GR27 - AWE Archipelago vs 30 civs

Unfortunately I've had a very busy week and I've made no progress as yet. So I'm going to be starting this weekend, not finishing, and my goal is to turn it over to the next player in time for him to play next weekend.
lurker's comment: Wow, Modern Age :eek: I thought you guys usually finished this earlier.

Nice to see a change :)

Nah the conquest ones tend to get the humans to MA, but not the AI at AWE 250x250. Just too much land to get to in time.
1884 (1): We dispose of twenty-one Roman units adjacent to Dye-De-Dye, generating a Leader/army (21-0).

We rout the final four Hittite pikemen in Hattusas and storm the city (25-0).

We raze Hattusha, held by three pikemen and a 3MC (29-0).

We raze Ankuwa, held by two pikemen and two spearmen, also trampling a 3MC on the approach (34-0).

We overrun a Hittite MDI while advancing on Alaca Huyuk (35-0).

We found Dagon and Sarnath to keep the world at the city limit.

Twenty-two enemy units perish attacking our beachhead cities--nineteen of them Romans at Dye-De-Dye, where we gain a Leader/army on defense (57-0).

An Egyptian privateer attacks a Roman caravel while one of our destroyers looks on, like the German squadron watching Admiral Dewey at Manila Bay. :lol:

We discover Rocketry, and surprisingly enough we have aluminum. :D Objectively we should shut off research now, but I realize that it can be easiest and most enjoyable to finish off the game with MA. So as a compromise I leave research at zero, yielding about 1500 gpt for rushes after extensive MM, but keep most of our scientists on duty, so that Ecology is due in ten turns.

1886 (2): We take Alaca Huyuk in the northern Hittite enclave (garrison of two pikemen; 59-0).

We abandon Hattusas and found the tactical town of Ulthar.

We pummel a Hittite archer as we approach Hubishna (60-0).

We smite twenty-two units in Tyrana, but the town remains garrisoned, stalling our attack on the Hittites (82-0). We do gain two Leaders/armies.

On the Egyptian front we seize Heliopolis, held by three musketmen (85-0).

We consolidate our beachhead in Egypt, slaying twenty-two Eg units around Maize (107-0).

On the Roman island we strike down thirty-two Roman units around Dye-De-Dye, but aren't yet in a position to advance (139-0).

We use a bomber to sink an Indian frigate off the German coast (140-0).

We found Celephais, Iranon, R’lyeh, and Thalarion to keep the world at the city limit.

Our enemies counterattack a good deal, the Hittites in particular. We repulse sixteen attacks and lose two tanks (156-2).

The Indians move a stack of sixty-four cav towards our Maize beachhead.

1888 (3): We storm Tyrana, held by a remaining garrison of ten (166-2). We gain our fifth Leader/army of the round.

We seize Hubishna, held by just three pikmen (169-2).

We abandon Tyrana and found the tactical town of Sona-Nyl.

We capture Adana, held by three pikemen (172-2). We gain our sixth Leader/army.

We take Kadesh, held by four pikemen (176-2). We gain our seventh Leader/army.

We storm Harran, held by three pikemen, an archer, and an LB (181-2). We gain our eighth Leader/army of the round.

We seize Aleppo, held by three pikemen (184-2), and complete our conquest of the Hittite core. They still have three cities in their northern enclave.

Turning our attention to the Russians, we take Novosibirsk (garrison of three musketmen; 187-2) with tanks landed by sea last turn.

We capture Yaroslavl, also with tanks landed by sea (garrison of four musketmen; one tank lost; 191-3).

We abandon Kadesh and found the TT of Kadath.

We storm Yakutsk, held by three musketmen (194-3).

We abandon Yakutsk and found the TT of Cathuria.

We take Yekaterinburg, held by three musketmen (197-3).

We seize Rostov, held by three musketmen (200-3).

We dispose of an Egyptian force of six landed next to Munich (206-3).

We abandon Green Blue (just because of the city limit) and found the TT of Xura on the Roman island.

We capture Byzantium, held by nine assorted units (215-3).

We abandon Thalarion (city limit) and found the TT of Akariel in Egypt.

We storm and briefly hold Giza, held by three musketmen and a pikeman (219-3).

We take and briefly hold Avaris, held by six musketmen and an MDI (226-3).

Outside cities we smite twenty-two enemy units, mostly Roman, while losing an inf (248-4).

We found Hatheg, Skai, and Leng to keep the world at the city limit.

We repel seven attacks by the Egyptians while losing an inf (255-5).

The Aztecs and the Dutch go to war. :smoke:

1890 (4): We open our final offensive against the Hittites by taking Emar, held by four pikemen and a spearman (260-5).

