Leaders & Legends add-on

I just uploaded a first version of the mod (finally :blush:). It is for LoR 0.9.4b. I will wait for 0.9.6c to update the mod and then hopefully release it as soon as the version comes out. I hope some people might already enjoy playing around with this version and give feedback on balance, bugs, etc.

See first post for download link.
That's a good idea to make, especially for all the add-ons and maps that are being made it would be good to have them somewhere.

I hope I have all the bugs and balance issues worked out. When I have the time I will add the trait combos in the first post for all the included leaders. I was looking at the darkciv mod a few days ago and it has some awesome features. When I have a stable version later on for the new version I think I might actually see if I can add some of that stuff (oppressiveness of a regime, hated civics :))
I just uploaded a first version of the mod (finally :blush:). It is for LoR 0.9.4b. I will wait for 0.9.6c to update the mod and then hopefully release it as soon as the version comes out. I hope some people might already enjoy playing around with this version and give feedback on balance, bugs, etc.

See first post for download link.

Yaay, have downloaded this and though I'm currently in a game as the Japanese, I am pleased to see (from browsing the XML files... :crazyeye:) that you've Taizong (of Tang (Li Shimin) as opposed to Song (Zhao Kuangyi)?) as an additional leader for the Chinese... and that he's not Protective! Not sure how the Strategic thing will work out though... next game, next game. ;)

Also curious about the Seafaring trait. As true seafarers will have a lot of coastal/island cities... what tends to suck within Civ4 in such situations is that production stinks due to lack of hammers. So what are the chances of hammers from the sea (a la one hit wonder Moai Statues) or use sea :food: as hammers? If it's doable but overpowered, you could nerf land :hammers: until a specific tech, say Machinery or, errr... Steampower? Hmmm...

PS: The Chinese are also an old seafaring culture (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naval_history_of_China) and some of the largest naval battles in history (pre-WW2) involved them (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Largest_naval_battle_in_history)... I blame the last Manchurian Qing dynasty for tainting the name and losing in the Opium Wars. :lol:
I'm glad to see people are playing this! Those are good ideas for the seafaring trait. Currently it only has sea/ship enhancements but I also want it to have an advantage if a player has a landlocked start. I'm thinking of additional hammers or gold from traderoutes but this did not work out very good last time I tried so to be able to release I did it like this.

The trait might require a little balancing. I already changed it compared to the original from tsentom (that had 50% less upgrade cost like the Leonardo workshop wonder) and made it 25% less upgrade cost and additional XP from military academy. It is possible it was nerfed to much.

As for the leaders I want all the new leaders to have at least one of the new traits and no overlapping traits between leaders. To make the mod easily compatible with LoR I don't want to touch the existing leaders and therefore every new leaders requires at least one of the new traits to not overlap with existing ones. LoR uses every trait combination exactly ones.
Well... a stalemate game as the Japanese where I couldn't be bothered to slug it for another 100+ turns, gave Taizong a whirl on an edited Lean's map... with a clean startup I get the following XML error/warning:

However, exiting to LoR main menu, retry and it works where I guess the difference being that the XML files are cached that time round.


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If you're playing Lean's map on a 0.9.4 build, that error would be caused because in LoR 0.9.4 and ealier the pathfinder's string was UNIT_FRONTIERSMAN (and unitclass was UNITCLASS_FRONTIERSMAN), 0.9.6 changed the string to UNIT_PATHFINDER so that the strings were consistent and things would be less confusing for mod modders, and mapmakers.
If you're playing Lean's map on a 0.9.4 build, that error would be caused because in LoR 0.9.4 and ealier the pathfinder's string was UNIT_FRONTIERSMAN (and unitclass was UNITCLASS_FRONTIERSMAN), 0.9.6 changed the string to UNIT_PATHFINDER so that the strings were consistent and things would be less confusing for mod modders, and mapmakers.

Ah... the man of LoR himself. :cool: Are we on the same page and referring to the WorldBuilder text file? If so then that only has UNIT_WARRIOR defined (poor Khan gets two and no settler as per http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?p=8417687#post8417687). One fixed for the next LoR release? :D

Now another thing I just noticed, but have no idea if if it's the add-on or the fact I turned unit animation back on (otherwise get pink units or Next War Dreadnoughts showing instead of ships :lol:)... or worse still a combination of both, I saw a really strange Vietnamese Axeman:

... then when I started building UUs, I got the same thing and the poor units aren't very operatable (you can select them and move them, but the UI for upgrades etc all breaks... double click a unit based in a city will take you into city view... ESC twice and get mucho funkiness:

Is it the same red blob issue as this? :confused:



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We are working on releasing 0.9.6c right now, It'll be up by this time tommarrow. Anyway I'm sure the red blob art bug you're showing will be fixed in that version. These art bugs are the reason the download link for 0.9.6b was removed, there were too many of them and some were critical (would cause crashes), or major like the red blob you're showing, and the disapearing cottages issues. These should all be fixed in 0.9.6c.

The Next War Dreadnought, and Next War Mech showing up in bizzare spots is caused by a known bug with Frozen animations. If you need to play the game on frozen animation mode, you should be using LoR light, and not the full install, if your computer can handle it, it's recommended you turn on animations, the full version of LoR is meant to be played with animations on (and for those who need to play on frozen animation mod, that's what LoR light is for).
We are working on releasing 0.9.6c right now, It'll be up by this time tommarrow. Anyway I'm sure the red blob art bug you're showing will be fixed in that version. These art bugs are the reason the download link for 0.9.6b was removed, there were too many of them and some were critical (would cause crashes), or major like the red blob you're showing, and the disapearing cottages issues. These should all be fixed in 0.9.6c.

