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Long Live the Queen! A European Battle Royale!


See ya! It has been a fun decade!
Jan 27, 2006

Citizens of Europe! For too long, we have let our differences divide us. What language should we speak? Do we work one five hour day, or five one hour days? Should we act arrogant or entitled, or both?

Today, Europe says ENOUGH. Today, Europe says we will have ONE leader, and we will be unified in our values of looking down on others.

Or at least, that was the plan! Unfortunately with the last respected politician deciding to retire, there is absolutely no one with the charm, guile, and ruthlessness to unify the continent.

But then we remembered we had royals, a media budget, and a desperate need for original content.

So, here's what we're going to do. We're going to invite princesses from all over the world. Even princesses from eras long past. And they are going to compete for the ultimate prize; the crown of a united Europe. Our princesses will have to be bold, they will have to be ruthless, and they will have to have an eye for decorating.

Without further ado, let’s play LONG LIVE THE QUEEN!

How to play

Welcome to Long Live the Queen
, Europe's hottest now reality tv show! We are looking to crown one lucky princess to be Queen of the entire European Union, and to make that dream happen, they're going to need to stand apart from the others!

To join, you’re going to need a Princess. Current Princesses, disposed historical princesses, even Disney/anime Princesses are fine. Empresses and Queens can work too. Your character does not have to be from Europe either! I’m even willing to let you use a celebrity or politician; my only requirement is that they be female. Post a picture, and we’re good to go!

Winning is achieved once you control 50%+1 of the strength of the continent. Once you’ve accomplished that, you will be proclaimed Queen of Europe!

Once you have a character, you will have stats that look like the following:

Princess Nuka-Sama
Charm: 1
Guile: 1
Ruthlessness: 1
Points: 0

What do those stats mean? Don’t fret, they’re rather simple!

Charm is winning the “hearts and minds” of the people. In stories, charm would help you do things like appealing to the audience, and help in challenges with things like hosting an ambassador, arranging a bouquet properly, or pulling off a musical number. Outside of stories, charm is used to help when bidding on the thrones of different countries and getting prizes from the audience.

Guile is being a sneaky princess! In stories, guile would help you sabotage the other players, perform underhanded actions, and ensure the audience does not turn against you! Outside of stories, characters with relatively high guile will have special actions that can help them gain advantages over other players.

Ruthlessness is straight on using force without even bothering to hide it! In stories, ruthlessness would will help you attack other players, but it would do so in a manner that would hurt your standing with the audience. Outside of stories, it gives you advantages in combat.

Points are the currency of the game, and this stat reflects a “bank” of sort. Points can be carried over from one round to the next.

Turns are broken up into three distinct phases.

The first is the challenge phase. I will give you a task, and I request that you create a write up of how you want to solve the challenge. The challenges will be varied; one week you will be asked to throw a party, and the next you might be asked to turn to piracy! I’ll give points for creativity in solving the task, good writing, pictures, and a certain je ne sais quoi. I will take away points for straying from the challenge, and for poor or repetitive writing. The person with the most points will get a special item card, and I will also level up your Princess depending on the actions you took in the story.

The next is the bidding phase. Each turn, three countries will be up for auction. The two weakest countries that do not have a ruler will be auctioned, and a third, random country, will also be added in. So turn one will guaranteed have Ireland and Portugal, and the third country could run the gamut from Serbia to Germany. A maximum of three countries will be placed for auction, and I will try to auction as many countries as I can up to that limit.

Using the points you’ve earned, you will place secret bids on the different countries. Any points placed for bid are consumed whether you win the auction or not, and any points not used in a bid will be banked.

So here is an example:

Princess Nuka Sama, 15 Points
3 points on Ireland
3 points on Portugal
5 points on Sweden
Bank the remainder

All bids will have an additional point for each level of charm that you have
. After all the bids are in, my bids will be made public and then go against the other princesses, and the princess who put up the most points wins the throne of that country. In the event of a tie, whichever princess ranked higher on the most recent challenge will be considered the winner.

Finally, we reach the action phase. Each country has a certain amount of strength, ranging from puny Portugal (10!) to mighty Germany (40). And what do you do with those countries? Well, you use them to conquer others of course!

Conquest is straightforward. Two countries square off. Each country has their points, and are given additional points from your ruthlessness stat and if you have any items. The loser will have a new Queen, and the winner will have the loser’s points subtracted from it.

