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Some comments on the AI

Im sure this has been touched on before, and its not a big deal. Everynow and then when the game is setup, and two civs are close enough together, one can walk right in and knockout another civ because they sent out all their units to explore. I know this might only happen every so often, but it might be worth looking at where the code is fixed to leave one defender in some fashion. This might also contribute to less civs being knocked out by barbarians when they break out as well.
The AI doesn't seem to want to capitulate, even when reduced to a single city with no defenders (used shadows).
I've had an AI refuse to even accept peace (with no other conditions) once they were down to 1 unit and 1 city, whereas when they still had 2 cities and ~15 units they were willing to give all of their techs for peace.
I have seen this same behavior in some of my games. So frustrating, when all I want is their tech!

Maybe the AI has a "feeling" I'll attack again in 10 turns to take more of their techs...
Odd, but maybe a balance thing? Extorting free palace mana from 1 city vassals is really really powerful :)

Let me clarify. The diplomacy auto-notification messages will say that such-and-such civ is willing to capitulate, but when I go into the actual diplomacy screen with that civ, that option will be grayed out. Also, I've noticed that the AI will actually give up more to buy peace if they only take a moderate amount of damage as opposed to being completely dominated; in which case, they'll give very little, as another poster noted above.
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