
I'm trying to convert the Configuration PDF into HTML, but I'm lossing images. i've also tried converting to DOC then to HTML, but the images won't export to that either. Any suggestions, besides recoding it?
I got the file to convert, but it lost some formating, and the images aren't in quiet the right spot. Anyone want to do the finishing touches on this?;)
Okay, the Help file for both BUG and BAT are now set up for translations. Just translate the HTML contained within the Language directory for your mother tongue. Don't worry about the .wcp file, as that's just a template for when I build it.

I also did some clean up on the docs within the SVN, and the help file is now located in the Extra Stuff directory as well.
I'm trying to convert the Configuration PDF into HTML, but I'm lossing images. i've also tried converting to DOC then to HTML, but the images won't export to that either. Any suggestions, besides recoding it?

Do you want the doc version instead of the pdf one?
Just did an update of my local copy of the SVN. You guys are kicking some arse in the translations! How come this board is based in the US, but there is not one spanish speaking user of our Mod who wants to translate?:p
I suspect the native Spanish speakers that live in the U.S. are not likely to play Civ. We're gonna need someone from Spain or Venezuela to do the translations.
Wow! Awesome job Doc! Now we just need Falc to take a break from FFHBUG and do the French, and we'll be 75% done with that project.

BTW - You guys are going to hate my guts with a passion when you see what I'm working on, and how much fun you'll have translating it.:p
I am a long time veteran of the civ series, right from the hat, that magic little hat of 1991.

To the point: I'm a spanish native speaker who lives in Vancouver. Given my admiration for your work, I am willing to cooperate with your project and the translations.

Just please be patient with my timing. Being an immigrant is not easy lately.

Tell me what to do.


wow.... You have no idea how long I've waited to see this!;) First, I need to know your experience level. Have you ever used SVN or CVS? Second, do you have any xml experience?

If you already know how to use SVN then is the URL you want to use. The Help file is located in the Extra Stuff folder, and already has a spanish directory set up for translations. It's based on HTML. Please leave the formating the same. The in-game text are located under BUG Mod, in the XML directory. There are quiet a few of them.

If you need help setting up SVN, or would like some help with the XML, then just let me, or one of the other translators know, and we'll walk you through it. It's rather simple, once you get the hang of the tags.
No and no.

XML shouldn't be a problem, as long as I don't change any of the code, I should be able to work with it even in Notepad.

I have no idea what SVN is.

So, guide me. I dominate spanish and am very good at english, so the translations won't be a problem (except for "smilies", I have no idea how that word translates to spanish :lol::lol::lol:)

Bay Area... wow! I still remember my love at first sight when I was there in 1998... if I weren't here, I would be there, for sure. Where exactly are you around the Bay?

I lived in Milpitas for two weeks in April of 1998. Wonderful!
I'm living in Concord, but am about to move to Antioch. It's in the East-East Bay. A few of us on the project are from the Bay Area actually.;) And yes, I've travelled alot, and it's probably one of the most beautiful places I've seen. No where else in the world can you go from Ocean, to Rain Forest, to Plains, to Snow, to Desert all in one day. I like Milpitas... I also took a job there when I was younger, but instead took a much higher pay one in Santa Rosa... anyway, enough of me.

XML: Yes, as long as you change just the text, and nothing instead of < >, you will have no problems. The one thing that maybe trick will be things dealing with the Pedia, but I'd leave that for now. I would strongly suggest getting another editor for the xml. Two good freeware editors are Notepad ++, and Cooktop. I prefer Notepad ++, as you won't have to learn how to use the interface like Cooktop. You can get it at SourceForge, or

SVN: (copied from the Latest Version thread.)

alerum68 said:
Project Development Page:

If you'd like to keep updated with the latest changes to the Mods, then use our SVN server. To do this, follow these directions:

1. Create an account on SourceForge. It's free, and there are alot of great projects on there besides ours.
2. Download the latest version of TortoiseSVN from here: Download TortoiseSVN Here
3. After installation, reboot system.
4. Create Directory to place the Mod. I'd suggest a directoy called "The BUG Project".
5. Explorer the directory you just created, and right click on it. Go to the Option that says "SVN Checkout."
6. Use one of the SVN URL's listed below, when prompted. Right click on the URL and select "Copy Link Location," and copy into Tortoise.
7. Enter Username and Password you created on SourceForge.
8. Once the directory has been downloaded, you can keep up to date by using SVN Update on the directory again.
9. To install you just have to use the Export command from within the TortoiseSVN context menu from inside Explorer.
10. To get the latest revision, right click on directory, and pick "SVN Update."

Source Forge SVN Links:

The Complete Project:

The BUG Mod: Mod

The BAT Mod: Mod

It can be a bit tricky to figure out at first, so let me know if you have any questions. Everything will be accessed from your windows Explorer. Once you have some pages translated, let me know and I'll give you commit access, and go over that with you. It sounds like a lot, but once you do it a few times, it'll be a breeze.

BTW - Which spanish speaking country are you native too?
I'm going to commit some changes to the help files tonight. The new Military Advisor one will be coming soon, hopefully, and I don't expect that to be very long, but the PLE one does have a little bit of weight to it. I'll put the new files into the respective language directory. The files that have changed will need to be compared and manual done, but the changes are very minor and should be able to be done within an hour. I don't expect any more translations to be done on BUG, but I will request for translations to be done on the BAT files. I know you don't use it Cam, but I'd really appreciate having them done. They are only files related to BAT in there, so you won't be having to do duplicate work. Thank you guys! With your help we've made this the most international mod out there, in all respects!:)
I'm going to commit some changes to the help files tonight. The new Military Advisor one will be coming soon, hopefully, and I don't expect that to be very long, but the PLE one does have a little bit of weight to it. I'll put the new files into the respective language directory. The files that have changed will need to be compared and manual done, but the changes are very minor and should be able to be done within an hour.


Other things to add are the GGBar.html file (for Great General Bar) and the update of Sevopedia.html to include also the Shortcuts and the Strategic Guides sections (you may also remove the version history from that file, as you have done from all the other ones (I already did in the Italian version)).

I don't expect any more translations to be done on BUG, but I will request for translations to be done on the BAT files. I know you don't use it Cam, but I'd really appreciate having them done. They are only files related to BAT in there, so you won't be having to do duplicate work.

I'll do it for sure, but almost for sure not for this release... I have problems even to complete the translation of all the BUG help files in time for the 6, but I hope the weekend will help me.
I added the bit about the shortcuts and strategy guides in things we changed, but not Sevopedia. Will have to remember to add the GGPBar. Thanks for working on BAT.:)
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