Le Déluge


See ya! It has been a fun decade!
Jan 27, 2006

Adrift at sea, hope long gone,
stomachs growling, knives in hand,
the concert must end
that the fest may begin

Welcome to Le Déluge; a geopolitical roleplaying game set in the closing decade of the 18th century. The game is set in a world where the Seven Years War ended inconclusively for most powers after five years (thus being named the Five Years War), and three decades of relative peace has ensued. However, crisis after crisis has captured Europe, always going to but the last step before war. But this iteration of the concert of Europe cannot last forever, and many predict the long-awaited déluge is to arrive any day now.

Players take control of nations in Europe that are at last recovered from one of the most devastating wars the world has ever seen. Some will seek hegemony, some will seek the opportunity to rise to great power status, while others will merely attempt to preserve their fragile independence.

Gameplay is centered on modifiers that describe the going ons of one’s nation and reflect the four different types of points needed to play the game.

Metropole points are a representation of wealth and the political power of the homeland that the government can extract for its use. MP can, therefore, be used from anything from recruiting troops to building roads and palaces to building out a bureaucracy. Because MP represents your government’s capability to spend and act, larger governments will be able to do more; governments that focus on a limited number of practical objectives will generally fare better than governments that attempt too many things at once.

Diplomatic points are a representation of your government's ability to conduct diplomacy throughout the continent. DP is required for any treaty, agreement, declaration of war, a privateer campaign, formalized deal, espionage, lobbying, or really any action that causes you to interact with a foreign power, be it with benign or malicious intent.

Some diplomacy will be one-off actions, such as a royal marriage, boosting your nation’s presence at a court, creating a reason for war, or actually declaring and ending a war. Others, such as maintaining alliances, influence, or trade treaties will require a maintenance fee in the form of DP.

DP will often punish unpopular or out of character actions; alliances and wars can be equally unpopular, depending on who the target is. Be sure to lay the groundwork for any action you intend to take; a war that you do not prepare for diplomatically will affect your ability to wage it.

As a note, wars must be declared in public. After a war is declared, there will be a 48 hour reaction period for other countries to also declare war or to countermand their orders. I request that wars be declared within 96 hours of the new turn beginning.

The only diplomatic action that is considered ‘free’ is when one is entering into a coalition against an aggressive power. Coalitions will be created at mod discretion.

Diplomatic Points can also be used internally as a representation of a government's soft power. Using DP internally can attempt to calm ethnic tensions, issue edicts and new laws, soothe over strained relations with your nobility or build upon an existing good one. While it may lack the teeth of MP, DP can be quite effective

Major Powers will have a baseline of 10 DP; Medium Powers will have a baseline of 6; Minor Powers will have a baseline of 3.

Colonial Points are a representation of your wealth and power that can be found in your colonial region that can be extracted for your government’s use in its colonies. CP can generally be used for any action to be taken in the colonies, whether it’s fortifying a port, buying the loyalty of a local powerbroker, establishing a new colony, or starting a skirmish with a nearby power. While colonial power cannot directly be converted into MP, having a large colonial empire will often translate to economic and prestige benefits at home. Similar to MP, larger empires will have the capability to do more actions, but governments that focus on fewer, achievable actions will have greater success.

Action Points represent the capacity of action from your armies and fleets, and will only be revealed at the start of war. Action points will be determined based on how well you’ve prepared for the war against a specific enemy. A war that you’ve been preparing against a major rival will likely grant you several AP; a surprise attack against a long-time ally will likely see you start the war with no AP.

Each campaign, be it on land or sea, costs 1 AP at a minimum. It is advised that larger campaigns, or campaigns conducted further from one’s borders, may have additional AP allocated to it. The more AP dedicated to an action, the higher the likelihood of success it will have.

Spoiler FAQ on Points :

Can points be transferred between categories?

Not directly no, but you can invest in policies that may lead to modifiers that promote one power at the expense of another. For example, to increase CP, you might use MP to encourage people to leave the homeland for the colonies, or in reverse, you might decrease CP by raising taxes on your colonies which could increase MP. The results will almost never be a 1 for 1 trade though. Come up with a policy, implement it, and you’ll see the results.

Can points be traded between powers?

MP can; in a situation where you wish to subsidize an ally, purchase a territory, pay war reparations, or some other diplomatic action that requires payment, you may do so using a diplomacy point and indicate how much MP you wish to send.

CP and DP cannot be traded

Can I bank points?


Can actions use more than one type of point?

Yes! Get creative with it, and I’m happy to see it; for example, want to build up an anti-French party in a foreign court? Use your DP, but also your MP to provide a greater impact!

Military-The representation of hard power, you may find it convenient or necessary to reply on force to achieve your objectives or protect your prerogatives. There are three types of units: Home Armies, Colonial Armies, and Fleets.

Home Armies-European trained and led, these form the core of your army. These can be sent to fight overseas, but it will take time and many will die from attrition. 1 Army has around 10,000 men and costs 1 MP to build and maintain per turn.

Colonial Armies-Varying dependent on what region they are operating in, these can range from colonial militia and their native allies in North America to armies of vassal princes in India. They will often have outdated weaponry but will be fighting on the terrain they are quite familiar with. Rebellion and defection are possible if there are tensions between the metropole and the colony. A Colonial Army cannot fight in Europe. 1 Colonial Army has around 10,000 men and costs 1 CP to build and maintain per turn.

Fleets-Absolutely critical to maintaining supply lines and communication with armies, colonies, and bases overseas, and can be convenient for protecting one’s coastline. 1 Fleet consists of 20 Frigates and 20 Ships of the Line and can be built with either 2 MP OR 1 each of MP+CP and maintained by two points of power (will automatically default to the power used to build the fleet).

Modifiers-The most important part of your stats. Modifiers list everything, good and bad, that you need to be aware of. While there are some simple statements of facts, the modifiers can be seen as action items that need to be addressed within your empire. This is arguably where the true meat of the update is revealed, where you can see exactly what effect your policies had.

Modifiers will often adjust one of your four power points up or down. Not every negative modifier is bad; sometimes they represent the cost of a program that is needed for the stability of the empire. And by the same measure, not every positive modifier is necessarily good (such as a tax that raises money but is universally unpopular).

In an age of limited economic growth, modifiers represent the best way to improve your actual spendable power. Arguably, the attainment of modifiers could be said to be the most important part of the game.

Your Orders will reflect how you intend to spend your different points, actions you take, goals you are intending to achieve.

Updates will be three years in length during peace and one year during times of war between great powers. They will be a succinct reflection of what you did, how successful you were, and what new problems you face.
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Spoiler :

Great Britain
King George III
MP: 4
DP: 2
CP: 2
AP: 0
Home Armies: 6 (-6MP)
Fleets: 10 (-10MP) / (-10CP)
Colonial Armies: 22 (-22CP)
Great Power: Britain's manufactures are the cheapest in Europe, her merchant fleet the largest and her Empire is the envy of the world +10DP
King George II: Fierce but ailing opponent of Emancipation, East India Reform and Charles Fox
North Ministry: Lord North is an old and tired but honest man, who enjoys the King’s favour and will make a tolerable caretaker Prime Minister until someone younger can be found. -1DP
Charles Fox: Brilliant, liberal politician who would be Prime Minister but for the undying hatred of the King
Hannoverian Dilemma: Hannover is a source of considerable anxiety for the King and the Foreign Secretary -2DP
West India Lobby: Absentee planters are a powerful force in politics
Society for the Abolition of the Slave Trade: The Zong Affair has invigorated the movement to abolish the trade.
Anglo-Portuguese Entanglement: Portugal is Britain's sole ally on the continent +1MP -1DP
Anglo-Dutch Understanding: The British have an understanding with the Dutch against the French. +1MP -1DP +1CP
Splendid Isolation: Britain has kept aloof from European affairs and her isolation crippes her foreign policy -1DP
Great Britain: The greatest industrial centre in the world +20MP
Irish Issues: Nearly a century after the Williamite Wars, Ireland still causes headaches for London. The state has spent significantly on roads, prisons, armories and goals. However, the successful flight of Armagh’s rebels from justice could cause problems -3MP
Catholic Emancipation: George III's antipathy towards emancipation is well known, but recent events in Ireland have led some to believe a Prime Minister is needed who is willing to challenge the King. -1DP
Hanover-Mecklenburg: Useful for soldiers and driving the Foreign Secretary batty +1MP
British North America: Good for raw materials, alcoholism and tax evasion +6CP
Hancock's Trial: Notorious smuggler, merchant and selectman of Boston, John Hancock, has been charged for smuggling in violation of the Sugar Act which has stirred up the mobs of Boston to the considerable alarm of the authorities. He is on the verge of being found guilty to the dismay of the Boston Mob.
The British Carribean: Slave blood free with every bottle of rum +3CP
British West Africa: A source of slaves and the ruination of sailors -1CP
British India: John Company rules with an iron fist and a greedy heart +20CP
East India Reform: Parliament is debating what to do with the East Indian Company. The King has made it clear he opposes reform entirely. -1DP, -1CP
British Asia: John Company has factories in Bencoolen and, as of last year, George Town which show some promise +1CP
Alexander Hamilton:The founder and governor of George Town, seems to have secured the lease from the Sultan of Kedah by promising the Sultan protection from his Thai overlords. The Thai have been temporarily distracted with Indochina and have been satisfied with bribes paid by Hamilton for now.
Burma Concessions: The EIC's factory in Burma has proven to be a bust
Japanese Concession: John Company fought hard to secure a factory in Nagasaki and has little to show for it
Trade with China: Chinese merchants accept two forms of payment: silver and (illegal) opium . The Dutch have recently been cutting into our margins +4CP
Informal Empire: Britain's trade in South America is a source of considerable wealth +1CP
Naval Manpower Shortage: Our huge fleet requires men and we have trouble finding them at the best of times
British Army: The British infantry is the most disciplined in Europe, her artillery is good and her horse mediocre
British Navy: The British fleet is the best in the world with excellent crews, able officers, brilliant gunnery and handsome ships

