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South Africa

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When you have sworn an oath to an authority, as Javert did (his oath was to enforce the law), it is immoral to act contrary to the oath you have sworn.
what a non-answer. regardless, the book - and javert, eventually - realizes the stupidity of your position here. the world doesn't work like that.
Amazing how some people let a small amount of power go to their heads.

It almost seems like they respected the Maori more than they respected the Boers. Did the Maori ever get put in concentration camps like the Boers did?

Why? If they were not segregated, why didn't they assimilate and merge with the mainstream population, the way the Huguenots did in South Africa?

I don't think I would like living in NZ very much...

The question is whether intermarriage leads to them being assimilated into our group (as with the Huguenots in the Cape Colony), or us being assimilated into their group (what mostly happens in modern day intermarriages - look at Walter Sisulu, who had an English father, or US President Obama, half white, raised by white grandparents, identifies as black). Given the fact that we are vastly outnumbered in South Africa, I do not wish for us to intermarry with the Bantu majority, since it will lead to the end of our existence as a people. It's the same reason that the Jewish minority did not like intermarriage with the Christian majority in medieval Europe...they knew it would lead to the end of their group.
That said, I don't support legal restrictions on intermarriage.

Why? Why not just have the Amerindians learn the mainstream languages?

Better than a multicultural Frankenstein of a nation.

Yes, over 1 million members.

When you have sworn an oath to an authority, as Javert did (his oath was to enforce the law), it is immoral to act contrary to the oath you have sworn.

The Maori weren't rounded up into concentration camps no. Some did get used in prison labour in my city. They shipped the North Island "trouble makers" down here long way from home.

My arguement though is NZs near the top of the list for peace and lack of corruption SA is terrible by comparison.

Africa was decolonized but die to the crappy systems pitbin place they lacked the educated workforce to main things like power plants etc. You see the results today.

NZ educated the Maori they're still behind compared to other groups but there's enough if them to form a middle class and invest their tribal assets well.

No one hates each other outside of very rare extremists. I've meet Maori who be are still salty about the events of the 19th century but no one wanted to hurt anyone else.
Multicultural frankenstein over bland flavorless soggy sameness puree every time, twice on sunday, for a thousand thousand years.

Uniformity is for the weak.
And I have now found that thread and am reading all of the kind and loving things you are saying about me there.
When you spout out Alt-right white supremacst talking points. Again, I’m going to repeat myself since you didn't grasp what I said when I last brought it up. When you spout out alt-right white supremacst talking points. Don’t be surprised when your infamy gets spread into other communities. You’re very very lucky that your infamy is only in the other forum. Your posts here that you made, would go viral if your screeds were posted on Reddit and Twitter.

I know you’re going to cry “I’m not a white supremicist”. That only signals to me that you are in denial (and failed reading comprehension). As the saying goes “if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck…”.
You're not the Queen, so I won't be calling you "Ma'am", but you can feel free to call me "Baas".
It does not matter if Valka is Queen or not. It’s a sign of politeness when you refer to someone Sir or Ma’am, especially if you’re addressing or getting the attention of someone you don’t know their name. But I guess you rather toss aside any notion of politeness for a quick win at “pwning the libs” :rolleyes:

I’m sure other people would call you, less pleasurable names here with the talking points you espoused on this board. As you’ve already seen when you peaked into another board Valka hangs out at.
The question is whether intermarriage leads to them being assimilated into our group (as with the Huguenots in the Cape Colony), or us being assimilated into their group (what mostly happens in modern day intermarriages - look at Walter Sisulu, who had an English father, or US President Obama, half white, raised by white grandparents, identifies as black). Given the fact that we are vastly outnumbered in South Africa,
Interracial marriages shouldn’t raise any questions on weather or not their being assimilated in a group.
I do not wish for us to intermarry with the Bantu majority, since it will lead to the end of our existence as a people.
You do know that the Great Replacement Theory is an anti-semetic conspiracy theory, right?
Uncle Paul said:
That said, I don't support legal restrictions on intermarriage.
Why? Why not just have the Amerindians learn the mainstream languages?
Says that he does not want to discuss further about the American Tribes and their assimilation, then proceeds to discuss American Tribes and their assimilation.

