Burning stuff down events

Oct 29, 2014
Is there a way to reduce the frequency of the buildings burning down events or even completely eliminate the events? They are tiresome and sometimes happen multiple in a row.
Don't think there's an ingame way to only turn off flammability events, but you could probably find a building that never expires that'll be in each of your cities and add an xml tag to it that gives -10000 or whatnot flammability; local culture is probably the best bet, and do it for each culture if you want it to be equal for all players.

EDIT: Like TB says below, the best option is to remove the buildings from your city that're raising your flammability to the level it's happening multiple turns in a row.
I so rarely have the issue, I always forget that the button to demolish constructed buildings exists ^.^;
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Turn off events is one option. I often play MP so rarely get the opportunity to experience flammability. It really lets you know when you've passed the event threshold and have too high flammability though. One way to address them constantly happening is to reduce your flammability in the city - y'know...like it was supposed to be played. Like... don't ignore the limitation just figure out what you can get rid of that has you over the flammability event threshold maybe?

I've been feeling a little like flammability is not quite what we want. It tends to either frustrate and annoy or be easily ignored, only one or the other. Not much of a middle ground. A dynamic property conversion may be best for its future imo. That, and/or, some reworking of how events work.
I get that flammability should be watched, but there are too few buildings that lower it compared to how many increase it. Its also extremely annoying when it does multiple in a row or does that one where burns down a bunch a buildings in the same city twice or more a game.
Edit: Speaking of annoying, the dam burst one is even worse. Man that happens a lot.
there are too few buildings that lower it compared to how many increase it.

True if you construct every building, but the idea behind this mechanic, at least, is that you're not necessarily supposed to. Granted, I'm also with you that the manner in which the penalty resolves isn't perhaps the most fun, but does give some weight to making the player consider what to build.
from CIV4EventTriggerInfos.xml


from CIV4EventInfos.xml


from Assets -> Python -> EntryPoints -> CvRandomEventInterface.py

def doMinorFire(argsList):
// python code...

CIV4EventTriggerInfos does have an iWeight tag. Maybe that will work for you?

To delete an event I think you just need to delete stuff from these 3 files. Never tried myself though.
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I'll try deleting them, I feel pretty comfortable messing with XML now.
You can delete those entries, but you have to start a new game.
Did you try turning Off the Strategic Event Option in BUG? See if it makes a difference. And you don't have to start a new game either.
Did you try turning Off the Strategic Event Option in BUG? See if it makes a difference. And you don't have to start a new game either.
Well I don't mind most of the events, its just the fire and dam bursting ones that irritate me.
Well I don't mind most of the events, its just the fire and dam bursting ones that irritate me.
As stated find the root cause and fix it. Then you will get a different event that will become your next "headache". ;)

The negative events are supposed to irritate :mad:, positive to give you joy. :D It's the nature of this "beast" we call "events". :p ;) (just pullin' your leg a bit here old friend :) )
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