Kingdom of France
King Louis XVI
MP: 4
DP: 3
CP: 0
AP: 0
Home Armies: 10 (-10MP)
Fleets: 6 (-6MP) / (-6CP)
Colonial Armies: 10 (-10CP)
Great Power: France's population and economy is the largest in Europe and her empire is third to Great Britain and Spain +10DP
Louis XVI: Worried that he is no longer in control of France. -1MP
Queen Marie Antoinette: At one time she symbolized France's alliance with Austria, but with tensions between Paris and Vienna she has become a figure of public hatred -1DP
Minister Necker: An able reformer whose recent reforms in the Estates General have helped right France’s ship of state. +1MP, +1 DP
Estates General: The Estates General has finally been called and had some success with reforming France’s finances but has begun to move in directions the King does not support. There has been success achieved, but also tensions due to disagreements with the King. +1MP -2DP
L'etat, c'est moi: France is an absolute monarchy, though this has recently been called into questions -1MP, -1 DP
Lettres de cachet: A hated symbol of the arbitrary power of the absolute monarchy -1DP
Secret du Roi: The King's minister's are well informed by a network of contacts across Europe +1DP
Ferme generale: France's tax system is a shambles that few understand -2MP
Frontieres naturelles: France's natural borders lie on the Rhine! +2MP -2DP
Dupleix's Pact: The Tiger of Mysore and Compagnie des Indes Orientales are close collaborators against John Company -1DP
Pacte de Famille: Spain gained nothing from the 5 Years War and the brief French flirtation with the Austrians still hasn't been forgiven; the Pacte still exists but the Spainish side doesn't see it as binding -1DP
The Shield of Rome: France is formally allied with the Papacy, giving its prestige a welcome boost in the Catholic world. -1DP
Glorie: Paris is the center of the cultural and intellectual universe +1DP
Debts: French debts haven't increased in recent years, that's progress! -6MP
France: The largest population yields the largest economy in Europe +26MP
French India: The jewel of France's colonies and her chance to strike at Britain's empire +10CP
Louisania and Quebec: Weaker than British North America, the French rely on Indians, regulars and militia to keep the British colonials at bay +2CP
Saint-Domingue: The Carribean's largest sugar producer +3CP
Trade with China: With opium going to China, our ships are laden with tea and silver +2CP
Trade with Vietnam: The Catholic faith is growing in Vietnam and we have started to benefit from her trade
Missionaries to India: We intend to win souls to Jesus Christ in India.
Nguyen Anh: The legitimate claimant to the Vietnamese throne has landed in Coinchina with a French fleet and army supporting him. -1CP, -1DP
French Army: Professional with excellent elite units, high morale, professional, an abundance of non-noble officers, and the best artillery in Europe
French Navy: The French with a favorable breeze and some luck can give the British a run for their money

United Provinces
William V, Prince of Orange
MP: 2
DP: 2
CP: 2
AP: 0
Home Armies: 4 (-4MP)
Fleets: 3 (-3MP) / (-3CP)
Colonial Armies: 3 (-3CP)
Regional Power: A strong navy and a stronger pocketbook, the Dutch are a power in their own right +6DP
William V, Prince of Orange: The unpopular Statholder of the Dutch Republic -1DP
Princess Wilhelmina: Unofficial leader of the Orangist party and sister of the Prussian King
Orangist Cabinet: The Orangists are supporters of centralised rule and the Unfortunate Alliance -1DP +1CP
Patriotten: The Patriotten oppose the Oraganist's pro-British policy, demand more say in the government and object to further wars in the Indies as injurious to trade (and dividends) -3MP
Exercitiegenootschap: A private, armed militia with Patriotten leanings who have taken to organising provocative marches to show their considerable strength -2MP
Schutterij: The "official" armed militia, comprised of the better sorts and Organist in sympathies, have taken to roughing up Exercitiegenootschap when they can +3MP
The Netherlands: The Netherland's is rich in capital and land, blessed with trade and one of the largest merchant fleets in Europe +8MP
The World's Bank: The Netherlands is the world's financial center and its banks hold significant amounts of capital +3MP
Refugees: The United Provinces welcomes people of all confessions and creeds to its considerable benefit +1DP
Blocking the Scheldt: Recent events have hardened public opinion and there is a consensus that the blockade must continue. -1DP
Merchant marine: The Dutch merchant marine is one of Europe's largest +3CP
The Unfortunate Alliance: France's growing power has seen the Dutch seek out British support which has come at considerable cost to the Dutch economy -2MP -2DP -1CP
Dutch East Indies: The VOC is in the process of shifting from a trading company to a territorial empire centered on Java +5CP
The Opium Trade: The VOC has begun to cultivate opium the profits for which are almost among the large overseas Chinese communities as they are in China proper
The VOC: The VOC is expensive to operate, the dividend large, and competition growing, This has prompted reform which has gone some ways to restoring the VOC’s health, though efforts to reform remain ongoing. -3CP
Chinese Middlemen: Cruel, but they know how to work the peasantry. Already we have begun to see results. +1CP
Wealth from overseas: While the VOC is struggling, dividends remain high and Amsterdam is bustling due to its status of the capital of a large overseas empire +2MP
Cape Colony: A place for ships transiting to Asia to replenish supplies +1CP
Dejima: The VOCs post in Japan, small and unloved and under British threat +1CP
Dutch Army: In decline, the Dutch have not fought a European war in decades.
Dutch Navy: Modern and sophisticated, the Dutch Navy is equal to any other in quality, if not quantity
Dutch Colonial Army: The VOC uses whoever they can get their hands on for soldiers; mostly that means low-paid Germans but even some samurai have found their way into the company's employ

King Charles I
MP: 1
DP: 5
CP: 0
AP: 0
Home Armies: 2 (-2MP)
Fleets: 0 () / ()
Colonial Armies: 0 ()
Minor Power: Burgundy is a new state with limited resources +3DP
King Charles I: the Prince de la Paix is a popular figure at home and in the courts of Europe admired for joie de vivre, his mistresses and the artistic and musical bent of his mostly German court +1DP
Charles Augustus: The Crown Prince is a legitimised bastard and far less popular than his wife. He is seen as less of an embarassment though now that he is married to a princess of rank. -1DP
Princess Maria: The Habsburg Crown Princess, she is beloved by burgher, commoner, and noble alike. +1DP
Comes Palatinus Rheni: Charles is Elector-Palatinate +1DP
The German Clique: The court is full of Germans who want a more centralised government along modern lines, view the burghers as social inferiors and resent that most roles in government are closed to them +1DP
The Burghers: the burghers of Brabant are jealous guardians of the rights of their cities and hate the Germans at court -1MP
The Joyous Entry: An ancient and popular charter of liberties that forces the King to seek the approval of the cities before waging war, raising taxes, making treaties and requires that most roles in government go to native born Burgundians to the considerable annoyance of the Germans at court -1MP -1DP
Patriotic mania: Throughout Burgundy, the people, whether they speak French or Dutch, have strongly rallied to their newly independent government and their new King. This mania is turning into a desire to fight the Dutch for the Scheldt. +1MP
Belgium: A wealthy corner of Europe +4MP
Belle Epoque: Brussels and Antwerp have become centers for the arts, music and culture with the King, his German court and the burgher class spending ever more outrageous sums on new commissions +1MP
Center of Industry: Burgundian textiles, especially lace, are famous, high quality and, most importantly, cheap +1MP
The Scheldt: Negotiating the end of the Dutch blockade of the Scheldt is a priority for the King and government and a source of considerable political agitation among the people who view the blockade as a national insult -2MP
War Taxes: The cities are in full agreement that war must be waged against the Dutch to reopen the Scheldt, and are prepared to finance the hiring of more German mercenaries.
Burgundian Germany: The region's economy is small and relatively insignificant
Burgundian Army: The Burgundian regulars are small in number and full of German officers and men, with few native Burgundians, supplemented by the much larger civic militias comprised entirely of native Burgundians
Casus belli: We are within our rights to declare war on the United Provinces to reopen the Scheldt.

