liberal Party promises, you think you can make it to Africa without having to stop for a refuel, ETA 5 turns.

1. The prospect of unlimited free energy highly interests us. Have our eggheads see if they can adapt this technology, but modifying it to run on the broken promises of the Republican Party (Reconstruction alone should break our fossil fuel dependency!)

2. I notice my army's moral and combat bonuses go away after this turn. We should try to organize one last full offensive, to get the most out of the bonus that we can.

3. From my hidey hole, relay infomation to allied aircraft in the area of the last known location of the American leadership: the White House

4. The threat of worldwide annihilation from Yuri's stockpile of WMDs does worry me, even though I will admit our current fight against the American fascists is a bit of a higher concern to us in the short term (although we also see that it's probably going to cause a refugee crisis in the medium term, and that it too will become an international crisis in its own right, so getting the ground work going on international cooperation is going to be to our benefit either way). I know 16 turns in real time is going to be 16 irl years at the rate this game is updating, but I don't want the international community doing absolutely nothing and then we all find our cities reduced to ashes.

We have the UN in our territory. We should call an international summit* there in order to better coordinate an international strategy in neutralizing the threat of the PsiCorps as efficently as possible, so nations like Canberra and New Zealand do not have an unreasonable burden in stopping the oncoming apocaylpse by themselves.

*No christos, you're not invited.
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To Omega, Premier of the Feminist Union of Communist-Internationalist Namibia

Though circumstances threaten us and thus have heed of our attention it is nevertheless clear that the magus Yuri of the Epsilon is a absolute threat to this world and, should PsiCorps manage to claim the capabilities, many countless realities including our native domain and the sibling of Earth that is Spíti.While we at this time focus our attention towards the mortal threats that attempt to hinder the Empire of Majterre it is nevertheless urgent we support a joint enterprise against the vile cult of the Mental Omega. By the grace of the divinities we wish to be considered a comrade-in-arms against Yuri, the nemesis of all beings. Though I may at this time be attend to attend the summit (due to a small reptilian problem) I nevertheless will not be absent, for I will entrust Artemis (my apprentice, daughter and heir) to the summit on my behalf to represent the interests of my majestic realm. I will entrust Artemis to provide my voice on matters of countering Yuri and (should opportunity cometh) the diplomatic bonds between our great realms.

We will not forsake our duties: should you have need we are prepared to decree Queen Ysbal XI of Shee to help in the front against PsiCorp, for the Fair Folk will prove most committed in countering the psychic capabilities of Yuri and his adepts. Ysbal may also wish to help liberate the mighty sea beasts that Yuri has bent to his sickening will. Once I dealt with the menaces that are personally threatening my realm I will be able myself to provide our majestic might against the mind mages and their sovereign most evil. It is my word as Empress of Majterre that I do not forsake my duties to this reality!

May the Moon rise for our victories!

Esther Solomon, Warlock Empress of Majterre

1. While the elites of this nation won't pay taxes, perhaps they will pay sky-high rates for luxury services. Mr. Stockholme will personally invest in the creation of a Bahamian beachfront mega-resort-national-palace akin to Versailles where all of the nation's elites will be expected to regulary stay for extended, expensive, vacations (both for pleasure and for politics). The resort will feature lavish food, hospitality, be heavily guarded and secluded from the local population, and use up huge sections of the best beachfront. Hopefully this will generate more income for Mr. Stockholme and control the elites a little bit better.
1. Time to expand the air force. Increase production of Imperial TIE Fighter Interceptors to replenish the losses occurred in the fight against Yuri.

To Omega, Premier of the Feminist Union of Communist-Internationalist Namibia
We welcome a world wide coalition to put down the threat of Yuri so that were not footing the full brunt of the fight along with Canberra.
The Orders of Majterre

1) Have our brave forces in Crete continue their fierce battle against the traitor dragon, Caron the Terrible! May the fire shield guard our warriors as Leon II and Bellator the Hellbreather lead the assault against the reptilian turncoat! Victory for Crete, for King Leon II, for Bellator, for Majterre, for Empress Esther and the House of Solomon!