We seize Ivriz, held by a pikeman and a spearman (262-5).

We storm Alalah, held by two pikemen, and eliminate the “Glorious Hittites” (264-5). Sixty-two Hittite units that we can see come off the map.

We abandon Novosibirsk and found the TT of Teloth.

We capture St. Petersburg, held by four musketmen (268-5).

We descend on Vladivostok, held by three musketmen (271-5).

We take Moscow, held by just four musketmen (275-5).

We abandon St. Petersburg and found the TT of Arkham.

We acquire Krasnoyarsk, held by two musketmen (277-5).

We abandon Kras. and found the TT of Kingsport.

We seize Novgorod, losing a Sip (garrison of two musketmen; 279-6).

We storm Smolensk, which looks inaccessible behind a wall of mountains, but it’s remarkable what the combination of Sip/cav armies and combat railing can do (held by three musketmen; 282-6).

We abandon Novgorod and found the TT of Miskatonic.

We capture Bryansk, held by three musketmen and an MDI, though our Sips forget how to retreat and we lose two (286-8).

We abandon Ivriz and found the TT of Stethelos, letting us move tanks next to Tver for next turn’s attack.

In Egypt we settle for a consolidation turn, building rails and fortresses while picking off twenty Eg units, though we do have two settlers in aggressive positions for next turn (306-8).

On the Roman island we take Lutetia, held by two musketmen and a cav (309-8).

We abandon Byzantium and found the TT of Aira.

We capture Pompeii, held by three musketmen (312-8).

We abandon Pompeii and found the TT of Ooth-Nargai.

We storm Pisae, held by three musketmen (315-8).

We abandon Pisae and Yekaterinburg and found the tactical towns of Mnar and Ilarnek.

We take Viroconium, held by three musketmen (318-8).

We seize Cumae, held by three musketmen (321-8).

We abandon Yaroslavl and found the TT of Oonai, allowing us to move units next to Khabarovsk for next turn’s attack, and also to shatter two musketmen of the garrison this turn (323-8).

Here and there we slay thirteen enemies outside cities (336-8).

We found Narthos and Jaren to keep the world at the city limit.

We break thirteen Russian attacks, losing a tank (349-9).

1892 (5): We seize Khabarovsk, held by sixteen assorted units since the Russians were using it for healing (365-9).

We storm Tver, held by three musketmen, and eliminate the “Glorious Russians” (368-9). At least fifty Russian units that we can see come off the map.

Well, I had to see whether we could finish off the Russians this turn ;), but I’ll stop here. Only the units used to take the two Russian cities have moved, so you’ll effectively be starting at the beginning of the turn. Our enemies didn’t make any landings on our coasts during the IT.

Fifty-nine elite victories this round, four of them defensive, generated eight Great Leaders. All eight came in the first twenty-seven victories, after which our luck cooled off.
We’re still in the buildup phase on the Egyptian/Indian/Portuguese continent, but now that we can send over our forces from the Hittite/Russian island, and have a reasonable fleet of rushed transports in position, we should be able to go over to the offensive soon. We’ll finish off the Romans in a couple of turns, and that will give us a short crossing to the Aztec/Dutch island, so the end of the game is in sight.

We have combat settlers positioned near Thebes and Abydos for use when the next player wants to attack those cities. A third town founded closer to our beachhead may also be necessary to give us an unobstructed path.

We have no settlers on the Roman island, but they can be ship-chained in.

I’ve founded our first town on the coast facing the Greek island, so we can start rushing transports there, though we still have no official contact with the Greeks and aren’t at war.

We have four empty armies in Orange Yellow, and one near Istanbul.

We have just enough scientists at work to maintain our current progress towards Ecology, so we have to make adjustments every turn after settler production.
Ok, I got it.


For the next game I was thinking of switching gears and going for Pangea. However, at Emporer level, Pangea vs so many civs loses more than I like. I therefore propose Pangea at Monarchy difficulty with the additional restriction that all cities taken must be razed or abandoned before the turn ends. The last (abandonment) is an option so that we can use combat settlers to speed the end game.

Does this sound good to you all?

Note that with markh still tied up with real life we have room for more players (we have played with up to 7 in the past). Since this is a Monarchy game, if anyone with less/no AW experience wants to join us then this is a good game to do so. Any SG win of a regular emporer game (or better) would be considered sufficient experience to join.
Monarch AW Pangea? Random civ for us?

Eh, who cares? Sign me up, please.
That sounds good. I think we should allow ourselves to hold the GLib city for one interturn if we have to capture it, though.
I am fine with the arrangements. The start will be most crucial here
I'd be interested in joining up for an AW game like that if you guys will have me. :) Been fun following you guys' progress so far.