To me it seems you want to annihilate other cultures. Forcing American Natives to learn English and punishing them for using their native language leads to language death. It’s only recently that other tribes across America have taken the effort to reconstruct and resurrect Native American languages that are dead or on the verge of becoming extinct.
Uncle Paul said:
Better than a multicultural Frankenstein of a nation.
Given that you won’t like living in Canada and New Zealand (I suspect you won’t like living in the US eather cause, multiculturalism). We get it, anything that expouses any sense of multiculturalism is a degenerate abomination in your eyes.

I’d perfer a “multicultural Frankenstein of a nation” over a ethonationalist fascist state.
I'm slightly different I don't think multiculturalism is better than monoculture (or close to it).

There's pros and cons of both. In NZs case the Europeans came here and like it or not the Pakeha and Maori are stuck with each other.

Looking at other nations it see s we're doing something bright. We're working through things in our own way that process will take generations.

Looking at the horrific mess SA, USA and other nations have made of things we did something right.

Results speak for themselves lots more Safus migrating here than vice versa why Kiwis would go to SA over traditional places like UK and Australia is beyond me.
Good to hear Maori isn’t hard to learn. Navajo I think has by far the most fluent speakers in the US among American Indian languages.

It seems to me very complicated. Like if you want to say “give me ….,” there’s a separate verb to use depending on if you’re talking about a round object, a long thin object, an open bottle, an animate thing, and others.

Cherokee is similar that way.
In NM most of the tribe actively discourage/prevent non tribal members from learning their native languages. IIRC the 19 tribes in NM speak at least 4 different languages.
what a non-answer. regardless, the book - and javert, eventually - realizes the stupidity of your position here. the world doesn't work like that.
The musical is better than the book. Herbert Kretzmer, who wrote the English lyrics, was a South African.
The Maori weren't rounded up into concentration camps no. Some did get used in prison labour in my city. They shipped the North Island "trouble makers" down here long way from home.
So they were never treated as poorly as we were, yet international public sympathy for them is far greater than for us.
My arguement though is NZs near the top of the list for peace and lack of corruption SA is terrible by comparison.
South Africa was not always as violent and corrupt as it is today. Paul Kruger was able to sit on his front porch every morning, with no bodyguards, just chatting with anyone who wanted to see him. That could never happen in the New South Africa.
Africa was decolonized but die to the crappy systems pitbin place they lacked the educated workforce to main things like power plants etc. You see the results today.
Perhaps decolonization was a little hasty?
NZ educated the Maori they're still behind compared to other groups but there's enough if them to form a middle class and invest their tribal assets well.
It's not like NZ impoverished them in the first place. They were always poorer than Europeans were, even before colonialism. Taika Waititi is very wealthy.
No one hates each other outside of very rare extremists. I've meet Maori who be are still salty about the events of the 19th century but no one wanted to hurt anyone else.
Many blacks in South Africa wish to harm whites, though.
Multicultural frankenstein over bland flavorless soggy sameness puree every time, twice on sunday, for a thousand thousand years.

Uniformity is for the weak.
I completely disagree. Pretty much everyone who looks at it rationally would prefer living in Orania to London.
When you spout out Alt-right white supremacst talking points. Again, I’m going to repeat myself since you didn't grasp what I said when I last brought it up. When you spout out alt-right white supremacst talking points. Don’t be surprised when your infamy gets spread into other communities. You’re very very lucky that your infamy is only in the other forum. Your posts here that you made, would go viral if your screeds were posted on Reddit and Twitter.

I know you’re going to cry “I’m not a white supremicist”. That only signals to me that you are in denial (and failed reading comprehension). As the saying goes “if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck…”.
I have a very high degree of respect for the Japanese and other East Asians.
It does not matter if Valka is Queen or not. It’s a sign of politeness when you refer to someone Sir or Ma’am, especially if you’re addressing or getting the attention of someone you don’t know their name. But I guess you rather toss aside any notion of politeness for a quick win at “pwning the libs” :rolleyes:
I'll call her Ma'am if she calls me Baas.
I’m sure other people would call you, less pleasurable names here with the talking points you espoused on this board. As you’ve already seen when you peaked into another board Valka hangs out at.

Interracial marriages shouldn’t raise any questions on weather or not their being assimilated in a group.

You do know that the Great Replacement Theory is an anti-semetic conspiracy theory, right?
This has nothing to do with that theory. It's a mathematical fact. When a group is outnumbered by 10:1, and the minority group intermarries with the majority group en masse, said minority group will cease to exist as a distinct and unique entity. The Great Replacement Theory is about mass migration, not intermarriage in South Africa.