2) Empress Esther Solomon will use her dark magic to summon into Sicily one who will deal with the Crusader-Mafia alliance: the Angel of the Law, Inspector Javert, will cometh into this reality and thus charge the criminals for their sins! Javert is the Law and the Law cannot be mocked!

3) By Her Imperial Majesty's decree the civil service will prepare the travels documents needed for Princess Artemis Solomon, heir to the throne, to be sent forth to the UN international summit, hosted by Omega, so we may begin our plans for dealing with the psychic magician known as Yuri.
Brenda the Civil Disobedience Penguin will attend Megan's UN conference as a free action.
For a free action, General Veers will attend Meg’s UN conference.
Wait... that free action?

I will still do the paperwork order for dip bonus potential: anyway Artemis will go on behalf of her mother, the Empress Esther.
1.What? Of course we have stats! Now build me a damned giant robot panther!

2. Meanwhile it's time to unleash the power of our fleet and exemplify our feline ability to mildly annoy! Have the 1st fleet hang out around Yuri's forces and be an annoying distraction!
. Dispatch Mabel Pines to the UN conference. Britain shall promise its blood, sweat, tears and other bodily fluids to fighting Yuri.

2. Look, defenders of Port Stanley, I'm gonna be honest. You're pretty screwed. That said, there has to be something we can scratch together down there. Let's see if we can't get Garnet to warp down there to help. That should act as a force equaliser.

3. I am going to kill Sir Humphrey - or I would, if he wasn't controlling the purse strings. Let's charge some of these Civil Service types with corruption - if they're in court defending themselves, they're at least not meddling with my government.
1) Another year, another long distance traditional Saberist purification ritual will be performed by me and the Saberist Priesthood in Canberra (I told you it was long range) to remove Lucina's influence from my body.
2) The 7th Biker Squad will recruit more bikers except this time they'll be armed with anti-tank missile launchers and then they'll help the main forces' fighting retreat.
3) Darth Alexis will finally finish reading through the entire IdIOT thread, get the epiphanies he got at the end of that and stop being a national embarrassment.
19 (17): You scrub out your heathen sympathies and restore your willpower, gaining a point of mental defence for the coming fight with Yuri. Getting that Action back will take a little more work, though.

18 (16): Calling up the roughnecks that missed the punch-up with the Initiates, the 7th Biker Squad upgrades to Section-strength, while fire-and-forget launchers are distributed for a +2 combat bonus against armour—all for the low, low price of another $19,200!

9 (7): You manage to keep him from leaping out of the chopper to find a working wi-fi signal to load the page.

1. The prospect of unlimited free energy highly interests us. Have our eggheads see if they can adapt this technology, but modifying it to run on the broken promises of the Republican Party (Reconstruction alone should break our fossil fuel dependency!)
2. I notice my army's moral and combat bonuses go away after this turn. We should try to organize one last full offensive, to get the most out of the bonus that we can.
3. From my hidey hole, relay infomation to allied aircraft in the area of the last known location of the American leadership: the White House
4. We should call an international summit* there in order to better coordinate an international strategy in neutralizing the threat of the PsiCorps as efficently as possible, so nations like Canberra and New Zealand do not have an unreasonable burden in stopping the oncoming apocaylpse by themselves.
15: Using cryptic documents recovered in the initial NYC takeover, construction begins for a prototype Karmic Converter in Boston for $700 million, ETA 12 turns.

10 (14): In preparation for the Final Victory, all forces currently in combat move into attack position, gaining +2 combat in their battles this round!

13: It'll be like shooting sitting ducks in a barrel... or something. christos200, Milo Yiannopoulos, Steve Bannon, Rand Paul, Anakin Skywalker, and PewDiePie suffer -1 air defence from their compromised position.