Holy Roman Empire
Emperor Joseph II
MP: 1
DP: 1
CP: 0
AP: 0
Home Armies: 8 (-8MP)
Fleets: 0 () / ()
Colonial Armies: 0 ()
Great Power: Vienna's power is the greatest it has been since the reign of Charles V +10DP
Joseph II: An enlightened absolutist whose appetite for radical reform has alarmed most everyone
Leopold: Grand Duke of Tuscany, brother and heir of the childless Joseph II
Karl von Zinzendorf: Zinzendorf has single-handedly put Habsburg finances on a stable footing and is now working to address the imperial bureaucracy. +1MP
Unrest: Vienna's victory over Prussia left it undisputed master of the Holy Roman Empire; but Joseph's reforms causing offensive everywhere, the fate of Bavaria fresh in people's minds and the growing strength of Prussia plain for all to see that supremacy is no longer a sure thing. Some are wondering if action might need to be taken after the spectacle at Regensburg -4DP
Vienna's Pence: Vienna has managed to impose modest taxes on the Princes of the Empire +1MP
Happy Austria: Bella gerant alii, tu felix Austria nube +2DP
Germanization: The Emperor has made German the sole language of administration and education for the Empire, which has gone down about as well as can be imagined in this most diverse of Empires -1MP
Public Schooling: The Emperor has established a school system across the Habsburg territories at ruinous expense -2MP
Emancipation: The Emperor has freed the serfs which has angered the Hungarians to no end -3MP
Toleranzedikt: Tolerance has been granted to the Protestants, Orthodox and Jews to the horror of many -1MP
A Free Press: The Emperor has curtailed censorship allowing works critical even of himself! 0MP
Embarrassed Court: Though the realignment with Burgundy has been a success, there is still some embarrassment of allowing an imperial princess to marry so far beneath her station. -1DP
Potemkin's Pact: Russia and Austria were long aligned over a mutual distrust of Prussia and Poland, but recent events have ended this and left the Empire exposed without a real ally -2DP
Prussia Imbroglio: Nobody has any idea what the Emperor hoped to achieve with his Prussian agreement.
Administration in Disarray: Recent efforts at reorganization have added to the chaos but it is hoped that by the end of the decade, the Emperor will have the most efficient administration in Europe. -3MP
Austria: The heart of the Empire is seething with discontent over Joseph's policies +5MP
Mozart and Haydn: Music at the Austrian court is without peer +1MP +1DP
Bavaria: Bavaria was annexed by the Austrians and has never been reconciled to Vienna's rule +3MP
Die goldenen Lowen: The strength of the Die goldenen Lowen is growing as the despite the Emperor’s best efforts at reconciliation -2MP -1DP
Hungary: A land of grain and horses, newly freed serfs and bitter magnates +6MP
Parlamentum Generale: Joseph's reforms have pushed Hungary's magnates to demand that the reforms be wound back and that a session of the diet be called -4MP -2DP
The Hungarian Occupation: German troops currently occupy Hungary but the Hungarians are organizing and are not likely to tolerate this for long. -1MP -1DP
Bohemia and Silesia: Bohemia and Silesia are rich in minerals, fertile and have a large population +5MP
Bohemia: Unrest is spreading in Bohemia -1MP -1DP
Italy: Wealthy, stable and mostly content with Austrian rule +2MP
Poland: The Poles are quiet for now but there is considerable resentment among those who were recently annexed +2MP
Dalmatia, Croatia and Transylvania: Not terribly valuable +1MP
Imperial Army: The core of the army is German, well-drilled, disciplined. Good artillery. Grenzer light infantry and Hungarian hussars provide support
Reicharmee: During times of war, the Emperor can call upon the princes of the Holy Roman Empire...

King Frederick Wilhelm II
MP: 2
DP: 2
CP: 0
AP: 0
Home Armies: 6 (-6MP)
Fleets: 0 () / ()
Colonial Armies: 0 ()
Regional Power: Prussia is a cut above the other regional powers but lags behind the true European Great Powers +6DP
King Frederick Wilhelm II: A man who loves art and theater is not the King Prussia needs. He might have a chance at putting one of his family on the Swedish throne. -2DP
General Mollendorf: If Prussia is an army with a state, Mollendorf is its King +1MP
Old Fritz would be ashamed: Under Frederick Wilhelm, Spartan Berlin has become a centre of arts and culture -1MP
Prussian Code of Laws: Created at the behest of Frederick the Great, the laws Prussian justice the most prompt and efficient in Europe +1MP
Merchantalism: Internal barriers to trade have been removed and tariffs raised to protect Prussian industry with good results +2MP
Indirect Taxation: Prussian's finances collapsed during the 5 Years War and in an effort to prevent a repeat performance it adopted a scheme of indirect taxation from France to mixed results. The new Prussian finance ministry is reconsidering the approach. -1MP
Substantial Debt: Rebuilding Prussia and the loss of Silesia has resulted in huge debts, but the new Prussian finance ministry has the government on the right track to repayment. -3MP
Perfidious Albion: The court at Berlin holds a special contempt for London's betrayal in the Five Years War
The Warsaw Pact: Prussia has strengthened its defensive pact with Poland -1DP
Austrian Imbroglio: Nobody is sure what Prussia was attempting to do by aligning itself with Austria in the Diet but it flies in the face of Prussian policy since the Five Year War.
Prussia: Recovered from its disastrous Five Years War, Prussia is once more ready to enter the fray +9MP
Saxony: Currently in the Prussian sphere because of Austria's handling of the Bavarian annexation but is reconsidering its position due to Prussia’s recent realignment. The Wettins are the safe option for a new Swedish King ... +1MP -1DP
Prussian Army: The best infantry Europe can offer, good artillery, mediocre cavalry, excellent officers, high morale, and innovative tactics
Reserve System: Prussia's reserve system allows it to mobilize its men into its army quicker than its rivals and allows them to punch above their weight albeit at great expense -1MP
Prussian Navy: What navy?

King Christian VII
MP: 1
DP: 1
CP: 0
AP: 0
Home Armies: 1 (-1MP)
Fleets: 3 (-6MP)
Colonial Armies: 0 ()
Minor Power: Denmark is a minor power +3DP
Christian VII: A mad hedonist -1DP
Prince Frederick: Heir, regent and liberal reformer and potential candidate for the Swedish throne
Andreas Peter Bernstorff: Chief minister whose is at once comfortable with English liberalism and Danish absolutism +1MP
Enlightened Absolutism: The Crown's power is absolute and Federick and Bernstorff had made good use of it +1MP
Skane: The Danes would love to regain Skane
Pro-Russian Tilt: Bernstorff favours a policy of strict neutrality except when it comes to Sweden where he leans towards Russia
Gossipmongers: Denmark's press is among the freest in Europe and is known to print what others cannot or will not to the horror of censors everywhere -1DP
Agricultural Exports: As a major exporter, the current high price of grain has helped lift the economy +1MP
Denmark: Denmark's population is low but she punches about her weight economically +2MP
Stavnsband: Danish men of military age are now bound to their administrative districts instead of to their estates of birth; this has worked out surprisingly well -1MP
Schleswig-Holstein: A significant German speaking minority lives here +1MP
Norway: The Norwegians are allowed some autonomy +1MP
Overseas possessions: Rich fishing grounds and some slaves! +1MP
Danish Army: Denmark has a small army of good quality that can be reinforced with large numbers of conscripts in times of war
Danish Navy: Good ships, crew and officers but with little practical experience and inadequate numbers +1MP

