FfH2 0.30 Bug Thread

I just got an Obelisk event that allowed me to chose between +3 food, +1 health, and some other stuff I can't remember right now.

I realized that the values are probably transposed, since +1 health is nothing other than +1 food if you have unhealthiness. Given the choice +3 food, or even +1 food, is always better than +1 health.
Dedicate obelisk event does not allow Illians to choose Illians only option. Thought you should know.
I seem to remember this being mentioned several pages back, which means it must not have been resolved in any patches up to now. Using patch K, I just switched to Infernals. It was rather late in the game (313), so there was very little space left on the globe (huge) that wasn't already within somebody's borders. Anyway, the AV holy city, naturally, converted to Infernals, but ALL of my units appeared in an unoccupied or barbarian space halfway across the globe.
View attachment Jayce AD-0313.CivBeyondSwordSave
This is repeatable, although there were some other strange variations. But let's start with what's repeatable.

Edit: I think I've figured it out. This was my first time taking the Infernals. I suppose Hyborem always starts in neutral territory which in this case, because it was late in the game, was not near the civ which founded it (Kuriotate). I assume it is also automatic that the first thing Hyborem does when entering the game is use his world spell which takes over "an AV city". (I don't know if it's always the AV holy city. I'm going to assume it could be any AV city anywhere in the world.) I'm guessing there is no relation between where Hyborem (or whoever casts it) is and AV city acquired by the spell. If any of my suppositions, assuptions and/or guesses are wrong, then there may be a bug, otherwise - case closed.
I've been trying to figure out if this is a known bug, but while I've found references to Pyre Zombie issues, everything I see seems to be from before 0.23c .

So, I have patch k, and am playing as the Sheiam. Play Now w/ Normal world size, epic speed, Noble level, defaulted random civs, Shuffle map type, random for the other options.

I make Pyre zombies (also, don't have access to axemen, though I THINK that might be because I haven't reached the proper tech requirements?), but as far as I can tell, they simply act strictly as a 3+1 unit. While they graphically explode on death, they do not damage units in either the tile they are attacking OR attacking from, nor do they damage units in the tile they are defending. They do not damage structures, improvements, nor reduce city defenses.

Which is quite unfortunate, as I am at war with a civilization that I've pushed back to a single city fortified with a TON of archers and warriors, but I can't crack through it because the city has good defenses, surrounded by a river, and I can't get enough units to damage ALL of the defending units to start actually killing any. I'm trying to starve them out, but no matter what I do to stifle the city, it doesn't change the pile of units in it, though the city itself is now low pop and mostly unproductive beyond sea squares that I have no way of blocking yet.

If only those pyre zombies worked, it would be possible to break in.. instead, I have to twiddle my thumbs racking up war costs w/ an enemy that rightfully should be crushed under my heal! Heck, I even burned the forest to the ground! I can't make their life much worse, but can't get the darn thorn out of my side...
I make Pyre zombies (also, don't have access to axemen, though I THINK that might be because I haven't reached the proper tech requirements?)

Pyre Zombies replace Axemen for the Sheaim (also thanks to the Planar Gate units, they do not have any melee units beyond Pyre Zombies).
While playing my last game (huge map, standard civs, marathon speed) as the Lanun the AC jumped in 1 turn from 40 to 100. Varn was following AV and while myself, dain, alexis and beeri were following OO. I am playing on patch K. Is this is a bug or a world spell that I haven't come across? If someone tells me how, maybe I can post my saved game.
Also: Is the diseased corpse disease working in patch k? Does it just have a chance of spreading, or is it supposed to be definite?

I've had a number of them attack and be attacked, both stacks in cities and in the world (friendly and enemy territory), and they've both won against one element of a large stack, died attacking a large stack, and been killed by attackers...

but I've never been able to spread their diseased promotion to any enemy units (or friendly, for that matter)... Also, I assume having them in a stack will lower the entire stacks' healing?
I don't know if this counts as a bug but it is definitely an exploit. The way buying slaves works now is broken. I was able to rush the Bazaar of Mammon for just over 2200gp but by purchasing slaves I was able to finish it in one turn for a mere 300gp worth of slaves. Unless it's meant to be this way slaves should cost a bit more.
Also the Council of Esus resolution to make gambling houses cheaper doesn't seem to work. I'm not sure about the other effects but the build time is not reduced by 75%.
Also: Is the diseased corpse disease working in patch k? Does it just have a chance of spreading, or is it supposed to be definite?

