m-NotWIII: A Game of Thrones--Game Thread

Because I have a horseshoe that I would like to stick on a horse.

Do you have a horse, landlubber?
Abſtain for now. I, Takhiſis, would ſtill like to take a look at the carving of Mammon, myſelf, anyway.
the horseshoe is a weapon of death. Seon prepare to meat your maker!

Come closer so that I can prove to you it's not.
The Retired Soldier babbles to himself as he sleeps peacefully on some uncomfortable-looking steps...

Zzzz... Never trust a blacksmith... Zzzz... Always on the make... Zzzz... 'specially them that ain't Hippus... Zzzz... Aye, that Seon gives me the heebie-jeebies... Zzzz...
(OOC: Has anybody else has trouble connecting to the forum? I've been trying to connect for hours)
I'll continue abſtaining, although I don't like ſeon's (foſ) threats.
Mine occasionaly says server to busy, my guess is that everyone is buzzing around about Civ 5.
Why would anyone want ot lynch me? For having a horseshoe? For wanting to find a horse to shoe it with?

In comparision, civplayah is barely active.
Do you guys want me to give you another day? The forum has been pretty hectic lately and I want to make sure that everybody can say their piece.
ſtop accuſing everyone, ſeon.
And how many times have I accused someone so far?
In CFC only or counting other forums as well, my dear blackſmith?
Other forums as well.
Well, in this very game you've jumped on the beſtrfcplayer bandwagon, in other forums (I don't know exactly how many you're in so I'm taking a rough gueſs) 1.16699016 × 108 times.
In the last month or two, I accused less than 10 people.
Which is ſtill a rather high number, my green-hatted friend.
Lower than yours, I think.

Question is, why did you accuse me with such a ridiculous little arguement? Perhaps it was you who stole my horse?
No, I waſn't, I've only been active for a daye. You can have me ſcanned if you like, I'm an honeſt townye. I ſure could uſe a horſe to put it to work in my mill, but I would buy one inſteade of ſtealinge one. If I had ſtolen thy horſe, would I be attracting ſo much attention? I'd be lurking inſtead.
This is my firſt game in ages where I am not a ſcum. Wouldst thou believe that?
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