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Democracy in Canada shut down


So they tell me
Feb 10, 2002
Just thought I would start a thread to discuss with other Canadians here the latest move by the Little-Tinpot-Dictator-in-PM-clothing Harper.

The only thing I find more disturbing than the fact that he would pull something like this is that the public is so apathetic to government these days so as to barely even notice.

This only enhances my point of view that we need an elected Governor General.
Excellent. Time for regime change.

By regime change I mean annexation. :evil:
When do I take office?

I promise populist socialist reform and bacon on every plate.

My policies (which should take ~40-50 years) will bring justice and equal opportunity to the people of Northlandia.
Oh geez... out of the frying pan into the fire...

Then again, I'd far rather be governed by Barak Obama that the Bush replica we have right now.
What are you talking about? This thread makes none sense without giving us detail.

Thread was meant to discuss the issue with other Canadians whom should already be in the know, but if others elsewhere are interested, I'll give a brief synopsis.

Basically, our PM has been facing an intense amount of heat in the Commons lately, mostly related to the government's handling of the Afganistan war, though there are other items.

Also, unlike down there in Aus, our Senators are appointed by the PM rather than elected, and up until recently the opposition (the Liberal Party) has held a majority. The current PM has always beat his chest about how the Senate should be elected, but is nonetheless stacking the Senate with his own partisans, notables include members of the press who have been favourable to him.

To make a long story short, in order to hide from scrutiny and the expedite his majority interest in the Senate, he has prorogued (i.e. shut down) Parliament for two months, basically killing off the committees charged with the task of looking into that for which he is under scrutiny.

Of course, he needs permission from the Governor-General to do so. As you should know, since the GG is an appointed position, she has little option other than to oblige.

Also note that this is a minority government right now, which is why he is being so disturbingly manipulative.
I think you guys should leave him alone.

Quit complaining about everything. That's boring.
It's very dodgy, he's milking the rules to the extreme in order to neutralise the (duly elected) opposition and avoid being held accountable for his actions.

There's certainly zero argument that this move benefits the country or the public in anyway, and reinforces that he is hiding something very devious... very ironic for a PM who campaigned on "clear and open government"
Bring on the annexation!! Revenge for 1812!
Oh c'mon we friggin' burnt down your capital! That is pure-win. If it was a Civ Game we would of won!
Oh c'mon we friggin' burnt down your capital! That is pure-win. If it was a Civ Game we would of won!

yeah? and we WTF PWN'D yo arses on sea :p
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