9 (11): Not too keen on being rendered mind-slaves to some creepy GermanRussian megalomaniac, most countries with active UN representation voice receptivity to establishing a global united front to combat the Psi Corps, exact positions to follow in a detailed Diplomacy Post.

The Spirit Bomb is fully-charged!

Mr. Stockholme will personally invest in the creation of a Bahamian beachfront mega-resort-national-palace akin to Versailles where all of the nation's elites will be expected to regulary stay for extended, expensive, vacations (both for pleasure and for politics).
16: Laying down $2 million, and with healthy contributions from associated investors, you begin renovation of Nassau into the Resort to End All Resorts, ETA 8 turns while Thorvald finds new city graphics. Gain +$100/turn from contract payouts and +$300 wealth taxable from incidental commerce involved in the refurbishment; Nassau gains +1 upper-class happiness, with further bonuses as development progresses.

1. Increase production of Imperial TIE Fighter Interceptors to replenish the losses occurred in the fight against Yuri.
2 (1): Two words: Supply. Shortage. Pushing your industrial capacity past breaking point, you lose $18 million in a project that will definitely end up over schedule, as the 5th Strike Fighter Squadron begins assembly in Wellington, ETA 30 turns. The shortage also worsens industrial production a further -2, incurs -2 civilian happiness and -10% wealth taxable as ad-hoc rationing becomes necessary.


For a free action, General Veers will attend Meg’s UN conference.
11: Veers requisitions a shuttle to the Big Apple, ETA 2 turns.

1) May the fire shield guard our warriors as Leon II and Bellator the Hellbreather lead the assault against the reptilian turncoat!
2) the Angel of the Law, Inspector Javert, will cometh into this reality and thus charge the criminals for their sins!
3) By Her Imperial Majesty's decree the civil service will prepare the travels documents needed for Princess Artemis Solomon, heir to the throne, to be sent forth to the UN international summit, hosted by Omega, so we may begin our plans for dealing with the psychic magician known as Yuri.
7 (3): Teasingly drawing just out of attack range, Carron baits the army all the way to the coast before flying out over the ocean—and drawing the fire of the blockade, proceeding to lead their shots back toward the coast. Like I said: dragons are jerks.
9 (17): Bellator effortlessly shrugs off the shellfire, deflecting some back toward the Greek fleet, damaging their 2nd Naval Squadron for 15% damage.
1: Leon barely avoids a head-on strike; he suffers 18 damage, ongoing -3 hitpoints from open wounds, and is knocked unconscious, penalizing all actions -10!!
6: Volley fire decimates the 19th, 20th and 21st Minotaur Battalions for 12% damage each.

11: Carron is indicted for malicious damage, theft, assault, arson, attempted murder, breach of the peace, and inciting an international incident.

20 (20): Deciphering the arcane mysteries of the "passe-porte", the foreign office assembles the necessary documents to permit her travel abroad. -$40; Artemis gains Universal Diplomatic Credentials, providing +5 to all customs checks.

1.What? Of course we have stats! Now build me a damned giant robot panther!
2. Have the 1st fleet hang out around Yuri's forces and be an annoying distraction!
4: You're KET, not ORK, and simply willing it to be does not, in fact, make it so. -$400,000 in state funds, and -2 to research for 3 turns due to a glut of failed prototypes.

12: Invoking a cat's prerogative to change one's mind, you redeploy the fleet to run interference and harassment against hostiles in the South Pacific.

1. Dispatch Mabel Pines to the UN conference.
2. Let's see if we can't get Garnet to warp down there to help.
3. Let's charge some of these Civil Service types with corruption - if they're in court defending themselves, they're at least not meddling with my government.
9: By how shall she get there, Dear PM, Dear PM?

4: The warp pad malfunctions and Ruby and Sapphire are split halfway across the world! ...And nobody knows exactly where.

