[MOD] Genetic Era for Warlords

are you guys working on BTS version? I'm really missing Distribution Network national wonder and the wonder +1 food on water from Economy tech.
my advice: take away event module, don't try to release one big final version, just make it stable and multiplayer-able :)
hmm... I'm started to moving some stuff to bts from this. I don't want to rival with your mod but I'm really missing some stuff. I'm still learning, my first step was succesfully move 2 wonders from GE to my mod :) next step will be to give custom bonuses such Tuna, Heavy Water.
Hey guys... its been a while. I have been totally sucked into World of Warcraft... If you want to keep a half way normal life... DON'T play that game LOL. I put it off a year but I let a few family members talk me into it and now I can't pull myself away. I've got my first character almost to level 70 (maxed out) so maybe I can stay away easier in the near future.

Conversion to BtS is a very big project like I said before and I don't know if I will make it through on my own but if I have a few people willing to help and stick it through, I may try this summer (if my possible big move to another state does not interfere).

Absolute must have tools for helping with conversion:

A text/xml editor*
A file comparer*
Visual Studio would be a plus.

* If these two tools are integrated... it is a big plus. If you are interested in these kind of tools over all, I recommend UltraEdit and UltraCompare (they can be bought as a package) because they are integrated and you can use one from the other.
hmm... I'm started to moving some stuff to bts from this. I don't want to rival with your mod but I'm really missing some stuff. I'm still learning, my first step was succesfully move 2 wonders from GE to my mod :) next step will be to give custom bonuses such Tuna, Heavy Water.

It's no problem.
primem0ver: oki nice to know what happened. You want to merge it with the NextWar or have another future bransh?
primem0ver: oki nice to know what happened. You want to merge it with the NextWar or have another future bransh?

I have not looked into nextwar... so I'm not sure. You mean future branch? The one thing I would really miss in CivIV if I were to play BtS is the ability to settle the bottom of the ocean... so that would be the primary goal of merging (although I really would like to include all...)

There are two big problems. The task of merging source code is huge, even without the events engine I created.

Second, the events engine I created is completely different from the event engine included with BtS. So merging those will be another monstrous task.
I'm going to learn a xml generating in C#. Maybe after some time I will be able to create application which can edit and update to bts whole xml files.
I already update 3 building manually and It's lots of work with it :/
Elucidus said:
Do you have the changes to the source code available? Whether marked or separated. There are probably enough of us to help with this to make it much easier.

Yea... most of it (the source code) is marked. Actually its all marked but some of it is more obvious than others. Most of it is VERY obvious. There are a few places where the mark is a little more subtle though.

And yes... I am very willing to do this if I get some help. After all, I really enjoyed the mod too and wouldn't really like the game nearly as much without it (because I am still stuck on the CTP idea of settling the sea floor...lol... I love that feature). So if there are enough volunteers, I will start dividing up the files between helpers.

Please note that I have to be very time minded though because I probably wont have a lot of it over the next two months.

As far as manually editing XML files... its a LOT easier if you have a file comparing tool like I mentioned above (though with some files, it won't help much).
Next War has a Battlemech, a Giant Tank, Cyborgs, Clone Workers, Forcefields around cities, and thats about it. But if you do transfer this over to BTS it would be cool if you borrowed Next War's stuff.

Actually... that sounds pretty cool and may be worth adding but first I would like to update what we have already.
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