Sweden (Royalist)
King Gustav III
MP: 1
DP: 3
CP: 0
AP: 0
Home Armies: 2 (-2MP)
Fleets: 3 (-6MP)
Colonial Armies: 0 ()
Minor Power: Sweden no longer the Baltic like it used to +3DP
King Gustav III: An able and committed absolutist whoIs now fighting to save the autocracy. +2MP
Crown Prince Gustav: His marriage could secure Sweden against Russia.
The French Party: Sweden's dominant political factor favor all things from a French alliance against Russia and French absolutism to the French language +1MP +1DP
Riksdag: The Riksdag must be dealt with
New Men: Gustav's reign has allowed political power to be exercised by loyal and component men of common birth +1MP
Old Men: The nobility has risen up in rebellion in Sweden proper.
The Riksdaler: Swedish finances are in good order thanks to the King's reforms. +1MP
Finland: The land is so poor the peasants must eat rocks +2MP
Valhallaorden: A secret society dedicated to Finnish independence some of whose members have since offered their services to the Swedish King in exchange for autonomy. +1MP
Skane: A formerly Danish province which the Danes would rather like back which has stayed loyal to the King with the promise of autonomy. +1MP
French Entanglements: The Swedish have been trying to get France as an ally against Russia for some time. It hasn't worked -1DP
Swedish Army: A force consisting of a small core of the King’s personal guard, some loyalists, and Finns.
Swedish Navy: King Gustav has greatly increased the size of the Swedish Navy; it may be the most powerful in the Baltic

Sweden (Riksdag)
MP: 1
DP: 1
CP: 0
AP: 0
Home Armies: 3 (-3MP)
Fleets: 1 (-2MP)
Colonial Armies: 0 ()
Minor Power: Sweden no longer the Baltic like it used to +3DP
Government in confusion: There is no clear dominant political force in the Riksdag. There is fierce debate between reconciliation, finding a new king, or declaring a republic. -1DP
Crown Prince Gustav: His marriage could secure Sweden against Russia.
Riksdag: The Riksdag is ascendant once more, and are prepared to restore Sweden’s age of liberty. +1MP +1DP
Democracy Clubs: A hotbed for radical thought, the Kollajite sympathizers believe that Sweden needs no King, and that suffrage should be expanded. -1MP, -1DP
New Men: The bureaucracy is in a poor state as the New Men who made it tick have fled
Old Men: The nobility are once more ascendant in Swedish politics. +1MP
The Riksdaler: Swedish finances are in good order thanks to the King's reforms. +1MP
War Taxes: New taxes have been levied for the war. +1MP
Sweden: Sparsely populated but with significant industry +4MP
Swedish Army: A small professional and well-drilled army with good infantry and artillery, most of the Swedish Army sided with the Riksdag except for the Finnish horse.
Swedish Navy: Most of the navy stayed loyal to the King.

King Charles IV
MP: 2
DP: 2
CP: 1
AP: 0
Home Armies: 6 (-6MP)
Fleets: 5 (-5MP) / (-5CP)
Colonial Armies: 12 (-12CP)
Regional Power: Spain still has great wealth and can be a key player in Europe +6DP
Charles IV: An amicable but simple minded King devoted to hunting. Recently took down a rather large deer.
Queen Maria Luisa: A strong and increasingly despised influence on her husband. Completely controls the government -1DP
Conde de Floridablanca: A brilliant statesman, chief architect of the liberal reforms executed under the old King, and a man with many enemies. Recently has subordinated himself to the Queen, to mixed results. +1MP +1CP
Manuel Godoy: The Queen's favourite, he is celebrated amongst Spain’s noble elite for pushing back against the reforms of Floridablanca.
Enlightened Administration: Due to the efforts of Charles III and Floridablanca, the administration has been made more effective with power centralized and sweeping reforms made to taxation and the law +1MP
Conservative Reform: The Spanish bureaucracy recognizes the need for reform, but more importantly recognizes such reforms should come slowly and with minimal disruption.
Afrancesado: Followers of French fashion and customs and strong supporters of the liberal reforms
The School of Salamanca: Floridablanca’s pet project, it is so far gathering little interest and showing minimal results.
Agraviados: Gentleman who fiercely oppose efforts to reform Spain with power bases in Catalonia, the Basque Counties, Aragon and Valencia. Newly confirmed in their power by the Crown’s surrendering to them, they are content for now but still oppose the broader economic changes that have gone on in Spain. -1MP -1DP
Anti-clericalism: The Church has been bought more firmly under state control with priests gagged, the priests in the America's have been kept out of politics and Church lands are looking to be the next target -1MP
Pacte de Famille: Madrid's relations with their cousins to the north are strained by Paris' exit from the 5 Years War before Gibraltar could be retaken and its more recent attempts to cultivate an Austrian alliance -1DP
Spain: The Kingdom of Spain is a moderately wealthy kingdom that is eclipsed by its much stronger neighbor in France +10MP
Traditions Restored: Hated foreign influences are being driven from Spain, and its cherished traditions are being once more embraced.
Bourbon Reforms: New industries are providing significant revenues for the royal treasury +1MP
Spanish Italy: Consisting of Parma, Lucca, and Modena. Not nearly as valuable as they once were +3MP
Spanish America: A source of great wealth +14CP
The Silver Trade: The mines of the Americas are rich with silver which creates great wealth with some costs -1MP +3CP
Bourbon Reforms: Reforms of Spanish America has centralized power in the Americas and has given us greater control over the region, at the expense of local elites in favor of Spanish born men. -1DP
Informal Empire: British trade is growing rapidly at Spain's expense -1CP
Florida: Its value is primarily in its protection of Spanish America. A drain on resources otherwise. -1CP
The Philippines: Its value is as a stopover for our ships heading to China +2CP
The Spanish Army: Ill-equipped, Ill-trained, and poorly led
Spanish Navy: Modern and well-equipped, able to perform well both in the Atlantic and the Mediterannean
Spanish Colonial Army: Militia forces made up from Creole and Mestizo settlers officered by Peninsulars

Queen Maria I
MP: 1
DP: 1
CP: 1
AP: 0
Home Armies: 1 (-1MP)
Fleets: 1 (-1MP) / (-1CP)
Colonial Armies: 2 (-2CP)
Minor Power: Portugal had used its wealth to hide its weakness. Now, it can do so no longer +3DP
Queen Maria: Intermittently sane following the death of her husband and eldest son -1DP
Crown Prince Joao: Absolutist by inclination, religious by sentiment and Spanish by marriage, Joao functions as his mother's regent during her bouts of madness.
Bureaucratic shambles: Portugal's administration is in desperate need of reform. Lafões has recently done an excellent job in reforming the roads administration, providing a blueprint to reform the Portuguese bureaucracy slowly and steadily. -1MP -1CP
Debts: Portugal runs considerable deficits and her debts are large and growing -1MP
Colonial Empire: Being the center of a colonial empire, even in decline, has its advantages. +1MP -1CP
The Methuen Treaty: Britain and Portugal are allies and trading partners to the considerable advantage of Britain -1MP -1CP
The Roads of Portugal: An ongoing, expensive project that has proven to be quite popular with nobles and commoners alike. It should hopefully be completed by the turn of the century. -1MP
Portugal: Known for port, madeira and bad roads +3MP
Brazil: Now wealthier than the homeland +2MP +2CP
The Janeirostos: A clique of Brazilians brought into the administration, committed to the crown and the enlightenment. Quite unpopular with conservative circles in Lisbon who see them as probable separatists. +1MP -1DP
Portuguese Africa: The slave trade is one area where Portugual does well +2CP
Goa: Portugal no longer has the ability to sway things in India, but Goa is still a valuable trade port +1CP
Macau: The center for our China trade +2CP
Timor: All that remains of our empire in the Indies
Portuguese Army: The Portuguese Army is not fit for war in Europe
Portuguese Navy: Portugal's navy is outdated and ill-equipped for modern naval warfare.
Portuguese Colonial Army: In Brazil it is focused on militias supplemented by European troops, elsewhere it relies on small garrisons of regulars

King Victor Amadeus III
MP: 1
DP: 2
CP: 0
AP: 0
Home Armies: 3 (-3MP)
Fleets: 0 () / ()
Colonial Armies: 0 ()
Minor Power: Sardinia is a minor power caught between the Holy Roman Empire and France +3DP
Victor Amadeus III: A profoundly conservative widower with a good nature loved by his subjects -1DP
Charles Emmanuel: Crown Prince, married to the sister of Louis XVI
Administrative Reforms: The King dislikes change but his administration is efficient nonetheless +1MP -1DP
Reactionary Backlash: The King is a known conservative, but his increasing paranoia over the ideas of the Enlightenment has estranged him from many of Sardinia’s intellectual elite. -1DP
Flexible Diplomacy: Because of its precarious position, the King and nobility are used to sudden shifts in Sardinia's foreign policy +2DP
Kingdom of Sardinia and the Duchy of Savoy: Savoy is the only piece of territory worth having +2MP
Port of Nice: Sardinia only has one port on the mainland, losing it would be a disaster +1MP
Casus Belli: The Sardinians have cause (however flimsy) to attack Genoa in defense of the King’s honor. Using it would be a bit of an embarrassment though.
The Sardinian Army: Sardinia's army is the best in Italy and good by European standards
Fortresses of Savoy: Savoy maintains a network of fortifications on the French border
The Sardinian Navy: Rotting at anchor