I've had a number of them attack and be attacked, both stacks in cities and in the world (friendly and enemy territory), and they've both won against one element of a large stack, died attacking a large stack, and been killed by attackers...

but I've never been able to spread their diseased promotion to any enemy units (or friendly, for that matter)... Also, I assume having them in a stack will lower the entire stacks' healing?

I think I mentioned it in this or another thread that I had a serious problem when half my army or more got diseased while combating the Svartalfar's many Diseased Corpses. I was playing one of Vehem's new civs, the Duval, who didn't have a unit that could Cure Disease. I had to revert to ROK so I could build Arthendain to get the disease away from my guys.

So, yes, those Corpses seem to spread disease fairly easily in battle.
Also: Is the diseased corpse disease working in patch k? Does it just have a chance of spreading, or is it supposed to be definite?

I've had a number of them attack and be attacked, both stacks in cities and in the world (friendly and enemy territory), and they've both won against one element of a large stack, died attacking a large stack, and been killed by attackers...

but I've never been able to spread their diseased promotion to any enemy units (or friendly, for that matter)... Also, I assume having them in a stack will lower the entire stacks' healing?

I can confirm they have a pretty high rate of spreading their disease, as well. I had to convert to RoK for the Stonewardens as more than half of my army had the disease. Are you sure you checked every single enemy unit in that city? Or you might have been just really unlucky.
My supposed bug list, v 0.30h - please confirm or infirm:

Mercs from the Guild of Nine don't have the Hidden promotion.
Nightwatch does not benefit from roads in neutral territory (bug or wad?)
Bambur can't repair the Trojan Horse
The Trohan Horse can be healed by Sirona's touch (bug or wad?)
Trojan Horse don't heal naturally
Forts seems to not give any bonus (v030h)

AI build stacks of 15 Disciple of the Leave.
Playing with patch k. I have stonewardens and confessors (I changed religion a couple of times), who start with Life I, but can't cast Sanctify for some reason. The spell doesn't even show up as an option. They can cast their other spells. Anybody else experiencing this? Or might there be some restrictions on who can cast it and when?
I'm curious and wasn't sure where else to post this - should Pirates Coves be able to create fresh water lakes? As it stands, creating them on the inside edge where two shores meet at an 'L' creates a point that ships cannot enter, that it considered a fresh water lake and had all the usual effects of the Cove.

Furthermore, if a Pirate Cove is pillaged away to nothing, I'm going to assume it cannot be rebuilt (as there's no land for the worker to actually build it on). Is there nothing to alter this? Can't the Pirate Cove be pillaged to an unprofitable but un-pilligable improvement that can 'regrow' when the threat to it has been removed?
Can only cast it whiel on a city ruins tile, or near/on hell terrain.

I should have specified in my post that I wanted to cast it on hell terrain. The point I was trying to make was that Sanctify was not greyed out, it just didn't show up at all as an option. Any ideas?
I should have specified in my post that I wanted to cast it on hell terrain. The point I was trying to make was that Sanctify was not greyed out, it just didn't show up at all as an option. Any ideas?

Sanctify requires both Life 1 and channeling 1; no priest starts with channeling 1. Priests with level 1 sphere spells just have so they can get the next level of the sphere. (Of course, Dwarven Stonewardens can still benefit from enchentment 1, because one of its spels, repair, requires dwarven instead of channeling 1)
MagisterCultuum said:
Sanctify requires both Life 1 and channeling 1; no priest starts with channeling 1. Priests with level 1 sphere spells just have so they can get the next level of the sphere.

Thanks, that explains it.
Incomplete sanctuary.

I was playing the Luichurp. I attacked the Elohim, who cast their world spell, causing most of my units to be transported out of their area.

There are units still inside their borders. The ones in the border can move out, but the ones deeper in can't move anywhere.

One of my attacking stacks was split so that part of it was thrown out and the rest remained.

View attachment Imperfect_sanctuary.CivBeyondSwordSave
Dwarven cannons are still affected by fear. Attached is a save with a cannon that can attack Acheron and runs away in fear.


  • Ken AD-0390.CivBeyondSwordSave
    424.8 KB · Views: 59
Obsidian plains, sheut stones and volcanoes don't seem to appear correctly, and the python code for burning sands does not care if there is an obsidian plains there.
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