• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

What would Mohammed drive?

Wives box with intercom to male driver that only the driver can switch on and off and dark glass windows so that the wives can not be seen.
How about adding a foreskin detector and alarm to that Muslim car? This would open up the Jewish market too. :)

What would Jesus drive?

Why, a hovercraft of course.
*watches the tumbleweed roll by in the desert wind, as a lone church bell rings out ominously and repeatedly over the harsh, desolate landscape*
Jesus would be drivin' a pimped out eighteen wheeler with built in a hydraulics system and an expensive stereo system. All of which would be built in America to help support the American economy. Duh.

That, or a space rocket run solely on electricity.

Sadly, I do believe my above statement is about as ridiculous as asking what Mohammed would drive.
How about adding a foreskin detector and alarm to that Muslim car? This would open up the Jewish market too. :)

What would Jesus drive?

Why, a hovercraft of course.

lol, you win!

the muslim car also needs a wudhu (ablution) station that doubles as an automatic tea maker and the 'new car smell' should smell like biryani. mmmm, lamb biryani. a 'dummy' light would be useful to indicate that it is time to pray, and maybe a minaret as a hood ornament that lights up when the driver is fasting to signal a warning to other motorists.
Don't forget built-in automatic drive for those crucial prayer moments when driving on the highway while going eighty miles per hour.
*watches the tumbleweed roll by in the desert wind, as a lone church bell rings out ominously and repeatedly over the harsh, desolate landscape*
*Blazes through the desert in his convertible*

"Viva Las Vegas, baby!"
God, I missed this part:

The firm has been in talks recently with VW about a takeover by the German car giant.

How well will they be able to sell this thing if they became a VW company? Could they pull it off?
Does it have a picture of Mohammed as its logo?
I thought at the very least they would have to be blessed by an Imam or something before they rolled off the assembly line...hmmm...maybe we could set up a rival Muslim Car Co witht eh claim of being 50% more holy than the Proton model... ;)
A committee could be created to guarantee the holiness of each car.
unless you are actually trying to drive to Mecca.

i guess just following the traffic signs would be a lot easier than using a compass :)

He's being insensitive, disrespectful and abusive. Not to mention very unfunny.

no problem with insensitive and disrespectful, but that was indeed not funny at all at the same time what makes being disrespectful and insenisitive kinda pointless...
A car for Muslims? Do these car designers just sit in a room all day with the sole job of coming up with crazy ideas?
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