Republic of Genoa
Doge Giuseppe Maria Doria
MP: 1
DP: 2
CP: 0
AP: 0
Home Armies: 1 (-1MP)
Fleets: 1 (-2MP)
Colonial Armies: 0 ()
Minor Power: Calling Genoa a minor power is an insult to minor powers everywhere +3DP
Giuseppe Maria Doria: A descendent of the great Admiral Andrea Doria
Republic: Genoa is proud of its republican institutions and fiercely resists any incursions on their liberty or sovereignty
Balilla: The memory of the occupation by Austria and those brave enough to stand against them is a memory that rallies the Genoan people +1MP
A Free Press: Genoa’s newspapers are some of the harshest critics of princes, both domestic and foreign. Their latest target is the King of Sardinia.
Merchant Marine: Genoa still has a large fleet of Mediterannean ships that brings some wealth to the city, even if the margins aren't what they used to be +2MP
Burgeoning Artistic Scene: While Genoa is not Italy’s traditional seat of artistic excellence, money attracts talent, and there is good money to be made in Genoa for even middling artists.
City in Decay: Changing trade routes, a decline in trade, and periods of foreign occupation have made Genoa a shell of its former self. However, the government is in the midst of reform to make itself more effective and already results are being seen. -1MP -1DP
Genoa: It is not the city it once was +2MP
Genoese Army: The Genoese army is a hollow shell
Genoese Navy: The Genoese navy is small

Republic of Venice
Doge Lodovico
MP: 1
DP: 1
CP: 0
AP: 0
Home Armies: 1 (-1MP)
Fleets: 1 (-2MP)
Colonial Armies: 0 ()
Minor Power: How the mighty have fallen +3DP
Doge Lodovico: A kind, honest, generous and respected man
Pax tibi Marce, evangelista meus: The people of Venice are proud of their republic and city +1DP
Consilium Rogatorum: Venice's government is an oligarchic relic of another era and there are increasingly violent calls to reform it along democatic lines to breathe new life into the city -2DP
Democracy Clubs: The Republic’s unequal nature has been laid bare to many, and there is growing clamor for reform, to the horror of Venice’s ruling class. -1DP
Venice: Venice is no longer the port she once was, with competition from Treiste and other ports largely responsible for her decline, if she is to be reborn she must surpass or suppress them +2MP
Domini di Terrafirma: Venice's holdings on the mainland are not what they used to be +1MP
Stato da Mar: Istria and Dalmantia are all that remains of the Venice's overseas territories +1MP
Venetian Army: The Venetian army is comprised of mainlanders, Venetians and troops recruited from the Stato da Mar and is of a poor quality
Venetian Navy: The Venetian navy is small but her merchant marine is starting to expand which in times of war can be pressed into military service

Papal States
Pope Pius VI
MP: 1
DP: 4
CP: 0
AP: 0
Home Armies: 1 (-1MP)
Fleets: 0 () / ()
Colonial Armies: 0 ()
Minor Power: The Papal States is a large fish in the small Italian pond +3DP
Pope Pius VI: A long serving Pope who has led a life free from scandal and proven an able reformer +1DP
Denarii Sancti Petri: Rome draws significant revenues from across the Catholic world +2MP
The magisterium: The Church alone can interpret the Word of God and that grants it considerable influence with all the faithful +1DP
Societas Iesu: The Holy Father has discussed ending the suppression of the Jesuits
Naples: Naples owes the Pontiff 50 years of feudal dues and the Holy Father’s recent efforts to recoup them have been less than helpful -1MP
The Papal States: Occupies much of Central Italy +1MP
Urbs Aeterna: Rome is the heart of the Church and a major site of pilgrimage +1MP
The Defense of the Faith: An alliance with France has been signed to protect the Pope’s temporal powers. -1DP
The Pontine Marshes: Rome is afflicted by deadly miasmas that reap a rich harvest of pilgrims and priests -1MP
The Papal Army: Swiss mercenaries, local Italians, and Irish volunteers, the Papal Army is able to keep peace and not much else

King Ferdinand
MP: 1
DP: 3
CP: 0
AP: 0
Home Armies: 3 (-3MP)
Fleets: 1 (-2MP)
Colonial Armies: 0 ()
Regional power: Naples is an up and comer that has benefited from Acton's liberal reforms +6DP
King Ferdinand: Dominated by his wife; poorly educated and disinterested in politics, he spends his time hunting -1DP
Queen Maria Luisa: A Habsburg and the defacto ruler of the country, Maria is an effective ruler and an able judge of talent who has distanced the country from Spanish influence replacing it with British and Austrian influence and now stands ready to imprison her (many many) rivals +1DP
Sir John Acton: The Queen's favourite Minister, Acton is British born and has reformed the military and economy but has in the process earned the hatred of the nobility and the henpecked King and now finds himself trying to convince the Queen not to imprison all her rivals +1MP
William Hamilton and the British Party: The elevation of Acton has created a British faction within court who have become enthusiastic supporters of liberal economic reforms but fear the fruits of their labors might fail if the Queen gets her way +1MP
The Austrian Party: The Queen has put her Austrians into positions of power where they champion centralisation, absolutism and close relations with Britain and Austria +1MP
The Spanish Party: The Spanish party stands opposed to the Queen's foreign and domestic policies and with the King's brother now sitting the Spanish throne they believe now is the time to reassert control and restore things to how they used to be. They have gained strength from Papal support but are almost certain to be arrested by the Queen if she gets her way. -1MP -2DP
The Pontiff: Naples is technically a Papal fief, but stopped paying tribute half a century ago and has begun, under Acton's influence, to seize Church property to the fury of Rome and the clergy. The seizure of Church lands has been an economic boon to the crown. +1MP -1DP
The Police: Under the orders of Queen Maria Luisa, the police of Naples, both public and secret, have been expanded to unprecedented numbers and strength. They are preparing to strike against Her Majesty’s enemies. -1MP, +1DP
Naples and Sicily: Region known for its shipbuilding and wine. +6MP
Devoted Subjects: The Lazzaroni of Naples are fiercely loyal to the Bourbon Dynasty
The Knights of Malta: Vassals to the crown who control the strategic island of Malta
Neapolitan Army: Indifferent soldiers, awful artillery and ever growing friction between local born and foreign officers
Foreign Drillmasters: The Neapolitan Army is modernising along British lines but this has process has alienated the officer corp who rather object to spending time in the sun supervising drill, are of the view that a good officer's only requirement is courage, who think that the whip is the only way to train and believe corruption to be their just rewards for condescending to serve -1MP -1DP
Neapolitan Navy: New ships and able junior officers have gone some way to improving the navy but the crews remain of a poor quality and the upper ranks officers are every bit as bad as the army officers
Accademia Navale: The Neapolitan Navy's capabilities are growing as new graduates from Acton's school bolster the ranks -1MP

Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
King Louis II
MP: 1
DP: 5
CP: 0
AP: 0
Home Armies: 5 (-5MP)
Fleets: 0 () / ()
Colonial Armies: 0 ()
Regional Power: The partition was a disaster for the Commonwealth but the reforms of the Patriotic Party have helped return the Commonwealth to a measure of health +6DP
King Louis II: A descendent of Stanislaus I, the French born Louis and brother of Louis XVI has firmly aligned himself with the constitution, even though it limits his powers, to the delight of everyone
Hugo Kollataj: Kollataj's radical republican writings have become ever more popular with the public +1DP
Ignacy Potocki: Potocki occupies the middle ground of the Patriotic Party and is currently ascendant in the Sejm following his successful brokering of the new constitutional monarchy +2DP
Stanislaw Malachowski: A member of the conservative wing of the Patriotic Party, Malachowski is a supporter of the Prussian alliance, supports rehabilitating the karmazyni and is alarmed at the growing disorder in his homeland
Prince du sang: Louis is a Bourbon and has used his family connections to good use in service to his adopted homeland +1DP
The Long Sejm: With the new constitution passed and the Sejm in its 12th year, demands for new elections have become deafening, though tensions with Russia complicates matters.-2DP
Economic Confusion: Serfs have left the estates in droves, heading to the cities where they can earn a better living. This has naturally hurt agricultural production. -1MP
The Commonwealth Constitution: The Commonwealth has formally passed a new constitution, creating the most representative parliament in Europe. +1DP
Hereditary Monarchy: The crown of Poland shall remain with the Bourbon dynasty for all time, God willing.
Karmazyni bleed karmazynowy: The karmazyni are dead or fled but Malachowski, to the disgust of many, wants them to be allowed to return with their lands restored to them -1MP
Chaos in the Ukraine: Landlords hang from trees, the estate houses are burned, the tax records are destroyed and the former serfs now hold the land. The threat of the Russian’s invading and restoring feudalism has seen the sefs rally to defend the Commonwealth. -2MP
Magnateria: The magnates have been utterly defeated by the reform and have been cowed into submission or driven into exile.
Political Confusion: The constitution is complicated and there is much confusion as the Commonwealths’s political institutions test one another. -1DP
Xenophobia: The Prussians are accepted, barely, the Austrians detested and the Russians, words do not exist to express the depth of hatred Russia is held in -2DP
Pacte de Famille?: Louis's election bought the Commonwealth French help but the Sejm has thus far spurned a formal French alliance fearing it will strengthen the King against them
The Warsaw Pact: The Commonwealth has entered a full alliance with Prussia. -1DP
Poland: The core of the Commonwealth +8MP
Krakow: The capital of the Commonwealth in the midst of a cultural flowering as an entire generation of brilliant Polish thinkers, writers and artists embrace ever more radical ideas +1MP
Lithuania: The other part of the Commonwealth that nobody seems to remember much about +1MP
The Polish Army: French influenced, the cavalry is aristocratic and excellent, the artillery quite good and the infantry good but resentful of the horse and a growing band of peasant irregulars Msciciele: Not all of the officers are Msciciele, but all Msciciele are officers
The Polish Navy: The Polish navy has been left to rot at anchor

Empress Catherine II (the Great)
MP: 3
DP: 3
CP: 1
AP: 0
Home Armies: 15 (-15MP)
Fleets: 3 (-6MP)
Colonial Armies: 0 ()
Great Power: Russia's strength knows no bounds +10DP
Catherine The Great: The Great isn't an idle boast; long may she reign! +2MP +2DP
Prince Paul: Eccentric and kept out of government affairs by the Empress
Prince Potemkin: Restored to power, he is undoing the damage caused by Zubov. -1DP
The Russian Enlightenment: Catherine's is a glittering showcase of Russian art, science, and culture +2MP
Charter to the Gentry: Catherine has greatly extended the rights of the nobility to their considerable delight +3MP
Table of Ranks: The Rusisan bureaucracy is the world's largest and its bureaucrats are neither well educated, well paid, honest or effective -3MP -2DP
Serfdom: Serfdom in Russia is out of step with the new era but abolishing it is still a step to far +1MP
Large debts: Wars, reform, palaces...have taken a toll on Russian finances -2MP
Silver Shortage: Russia is dealing with a severe silver shortage -4MP
Assignation Bank: Since foreign purchases must be done in gold and silver, internal purchases have been made with near worthless paper money backed by the government to the detriment of the economy -1MP
Ostentatious Court: The Russian court takes luxury to another level, and visitors are awed at the extravagance -1MP
Zubovburg: Our presence in the Pacific is growing, at great cost. -1MP
The Russian American Company: Recently the various fur trading companies have been combined and brought under imperial control in the form of the Russian-American Company. -1DP
Treaty of Kak Kaynarca: This treaty gives us the right to protect Orthodox Christians in the Ottoman Empire to the annoyance of much of Europe -2DP
Trade with China: We have numerous trading posts on the Qing border that brings our caravans great wealth. +1CP
Zweikaiserbund: Our treaty with the Holy Roman Empire is has practically collapsed without Austria even bothering to tell us it was over -1DP
Ties with the Durrani Court: A powerful empire on the verge of collapse, we might see great benefit were we to continue our investment and back the winning prince in the imminent civil war. -1DP
Russia: Vast, filled with sons ready to live and die at the whims of the Empress +20MP
Ukraine: Its soil is rich and productive while Crimea's ports offer new opportunities for Russia commerce +8MP
The Baltic: A small population, but its strategic position cannot be ignored +1MP
Poland: The Poles resent their liberation
The Russian Army: An elite core of Guard regiments, significant numbers of light infantry of mixed quality, indifferent artillery and good light cavalry
The Russian Navy: Split between the Baltic Sea Fleet and the newly established Black Sea Fleet it relies on foreign shipbuilders and foreign officers
Foreign advisors: Foreigners are expensive... -1MP
Casus Belli: We have good cause to go to war against the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

The Ottoman Empire
Sultan Selim III
MP: 2
DP: 2
CP: 0
AP: 0
Home Armies: 8 (-8MP)
Fleets: 1 (-2MP)
Colonial Armies: 0 ()
Regional Power: The Ottomans are a shadow of what they wereÖ but they still cast a long shadow +6DP
Selim III: A talented, energetic and educated reformist with long experience with foreigners +1MP
Janissaries: Once a feared fighting force, the Janissaries exist only to line their own pockets and murder Sultan's who challenge them. Recent events have made them increasingly restless. -2MP -1DP
Sipahi: The great enemies of the Janissaries, the Sipahi are powerful in the Ottoman's European possessions and are strong supporters of Selim III
Debts: The recent wars against Russia and the Holy Roman Empire have left the Ottomans deep in debt -3MP
Anatolia: The heartland of the Empire +7MP
Egypt: Wealthy and populous and usually under Mamluk control +4MP
Ismail Pasha and Ismail Bey: Istanbul loyalists who recently took over Egypt with central government support and whose rule is steadying due to an influx of financial and political support. +1MP
Ibrahim Bey and Murad Bey: The former rulers of Egypt are in hiding and waiting for an opportunity to depose the Ismail Pasha and Ismail Bey -1MP
Greece: Greece is an open wound...
Greek Nationalism: Since the Orlov Revolt, Greece has been on a knife's edge and the Russians know it... -1DP
Klephts and Armatoloi: The Greek countryside is in a constant state of low-level rebellion which is expensive to manage. They are growing bolder. -1MP
Treaty of Kak Kaynarca: The Russian Empire has the right to intervene in the Empire to protect the Christian minority. We must be cautious. -1DP
The Balkans: A disaster waiting to happen +4MP
Serbia: The Austrians invasion of Serbia was welcomed by the Serbs many of whom served under its colors... -1MP
The Levant: Populous and not under firm central government control +5MP
Sulayman the Great: The Mamluk ruler of Iraq is an effective ruler and modernizer who retains good relations with the Sublime Porte -2MP
Jazzar Pasha: Jazzar Pasha is consolidating Syria under his control with the support of the Sublime Porte -2MP
Barbary States: Our vassals in North Africa are skilled pirates who extract protection money from Christian merchantmen +4MP -1DP
Ottoman Army: The Ottoman military is of an indifferent quality
Nizam-i Djedit: A force numbering ten thousand, they are being trained in the modern style, but are utterly hated by the Janissaries -2MP
Ottoman Navy: A largely ineffective formation

NPC Stats (Unplayable)

Spoiler :

Maratha Empire
MP: 0
DP: 4
CP: 2
AP: 0
Home Armies: 0 ()
Fleets: 0 () / ()
Colonial Armies: 35 (-35CP)
Martha Empire: The Empire's population is huge, her resources immense and her army vast +6DP +90CP
Shahu II: The Chhatrapati (Emperor) of the Maratha Empire is powerless
Madhav-Rao II: The hereditary Peshwa (Prime Minister) is a 16 year old puppet
Nana Fadnavis: The Maratha Machiavelli is an able and effective ruler who has extended the reach of the Empire and is in equal parts respected and feared by the Europeans +2DP +2CP
Barbhai Council: A council of senior Maratha statesmen who have ably steered the Empire through the Peshwa's minority +1DP
Gaekwads of Baroda: Maharajas of Baroda -1DP -10CP
Holkar of Indore and Malwa: Ahilyabai Holkar might be a women but she is an able ruler -1DP -10CP
Scindias of Gwalior and Ujjain: Mahadaji Scindia is a brilliant general who smashed the Jats and Rajputs -1DP -10CP
Bhonsales of Nagpur: Raghuji Bhonsale is known to have British sympathies and is an effective administrator -1DP -10CP
Puars of Dhar and Dewas: Rulers of Dhar and Dewas -1DP -10CP
Maratha Army: Good light horse, middling infantry and decent foreign mercenary artillery
Benoit de Boigne: A Savoyard military adventurer in service to the Maratha who is training the Martha Army in the European style -5CP
Maratha Navy: A shadow of what it once was

