Recent content by blueparrot1966

  1. blueparrot1966

    [SCENARIO] Dungeon Adventure - the 133rd K.R.A.G.

    A schtoopid question- How, exactly, do I load up this scenario? I've just put FFH back on my drive for another spin, and I've forgotten how to set something like this up. I've got the assets and the dll installed and then... What?
  2. blueparrot1966

    unit graphics incorrect

    Well, I seem to have fixed it. Actually, frozen graphics was off, but I'd played with a bunch of the other graphics settings at some point, trying to improve performance. I set them back to higher levels and restarted, and some combination I used did the trick. (the tweaks I'd done didn't...
  3. blueparrot1966

    unit graphics incorrect

    I've just fired up FFH for the first time in a long time, and the unit graphics are not always displaying correctly. When moving or mousing over a unit, you can see what it is. But stationary units frequently display the wrong unit picture. For example, gorillas, skeletons, and spectres...
  4. blueparrot1966

    The future of Fall from Heaven

    More power to you, and to the team, Kael. It always makes me smile when "non professional" modders have a hit, and a labor of love turns into a professional/money making opportunity. (Especially when their product beats the pants off of commercial stuff I've paid good money for!)
  5. blueparrot1966

    Barbarian Assault feedback

    I'm a little surprised no one else pointed this out, but the Amurite start, with an adept, was a lot of fun. I've gotten the center start a couple of times, surrounded by useless jungle. No problemo. I had the adept go around the clearing twice, alternating between the eyeball scout and...
  6. blueparrot1966

    CTD during AI turn...

    Yep, that's the problem. I just put my hard drive back together, and jumped in with the final release download. I didn't follow up and check for the latest patch. oops...
  7. blueparrot1966

    CTD during AI turn...

    Well, I've moved on with the scenario, and it's probably not worth the trouble, but now I'm wondering why you can't open my saves. No, I haven't modified them at all- don't know how. Just [I]playing[I] Civ games takes up too much of my time, let alone doing the modding too. As you say, we...
  8. blueparrot1966

    CTD during AI turn...

    Thanks for the response Breunor, but I can't duplicate the fault now. I went back a little further, turn 104, and apparently that was enough to sidestep whatever it was. I'm not unhappy about that, but I'd like to help you troubleshoot it even so- I get curious when this sort of thing...
  9. blueparrot1966

    Another stoopid question...

    Thanks for the clarifications. And this is a good discussion, too. I've never really understood the drill promotion well, and haven't known how it might be used to best effect.
  10. blueparrot1966

    CTD during AI turn...

    This one's during the Wages of Sin scenario. Even after backtracking a few turns, I get a crash at the end of turn 112 no matter what I do, so I don't think it's caused by any of my actions. I remember this being a common sort of problem a long time ago, but I haven't had it at all for a...
  11. blueparrot1966

    Another stoopid question...

    ...or maybe not. While doing the Into the Desert scenario, I noticed other posters talking about the blitz promotion. I realized that though I had some very experienced "killer camels", I'd never run across that option. So what's the advancement path for blitz in FFH, and how do I know...
  12. blueparrot1966

    A question about the Into the Desert scenario...

    Thanks for the advice. I didn't see the world spell, because I hadn't researched priesthood. For the same reason, I didn't get it, about upgrading the lightbringers. The last time I played FFH, the Malakim hadn't really been fleshed out like this, though the desert theme was obvious. I'm...
  13. blueparrot1966

    The future of Fall from Heaven

    I dunno, if I see Cthulu in someone's panties, I'm going to tell 'em to see a doc about that. I'm pretty sure that's a serious condition...
  14. blueparrot1966

    A question about the Into the Desert scenario...

    This might be a stoopid question since I couldn't find a thread where anyone else asked about it, but here goes... In the Into the Desert scenario, I chose to go with the Malakim. I'm sooned charged with "spreading Empyrean" until turn 75. The thing is, though I get an Empyrean priest to...
  15. blueparrot1966

    The future of Fall from Heaven

    Much obliged. I've had more fun with FFH than I have with most official Civ products, and since I love Civ, that's saying a lot. But I just don't have the time to be a regular on the forums here, and I'm sure that I'm missing a lot. I'll check it out.
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