Trump Indicted!

The man has no shame so he can make a pathetic spectacle from anywhere, and since his crowd is people who want pathetism then he'll get to them anyway.
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Well, that's true, and he'll use the entrances into and exits from the court room as campaign events.
The bigger question is how long the judge will put up with all of those disruptions to the trial before removing him from the courtroom (to a nearby room for viewing on TV)
How about a jail cell in the basement?
Well, that's true, and he'll use the entrances into and exits from the court room as campaign events.
Yeah, like Apollo Creed doing his bombastic entrances into the ring in the Rocky films.
3rd time's the charm.

Donald Trump Again Claims E. Jean Carroll Made “False Accusations”
E. Jean Carroll leaves Federal court after a jury awarded her $83.3 million in a case against former President Donald Trump.Yuki Iwamura/AP

Whenever Donald Trump speaks, somewhere out there a young lawyer makes partner.

During a campaign rally in Rome, Georgia last night, the former president once again claimed that E. Jean Carroll had falsely accused him of raping her.
20-year Trump employee speaks!

A longtime Mar-a-Lago employee who is a central witness in the investigation into former President Donald Trump’s handling of classified documents is now speaking publicly because he believes that voters should hear the truth about his former boss and the case before the November election.​
Brian Butler, who is referenced as “Trump Employee 5” in the classified documents indictment brought by special counsel Jack Smith, told CNN in an exclusive interview that he doesn’t believe the criminal case against Trump is a “witch hunt,” as the former president has claimed.​
Butler gave testimony to federal investigators that informed crucial portions of last year’s criminal obstruction charges against Trump and his two co-defendants, Walt Nauta, a personal aide to Trump, and Carlos De Oliveira, a property manager at Mar-a-Lago who had been Butler’s closest friend until recently.​
(click link above for video interview)​
Also the Donald's asking for a postponement on the Stormy Daniels case. :shake:
Also the Donald's asking for a postponement on the Stormy Daniels case. :shake:
That's so not fair and I'll feel like totally robbed if it's postponed.

I want it to be like a good remake of Conspiracy: The Trial of the Chicago 8, not that 2020 crap.
I want Trump duct taped to a chair and gagged because he keeps shouting about Persians.
I want Alex Jones goosestepping along an attorney's bench giving Nazi salutes to the judge.
I want Kanye shouting "Moloch! Moloch!" from the witness stand.
I only know of one case where a defendant was bound and gagged in a court room.
If you know of any more I'd love to hear about them.
Hah, I didn't realise that was the condition here. Genuinely! Plenty of ways to keep someone in solitude (in the original context).
In Georgia, the Bald Judge split the baby, ruling that Fani must throw her lover under the bus in order to continue her involvement in the case against the alleged criminal enterprise. Or she herself must step aside, perhaps with the rest of her office.

Well, she may retain the memories, of the way they were.

Light the corners of my mind
Misty watercolor memories
Of the way we were

Scattered pictures
Of the smiles we left behind
Smiles we gave to one another
For the way we were

Can it be that it was all so simple then?
Or has time re-written every line?
If we had the chance to do it all again
Tell me, would we?
Could we?
It was a good decision by the judge.
Politico's front page has some cheery headlines today.

Trump says country faces ‘bloodbath’ if Biden wins in November

‘A lot of bad blood’: Donald Trump still isn’t reaching out to Nikki Haley

Bloodbath at RNC: Trump team slashes staff at committee

Weather fine, outlook sanguine.

Late edit: Politico doubles down...
Reaction to Trump's speech: When is ‘a bloodbath’ not a bloodbath?
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Remember during Covid, when President Trump told reporters at a press conference, that people could try drinking or injecting themselves with cleaning detergent?

After being ridiculed worldwide afterwards, Trump told a reporter that he had just been sarcastic and he looked that reporter straight in the eyes during the press conference, to suggest sarcasm. The reporter then responded to Trump 'I wasn't there.' :lol:
Typical GOP and Trump projection.
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