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[RD] LGBTQ news

Smokable ketamine. And they want us to think trans people are destroying society. Guys it’s the ketamine smokestacks. You’re doping the planet, brah.
I heard Musk injected three whole majuranas on the Joe Rogan Podcast as well. smh.

As others have pointed out however, many won’t have the resources or legal backing that she has and will likely self censor in future, creating a narrower discourse. And narrow discourse leads to stagnation and lack of ideas. A sad fate for the country that led the enlightenment.
You know if the Scottish law prevented people from causing anti-trans pogroms then that would be a jolly good thing. I would applaud Holyrood for that.

Rhetoric like Rowling’s leads directly to violence against trans people! A civilised country should not be considering such ideas such as “How should we deal with the transgender question?” But has been demonstrated repeatedly throughout this moral panic, the British aren’t civilised.
I was not singling out any particular forum user, as I am sure that would be frowned upon by certain unmentionables. I was just pointing out a tendency.

Fair enough, I've even heard tales of Canadian right-wingers invoking the 1st Amendment...but that's a story for another thread
Fair enough, I've even heard tales of Canadian right-wingers invoking the 1st Amendment...but that's a story for another thread
The right to recognize Manitoba as a province shall not be infringed.
The right to recognize Manitoba as a province shall not be infringed.
You'll take the right for Senators to begin sitting on the 1st of July from my cold, dead hands.
you are a whirling dervish
Please do not malign those wonderful twirling dancers by associating them any hate groups. :(
I mean she was rich before she sold a single book. She would be suing people over “Harry pothead” even in a reality where nobody cared.

She was? Like, she's certainly rich now and certainly sucks now, but to the best of my knowledge she came from a pretty ordinary middle-class family and was, a couple of years before publishing the first book, pretty broke and on welfare.

She'd probably still be suing people and saying stupid things on twitter if she was a nobody with no money, that I agree with
She was? Like, she's certainly rich now and certainly sucks now, but to the best of my knowledge she came from a pretty ordinary middle-class family and was, a couple of years before publishing the first book, pretty broke and on welfare.

She'd probably still be suing people and saying stupid things on twitter if she was a nobody with no money, that I agree with
Its an exaggeration.

Like she wasn’t rich rich but the more fantastic ideas of her success being a rags to riches tale are more than a bit overblown.
She was? Like, she's certainly rich now and certainly sucks now, but to the best of my knowledge she came from a pretty ordinary middle-class family and was, a couple of years before publishing the first book, pretty broke and on welfare.

She'd probably still be suing people and saying stupid things on twitter if she was a nobody with no money, that I agree with
Its an exaggeration.

Like she wasn’t rich rich but the more fantastic ideas of her success being a rags to riches tale are more than a bit overblown.
Let’s be clear: it’s not an exaggeration. Maybe less than 1% of all humans alive today could probably have the opportunities she had. That is about 70 million people granted but they call it the 1% for a reason.

This policy is genocidal on its face.
The article says that the Tennessee law conflicts with federal law... so we are headed for a Constitutional challenge... which means it ends up before SCOTUS... which I'm guessing is the real ultimate point. They want SCOTUS to Constitutionalize the placement of LGBTQ kids in homes where they can be coercively converted to straight... or at least into claiming that they're straight and feeling ashamed of being LGBTQ... in other words... back in the closet where they belong.
How do you know that?
edit: I mean how do you know that because foster parents disagree with some government policy, their child will more than likely be abused?
It's not about disagreeing with a government policy. From the article @Lexicus posted:
The Hill said:
Tennessee passed a bill Monday that will allow potential parents who hold anti-LGBTQ beliefs to adopt and foster LGBTQ children.

But to answer your question:
Pediatrics said:
Results: Higher rates of family rejection were significantly associated with poorer health outcomes. On the basis of odds ratios, lesbian, gay, and bisexual young adults who reported higher levels of family rejection during adolescence were 8.4 times more likely to report having attempted suicide, 5.9 times more likely to report high levels of depression, 3.4 times more likely to use illegal drugs, and 3.4 times more likely to report having engaged in unprotected sexual intercourse compared with peers from families that reported no or low levels of family rejection. Latino men reported the highest number of negative family reactions to their sexual orientation in adolescence.

EDIT: And Tennessee may be creating a compounding problem, as LGBTQ children are more likely to be in foster care in the first place (in Los Angeles, anyway).