Says that he does not want to discuss further about the American Tribes and their assimilation, then proceeds to discuss American Tribes and their assimilation.

To me it seems you want to annihilate other cultures. Forcing American Natives to learn English and punishing them for using their native language leads to language death. It’s only recently that other tribes across America have taken the effort to reconstruct and resurrect Native American languages that are dead or on the verge of becoming extinct.
Lots of languages are dead, so what? No one speaks Proto-Indo-European anymore either, it's not some great loss. You can get a lot farther in the world speaking English than you can speaking Cherokee.
Given that you won’t like living in Canada and New Zealand (I suspect you won’t like living in the US eather cause, multiculturalism). We get it, anything that expouses any sense of multiculturalism is a degenerate abomination in your eyes.
Haven't I already made this clear many times over?
I’d perfer a “multicultural Frankenstein of a nation” over a ethonationalist fascist state.
My pain, your thrill...
I'm slightly different I don't think multiculturalism is better than monoculture (or close to it).

There's pros and cons of both. In NZs case the Europeans came here and like it or not the Pakeha and Maori are stuck with each other.
Because both groups failed to assimilate the others. Maori weren't able to Maorify the whites (which is what I assume Paheka means), and whites weren't able to completely westernize the Maori. Look at South Africa - the Huguenots were assimilated into the Afrikaner population, and no longer are a distinct group, but many Afrikaners have Huguenot surnames, and some Huguenot influences remain in our culture to this day.
Looking at other nations it see s we're doing something bright. We're working through things in our own way that process will take generations.
Lots of countries tried their own path to reduce the racial gap, only to be sanctioned for it. Rhodesia was moving towards more power sharing between white and black, but the UN meddled and stuck its nose into internal Rhodesian affairs, and well, Mugabe's Zimbabwe speaks for itself. There would be equal power sharing between black and white Rhodesians decades ago if Ian Smith's plans hadn't been interfered with by arrogant UN officials.
Looking at the horrific mess SA, USA and other nations have made of things we did something right.
Multicultural countries are rarely stable. Think of Yugoslavia, the Ottoman Empire, and China, in addition to the aforementioned countries. Unfortunately, population distribution in South Africa makes an ethnic partition on the lines of Austria-Hungary impossible. If Boers were concentrated in one area where we were the majority, we would have gone our own way by now...I'm sure most black South Africans would be thrilled to be rid of us, most of them seem to hate us. Sad, I don't hate them.
Results speak for themselves lots more Safus migrating here than vice versa why Kiwis would go to SA over traditional places like UK and Australia is beyond me.
South Africa is a difficult place to live in if you are White these days, which is why so many of us have scattered across the sea.
In NM most of the tribe actively discourage/prevent non tribal members from learning their native languages. IIRC the 19 tribes in NM speak at least 4 different languages.
Like Harry and Meghan, they want half in, half out. They want the benefits of the USA (i.e. government money, etc...), but they don't want to share their culture with the rest of the USA.
South Africa was not always as violent and corrupt as it is today. Paul Kruger was able to sit on his front porch every morning, with no bodyguards, just chatting with anyone who wanted to see him. That could never happen in the New South Africa.
Assassinated white leaders: 1
Assassinated black leaders: 0

Sorry which one is the new one and which one is the safe one?
I would, in fact, prefer to live in London (or another multicultural city) over Orania.

It may not be rational, but then again, courage seldom appears rational to those who lack it.
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Assassinated white leaders: 1
Assassinated black leaders: 0

Sorry which one is the new one and which one is the safe one?
Just because one white leader was brutally and unjustly murdered by a leftist fanatic doesn't mean his rule wasn't safer than the ANC's rule.
I would, in fact, prefer to live in London (or another multicultural city) over Orania.

It may not be rational, but then again, courage seldom appears rational to those who lack it.
It's not courageous, merely self-hating.
completely irrelevant once again. you do this a lot

We were in concentration camps. They weren't.
Self-hating is a numbing force, that makes everythig the same and reduce the world to a small bubble around you that's all you can see anymore. It's a place where fun and hope go to die into a dreary routine from which there is no escape.