Glad to have new players, so welcome :)


I have played to 1898 AD so far. Not a lot of forward progress as I let the floodgates open and have been fighting Cav from all 3 civs, and now am grinding down huge stacks of Indian Infantry.

I can play some most nights this week, but as the turns are so long, I will likely still extend to sometime on Saturday.

On NP's GLIB point - I guess I am willing to allow it, but would consider the win much weaker if we take it, so I would like to avoid it if we can. We probably will want to build it ourselves in any case.
Yes, at Monarch we should be able to build the GLib ourselves and render the question moot.
1892 AD: Capture Thebes. Our Destroyer loses to a Frigate trying to clear the path to get more Artillery. Some combat towns. Thebes abandoned to build one. Capture Memphis and Kahun. I am going to try to keep these by bombing the mountain squares to prevent Cav taking the town.
Get a leader killing an Egyptian Pike Get another from a Egyptian Musket. Raised science Modern Armor does end the game quickly - more than rushing units. Still have nearly 800 a turn which is plenty.

IBT: Huge stack of Indian Cavalry show up (between 60 and 70) plus other smaller stacks of Cav from both India and Portugal.

1894 AD: Capture Brundisium, Syracuse, Rome, Veii, Hispalis, Neapolis. Rome Defeated!
No advancement for Egypt as we need to kill the huge stack of Cavalry. We kill all but 2 in the big stack and 7 more elsewhere. Giant stack of Infantry also found. A third Army is formed

IBT: Stacks of infantry enter mountains I bombed the roads for. This means one turn to get off the mountain and then they would move next to a town.

1896 AD: Not dealing with the Infantry yet (especially on mountains). Taking care of sme of the Egyptian units still on our side of the mountains as well as the Cavalry that shows up - 7 Indian, 1 Egyptian, and 11 Portuguese. Gain yet another Army - and then 2 more for 6 so far.
I have been shipping over Armies, but this turn I will ship 66 Artillery to help deal with the Infantry Infestation.
Razed Lisht.

IBT: Units advance. There is an Indian landing behind the lines on the continent at war with about 8 units.

1898 AD: Lose a 10hp Sapahi Army vs a Musket in Alexandria. With so many attack terrible RNG becomes likely. Next army and we Raze the city. Use some Artillery to bombard the landing. The rest goes against the stack of Infanty.
Note that another way to play would be to not build towns but simply advance and ignore the Infantry, but the method I am using will pull all the units out of the towns and once the hordes are gone, it will be easy. The method I choose between these strategies. often depends on my mood - It isn't clear that one method is truly better than the other. Sometimes I push forward taking as many towns as possible, other times I stop to deal with the incoming.
After massive bombardment with 95 Artillery and about 15 bombers, there is a single 4 hp Infantry on top. Start attacking the stack first with Armies against those Infantry with the most hp. Gain 2 more leaders and lose a Tank or 2. Find some more Artillery to reduce final infantry to 2 hp. Gain a 3rd leader and annoyingly lose some full health tanks to 2 hp Infantry. Finally reduce all Infantry to 1 hp with the 3 hp Rifles and Guerillas on top.
Made 2 Armies into tank Armies. Get to the 1 Hp Infantry and can attack with Sapahi and even Infantry. Finally there are 6 MDI (5 Injured) and 2 1 hp Rifles left.
Found a Town on the SE coast of Rome to more easily Caravan the Armies there to the Egyptian Continent.
MM ecology to 2 turns.

IBT: Some more Cav show up. Less units than before for India, but now Portugal slow units are coming. These are only muskets however.

1900 AD: Heres a little puzzle for your amusement. We finally met the Greeks. However, we hadn't met them at the start of our turn. We also did not meet their units or cities. We in fact have no evidence that they have left their island and none of our boats have gone near their island either. We did not use espionage in any way either. How did we meet them? I will put reason in notes.
Massive bombardment on the next Indian infantry stack bringing them to 2hp and start in on the Def 6 Guerillas. Bombard some other stacks that have Cavalry in them and kill the Cavalry (both Portugal (2) and India(4), but 1 in an Egyptian landing.
Finally plant a spy with India.
Raze the next Egyptian town by bombarding with bombers until it was empty so an army could get it with a single attack. It had a name too, but did I write it down before razing it? Nope. You would think I would remember to do that after 6 years of playing...
Attack the Indian town of El-Marna. This town has the final Lux we need within its radius.
Start taking out units. No leaders this round. Lose two Sapahi Armies via poor RNG. Number of Enemy units is becoming more managable however.

IBT: Lots of Portuguese units. Chances for Leader this turn.

