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Rise of Mankind 2.9 feedback and bug reports

First of my warriors got killed by a barbarian warrior with a 3,5% chance.
Second warrior got wasted by a bear with a 12,2% chance.

Seems like really low odds, and quite lucky AI, but this is more the rule than the exception. This happens to me in practically every game. I even lost 99,8% chance battles. Why? Is there hidden "features" in the game engine?

No! For about the 1000000000th time, the game does not cheat. Your odds are fair. 99.8% isn't invincibility, it means success ~998 battles out of 1000. You got unlucky (or lucky, depending on the perspective) and hit the 2 battle jackpot.

The odds are fair, the game uses a RNG, which does not repeat a roll for about ~30,000 times, and is used commonly in other games.

But don't take my word for it... Every aspect of combat is exposed in the SDK, so if there were a cheat, you would be able to see it.
No! For about the 1000000000th time, the game does not cheat. Your odds are fair. 99.8% isn't invincibility, it means success ~998 battles out of 1000. You got unlucky (or lucky, depending on the perspective) and hit the 2 battle jackpot.

The odds are fair, the game uses a RNG, which does not repeat a roll for about ~30,000 times, and is used commonly in other games.

But don't take my word for it... Every aspect of combat is exposed in the SDK, so if there were a cheat, you would be able to see it.

Sorry Afforess, but I still think there's a hidden Mr. Hyde in this damn game! :lol:
No! For about the 1000000000th time, the game does not cheat. Your odds are fair. 99.8% isn't invincibility, it means success ~998 battles out of 1000. You got unlucky (or lucky, depending on the perspective) and hit the 2 battle jackpot.

The odds are fair, the game uses a RNG, which does not repeat a roll for about ~30,000 times, and is used commonly in other games.

But don't take my word for it... Every aspect of combat is exposed in the SDK, so if there were a cheat, you would be able to see it.

Which leaves only one possible answer: some foreign intelligence agency has hacked into my system and modified my .EXE with a hidden combat modifier. Makes perfectly sense to me. :scan: Other alternatives is that I could possible be the most unlucky person in the world. (Could put money on both Red and Black at the Roulette, but out of 10 rolls, 9 of them would be Green 0)
You guys do know that paranoia is one of the first symptoms of Schizophrenia, right? I'm not implying anything, I'll let readers draw their own conclusions; never mind the fact my point is based actual facts, and theirs on mysticism.

Moving on...
Which leaves only one possible answer: some foreign intelligence agency has hacked into my system and modified my .EXE with a hidden combat modifier. Makes perfectly sense to me. :scan: Other alternatives is that I could possible be the most unlucky person in the world. (Could put money on both Red and Black at the Roulette, but out of 10 rolls, 9 of them would be Green 0)

Well, I'm extremely lucky so I guess we compensate for each other
Don't worry ,Afforess, because knowing Vincentz and that Roman looking guy (forgot his name), we are confident they believe us. It is other users who are not so computer knowledgeable that we have to groan and explain over and over again :).
Here is a hilarious bug (more of a typo):

Semi-automatic Weapons tech requires



Military Science


(Rifling OR Steel)

Notice anything yet?
Look at the word(s) Rifling? Yes! It is repeated :lol:. Not game breaking but should be fixed for next version :).
Hi all, been playing the 2.91 version and have noticed a couple of things.
1. When one of my vassals takes out a Barbarian city it tells me that i have taken and razed the city.
2. First GG was generated correctly but when i earned my second GG i got a warlord instead.
3. Silk resource wasn't generated anywhere on the map. I know i can WBer this in but doing that can sometimes cause my game to crash so i try not to use it.
Other than these problems i haven't noticed anything else that could be a problem (yet).
OK one more question(hopfully) I put the Expansion and Holy War files into the module file and its not working what idiotic mistake or obvious screw-up did I make this time?
There are two things that I wonder if it's bug or just the game I am having. I have the latest BtS with RoM 2.91. I am playing with the map "Earth 23 preset civs Standard".

1) It seems that storms keep building up, but never go away. This causes most of the oceans covered by storm. Is it suppose to be that way, or storms suppose to come and go?

2) What is the purpose of "Navigation II"? It says "Double movement in Coast" and "Double movement in Ocean". When I promoted one of my trireme or war galley, I was expecting that it could travel roughly twice as far as before. However, I don't see that happening. It's as if that promotion doesn't do anything. Am I expecting the wrong thing?

Thanks for the great mod.
I'm playing a multiplayer game with one other human player on Direct IP connection. We've been playing for a few hundred turns with no serious problems. However, suddenly we have started getting an "out of sync" error. Saving and reloading from the same turn clears the error, but appears again the next turn. I have yet to try loading from a previous save. The error text says:

error found in gameUpdate event handler < bound method RoM EventManager . on GameUpdate of < RoM EventManager RoM EventManager instance at 0x4867C648 >>

We're playing a Europe map scenario on snail, with Revolutions mod not enabled. Can anyone tell me why this is happening or what I can do to resolve it and salvage the game? Will reloading from an autosave potentially resolve the issue?
i play with german translation, and i get lots of python errors about string decoding especially related with civ name changes.

i looked around a bit and i think i isolated it to these files:
they contain non-latin characters (umlauts, accents, etc.) but don't have an encoding setting. i suggest to change the first line to "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>" like in most other files there, or convert it to utf-8.
2) What is the purpose of "Navigation II"? It says "Double movement in Coast" and "Double movement in Ocean". When I promoted one of my trireme or war galley, I was expecting that it could travel roughly twice as far as before. However, I don't see that happening. It's as if that promotion doesn't do anything. Am I expecting the wrong thing?
i believe it's a misnomer, it doesn't actually double the movement, it reduces the movement cost by 1 (minimum 1), so on coast it doesn't have an effect, because movement cost there is alread 1, but on coast/storm movement cost is reduced from 2 to 1, on ocean it's also reduced from 2 to 1, and on ocean/storm it's reduced from 3 to 2.
Something I noticed about archer bombardment. If the enemy is in within my cultural border, or its own's, then I can bombard. However, if I am in within my ally's cultural border, I cannot bombard my enemy. Is that by design? Just thought it's weird.
My friends and I played in a multiplayer RoM 2.91.
Very pleased that the game does not crash with errors of synchronization.
Here are some mistakes game that we identified:

"Butchery" possible to construct in the presence of "Granary"
"Modern Granary" replaces the "Granary"
"Butchery" can not be built if there is "Modern Granary"

Customs House is an enhanced, Toll House. Nevertheless,
both are simultaneously present in the construction stage.
I think it should be done so that it was impossible to build
a Toll House, if available for the construction of Customs House.
Since all the same to replace Customs House Toll House.

Model "Siege Quinquereme" incorrectly displayed.
Instead of a ship on the sea swims small catapult.
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