4: And so begins a lengthy and roundabout court battle that ties up government resources and disrupts the bureaucracy as police comb through every record they can find—sure they're not meddling, but now you can barely act. -$3 million state funds, +6% support for Conservatives pushing for "smaller government "; suffer Show Trials: -6% wealth taxable and -2 statecraft for six turns as basic government operation is disrupted.

Minimalist forces continue the counterattack, but the Libertarians are reinforced by Heavy Platoons!
5 (+1 [Know the Mods, Know Thyself] -1 [HYK roll bonus] +1 [flanking bonus] -2 [HYK Heavy Platoon combat bonus] = 4): Fresh troops put the Hayekians back on the initiative, inflicting 12%, 8% and 11% damage to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Companies, respectively, flanking 1st Company while the Libertarian 2nd Platoon guns for the Prophet himself!
9 (+1 [Ascetic Virtues] +1 [Know the Mods, Know Thyself] +3 [Prophet combat bonus] -2 [HYK attack bonus] = 12): The Prophet deals 6% damage to the 2nd Libertarians.

News on the March

Revengers: Endgoal Now Playing

The Psychic War is heating up as Namibian interceptors have engaged Yuri's shuttle off the African coast in a move that will almost certainly delay his landing, if not scrub it entirely. Meanwhile, Congolese forces valiantly hold the line against the brainwashed Southern insurgents; but with a psychic company already in the field, will they be able to stand their ground until promised foreign volunteers arrive?

The Psi Corps landing on the Falklands is off to a bad start as round-the-clock drilling by the local garrison prepared it for the initial beachhead, although the full assault force continues to deploy and the sole rifle company is badly out-gunned.

Meanwhile in Oz, Government forces are cracking under a fresh offensive that has routed the 6th Biker Squad and decimated the front line. However, naval assets have started pushing back against the submarine menace; can they force a withdrawal in time to address the incoming giant squid KRAKEN in force?

Security Council Convenes Emergency Session
At the urging of Namibia, the UN Security Council has called an emergency session in response to numerous countries' concerns over Psi Corps aggression. As part of the talks, it is hosting an advisory roundtable to seek input from countries outside the Council and non-member states. Several high-profile delegates and military advisors are expected to arrive over the next few turns to aid in developing an international strategy for the crisis.

Psychic Summit established in New York. Countries without UN member status (Cult of Minimalism, World Lakes, Empire of Ài, Shen Yun, Manchuria, Hoxha, Majterre, Faxum, California, KET, Rationalia, Custerfield, the Sámi states, Sgt Pillar, the Congolese splinters, Lega Nord, and the Caribbean Federation) will require dedicated envoys/alternative channels to the roundtable to benefit from any modifiers.

"Washington Has Fallen": Analysts
Observers to the American civil war are now declaring the capital in Namibian hands as the remaining defenders teeter on the verge of collapse, apparently intent on making a suicidal last stand rather than concede defeat. A breakout of the besieged Antonopoulos cabinet appears impossible, as would-be mechanized reinforcements have opted to assist the Charlotte militia in fighting off Redcap raids. Though government forces continue to thwart advance near Toronto, the Canadian Forces still hold several brigades in reserve, and a German expedition is due to arrive that will further tip the eastern front decidedly in the coalition's favour.

The western front, meanwhile, continues its tug-of-war, with loyalist forces withdrawing from Albuquerque and Californian troops preparing to link up with the Denver rebels near Salt Lake City. While indecisive skirmishes continue across the Midwest, a lone motorized squad is making a salient for Kansas City, intent on inciting fresh revolts to help secure the largely-undefended interior.

The Eastern Mediterranean crisis has reached a head as blockade vessels opened fire when the dragon Carron threatened the perimeter, resulting in collateral damage against Majterran ground troops and blowback against Greek ships. While local authorities insist the situation remains under their control, the coalition forces claim the incident is proof that Majterre cannot maintain regional stability, with Egypt asserting Paris has committed "an act of war". Observers expect that unless immediate mediation is achieved, the blockade action will escalate to active intervention. Corsican officials declined to comment, but could be heard laughing exuberantly.

