Is the Land Before Time bolshevik propaganda?

The author of the OP's article was absolutely correct. This was a huge wake-up-call for me; I have now undertaken as my life's mission to make a film starring adorable dinosaurs that espouses the true American values like individualism and capitalism. I can just see it now: a cold-blooded, kid-friendly Atlas Shrugged. Who's with me?

Hey good idea! Though kids already embrace those ideas I think. Online games like Runescape are pretty popular with kids - games which encourage the user to train themselves in order to be able to make virtual money. A few even make a virtual living by buying and selling virtual goods. Funny isn't it... even in imaginary worlds, most people still prefer capitalism...
Online games like Runescape are pretty popular with kids - games which encourage the user to train themselves in order to be able to make virtual money. A few even make a virtual living by buying and selling virtual goods. Funny isn't it... even in imaginary worlds, most people still prefer capitalism...
There is huge cheating in MMOs when it comes with real money stuff. It inherently prevents the idea of equality of opportunity.

Though in reality, MMOs are a nice experiment in capitalism for various reasons; there's serious studies on the matter.
Bill, care to expand on the studies?
There is huge cheating in MMOs when it comes with real money stuff. It inherently prevents the idea of equality of opportunity.

Though in reality, MMOs are a nice experiment in capitalism for various reasons; there's serious studies on the matter.

I wonder if someone will try running a Communist MMO, as some kind of experiment.

You could rig it so characters have a hunger bar. It drops during play time (not real time), and food restores X% of it. At 0% they don't die, but they can't gain experience, and they can only take actions necessary for survival.

Instead of banking items, they would go into a communal pool, and anyone could take them out and use them. I suppose you could have foraging, hunting, and farming skills, with farming producing the most efficient food, but requiring more advanced tools. So someone has to mine the materials, construct the tools, etc.

It would be interesting to see how long the game could be kept running without crashing (though it might take some time to get up and running in the frist place), and what the devs would do about accounts that log on to take form the communal pool, but not bother producing anything.

I might even be prepared to try it out, since I like simulations.
Commie media presented LOTR as Capitalist propaganda in the Eastern bloc.

Western reactionaries:

Elves - aristocracy
Hobbits - landowners
Men - bourgeoisie

...fighting against progressive socialist country of Mordor (situated in the East), which only wishes to build up heavy industry in peace :lol: :lol:

Come on, you can find propaganda in almost any story, if you try. That doesn't mean the story is meant to be interpreted this way.
I'd like to see Littlefoot's face on one of those old Soviet flags, right beside Lenin.

Come on. Even if it was, somehow, communist, how would any normal person decipher this? It's a kids story.
Why only one review? What about the other dangerously collectivist propaganda in our children's entertainment? We need a blacklist for kids.

What we need is a review system for capitalist, just like the Maoists and Christians. Except, you know, actually correct and not delusional and paranoid.
Ok... I thought I could do this purely because no one else has... I'm not even sure where to begin with this one...

To begin, the entire idea is based on an assumption (and you know what they say about that word). It's completely illogical to base an entire argument on something that you, without any prior solid information and proof, believe and assume is true. Assuming that capitalists are the carnivors and the communists are the herbivores is like saying that the sword in some sandwiches is to represent the victory accomplished that allowed you to buy said food and the umbrella in a drink is symbolic of the comfort that comes with being drunk (though this could very well be true for some people).

The next issue would be the context with Lenin's brother's death. According to his previous deduction, if his brother was killed by a capitalist, what he says is true. However, Lenin's brother would have been killed by Nicolas II. I'm not sure if this person understands politics or not but following a totalitarian rule is not the same thing as living in a capitalist world. Paying attention in history class will help ya there!

The Great Valley does in fact relate to an ideal. But so does almost every social convention in history. There have always been dreams of being able to reach a Utopian society. A world with no fear, hunger, or suffering? Isn't that a goal of capitalism itself? The "American dream" so to speak? Isn't that what Heaven is supposed to be?

This is followed by confirmation bias to an extreme! Look out! He's got a beard!! I didn't know that being old meant you were Karl Marx. Dang, there go my impressions of Dumbledoor or Santa Clause!

Ok, I admit, relating Sarah to the Menshevik party was creative. I just didn't know that she could ever eat meat! If she shares some of the capitalist qualities, wouldn't that make her an omnivore? Dang! There's a scary thought! Who'd wanna be eaten by a triceratops!?

Wait a minute! Ducky represents propaganda!? Where'd you hide your posters? And Pitri... poor Pitri... Apparently you're needed to "mold the masses"... I thought getting Spikes help was all Littlefoot's job.

And more confirmation bias, where is this person's proof that the size of the dinosaur represents the size of the populous that applies? And, even taking it as true, if this entire piece is written to boost communism, why make such tiny heros? And aren't we missing Chomper?? Where'd he go~!!

My last point from the piece would be if "they defeat the last carnivor" then in the next movie how is "capitalism a menace"? Aren't they all dead?

Finally, it was said already but I agree. Which side is he arguing? He starts by saying that Don Bluth is saying this, however, after a few paragraphs the writer forgets to mention this again (thus tying his thesis) and gets lost in his own word choice. By the end, this piece becomes like Stalin's history books. Is this person a capitalist or a communist?

Not that it matters though. In this day and age, do people really still fear an idea?
Who the heck necroed this?!

Oh, it was ONIFRIUS who brought back a thread that died 3 years ago

The Land Before Time is a great American classic.
This is stupid. We all know it's about desegregation.
And the T-rex is about T-Rex's being awesome.
good refresher on the land of time plot.
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