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How do you get your unique units? I'm playing as the Danes and I don't see them available to recruit in Europe. Does a normal fisherman have to be promoted into it?
The Unique Units only exist in the internal development version, they are not included in the public release WTP 4.0.2 yet.
Do you guys chop trees often?
I'm so scared of losing those potential combat bonus against the REF that I hardly chop trees, especially on coastal cities.
But to my understanding the REF do not get bonus on terrain?
Correct, that is why it is best to fight the REF in Forrests, Jungle, ... and other difficult Terrain, rather than staying in the Cities where REF usually has an advantage. :thumbsup:

Still I would advise:
In earlygame and midgame do what is best for economy. (Also in WTP it is possible to replant Trees in lategame if you really want to.)
It is non-sense to rob you of an economic advantage that will potentially bring you massive growth and income, thus also more troops in endgame.

In other words:
In early game focus on early game, in midgame on midgame and in lategame on lategame. :)
Anything else is just wasting resources and will lead to worse results in total.
Correct, that is why it is best to fight the REF in Forrests, Jungle, ... and other difficult Terrain, rather than staying in the Cities where REF usually has an advantage. :thumbsup:

Oh, is that just in the development version? They look to be getting defensive bonuses for me in 4.0.2.
Oh, is that just in the development version? They look to be getting defensive bonuses for me in 4.0.2.
Actually no, that is both develop and WTP 4.0.2.
This probably happened unintendedly when we transformed all Artillery Units to Professions.

But originally in Vanilla, the REF did not get any Terrain Bonusses.
But now that I know it I can change it back to the old behaviour, because it was better that way. :thumbsup:
Ok, I restored the intended behaviour again. :)

1) Mounted Units / Professions do not get any Defense Bonus from Plot
2) Heavy Artilleries Units / Professions do not get any Defense Bonus from Plot
3) Royal Units / Professions do not get any Defense Bonus from Plot
Wow, this is a serious bug for me. I might have to revert to playing older version until the next update hit.
which version should I play for the time being?
Which version should I play for the time being?
I fixed it again in "develop".

The bug was accidently introduced by this in WTP 4.0:
Artillery Units being transformed into Artillery Professions

Until now it was simply not noticed ...
But as I said, it is corrected again.
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Ok, I restored the intended behaviour again. :)

1) Mounted Units / Professions do not get any Defense Bonus from Plot
2) Heavy Artilleries Units / Professions do not get any Defense Bonus from Plot
3) Royal Units / Professions do not get any Defense Bonus from Plot
it is quite strange that REF infantry cannot use the terrain bonus. they don't know how to climb hills or hide in forests?)
it is quite strange that REF infantry cannot use the terrain bonus. they don't know how to climb hills or hide in forests?)
Because they are foreigners to the land and not used to these types of Terrains and were also not trained to guerilla warfare.
However the Colonial Independence Fighters were explcitly told and trained to use the Terrain by fighting Guerilla like hit and run tactics

It is actually quite historically correct if you look the way the Colonial Fighters fought the British:
It was mostly Guerilla style ... and the British really had issues fighting them in forrests and swamps and hilly terrain.

So no, I do not find it quite strange. I actually find it immersive.
Also I mainly just restored the behaviour of the mod.


The Hessians by the way still get Defense Bonus on Plots.
Which also matches the historical stories told about them ... as they seemed to have been able to fight the Guerilla tactics much better.



1) I did not really change anything, I restored the intended behaviour we had accidently messed up when changing Artillery to Professions.
2) It is atually historically correct and quite immersive to have the game behave like this and also gives the Player a chance against REF ... other than pure numbers.

In other words:
I fixed a bug we had accidently introduced.
So I am not really sure where the problem is.
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I fixed it again in "develop".

The bug was accidently introduced by this in WTP 4.0:
Artillery Units being transformed into Artillery Professions

Until now it was simply not noticed ...
But as I said, it is corrected again.

I see. I was ignorant about "develop".
I'm using it now. Thank you.
Had alliances with the natives ever make a differrence for you guys when fighting the REF?
Yes, I remember that once in an alliance with a Native Tribe their Natives helped me a lot to delay the King´s attacks on my City.
It was on a Gigantic Map and the Natives of that Tribe had 7 or 8 Villages, so when they went to war they had something like 20 Warriors.
Yes, I remember that once in an alliance with a Native Tribe their Natives helped me a lot to delay the King´s attacks on my City.
It was on a Gigantic Map and the Natives of that Tribe had 7 or 8 Villages, so when they went to war they had something like 20 Warriors.
Is there a way to direct ally's troop to where you want them to go? Just being able to say please sent troops to xxx city would make having an ally much more meaningful.
Or having the ability to levy troops like in Civ6 would be super.
I personally donot get the logic behide letting player have access only to native merc instead of full fledge native units that you can equip guns and or horses yourself.

By the way, is there a way for a human player to get halberdier?
I personally donot get the logic behide letting player have access only to native merc instead of full fledge native units that you can equip guns and or horses yourself.
You could then also have those Natives work in your City and that would be highly unimmersive to me.
That is why we opted for the Native Mercenary where this is not possible, as it cannot take professions.

Modding is personal taste. :dunno:
Is there a way to direct ally's troop to where you want them to go?
No, there is not. You cannot give orders to your allies.
As they will still have their own AI doing what it considers best.

Something like this would be massive effort (100+ hours), not worth it considering gameplay in my eyes. :dunno:

... make having an ally much more meaningful.
I am not sure why you feel having allies in the game is not meaningful. :dunno:
2 Players fighting together always brings benefits ... so why do we need more?

I would actually be worried that anything more would make it OP.

By the way, is there a way for a human player to get halberdier?
Not at the moment, as I do not remember any existing DLL Diplo Event for it.
But if somebody wants to create one, sure go ahead. :thumbsup:

The difference between Townguards and Royal Halberdiers is not that big though.
You could then also have those Natives work in your City and that would be highly unimmersive to me.
That is why we opted for the Native Mercenary where this is not possible, as it cannot take professions.

Modding is personal taste. :dunno:

No, there is not. You cannot give orders to your allies.
As they will still have their own AI doing what it considers best.

Something like this would be massive effort (100+ hours), not worth it considering gameplay in my eyes. :dunno:


I am not sure why you feel having allies in the game is not meaningful. :dunno:
2 Players fighting together always brings benefits ... so why do we need more?

I would actually be worried that anything more would make it OP.


Not at the moment, as I do not remember any existing DLL Diplo Event for it.
But if somebody wants to create one, sure go ahead. :thumbsup:

The difference between Townguards and Royal Halberdiers is not that big though.
Thank you for the answer.
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