So, pretty much exactly like living in bland uniform suburbia.
I completely disagree. Pretty much everyone who looks at it rationally would prefer living in Orania to London.
I don't think anybody with the right mind would want to live in an ethnocity like Orania.
I have a very high degree of respect for the Japanese and other East Asians.
Completely irreverent. But nice dodge.
I'll call her Ma'am if she calls me Baas.
No, most would rather call you names and terms that would verge on flaming.
This has nothing to do with that theory. It's a mathematical fact. When a group is outnumbered by 10:1, and the minority group intermarries with the majority group en masse, said minority group will cease to exist as a distinct and unique entity. The Great Replacement Theory is about mass migration, not intermarriage in South Africa.
Again, you're peddling a conspiracy theory that whites are being replaced. It does not matter if it's done via mass migration nor intermarrage, it's still a conspiracy no matter how much you want to deny it. What you're telling me here is that you'd rather want to keep your racial group pure and not tainted. Again, falls under The Great Replacement Conspiracy Theory.
Lots of languages are dead, so what? No one speaks Proto-Indo-European anymore either, it's not some great loss. You can get a lot farther in the world speaking English than you can speaking Cherokee.
I can see Valka's statements of "Kill the Indian in the child" just flew past over your head.
Haven't I already made this clear many times over?
You've already stated it plenty of times you want a white ethnostate. The mask has already slipped off of your face at this point.
My pain, your thrill...
If you feel pain and oppressed by the mire existence of other ethnicites and cultures. That's a you problem.
We were in concentration camps. They weren't.
Who threw your ilk into concentration camps? Last I checked it was the British during and after the Second Boer War that sent the Bores into internment camps. If anything, your grievances should have been directed towards the British Empire, not the black population in South Africa.
Lots of languages are dead, so what? No one speaks Proto-Indo-European anymore either, it's not some great loss. You can get a lot farther in the world speaking English than you can speaking Cherokee.
it's bad for cultural continuity
Self-hating is a numbing force, that makes everythig the same and reduce the world to a small bubble around you that's all you can see anymore. It's a place where fun and hope go to die into a dreary routine from which there is no escape.

So, pretty much exactly like living in bland uniform suburbia.
I'm not self-hating. I'm actually very proud to be a Boer.
I don't think anybody with the right mind would want to live in an ethnocity like Orania.
And I don't think anybody with the right mind would want to live in a multicultural city like London.
Completely irreverent. But nice dodge.
My respect for the Japanese proves I am not a White supremacist.
No, most would rather call you names and terms that would verge on flaming.
But you are not allowed to do this, it violates forum rules.
Again, you're peddling a conspiracy theory that whites are being replaced. It does not matter if it's done via mass migration nor intermarrage, it's still a conspiracy no matter how much you want to deny it. What you're telling me here is that you'd rather want to keep your racial group pure and not tainted. Again, falls under The Great Replacement Conspiracy Theory.
I'm not. Thankfully, the intermarriage rates are low. I'm saying that if the intermarriage rates become high, my group will shrink down to nothing and vanish into oblivion. Do you wish for Afrikaners to go extinct?
I can see Valka's statements of "Kill the Indian in the child" just flew past over your head.
I'm not going to discuss those residential boarding schools anymore.
You've already stated it plenty of times you want a white ethnostate. The mask has already slipped off of your face at this point.
I'm one of the few people still wearing a mask in stores.
If you feel pain and oppressed by the mire existence of other ethnicites and cultures. That's a you problem.
I wouldn't mind them if they left my people alone.
Who threw your ilk into concentration camps? Last I checked it was the British during and after the Second Boer War that sent the Bores into internment camps. If anything, your grievances should have been directed towards the British Empire, not the black population in South Africa.
The black population sings songs about murdering us...look up Julius Malema "Kill the Boer".
it's bad for cultural continuity
However, I am only invested in the cultural continuity of my own people, closely related peoples, and some other groups I admire, such as the Japanese.
Never said you were self-hating.

