Recent content by Schimmi

  1. S

    XBow rush video

    This is usually my biggest problem when I try to rush.
  2. S

    XBow rush video

    I really enjoyed your playthroughs. Keep them coming. I loved the lib race game, you eventually would have won this game if you could get Sumeria off backstabbing you again. Egypt did not look that strong that they could beat you and Carthage together. This game was huge fun to watch. I...
  3. S

    Was It Obvious 1UPT Wouldn't Work?

    I was very enthusiastic about 1upt because I liked Panzer General and Battle Isle a lot. But now I don't play CiV any more because it just doesn't work as it should. Although in PG and BI the AI had some bonusses there were just scenarios in a campaign. On each map there was a point where the...
  4. S

    How do you beat that?

    I won such a game on prince, maybe it was easier because I had a small tech lead but it should work. I built about 10 Destroyer and 15 Transports that I filled with 60 Marines. At one point I switched one city to Transports, another to Destroyer and everything else to Marines. Police State and...
  5. S

    The best things about CiV

    I like that you cannot insta-raze cities. In Civ IV it is too easy to stop a cultural victory by sneaking a coastal cultural city without chance of keeping it.
  6. S


    This was one of the most crazy games I ever played. I just watched the replay and probably some factors did influence the game. It was a huge fractal map, marathon speed, on Noble but no raging barbs. There were four continents and Wang was isolated on one. He got buddhism, judaism and...
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    Few weeks ago I had a cool game where the barbs whipped isolated Korea out. When I arrived there they had four cities and Seoul was a two religions holy city. I went Astronomy before Rifling to get Seoul but the barbs had a Macemen SOD and could recapture the city. My second invasion force was...
  8. S

    You know you play Civ4 too much when...

    28. Your wife leaves for work in 4000 BC and comes back in 1912 AD.
  9. S

    The First Civilization V Anarchy Game

    I order you to rename the capital in "Anarchy in (the) [Civname]" .
  10. S

    Trying to move an army of 15 longswordmen across a continent is :(

    I think pathfinding is pretty buggy now. I can send six units to a spot five turns away and only two will arrive. The other units get stuck in the cities that were on the way without notifying me.
  11. S

    Who stopped playing?

    I stopped playing Civ V. Maybe I will return to after some patches or expansions. It's just bad that after Civ IV was released and was buggy I tried to play Civ III and had to stop after 150 turns or so because Civ IV was so much better even with the bugs. This time I just don't have this...
  12. S

    Become a citizen of The Empire!

    Then his name shall be "pi is exact three".
  13. S

    Become a citizen of The Empire!

    I claim the Longswordsman! He is called 3.1415926535897932384626433 He will only attack if his odds show that he can do more damage than receive or he will kill the enemy unit. If not fighting he will always end his turn on rough terrain or in a city.
  14. S

    Warrior stronger than modern armor?

    Here's my math: Assume China and inside a Citadel on a hill, maximum flanking (4 units)... 6*(1+1+0.25+0.45+0.65+0.15+0.5+0.58+0.6)=31.08 Sounds strong enough for a warrior.
  15. S

    Top bar collision resources and turns

    Because of my low spec pc I play on 1024x768.
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