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    Le Déluge

    Adrift at sea, hope long gone, stomachs growling, knives in hand, the concert must end that the fest may begin Welcome to Le Déluge; a geopolitical roleplaying game set in the closing decade of the 18th century. The game is set in a world where the Seven Years War ended inconclusively for...
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    Happy Birthday Kyzarc Fotjage!

    Apparently my new thing is creating threads for birthdays just as they expire in PST But happy birthday man! I hope you had a whale of a time! (Drake no meme) (Drake yes meme)
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    IT'S STILL THE 26TH IN PST, SO I CAN STILL DO THIS :D Happy Birthday man, I hope you have a great year!
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    Blood on the Field of Lilies

    A tale is but half told when only one person tells it This is an IOT set during a period that resembles our own world’s late medieval era, early renaissance era, taking place on a continent in a world eerily different from our own. You will control noble houses who through force of spells...
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    IOT Census (EOY 2018)

    Hi folks! As we head towards 2019, I thought it'd be good to get the pulse of the community as it stands. I put a form together. Almost all questions are optional, and I will share the results with the community The IOT census form
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    Long Live the Queen! A European Battle Royale!

    Citizens of Europe! For too long, we have let our differences divide us. What language should we speak? Do we work one five hour day, or five one hour days? Should we act arrogant or entitled, or both? Today, Europe says ENOUGH. Today, Europe says we will have ONE leader, and we will be unified...
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    Domina Mundi

    "Cowards die many times before their actual deaths." Julius Caesar, Act II, Scene II For nearly a millennia, the city of Sanctus, Domina Mundi, Mistress of the World, has reigned dominant over all the lands under the blue sky. From humble beginnings, the Sanctusian people mastered the forge...
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    The Tale of Frenchman Island

    No one is particularly sure who came up with the name or what a Frenchman even is. But it is known that Beaver Bear pelts are worth quite a tidy sum. And in the middle of Lake Oneida, said Frenchman Island contains quite a few Beaver Bears. The Queen of Hudsonia has authorized licensed...
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    HAPPY BIRTHDAY BAIR!!!! :D Here's your present! Enjoy the day :)
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    The Greatest Game

    WELCOME TO THE GREATEST GAME! Taking its name from one of the great imperial confrontations of the 19th century, The Greatest Game seeks to have 12 players take their nations to the height of prosperity and power. The Greatest Game is set in 1830 where, instead of the Mongol Empire conquering...
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    LeIrvLove Nes II-Cavalier'n @u bb ;)

    100 years ago........ The World Was in CRISIS! The Emperor of China and Venomancer battled it out for the fate of the world, with only the great trio of Lebron James, Chris Bosh, and Dwayne Wade standing in their way. With the timely help of Shadow Warrior Mario Chalmers, the Miami Heat were...
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    The Greatest Game (Pre-Thread)

    WELCOME TO THE GREATEST GAME! Taking its name from one of the great imperial confrontations of the 19th century, The Greatest Game seeks to have 12 players take their nations to the height of prosperity and power. The Greatest Game is set in 1830 where, instead of the Mongol Empire conquering...
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    For the Love of Money

    Get ready to make alot of money Welcome to the year 1993. The Soviet Union and China have ended their Communist regimes and the new governments have fully embraced capitalism. With the world being under the guiding hand of the WTO, the world entered a new era of global trade and cooperation...
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    Blackened Skies

    Welcome to a world on the brink of war... Hello and welcome! My name is Nuka, and I am your gloriously divine moderator-sama. I am joined by the honorable Ledgermain, Crezth-san. We are humbled to have you in our game! In this game, you will be guiding your country throughout the Modern Era...
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    -Prethread- NCNESIOT: Blackened Skies

    [banner pending, applications open] Hello all! My name is Nuka! We are about to begin the 38th iteration of a full fledged forum game hosted by myself! The subname has changed, but we’re here playing the same game! I will also be running this with my Ledgermain, Crezth, who has been a...
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    Poll to Rename the IOT Forum

    Hey everyone! With the vast majority of active IOTers and NESers on CFC who have come here supporting the idea of at the very least having a new name for the Forum. We have heard a variety of different viewpoints and now it is time to make your voices heard! I have solicited publicly in IOT...
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    Happy birthday crezth kun

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    Petition to rename IOT or merge it with NES

    The Nesing exile unit is gone for the most part, IOT has a bunch of NESers. People who opposed the merger left anyway. Can we merge the Forums, or at least rename it? As a NESer who has been part of the change of IOT, I'd like to see "NES" somewhere in the title. Thank you :) Votes will be...
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    NukaNESIOT: Superpowers

    Special thanks to JasonTheKing and DarthNader, both of whom put extensive work into developing this game and adding mechanics to it, as well as Stalin006 for creating the concept. Background: The Great Recession of 2008 was but a harbinger of what was to come. In 2017, a catastrophic economic...
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    NukaNESIOT-From Sea to Shining Sea

    It is December, 1922 and the American Empire has fallen. Following the disastrous “Eleven Years War”, the British Empire took control over much of the Eastern Continent of North America, though devastated by the steep financial burden. The British were forced to levy significant...
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