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Why doesn't AI build new cities? Turn 120 only 1 AI built 2nd city, all the others only have a capital
This is a good question and I am looking to give an answer on v0.5...
I think the push the AI gives to settle new cities depends on different factors (of course also map size and speed) but what I am doing right now is to review them and relax the constrain a little bit for the first 3 cities, when there should be a first moment to rush to settle the initial cities and space.

AI waits to have 5 + (5 * number of cities) gold per turn which slow down settling waiting for the gold. I have removed it for the first 3 cities.

I have also prioritize building of troops to fill the stack escorting the settler as sometimes cities where producing otger things with the settler waiting in capital beflre moving

I have also increased the number of units to escort the settler as in one play the AI was not managing to reach the desired spot due to a goblin fort....

Also,in some map ( found in Hub) with water, the desired spot appears to be on the oher side of the sea, which meant 30 turns and a huge stack to reach the plot. I habe added a limit to 10 turns to reach it so AI should found sooner.

With the test play I am doing all AI has bern able to found at least 2 cities in the first 100 turns.
The AI is weak. Yet I play on maximum difficulty with quick speed, classical start and aggressive AI. I wish the AI was more efficient.
I have added a lock also on global spell, but to allow founding cities, getting equipment and exploring dungeon it is very tricky: the way Arcane Lacuna works is to fool that a unit already cast a spell the same turn so that other options are forbidden. To simply remove it means that afterwards each unit will be allowed 2 actions per turn: cast a spell, explore a dungeon for example.
To permanently fix it I believe it means to completely rewrite how Arcane Lacuna works and it will be a little too much for me... Thus it will remains like that: a little too overpowered but maybe not so game changing... (Unless someone else does not want to step in with another proposition)

In the latest 0.4 version, the Arcana Lacuna world spell of Amurites still blocks non-arcane activities, such as founding a new city by settler, or founding religious temple by priest, etc.

Once the Arcana Lacuna was cast, unit would gain a promotion named "Arcana Lacuna". It says
  • 5% chance of wearing off each turn
  • Unit can not cast spell
As I understood, it is this promotion blocks action of units. Because, during the Arcana Lacuna world spell, when this promotion actually wears off from a unit, spell casting of this unit is no longer blocked.

So, is it possible to make Arcana Lacuna promotion be block by unit that cannot gain Channeling promotion? or make Channeling a requirement to gain this Arcana Lacuna?
Hi lh_kkking
Yes your understanding is correct. The proposal seems interesting, but I can see two problem in it:
  1. There are some unit that can cast spell and does not have Channeling promotion, or more in general each unit (e.g. settler) can cast the civ world spell
  2. Unit that has Channeling promotion will have blocked also other ability (like founding religious temple) as the Arcane Lacuna promotion works in the sense that it mark the unit as it already 'cast' something
Given the way Arcane Lacuna is currently implemented, I would consider it a sort of global stasis on all the abilities for each unit...
Hi lh_kkking
Yes your understanding is correct. The proposal seems interesting, but I can see two problem in it:
  1. There are some unit that can cast spell and does not have Channeling promotion, or more in general each unit (e.g. settler) can cast the civ world spell
  2. Unit that has Channeling promotion will have blocked also other ability (like founding religious temple) as the Arcane Lacuna promotion works in the sense that it mark the unit as it already 'cast' something
Given the way Arcane Lacuna is currently implemented, I would consider it a sort of global stasis on all the abilities for each unit...
Thank you for the reply.

How about achieve non-spell-casting this way. Since Mana is required to cast spell, and while Arcana Lacuna is active Mana is wasted anyway, how about set Mana of all players other than Amurites to 0 during Arcana Lacuna. The actions that do not require Mana will not be blocked by this world spell, while spell will not be casted due to lack of resources.
I see problem as well:
- some magical abilities does not require mana (amurites scout teleport back to capital)
- complexity in having to restore the mana back once arcane lacuna is ended
- same thing for faith

In other words, I understand the issue of the current implementation of Arcane Lacuna, but to have it done right it require a considerate programming effort that I am not willing to take, and I prefer to consider it a global stasis.
'Charmed' effect disappears too easily and quickly. It seldom lasts till the enemy's turn so the caster is attacked almost always right after successful casting. I guess something is wrong about it's wearing-off process...
Hi Felis
I can have a look, did not noticed this, maybe could be due to some magic resistance?
Would it be possible to attach a save so that I can quickly crosscheck and debug the reported issue?

I just built some succubus units adjacent to Barbarian units via Worldbuilder and tested. Well, sometimes the effect lasted until the next turn and sometimes not. My point was that the effect should last at least one turn to be reliable. Now I guess maybe it was originally implemented that way because the spell affects ALL the enemies on a tile so some of them can restore attack ability quickly while the others not. Thank you for answer. Sorry for bothering...but here's a bigger issue.

Arcane Lacuna: now global enchantment/summon/miracle/terraforming are blocked as well.
It seems that they are not blocked correctly. Savefile attached. Summons can be summoned, miracle can be casted and GE(Elegy of Sheaim) also can be casted. They all look in red letters in Magic screen but can be performed if clicked.


  • stone AD-0158.CivBeyondSwordSave
    402.5 KB · Views: 5
Hi Felis
Set a Succubus near a Goblin fort and Seduced all 3 of them. Next turn all 3 still were charmed, turn afterwards 2 were charmed turn later... Succubus died :lol: I guess it is due to the '50% wearing off each turn'. Yes it affect all the stack thus this is why it is so easy to wear off immediately.
About the GE/Miracle/Summon beeing blocked... I guess I did the work only for Terraforming... Will correct that (and I have to remember how I did it :cringe:)
Thanks for the savegame.. it gives (with v0.4) the error "Failed to load Python module Erebus_mst" Which is strange.. And I cannot find Erebus_mst anywhere in the code!
Hi, dear devs! =)

Question/request. Would you please revise/update the mapscripts to assure all of them place the special map features, incl. wonders and quite abundant number of dungeons. I understand that is a whole volume of a task by itself... But might be so good to make the maps interesting and astonishing to explore again. I miss times to find abundant events by exploring... Like freeing an angel from a dungeon, etc. Please. Thanks!
Hello Spyfanatic!
Following quote is from MNAI forum. Any chance of borrowing these features for MoM? Just asking ;)
there are now two ways the problem that too many units on a tile make the tooltip unreadable: First, there is a BUG option to control the number of units that are shown with some more details (all other units are collapsed at the bottom of the tooltip). Second, when hovering over a (non-selected) stack of units, it is now possible to make the "top" unit cycle through the stack. The top unit is the one that is shown on the map and that is first and in full detail in the tooltip. Cycle forwards with either "-" or "Ctrl+Space", and cycle backwards with "Ctrl+Shift+Space". These settings should make it possible to see the details of arbitrary units.

Edit : link URL fixed
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Hello. I noticed that when I built the gates of angels, the race did not receive bonuses to units from technology (+ to strength), which is why they are unplayable, since they lag very far behind in power.
Hello. I noticed that when I built the gates of angels, the race did not receive bonuses to units from technology (+ to strength), which is why they are unplayable, since they lag very far behind in power.
What is the gates of angels? Cant find it in Civilopedia Index...
Hello. I noticed that when I built the gates of angels, the race did not receive bonuses to units from technology (+ to strength), which is why they are unplayable, since they lag very far behind in power.
Got where the error is... When transfering all know tech to the new spawn player (infernal, mercurian, frozen) it miss all the processTech which are modifying the player state, like +2 but I suspect also others...
I am now trying to add all of those in a CvPlayer::processTech that can thus be called separately...
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