Tipu Sultan (The Tiger of Mysore)
MP: 1
DP: 3
CP: 3
AP: 0
Home Armies: 3 (-3MP)
Fleets: 1 (-1MP) / (-1CP)
Colonial Armies: 12 (-12CP)
Regional Power: The Tiger of Mysore has built a powerful kingdom +6DP
Tipu Sultan: The Tiger of Mysore has won a reputation for being a general, administrator and economic reformer par excellence +1MP +1DP +1CP
French Merchant Accesss: The French are valuable allies and we grant them commercial privileges to keep them that way -1MP -1DP
The Shop Keeper: The British have nicknamed Tipu Sultan the shopkeeper which his is high praise for his merchantile skills coming from the Nation of Shopkeepers +1MP
State Monopolies: Tipu Sultan has monopolised entire sectors of the economy which he has developed greatly +1MP
Dupleix's Pact: We are close colloborators with the Compagnie des Indes Orientales against the British East India Company -1DP
Southern India: Mysore is a wealthy country that has become richer through the adoption of new and novel agricultural and manufacturing techniques +6MP +15CP
Mysori Army: Undergoing a rapid program of modernisation under French tutelage which is starting to bear fruit
French Military Mission: The French are helping to modernise the Mysori army -1MP -2DP
Fathul Mujahidin: The Mysoreans make extensive use of rockets -1MP
Mysori Navy: Decent and rapidly improving with modern ships built along French lines
Naval Reform: Tipu Sultan has begun to reform his fleet with help from the French officers which has produced good results at considerable cost -1MP

Durrani Empire
MP: 0
DP: 1
CP: 2
AP: 0
Home Armies: 0 ()
Fleets: 0 () / ()
Colonial Armies: 8 (-8CP)
Minor Power +3DP
Timur Shah: A weak and ineffective ruler who has spent most of his reign trying to assert his rule over the Empire -1DP
Twenty Four Sons and Counting: Timur Shah has a lot of sons, the three most influential of whom are Mahmud, Zaman and Shuja and boy oh boy do they hate each other -1DP
Qizilbash: The Emperor's most loyal troops and personal bodyguards are Persian speaking Shiite Qizilbash -2CP
Government: Ahmad Shah, founder of the dynasty, was a charismatic man who inspired loyalty which his is a quality his son lacks -5CP
The Sikhs: The Sikhs have survived repeated attacks and grow ever stronger with each passing year -10CP
Afghanistan: The heartland of the empire provides soldiers and little else +2CP
Northern India: The weakening is struggling to retain control of Northern India +25CP
Durrani Army: A small core of regular soldiers is supplemented by a large number of tribal fighters
Durrani Navy: What navy?

Sultanate of Aceh
MP: 0
DP: 1
CP: 0
AP: 0
Home Armies: 0 ()
Fleets: 1 (-2CP)
Colonial Armies: 1 (-1CP)
Minor Power +3DP
Sultan Alauddin: An bookish and popular ruler who has had some success rebuilding the Sultan's power over his subjects -1DP +1CP
Uleebangs: The independent minded chiefs of the coast who control the pepper trade and ignore the Sultan when it suits them -1DP -1CP
Merah di Awan: The Sultan's principal wife is the daughter of a Sultan and powerful and effective advocate for her husband +1DP
Orang Kaya: The high nobility of Aceh control the state but Sultan Alauddin has curtailed their influence somehwat -1DP
France Interests: French merchants are a common site in Aceh and the Sultan is known to be well disposed to the French and ameniable to closer relations
British Interests: Acehnese merchants ship pepper to the EIC factories of George Town and Bencoolen which is just as well since the Sultan is still annoyed at a punitive expedition the EIC mounted against his subjects a few years ago
Pirates: The Sultan exercises only a loose authority over his subjects and many have turned to piracy which has caused the Sultan problems with the Europeans in the past
Aceh: A rich land which is a major producer of tin and pepper +1CP
The Pepper Trade: Aceh accounts for a large share of the world's pepper production +2CP
Acehnese Army: The Acehnese army is not a modern force, but is skilled at amphibious operations
Acehnese Navy: The Acehnese navy is equipped with swift praus, galleys, that are extremely effective in closed water and as platform for amphibious operations

Dai Viet
Emperor Quang Trung
Home Armies
Colonial Armies
Minor Power
Emperor Quang Trung: A brilliant general with a ferocious intelligence and a savage streak, Quang Trung rose from obscurity, with his two now dead brothers, to conquer all of Vietnam which he now rules as Emperor
Crown Prince Quang Toan: The crown prince is still a boy and the Emperor's only heir
Tay Song Reforms: Having won control of Vietnam, the Emperor has instituted massive reforms to the countryside that have seen taxes reformed so that even the rich have to pay, the extension of government down to the village level and a huge public works programme using corvee labour
Catholics: Catholics have a presence and the Emperor has given them considerable freedoms to propagate their message although their leader, Bishop Pierre Pigneau de Behaine, has spirited away the rebel Nguyen Ahn to France
Nguyen Ahn: The sole survivor of the Nguyen family he has fled to France with his tail between his legs like the dog he is
Opposition: The survival of Nguyen Ahn has given hope to Trihn, Nguyen and Le loyalists that the new regime might fall
Northern Vietnam: The fertile red river delta makes North Vietnam the center of the nation
Southern Vietnam: The south is growing rapidly and was the heartland of the Nguyens
Dai Viet Navy: An effective force which fields large warships which equal European frigates in firepower
Dai Viet Army: The Tay Song, under Emperor Quang Trung, built a large and effective fighting force, respected by European observers, that has defeated all its many enemies
Pirates of the South China Coast: The Emperor has been planning an invasion of Southern China for some time and to this end he has armed, trained and given support to the notorious pirates Kings Cheung Po Tsai, Zheng Qi and Ching I

Tokugawa Shogunate
MP: 0
DP: 0
CP: 0
AP: 0
Home Armies: 0 ()
Fleets: 0 () / ()
Colonial Armies: 0 ()
Regional Power
Shogun Tokugawa Ienari: The Shogun is the ruler of Japan though there is also talk of an Emperor
Matsudaira Sadanobu: The Shogun's chief man we know little of him
Sakoku: Japan controls trade closely and we have little idea what goes on within her borders
Rangaku: The Dutch know the most about Japan
Nagasaki: Foreigners are kept on islands in Nagasaki harbour
Japan: A large and wealthy land with an immense population
Tokugawa Army: It is not clear how large the Japanese hosts are
Tokugawa Navy: We know little of Japan's naval strength

Qing Empire
Qianlong Emperor
MP: 0
DP: 0
CP: 0
AP: 0
Home Armies: 0 ()
Fleets: 0 () / ()
Colonial Armies: 0 ()
Great Power: The greatest nation on earth and she knows it
Qianlong Emperor: A man immense talent who has sat the greatest throne of earth almost 60 years
Haijin: China restricts trade with great vigor
All things in prolific abundance: China produces most everything she needs
The Cohong: All trade must be conducted with a small clique of greedy Chinese merchants
Opium Trade: Opium is being smuggled into China to the great distress of the government
China: Her orderliness and peacefulness is the envy of the world
Canton: Foreigners are confined to Canton
Qing Army: The Qing armies are immense and skilled with gun and cannon
Qing Navy: The Qing navy is large but her vessels are inferior to the Europeans

Map as of 1790

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Player List

Great Powers

Great Britain-Seon
Holy Roman Empire-Shadowbound

Regional Powers
Dutch Republic-Reus
Spain-J.K. Stockholme
Ottoman Empire-jackelgull

Minor Powers
Sweden-Robert Can't
Sardinia-Marcher Jovian
Venice-Kyzarc Fotjage
Denmark-Norway-Lord Aragon
Papal States-Ninjacow

Playable Country Backgrounds

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France-Though France did not win as great a victory it had hoped for in the Five Years War, its stalemate with Britain at least bought some security for its far-flung colonial empire. With Britain focusing its efforts in the Orient, France repositioned itself to confront its rivals on the continent in the form of Austria and Russia. Its alliances with the Ottoman Empire and Sweden were reinforced, friendly relations were re-established with Prussia, and a masterful bit of diplomacy was achieved to strengthen and align the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Throughout the long peace, some gains have been made; Switzerland, Lorraine, and Corsica have been acquired with negotiations, inheritance, and a bit of force. Perhaps the greatest threat to France is its own spending, with debts reaching dangerously high levels. Three decades of peace has prevented the situation from exabrication, but the problem is no closer to being solved and it threatens to topple the entire kingdom if left unchecked.