So let’s take Germany (40) vs Portugal (10). Portugal loses, and Germany’s ruler (if PC) will take control of the new country, in a reduced state. Germany will now only have 30 points. It’s that simple!

Some notes about combat and conquest:
-Turn order goes by order of strength, with ties being broken by who was higher in the original order. So turn one, it goes Germany, then France, then England all the way down to Portugal.
-Countries are considered in “tiers” (40/30/25/20/15/10/5, having 39 points puts you in the 30 point tier).
-If you conquer a country from a player or NPC, the country is dropped one tier from its current standing (Germany would go from 40 points to having 30 points)
-If you are attacking a country, PC or NPC, and run out of points, it is not considered conquered. It will instead be placed back in the auction pool.
-Any country can attack any country. Land borders/distance does not matter
-You cannot “partially” use your country to attack another country in hopes of trying to preserve it. It’s all or nothing.
-If a country is attacked and conquered, it cannot be attacked or conquered again during that turn.

The Map
Spoiler :

List of Countries
Spoiler :
Strength: 40

Strength: 30

Strength: 30

Strength: 25

Strength: 25

Strength: 25

Austria Hungary
Strength: 20

Strength: 20

Strength: 20

Greater Romania
Strength: 20

Strength: 15

Strength: 15

Strength: 15

Strength: 10

Strength: 10


One last thing; items! The winner of each week’s challenge will be given a special, unique item. The item you will be competing for will be made public, and can be used that turn, or saved for another turn.

Even if you didn’t win a challenge though, if you are a princess with the highest guile stat, you will receive your own item card. That item card can do things like allow you to see how the bidding goes before you make your own bid, allow you to preserve your points in a failed bid, and even steal the item of another player!

Items cannot be traded to other players.

With that, let me reserve a post and we are good to go!
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Current Strength in play: 320
Strength needed to win: 161

Reserved, you can post!
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I'll join just gotta refine ideas.
Subscription pending joining this love song to degenerate capitalist culture
What even is this lol. Subscribing nonetheless
I've gotten this question a few times; right now you all start with stats at 1/1/1, but you are leveled up based on actions you take in your stories. Sorry for any confusion. For now, just a name (and a picture!) will suffice :)
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Yeah if we can do [swearing redacted] Eurovision then I can get up in this [swearing redacted] ay? I'm Sheila Williams and I'm gonna be the [swearing redacted] Queen of [swearing redacted] Europe!
I am a real girl! Honest! AND a princess! Princess-General Asutorufo!

"Yes, now little girls in Germany know they can become a hairdresser, or Chancellor. Or a Princess."
- Princess Merkel
All of these are wonderful. I'm going to look to have update 0 go ahead on Sunday evening PST, so you have the next day and a half to sign up if you're interested :)
“Hello viewers! Welcome to the Great European Queen Off! I’m your host, Mary Berry”

“And I’m Mads Mikkelsen! And Mary, I think you’ve forgotten the title, it’s-”

“Mads, I could not give a flying **** on what its called. My country’s future is ruined and this is the fault of you and your ***** **** *****”

*Please stand by for technical difficulties. Enjoy a picture of Mads and a cat while you wait*

“Right then, Mary. Well, thank you audience for hanging with us we have quite an exciting show for you today. We are on our way to crowning a new Queen for all of Europe. How exciting! And with such a prize on the line, we were bound to attract top-tier talent. Isn’t that right Mary?”

*Mary Berry is sedated with twelve tranquilizer darts in her back*

“Very good! We have six contestants, six beautiful princesses, here to risk it all for eternal power and glory! Without further ado, we will have the first challenge begin!”


Mads: Contestants, as you may know, the one thing our royals are better at than anyone else is raising money, particularly from rich people. The future Queen of Europe is going to need to do a good bit of fundraising for a host of charities, so the challenge is simple; you have five days to raise as much money as you can! Do it by hook or crook, I care not, but the winner will be the one standing here with the most money here by Monday afternoon. Write a story about how you did it, and the winner will receive a special item; The Crown of Lilies, which will allow you to add five extra points when bidding for a country.

Well ladies, I think you know the stakes! Get a move one, and may the best Princess win!
Olivier purges the dastardly Illuminati from Europe and pilfers their endless treasuries.
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