Recent content by Gyhth

  1. G

    Civilization Revolution Sweepstakes: Enter to Win!

    Glad I got back into Civ at the right time :lol:
  2. G

    Espionage question

    It's an active spy mission, meaning you need to have a spy in that city. It's a somewhat costly mission, so you may not see it if you're not really pushing your espionage. I believe it's called Ferment City Revolt though I'm probably wrong. Check your Espionage Screen, and it'll show you all the...
  3. G

    Unofficial BTS 3.13 patch

    I was just wondering if maybe the events python needs another going over? I got the event where a random resource spawns in your borders, and you can pay a little bit to have it automatically mined/plantation/pasture/camp or whatever. Below is what happened and game description: Dual, 6 Civ...
  4. G

    What Is A Reasonable Gift Request?

    Vassals are the same as all the other Civs in regards to giving/trading techs to you, only place that they are different is when it comes to resources.
  5. G

    Weird things happening

    To extend on this, if you build the city far enough away from your own capital and close to theirs, you get this pop up. You don't need the city to be touching their borders at all or anything, just far enough away from your own capital and close enough to theirs.
  6. G

    What civics do u use?

    Then my luck has just been bloody horrible trying to spread my non-state religions when I forget I'm running Theoc :lol:
  7. G

    Is there a way to spread the resources out more evenly?

    Just to clarify, I myself never change the resources when I play, I was just attempting to help the OP better enjoy their game of Civ in the format that they wish to play it in.
  8. G

    UN resolution bug?

    If anyone votes never the resolution doesn't pass. Doesn't matter if the person voting NEVER! has the least votes or if everyone minus them votes Yes, as soon as there is a Never vote, the resolution wont pass.
  9. G

    Is there a way to spread the resources out more evenly?

    Closest you can get without downloading a new map script is going to Custom Game and then setting the resources for the map you want to play as balanced. There are also some map scripts you can download that attempt to make things more balanced though.
  10. G

    How do I improve my normalized score?

    Warlord :blush:
  11. G

    How do I improve my normalized score?

    I had a dual sized Pangaea win against 8 Civs that netted me a score of over 85,000 in end game score with a Domination Win. With a similar Domination Win against a lesser number of Civs, I had a score that was only in the 50,000 range.
  12. G

    How do i see what state religion an AI has?

    Are you sure it's the religion you are seeing? If you have Open Borders with the AI, it'll have an icon there that looks like a scroll piece. If you can trade with them, there is the Recycling symbol in yellow. If you have Espionage advantages, then the little red circle with the man in the...
  13. G

    How do I improve my normalized score?

    From my experiences, it also depends on the number of Civs you play against. More Civs, the higher the end score becomes.
  14. G

    What civics do u use?

    You can still spread religions, yes, but only your state religion. For example, if your state religion is Buddhist, then you can still spread Buddhism to your cities that do not possess it, but try spreading Christianity to those cities, it will fail miserably.
  15. G

    Question: March Promotion

    Medic I, II and III all add extra healing to the stack of units that the promoted unit is in, or to the units around it as well. March only works for the unit that has the promotion though.
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