1902 AD: Attack and Raze El-Marna. We build a town on top of the Elephants and fortify it with both Infantry Armies. Capture Asyut, Abydos,Viseu, Edfu, and Busiris (all Egyptian cities).
Killing units nets us 2 Leaders.
Destroy Laurencio (indian). Raise science to get Synth Fibers in 5.

I am taking a bit of a gamble that the AI cannot take out any towns with Cavalry. They would have to suddenly show up with a bunch which I don't think will happen.

IBT: Forgot to turn battle animations on so not quite sure what happened. See some 1 hp Cav that may have retreated or maybe won. Kahun flips.

1904 AD: Take back Kahun, and capture Byblos, Pi-Ramesses. Abandon Byblos to get closer to Buto which we also capture and abandon to get closer to the Indian city of Pyongyang. Finally this allows us to capture Pithom and The Egyptians are Destroyed

Work to establish an Eastern Choke to hold off the main part of Indian's Empire while I deal with Portugal and Indian cities behind the choke.

To the south vs India we Raze Rio Janero, the city next to it(whatever it was called..), and capture Badajoz and Braga. Raze Lagos. Finally, Capture Alcacer do Sal and Coimbra. This eliminates the Indian cities to the South.

We kill the rest of the Indians behind the choke as well as the Portuguese stacks and gain 2 leaders.

Note that I will probably replace the Indian towns for the most part, since we have all of Portugal and then India to go before they won't flip.

Remember to turn battle Animations back on this time.

IBT: Some bombardment by Indian Frigates. 6 Indian Cav show up. No units show up from Portugal.

1906 AD: Prebuilds of Modern Armor work out much better if we get Synth Fibers in 2 turns instead of 3, so I MM to reduce a turn. This means some town need to lose food and/or starve to do this.
Portugal: Capture Castelo Branko Build City to get closer. Bombard and capture Luando and Ouriquie. Capture Emertia, Sau Paulo, Sagres, Faro, Evoie. Need Combat City to get to Sau Mamede (abandoning Evoie), Capture Guamaries and finally Lisbon. Portugal has been Destroyed

Start moving some transports for eventual attack on Dutch and Aztec Island.

1908 AD: MM Synth Fibers back down to 1 turn. Attack on India - Raze Ulsan, Seoul.
Capture Namp'o, Pusan. Raze Wonsan, Capture Indus, Jaipur, New Bangalore, Hyangsan.,

IBT: We get Modern Armor. Switch over all pre-builds. Start the of all Tanks to Modern Armor. Note that because we don't have Leo's we spend all 4100 gold and it isn't nearly enough which going to slow us. It is worth keeping the town that has Leo's for the tank to MA upgrade if nothing else. I estimate that Leo's would have saved us 4000 gold if we had kept the city and allowed us to get all MA online right away rather than spending 1k for several more turns on it.

1910 AD: Ugrade the Tanks as mentioned above.
Capture Bangalore. Abandon Ganges to found a town to get us 1 closer. Capture Bengal, Bombay, and Lahore. Built a new town to get to the West side towns. Captured Chittagong, New Kholapur,
New Jaipur, and ???. Razed ??? to build another combat town to capture Hyderabad, and New Delhi. Finally, we captured the capitol of the Indians, Delhi.

Pick up a good bit of cash selling improvements. I can upgrade some more of the Tanks (some got used)

Build towns to block the next choke point and fortify them. Also Pillage Indian Rubber so no more Infantry for them.


We met the Greeks by attacking the Indian town. They had an MPP with India. Once they declared war we could attempt to plant a spy (for example) so we had officially met.

I labeled 4 towns 'flip risk #' These are the Indian towns that might flip in the IBT. You can replace if you want. The rest were taken this turn (or are very small).

I am in a hurry I will try to post pics later. Towns were mostly MM'ed
Roster (I think):
Greebley - Just Played
ThERat- UP!
CommandoBob - On Deck
Northern Pike
markh - skipped until he says otherwise (Post #274)
Tremendous progress. :goodjob: This is why I felt we didn't need MA--they're basically just showing up for the victory parade, like the M26 tank. ;)

Thanks for the brain-teaser, which took me a minute or two.

We still have to rush transports for the crossings to Greece and the Aztec/Dutch island, so if the next player can be bothered, he should convert all our scientists to taxmen.

Those ten Indian ships trapped in the inland sea are a great sight. :lol:
I was rushed on the last turn and didn't mention we got 4! leaders for 4 more Armies.

There are transports near Kahun waiting to take MA armies to the Dutch. I tried to make one per Army but we are 4 short from the new armies above. I would rush transports in Kahun and probably Lava Town as well.

Here are two pictures from 1904 of the Portuguese and Indians.

A picture of the current front line with India and the ships NP mentioned.

Always interesting reading about the exploits of this crew.
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