Recent content by lermfish

  1. L

    The 2nd Official Anime Manga Thread: Exploring the Camphor Trees

    I've started the R.O.D. franchise. It's fun.
  2. L

    Comment by 'lermfish' in media 'Extreme Diplomacy Game Mode'

    Remember in All Quiet on the Western Front, when one of the soldiers suggested that the world leaders duke it out themselves with swords and clubs?
  3. L

    The 2nd Official Anime Manga Thread: Exploring the Camphor Trees

    I've heard Eden of the East was good, but I haven't heard of the other two.
  4. L

    The 2nd Official Anime Manga Thread: Exploring the Camphor Trees

    I'm looking forward to the second season of K-On, as well as the Haruhi movie, but... ...I dunno. I know it's kind of early in the year, but are there any truly great series from 2009 or 2010?
  5. L

    The 2nd Official Anime Manga Thread: Exploring the Camphor Trees

    Does anyone know if the Haruhi movie is translated yet? It was released February, for goodness sake... Why does everyone seem to hate K-On? If you want a serious or groundbreaking series, I can understand, but I watched it alongside Haruhi, and I enjoyed it.
  6. L

    Funniest Demotivational Posters Thread

    Utterly disturbing, but such is the life of a fan... Needs no explaining. No offense meant, as if it was.. I'd be the one most offended. XD
  7. L

    Welcome New Members

    Welcome, newcomers! *Is a newcomer himself, technically*
  8. L

    Favourite civ

    Japan, because I don't feel so stupid when the Haruhiist state, the "Holy Konatan Empire" is Japanese.
  9. L

    AI just attacked with 0.0% odds... and won!

    Advanced Espionage: Deceiving your enemy so thoroughly that even their UI cannot be trusted. Well done, A.I. Well done.
  10. L

    Things in this game that annoy you to no end

    War. No, seriously. It's really annoying. I hate the fact that my beautiful cultural powerhouse gets raped by A.I. merely because it's in the way.
  11. L

    A Serious Question: Should I Upgrade to Warlords and/or BTS?

    From a complete n00b's standpoint, BTS is better mainly because more mods are compatible with it. And, Civ4 was programmed to not run with the fun mods. As opposed to the "fun" mods, which our parents banned.
  12. L

    Comment by 'lermfish' in media 'SOTD30: Apostolic Palace Election'

    Prepare for months and months of a whiny A.I. demanding a recount, and then claiming that the election was a sham for the next for years.
  13. L

    Comment by 'lermfish' in media 'SOTD28: Not Sure What To Think Here'

    He's French. I see no irregularities here. I see problems, but...
  14. L

    Comment by 'lermfish' in media 'SOTD34: Best Defender Ever!'

    Name him Samson! Oh, someone already suggested Superman. Random fact: Samson is, canonically, known as Superman. Yes. The Biblical Samson.
  15. L

    "For Completeness Sake": Win a Copy of 'CivIV: Complete' Signed by Sid Meier!

    The fact that this was the highlight of my day proves the above statement.
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