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How do you know that?
edit: I mean how do you know that because foster parents disagree with some government policy, their child will more than likely be abused?
How do you know someone can’t foster a kid just because they disagreed with the government on what appropriate ways of touching kids were?
It's not about disagreeing with a government policy.
1) It is precisely about that. The summary of the bill [which is linked to in the news] says that it will prohibit "Requiring a current or prospective adoptive or foster parent ("parent") to affirm, accept, or support any government policy regarding sexual orientation or gender identity that conflicts with the parent's sincerely held religious or moral beliefs;" That is, in addition to what you just said. I really don't know what to to make of this than, otherwise, it would have been possible to deny adoption based on someone's political stance on an issue. (I don't know whether that has ever really happened; it's just a hypothetical)

2) I don't know what point you're trying to make with that study. I imagine that saying a child's lifestyle isn't worthy (or what have you) will indeed hurt their development; however I don't see how that exactly translates from a foster parent disagreeing with the outlooks of the larger LGBTQ community or organizations as a whole. Does one need to always be imposing such outlooks onto a child? Is this some inevitability? I think people are reading into this what they want to see.
2) I don't know what point you're trying to make with that study. I imagine that saying a child's lifestyle isn't worthy (or what have you) will indeed hurt their development; however I don't see how that exactly translates from a foster parent disagreeing with the outlooks of the larger LGBTQ community or organizations as a whole. Does one need to always be imposing such outlooks onto a child? Is this some inevitability? I think people are reading into this what they want to see.
I'm guessing your reframing of bigotry as "disagreeing with the outlook of the larger LGBTQ community" has something to do with whatever you think this argument is.
Let’s be clear: it’s not an exaggeration. Maybe less than 1% of all humans alive today could probably have the opportunities she had. That is about 70 million people granted but they call it the 1% for a reason.
Sorry I realise my post was unclear - I mean the sob story about JK Rowling being a single mother who was on welfare and lived in a paper bag in the middle of the road was an exaggeration.

You are entirely correct, she was in a privileged middle class European background which is likely in the top 1% globally.

How do you know that?
edit: I mean how do you know that because foster parents disagree with some government policy, their child will more than likely be abused?
How could anti-LGBT foster parents be more likely to abuse LGBT foster children? That's a real headscratcher.
Such bravery, so strong


1) It is precisely about that. The summary of the bill [which is linked to in the news] says that it will prohibit "Requiring a current or prospective adoptive or foster parent ("parent") to affirm, accept, or support any government policy regarding sexual orientation or gender identity that conflicts with the parent's sincerely held religious or moral beliefs;" That is, in addition to what you just said. I really don't know what to to make of this than, otherwise, it would have been possible to deny adoption based on someone's political stance on an issue. (I don't know whether that has ever really happened; it's just a hypothetical)

2) I don't know what point you're trying to make with that study. I imagine that saying a child's lifestyle isn't worthy (or what have you) will indeed hurt their development; however I don't see how that exactly translates from a foster parent disagreeing with the outlooks of the larger LGBTQ community or organizations as a whole. Does one need to always be imposing such outlooks onto a child? Is this some inevitability? I think people are reading into this what they want to see.

You shouldn't be posting itt if you can't get to grips with why parents with homophobic ot transphobic views shouldn't be allowed to adopt gay or trans kids

Just leave us and lgbtq kids alone
How do you know that?
edit: I mean how do you know that because foster parents disagree with some government policy, their child will more than likely be abused?

Let's try this analogy. Parents believe right-handedness is a biblical imperative. Government policy mandates equal treatment of handedness under the law. Parents fundamentally object to government policy. Foster child is left-handed. Parents adopt that foster child.
You think that child isn't more likely to get rapped on their left hand with a ruler till they knuckle under?

I know younger transgender folk who have been disowned and kicked out of their house when they came out to their parents. Insofar as I'm fairly sure no trans parents have ever kicked their cis children out for being cis, it means it's pretty clear that trans kids are more likely to be abused by their parents, and parents that explicitly disagree with government policies regarding LGBTQ+ equality raise that likelihood a fair bit more.
How do you know someone can’t foster a kid just because they disagreed with the government on what appropriate ways of touching kids were?
The actual policy of West Germany was that pedophiles were the best suited to take care of fostered children. Chilling.
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