Excellent++; :goodjob: Being 5am where I am... shall get some sleep and check back later tomorrow (or more likely day after for me). :)

The Next War Dreadnought, and Next War Mech showing up in bizzare spots is caused by a known bug with Frozen animations. If you need to play the game on frozen animation mode, you should be using LoR light, and not the full install, if your computer can handle it, it's recommended you turn on animations, the full version of LoR is meant to be played with animations on (and for those who need to play on frozen animation mod, that's what LoR light is for).

It didn't actually bother me too much, just thought it was quite funny seeing said units in the middle of ocean. ;)
Thanks for the responses phungus. I am also glad to see someone tried out the L&L add-on :goodjob:. I haven't tested all civilizations and actually haven't seen these issues with the art (only played a few games with in total 4 different civs). As soon as the new version is out, I will try to update the add-on as fast as possible too.
Sorry for posting again, but in this version, everything seems to work but in the Civilopedia, some buttons look very strange (see screenshot). Any idea what might be causing this? It wasn't there before in the previous version.

Buttons saved with Mipmaps cause that. Somehow they got switched or got saved with mip maps. Resave them in Gimp or whatever program without mipmaps in DXT3. I save them with no compression because at 64x64 pixels, compression actually makes the dds look crappier. But they are probably already been compressed once from the looks of it, so the damage has already been done.
Right, have given this another shot with 0.9.6c*, playing as Taizong on Lean's Earth map. It would seem that the Strategic trait is b0rked... rather than costing 25% less :gold: to upgrade, it actually seems to be free upgrades (not that I'm complaining! :p;)).

Also, aside from many runs of bad luck... any reason why when I try Taizong in a custom scenario and everyone starts as a minor civ, all my immediate neighbours will be angry at best, to furious by the time I've researched enough to allow various diplomacy options?

Playing as Qin Shi Huang on the same settings, I can all the East Asia block all buddy-buddy with me, complete with shared religion (Confuscianism and/or Taoism, with choose religions enabled) despite being the 3rd to found one?
Those are wierd bugs, I have not seen them myself. I actually never play on "start as minors" or "choose religions". I'll see about that as soon as possible. About the strategic trait bug, it would seem I missed something during testing. I'll try it out, I think it might be some rounding error.

Thanks for the report, I was already wondering if people were playing it :).
I fixed the bug with the strategic trait, there was a floating point that did not get converted to an integer so it became 0. You can unpack the file in the attachment into the python directory of assets. Also the main download links have been updated to include the new file.

About the minor civs question, I tried it out with two different leaders and the first civs I encountered were both cautious (the green-bluish smilie) but not yet angry (red smilie). I haven't tried Taizong yet. Is this something that happens only in the L&L add-on or also in normal LoR?
If your strategic trait is based off of Tsentom's python, it'll override the Leonardo's Workshop code. You should move it from Python, and clone the tag in BuildingInfos for reducing upgrades into TraitInfos. Handling things with the SDK is usually much easier, and more efficient in the long run. Particularly with something like this, as the code already exists, you just need to clone it so it can be loaded from TraitInfos as well.
I fixed the bug with the strategic trait, there was a floating point that did not get converted to an integer so it became 0. You can unpack the file in the attachment into the python directory of assets. Also the main download links have been updated to include the new file.

That fixed it... upgrading a Warrior to Grenadier on Epic normally costs 276:gold: now cost 207:gold: :)(&:cry:... not free anymore!)

About the minor civs question, I tried it out with two different leaders and the first civs I encountered were both cautious (the green-bluish smilie) but not yet angry (red smilie). I haven't tried Taizong yet. Is this something that happens only in the L&L add-on or also in normal LoR?

Taizong is only in the L&L add-on, and I've only tried minor civs on the Earth Map with Qin besides Taizong. But playing on Noble+Normal Speed and having Gandhi (of all people!) waging war for 200+ turns(!!!) before allowing peace was a bit odd. May well have been a couple runs of bad luck but with Qin every civ in my near neighbourhood will be quite buddy-buddy once general diplomacy works. Might just be my bad luck! ;)

If your strategic trait is based off of Tsentom's python, it'll override the Leonardo's Workshop code. You should move it from Python, and clone the tag in BuildingInfos for reducing upgrades into TraitInfos. Handling things with the SDK is usually much easier, and more efficient in the long run. Particularly with something like this, as the code already exists, you just need to clone it so it can be loaded from TraitInfos as well.

Trying with the vanilla (distro) and Berenthor's fixed CvGameUtils.py, it would seem poor Leonardo's Workshop doesn't work at all, regardless of leadertrait. :( Tested this as China with old Mao, worldbuildered myself Tech to Renaissance era, then adding/removing the workshop to see if it made any difference. I recall this bug when I played a game back on the older 0.9.4a version as Japan/Meiji as well. :)
Good to know the bug is now fixed everywhere. I didn't know that the Leonardo's workshop code was moved to the SDK or that it would interfere with the python code. I'll have a look at it as soon as possible, although I wanted to avoid changing the SDK for easier updating when LoR updates to a new version. Is there a chance you can expose it in the next version, Phungus, even if you don't use it yourself yet in LoR?

Also, did you see Achilleszero's suggestion a while back to make a sticky thread with all the add-ons for LoR? Maybe that will also get me some more players of L&L :mischief:.

About the minor civs, I'll see if I can reproduce it, but up till now I tested it with a few leaders (some from LoR and some from L&L) and the worst I saw in attitude when I met them was the blue-green color (cautious maybe, I don't remember the term).
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