Recent content by Sarcasticon

  1. S

    What Game are You playing?

    - Europa Universalis III - Utopia (first time in 8 years) Put aside UFO: Extraterrestrials for a while, got a little bored with the missions even if new enemy types kept appearing when I least expected it
  2. S

    European Elimination Game

    Armenia- 12 Denmark- 11 Finland- 13 Iceland- 9 Latvia- 10 Lithuania- 12 Luxembourg- 10 Malta- 14 Monaco- 10 Norway- 13 Portugal- 9 Romania- 10 Russia- 11 Slovenia- 14 Sweden- 15 Ukraine- 8
  3. S

    UFO: Extraterrestrials manufacturing question

    Thanks for replying... Sorry, I should have clarified that, I've still got over $ 1 million cash Though your response makes me wonder whether I should have the full aircraft's cost (i.e. $ 1.8 million) before I can even start production on it. Edit: apparently, that's it, they expect me to...
  4. S

    UFO: Extraterrestrials manufacturing question

    For purely economical reasons I've been flying the default raptors and red raider transport until now. Yesterday I finally decided it was time to build a sky diver. I put up an empty hangar and started sky diver production. However it immediately went into "production suspended" status, even...
  5. S

    What Game are You playing?

    Now playing: UFO - Extraterrestrials PrinceScamp: I don't have Patrician IV yet but from what I've heard and read, it's a far bigger change from P III than the evolution between P II and P III. I also remember some confusion in the past as to whether P III was a new version or a souped up P...
  6. S

    LP: UFO: Extraterrestrials (Gold)! somebody has to fill those bodybags...

    Are you going to equip the raptors with laser shields?
  7. S

    Trading Influence

    You're right, influence points (IP) will determine how many votes you get during the united planets meetings IPs are not exactly useless during trading; up to 999 IP the AI will put some value on influence points. However due to a bug, that value drops to zero at 1000 IP or more. Early on in...
  8. S

    Do Terror stars affect influence/diplomacy?

    There is no effect on your influence. Diplomacy takes into account your military rating, to which terror stars don't contribute iirc. However I think the same as low, though I'm not sure whether the AI responds if you have a terror star in your own territory. As soon as you move it into their...
  9. S

    Most awesome gaming moment?

    Armageddon Empires: losing most of my stack of doom in an attempt to invade the enemy base... then managing to research a hydrogen bomb and dropping it on their reinforced headquarters, toasting most of their defending troops in the process. The next turn, get my hands on yet another hydrogen...
  10. S

    Are GameSpot's reviews trustworthy?

    I don't care much about their score (even the average of gamers doesn't tell you that much) but I do read their reviews to get a feeling of the good and bad sides of a game. I will then judge for myself whether those characteristics matter a lot to me or not. At the very least it steers me away...
  11. S

    How does the AI get such a massive population?

    Population growth gets a bonus on each planet that has 100% approval rating (as of 76% approval there's already a bonus but it's smaller than at 100%) Also note that population on colony ships is not taken into account for the statistics, so if you've got a lot of inhabitants in transit it...
  12. S

    LP: UFO: Extraterrestrials (Gold)! somebody has to fill those bodybags...

    I don't have that problem but regularly images will only load half. No idea why, refreshing a few times usually solves the problem.
  13. S

    What's the oldest game you still play?

    +1 Disgustipated: you might be interested in UFO: The Two sides as well: it's a remake of the original but with added content (multiplayer, playing as aliens, some improved game mechanics, etc.) - still in a beta version but it already has quite some content.
  14. S

    LP: UFO: Extraterrestrials (Gold)! somebody has to fill those bodybags...

    Really enjoying this thread so far! Flame throwers don't have such a wide area of attack though (3 by 3 squares iirc) and you need to keep some distance between yourself and the target or your soldier will be equally toasted. They can also be put to good use in "mining" maps since you're...
  15. S

    How does Galactic Civ 2 compare to Civ

    When, not if... I like that :D
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