Turkish Breakthrough against Northern Terrorists
Forces from Istanbul have routed "poorly-organized and ill-equipped" insurgent formations in southern Anatolia in the first push into Islamic Jihal'QaISIS-held territory. The victory comes as small relief to the embattled Baghdad garrison, however, as the terrorists continue to bombard the city, thus far holding off the Egyptian relief force. Rational media reports, however, that the Supreme Brain has made a speedy recovery from previous injuries sustained in the attack, Praise Be to Nye.

Caesar on His Throne
Berks to the north of him, gangsters to the south, there he is: stuck in the middle with you. What should have been an easy march to reunite the peninsula has collapsed as obstinate Italian regions threaten to drag the presumptive Emperor Flavius' expansion plan into a diplomatic quagmire. However, former colleagues say though the ascendent mayor may have a deserved reputation for egotism, his political acumen should not be underestimated.

Novus Imperiumvs Romanorumvs is now an NPC.

Blackout Strikes Addis Abeba
Only moments after Faxumite forces secured the city centre, Addis Abeba suffered a total blackout in what is suspected to be outgoing separatist sabotage. Apparently anticipating the loss of the R&D facility, the power outage even disrupted supposedly secure grids, suspending Project DBZ indefinitely until infrastructure can be repaired. This is a crippling setback to the government's war effort, which continues to stall in the northern front at Khartoum.

A Tiger Leading Sheep
Taking a proactive approach to the Psi Corps threat, Empress Ren initiated a research programme to investigate how her powers might be used to protect Qingdao from Yuri's interference. While local media reports the significant investment bore fruit, dissenters have smuggled out preliminary reports that suggest the opposite: that Ren's psychic aura has so pervaded the city that it has severely eroded her subjects' neural resilience. Good news for her in the short term, but a potential Achilles' heel should a more adept telepath interfere.

Jeanne Sets Sail
French and Italian crusaders received a jubilant send-off as they boarded transports at the Palermo harbour. The march across Italy bolstered the self-styled Résistance with Papal blessing, Mafia support, and two brigades of professional volunteers. With the Empress Esther tied down in the Crete fiasco, Europe holds its breath waiting to see when and where Jeanne opts to strike.

Excalibur "May Actually Be Real"
Cornwall is abuzz with archaeological activity as evidence is emerging that suggests the legendary sword of King Arthur may in fact have a historical basis. A government fact-finding mission headed by the Secretary of Defence is investigating "promising leads" related to Tintagel Castle, supposedly Arthur's birthplace. Pearl rigorously denied the mission was promped by a recent American dig, stating "They were searching for Excalibur as a corollary to leads on a secret plot to resurrect Hitler using the Crook of Osiris. We are interested in Excalibur itself."

Pearl gains +2 to her next quest-related action.

Notes from the GM

Not much to say other than I wish my mouse would stop stuttering the click so I don't have to spend five minutes moving a single piece around.

Also, call your (grand)parents, tell them you love them.

Orders due July 7. The Diplomacy Post will follow later today, hopefully after some of you have replied. :mischief:
1) magic is the solution to all problems: the Empress will use dark magic to teleport Caron the Terrible to the South Pole in hopes the dragon can cause harm against Yuri.
2) Queen Ysbal XI of the Fae Realm of Shee will attempt to pass administration reform the diplomatic department of Majterre to help counter our diplomatic penalty.
3) the Civil Service will use Artemis's customs powers to detain Jeanne as she attempts to move forth, with Javert deployed to bring the crusader to court.
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Excalibur "May Actually Be Real"
Cornwall is abuzz with archaeological activity as evidence is emerging that suggests the legendary sword of King Arthur may in fact have a historical basis. A government fact-finding mission headed by the Secretary of Defence is investigating "promising leads" related to Tintagel Castle, supposedly Arthur's birthplace. Pearl rigorously denied the mission was promped by a recent American dig, stating "They were searching for Excalibur as a corollary to leads on a secret plot to resurrect Hitler using the Crook of Osiris. We are interested in Excalibur itself."