You're using the word far too lightly to have any experience of what self-hatred actually is.
However, I am only invested in the cultural continuity of my own people, closely related peoples, and some other groups I admire, such as the Japanese.
indeed. all of your cries about minority rights, the rights of cultures, new or old, boil down to this. you don't actually have any principles beyond tribalism, and are even incredibly selective at that, appealing to a grander european design excepting basically all of european civilization.
And I don't think anybody with the right mind would want to live in a multicultural city like London.
Good to know you'd be happy in Berlin 1933.
My respect for the Japanese proves I am not a White supremacist.
LOL!! You keep telling yourself that, the mask has already slipped.
I'm not. Thankfully, the intermarriage rates are low. I'm saying that if the intermarriage rates become high, my group will shrink down to nothing and vanish into oblivion.
Bullfeathers. It's the same talking points white nationalists and white supremacists peddle around with The Great Replacement/White genocide conspiracy theory so don't feed me that crap. Why do you care if your "group" shrinks down to nothing?
Do you wish for Afrikaners to go extinct?
You do realize there are Afrikaners that live outside of South Africa
I'm one of the few people still wearing a mask in stores.
Irrelevant to the idiom that I used.
I wouldn't mind them if they left my people alone.
They would leave you alone if you didin't hold bigoted beliefs and not attack them.
The black population sings songs about murdering us...look up Julius Malema "Kill the Boer".
And there are anti-white sentiments being made on Tumblir and Twitter by a small group of idiotic edgy people who don't know any better. Your point?
However, I am only invested in the cultural continuity of my own people, closely related peoples, and some other groups I admire, such as the Japanese.
Establish a whites only ethnostate, gotcha.
Never said you were self-hating.

You're using the word far too lightly to have any experience of what self-hatred actually is.
OK then.
indeed. all of your cries about minority rights, the rights of cultures, new or old, boil down to this. you don't actually have any principles beyond tribalism, and are even incredibly selective at that, appealing to a grander european design excepting basically all of european civilization.
Others are like that, too. In America, blacks appeal to minority rights, in South Africa, they say that as the majority, they have the right to control the country, regardless of how minorities feel.
Good to know you'd be happy in Berlin 1933.
No, not really. I'd be happy in Pretoria in 1933.
LOL!! You keep telling yourself that, the mask has already slipped.

Bullfeathers. It's the same talking points white nationalists and white supremacists peddle around with The Great Replacement/White genocide conspiracy theory so don't feed me that crap. Why do you care if your "group" shrinks down to nothing?
Would you say the same to American Indians? Who cares if their group shrinks down to nothing?
You do realize there are Afrikaners that live outside of South Africa
I even know some...but outside South Africa, intermarriage is common, only with other White Protestant groups. I don't want Afrikaners to go extinct because they merged with some Anglosphere White population, either. I want Afrikaners to continue to exist in a strong demogrpahic position.
Irrelevant to the idiom that I used.

They would leave you alone if you didin't hold bigoted beliefs and not attack them.
I don't attack them. I merely wish that they don't attack me and my people.
And there are anti-white sentiments being made on Tumblir and Twitter by a small group of idiotic edgy people who don't know any better. Your point?
You will suffer more consequences for insulting blacks than for insulting Whites these days.
Establish a whites Afrikaners-only ethnostate, gotcha.
That doesn't mean taking up the entirety of South Africa, anymore than the creation of Israel meant taking up the entirety of the Levant. I seek for us to have positive relations with other peoples, but with our own state, the way the Japanese have positive relations with other peoples, but with their own state.

My dream is an Afrikaner version of Japan, not an Afrikaner version of Nazi Germany, nor a return to pure Verwoerdian apartheid.
I even know some...but outside South Africa, intermarriage is common, only with other White Protestant groups. I don't want Afrikaners to go extinct because they merged with some Anglosphere White population, either. I want Afrikaners to continue to exist in a strong demogrpahic position.
Just wow. You've gone to a whole new level going from not wanting to see interracial marriage happening within your group to not intermingling with other white groups. How tribalist can you get?! I guess were going to have to add in nationalist into the mix for ya.
I don't attack them. I merely wish that they don't attack me and my people.
Then. Stop. Holding. And. Saying. Bigoted. Views.

That doesn't mean taking up the entirety of South Africa, anymore than the creation of Israel meant taking up the entirety of the Levant. I seek for us to have positive relations with other peoples, but with our own state, the way the Japanese have positive relations with other peoples, but with their own state.
There's no fixing, anything. You want to establish a white ethnostate, Full Stop. Pray tell are you going to get this land for your own state? If you think you're going to rise up against the state, then I just have to laugh since the government would clamp down on your insurrection and prosecute you and your militia group for insurrection, treason, and breaching any sort of secession laws. What about the people on your land that's not Afrikaner, expel them out of your lands? This just sounds like a screed white nationalists said about establishing a white nationalist state in the American Northwest.
My dream is an Afrikaner version of Japan, not an Afrikaner version of Nazi Germany, nor a return to pure Verwoerdian apartheid.
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