Espionage question


Oct 21, 2007
For spies, what option is it to drop a cities culture to 0? I seen it discussed (at least something similar) on the forums and I'm wondering how its done?
It's an active spy mission, meaning you need to have a spy in that city. It's a somewhat costly mission, so you may not see it if you're not really pushing your espionage. I believe it's called Ferment City Revolt though I'm probably wrong. Check your Espionage Screen, and it'll show you all the operations you can do against that leader, and it'll show you the cost to do so. If you don't have EP equal to or greater than the amount needed to preform the Op, then it wont appear.
It's the "support city revolt" one, not the unhappiness one. That one is pretty comical though too. 8 unhappiness lol. Fortunately the AI usually poisons water instead, which while painful causes much less loss in terms of commerce and hammers than losing a pop (potentially).

A city revolt lasts 1 turn. During the revolt, there is no cultural D, which means easy city pickin's! Better take it that turn though, or grievously injure what few troops remain.
Ah..It must be pretty expensive. I only sawthe unhappiness one, and I was attacking Toku and used that one (cost me like 500 EP) and his culture was still at 60%..that was irritating lol. So then he vassalized to charlie, and can't attack him D:
Ah..It must be pretty expensive. I only sawthe unhappiness one, and I was attacking Toku and used that one (cost me like 500 EP) and his culture was still at 60%..that was irritating lol. So then he vassalized to charlie, and can't attack him D:

Just to clarify, when you have a spy in a city and select it to perform an espionage mission it only shows you the missions for which you have enough EPs.

You can tell how many EPs you need for all missions on the Espionage screen. You select the leader that you're attacking (or thinking of attacking) and then the particular city from the list and it tells you the EP cost of all active missions in that city.

You may need to turn research down and run lots of espionage slider for a while, directing it all at the appropriate target civ, to get enough EPs to pull off the "Support city revolt" mission.

Does support city revolt remove defenses from walls, too?

First of all welcome to CFC. [party]

To answer your question, yes all defenses are removed. But it only lasts for that one turn so make sure you have enough troops in place to take the city. And FYI, unlike cultural city revolts the spy induced city revolts don't damage defenders.
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