Pearl gains +2 to her next quest-related action.

The Saberist High Priesthood takes objection to the wording of the headline - the existence of Excalibur and King Arthur herself is a matter of historical record, as established in the Holy Visual Novel of Visionary Kinoku Nasu Fate/Stay Night. To imply the non-existence of Excalibur directly contradicts Saberist teachings.

To: The Kingdom of Great Britain
From: Australian Capital Territory

We would be highly interested in sending a representative to the search for Excalibur. Excalibur carries deep cultural and religious significance to Canberran Saberists and we would greatly appreciate having a devout Saberist be present for its unearthing.
As we are aligned with Britain through marriage we will like to heed our interest in this case, for the artefact would most likely process significant magical properties.

We support the claim of the British royal dynasty to the sword.

Of course the greater prize would be any relic linked to Merlin or Morgan le Fay; any magical wisdom would be of intrigue to the Empire of Majterre and the Empress would be most eager to study any secrets of the arcane...
1) Thank Saber for Her purifying light and humbly ask Her to remove -2 penalty to all rolls because that's making smiting Her enemies a lot harder than it needs to be.

2) The 7th Biker Squad, supported by the 12th Biker Squad, will join their comrades in the Battle for the Hume Highway by firing a load of rockets at the 10th Light Tank Platoon and (hopefully) utterly obliterating it with the power of rocket launchers.

[third action done on the assumption I get the green light from Britain, if not I'll do something else]

3) Send faithful Saberist Indiana Jones to assist Pearl in finding Excalibur via one of those map montages.
Psychic Summit

European Federation:
A threat to Europe is a threat to the world. While our armed forces are currently undergoing extensive restructuring, we will happily contribute what we can to a joint effort.

Republic of China:
Having reached an understanding with the Communist remnants that all of China is at stake, we are prepared to mount an expedition against Psychic forces in the South Pacific.

People's Republic of China:
Having reached an understanding with the Nationalist remnants that all of China is at stake, we are prepared to mount an expedition against Psychic forces in the South Pacific.

Greater Joseon:
With regional tensions eased for now, we are prepared to dispatch an expeditionary army against Psychic forces in the South Pacific.

Platinum Horde:
The taint of the Eternal Kingdom is fresh in our nostrils, and we have no desire to play host to a new megalomaniac. Alas, we lack the logistical capability of mounting an effective campaign so far abroad.

While capital forces shall remain in place to stave off the imperialist Tatar menace, we are receptive to dispatching elements of the Far East garrison to take care of the traitor Yuri.

Our current priority is to maintain an effective deterrence against local threats to European stability. While our capacity for force projection abroad is limited, we are willing to provide a contingent to a joint army, provided it does not jeopardize home defence.

South Sweden:
Our primary concern is the treacherous northern axis, and we shall not commit to intervention so far abroad without sufficient guarantee of our own border security.

Our military lacks the capability for force projection so far abroad, however we are willing to supplement Greek defensive obligations if it will free up their forces for foreign deployment.

We are prepared to offer a full expeditionary army provided sufficient logistical support, however we cannot commit to any overseas mission in good faith until the situation on Crete is stabilized.

The Egyptian Army can provide several corps to an overseas war effort, but will require appropriate supply chains to offer air support. All naval assets, however, are currently tied up in resisting the warmongering Majterrans.

We are confident that the tragic situation in America has stabilized enough that we can dispatch undeployed elements to an international mission.

Our Defence Forces are likely insufficient for any mission other than peacekeeping operations, however we are prepared to follow Britain's lead provided it does not recklessly jeopardize our military integrity.

The bulk of our military is currently committed to the Levantine crisis, however we may be able to provide infantry reserves to an international mission.

We are willing to provide special forces units to a finalized plan, however we cannot promise more so long as tensions in Scandinavia persist.

Chavezland is ready and willing to defend the Americas from Yuri's imperialist aggression. But do not so blinker yourselves to a single threat, however prominent it appears: the diabolical Manx patsies of Paris will stab your backs at the first opportunity!
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1. Our state apparatus is small and needs to be augmented with all that our nation uniquely possesses - shameless mercantile cunning. With the goal of increasing our number of actions per turn, Mr. Stockholme is going to setup a new quasi-state enterprise in Santo Domingo (quasi because it's owned by him and several other leading financial capitalists) that will contract between the Caribbean state and overseas call centres, personal assistant firms, IT firms, and other such time-saving and labour-saving human resources in low income areas around the globe. Every bureaucrat, commander in the military, and political operator in the Caribbean government will have a remote personal assistant to double their efficiency. Every government service will route telecommunication through a call centre somewhere on the other side of the earth. To make the project profitable and self-sustaining, we'll offer premium packages for wealthy elites of the Caribbean, and modest packages for regular businesess and the middle class.

The Republic of Country

Official Name: The Republic of Country
Short Form: Country
Capital: Capital
Government: A Very Normal Presidential Republic
President: Trent Curtis (Party)
Vice President: Catherine Hurst (Party)
Legislature: Bicameral; split between the Lower House (200 members) and the Upper House (100 members)
Speaker of the House: Gordon Rodriquez (Opposition)
Majority Leader of the Upper House: Wright Rogerson (Party)
Claims: Unclaimed parts of Texas and the American Southwest
Color: A neutral gray

History: The very real and normal country of Country was founded in the year 1857 by brave very much human beings who left their home in search of a better life. The climate of Country is temperate, with the usual seasonal variations found in most other countries, and sports a rich and abundant wildlife with a few endangered species as well. Country's population is split relatively evenly between urban, suburban, and rural areas, and is relatively homogeneous except where it has assimilated and well-integrated minority populations. Countrians are a proud and independent people who obey the law and courteously respect one another and are welcoming of any who wish to join their great country. They are also very much human beings.

The President of the Republic of Country, Trent Curtis of the Party, was elected in a modest victory over his rival Cameron Perez of the Opposition Party, and has since used his mandate to invest in education, cut taxes for the middle class, and provide for Country's veterans. While a few in Opposition party have voiced their opposition to Curtis's platform, the Speaker of the House, Gordon Rodriquez, has worked with the administration to compromise on the very urgent and important issues facing Country.
Joint Statement by Greece and Egypt

The recent attack against the Hellenic navy has demonstrated beyond a reasonable doubt that Majterre cannot perform the most basic function of a sovereign state, namely, to uphold the rule of law. As the Cretan crisis now threatens to spill over into the entire eastern Mediterranean, passive containment is no longer a sufficient course of action. Unless the dragon Caron is pacified immediately, Hellenic and Egyptian vessels will commence live fire with the goal of neutralizing this rogue agent. Consequently, all foreign shipping in the region is advised to alter course as necessary to avoid becoming entangled in the crossfire. Furthermore, Majterran forces are requested to stand down; Athens and Cairo will assume no responsibility for loss of life incurred for failing to heed this warning.

FROM: Tani I, Emperor of All Faxum, King of the Effeduppage
TO: Esther Solomon, Empress of Majterre
SUBJECT: Escalation in Crete
Your Grace,

It is with a heavy heart that I must advise you that, while I assure you Faxum and Majterre remain the best of friends, we will be unable to support you should the situation in Crete come to blows. As we remain on our own to settle this civil war, and expecting a distinct lack of cooperation by the backward Egyptians, we can spare neither men nor matériel to mitigate the crisis.

Rest assured, however, we remain with you in spirit.

And do convey my sincerest hope for my future hubby-wubby's speedy recovery!

UwUfully yours,
Tani I
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