Great Britain-The failure of the Prussian armies in the Five Years War and with Hanover threatened, forced Britain into a peace that left the French Empire still a threat in the Americas and India. The disaster forced an end to Whig dominance and led to the rise of a Tory party that was hostile to intervention in Europe of any sort (save for Hanover), content that France on one end and Austria with Russia on the other ensured a stable balance of power without British intervention. Britain, for the most part, eschewed large scale colonial wars, and focused on the expansion of trade in East Asia, winning concessions in Burma, Vietnam, Siam, and eventually Japan, while trade with China has been dramatically expanded due to the popularity of opium. The British economy is booming, but tensions still loom under the surface; Irish issues continue to bother the government, and the colonies in America and India still face French threat. And on the continent, it seems Europe has divided itself into two armed camps. Will Britain once more enter the fray? Or will perfidious Albion grow rich off of the misfortune of others?

The Dutch Republic-The wars of the 18th century soon proved that the Dutch, while quite wealthy, were simply outmatched by the modern great powers of Europe. Abroad, the Dutch monopoly on trade in the Indies and the Orient was broken by France and Britain, but even worse, the Netherlands itself was threatened on numerous occasions. The Dutch stayed neutral in the Five Years War, but it still found itself bogged down in expensive wars in the Indies. With the Franco-Austrian supremacy on the continent confirmed, the Dutch were forced to align itself closer to the British, even as London cannibalized Dutch profits in the east. The Netherlands enters the 1790s with growing discontent against the Orangist cabinet, diminished profits from the VOIC and the spice trade, and a gulf of strength growing between the Dutch and Europe’s great powers.

Burgundy-The Holy Roman Emperor had long held the Southern Netherlands as a buffer between France and the Dutch Republic, but it proved nearly impossible to defend. Further, the provinces were highly autonomous, resisting imperial efforts at centralization. Failure to resist Dutch actions regarding the blocking of the Scheldt further enflamed tensions against the Emperor to the point where the Emperor was actively seeking to exchange the territory. He found a taker in Charles Theodore von Wittlesbach, whom he agreed to crown King of the newly created “Kingdom of Burgundy” as part of the Holy Roman Empire and interceded on his behalf for the legitimization of his children. The new king’s subjects adore him and are fiercely patriotic, but problems still remain; the king has found his powers limited by the estates, particularly in Flanders and Brabant, while the Dutch still keep the Scheldt closed. The young nation is enthusiastic though, and if they can weather the storm of challenges, Charles Theodore may realize his dream of a ‘Burgundian Empire’.

Spain-The Spanish were disappointed with the conduct of the Five Years War and their subsequent failure to gain possessions either in the Americas or Gibraltar. With ambitions abroad frustrated, Charles III put great vigor into the enrichment of the Spanish Kingdom, breaking the power of the regional cortes and submitting their authority to his newly reconstructed capital in Madrid, while also bringing its American possessions under greater control. The new King, Charles IV, inherits a much stronger position now, and though the 18th century was not one of Spanish triumphs, so long as silver and gold flows from the New World, Spain will remain powerful.

Portugal-A global empire that once ranked among the world’s wealthiest, the Portuguese Empire once was fabulously wealthy due to its trading posts in the Indies and the Orient, but as of late, rivals have significantly cut into Lisbon’s profit margins: the British in China and India, the Dutch in Japan. Now, its remaining jewel in the crown, Brazil, has since grown to be more important than Portugal itself, and its Queen, Maria I, is afflicted with madness. This turn of events has put many in Lisbon ill at ease, and there are fears that their rivals may take advantage of the situation.

Sardinia-Long considered the Prussia of Italy, Sardinia’s fortunes were caught in between two great powers, that of France and of the Holy Roman Empire. They were forced to side with one or the other until their alliance took away the kingdom’s strategic location between the two, allowing the kingdom several decades of peace. With the Empire and France at one another’s throats once more, the Sardinians may very well prepare to once more be the center of a struggle between the two, and attempt to profit in their service.

Genoa- The once powerful city has seen its fortunes dramatically decline in the 18th century, losing its few outposts and seeing occupation by foreign armies; the city was nearly annexed in the course of several campaigns in Italy, but survived more often than not due to sheer luck and circumstance. Its recent loss of Corsica has further shown the city’s weakness, and it is only by the intervention of other great powers that Genoa has not fallen.

Venice- The 18th century saw a continued decline for what was once Europe’s wealthiest city. Defeats to the Ottomans and the loss of holdings in the Balkans further weakened Venice’s position, and its navy numbers only a few galleys while its army is poorly trained and equipped. One commentator noted “at this stage, Venice is likely to fall to a stiff breeze”.

The Papal States-The eternal city of Rome’s light has faded in the 18th century. Even Catholic princes have turned their back on papal authority, seizing church land and treasure while reducing the power of the Holy See in their domains. Rome has been mostly forced to sit quiet and stomach demands from other rules, including the suppression of the Jesuits. As of late, the Papal States has focused primarily on internal reforms and on reducing corruption, while attempting to keep Catholic Christendom loyal to Rome.

Naples-For centuries a possession of foreign monarchs, Naples at last has its cherished independence under the Bourbon dynasty. Naples has seen several decades of peace now, but its court remains a center of intrigue for Austria, Spain, and recently, Britain. Until recently, Naples, while independent, was de facto treated as a province of Spain, but its new King Ferdinand has asserted greater independence for his kingdom. Now, the Neapolitan army and navy have seen recent reforms to ensure its continued independence/ And with the wheels of Europe seeming to turn to yet another war, it may very well be time for Naples to go from a province of an empire to the center of one.

The Holy Roman Empire-The defeat of Prussia in the Five Years War allowed Austria a dominant position in the German states, with imperial prestige and power at its highest in centuries. The princes, long accustomed to their independence were forced to acknowledge Vienna’s will, however much they grumbled. Tensions quickly surfaced with Vienna’s former allies though particularly with a botched partition of Poland and a war with the Ottomans that saw little benefit to the Empire. Emperor Joseph II’s attempts to consolidate the Habsburg position in Germany nearly spilled into a war when he traded the Austrian Netherlands for Bavaria; though he was successful in the endeavor, he was forced to cede some German lands to the French, and many princes were at a mutiny; Saxony, the strongest among them, even switched over to the Prussian camp. Now, with enemies are circling, both external and internal; Emperor Joseph’s ‘enlightened’ rule and his Germanization efforts have angered both its own nobles and its foreign subjects.

Prussia-Prussia’s unfortunate defeat in the Five Years War laid bare the shortcomings of the kingdom, that while its army allowed Prussia to punch above its weight, it was simply outmatched when it came to fighting three much larger enemies. The loss of Silesia and significant casualties set Prussia back, but it was not a deathblow that her enemies hoped for. Prussia has spent the past few decades rebuilding and replenishing its army and using cunning diplomacy to rebuild its position; it successfully navigated the Polish partitions to see major gains but did not incur as much animosity that the Russians did, and during the Bavarian Crisis, Prussia welcomed Saxony’s defection from the Austrian camp. Prussia’s prestige and standing has not fully recovered yet, but its population has, and it is ready to once more march into the fray.

The Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth-Once the great power of Eastern Europe, Poland has since fallen on hard times. Defeated in war and politics, by the 1760s, its neighbors, led by Russia, were prepared to partition the Commonwealth. Were it not for the strenuous objections of France, and to a lesser extent, Britain, Poland may have ceased to be an independent state. The partition was pared back, with only Prussia seeing significant gains. The threat to their independence forced many nobles to confront the excesses of the Liberum Veto; some more extreme parties assassinated King Stanisław, while the reform nobles, armed with French money, elected the French king’s brother as King Louis II. Several reforms were passed to reduce the power of the individual nobles, changing the Sejm from unanimous assent to majority voting. This has allowed the King to pursue several much needed reforms to both the administration and the army, even as the Commonwealth retains one of the most liberal regimes in the world.

Russia-Russia’s gains in the Five Years War were minimal despite its tremendous contributions, but the diplomatic situation facing Empress Catherine upon her ascension was quite favorable. Prussia weakened, Austria dependent, and France far away, Russia was free to expand at its leisure, and Catherine dramatically expanded her empire, adding territory in Crimea and the Caucasus mountains. A tremendous setback though came in its attempt to partition Poland; French intervention not only forced Russia to settle for minimal gains, but it also caused the reformation and revival of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the weakening of Russian influence in the country. With Russian expansion temporarily checked, it focused on internal development, with the construction of many new towns and a reform of the administration. The nobility gained incredible wealth in what was being called ‘The Golden Age’, with new mansions and palaces being built each year, and seeing ever increasing levels of corruption and licentiousness. As of late though, the Empress has growing concerns that she faces three French allies on her borders. It might be time for the Minerva of the North to prove she is once more Mistress of the East.

Ottoman Empire-The Ottoman Empire has recently suffered several major setbacks at the hands of its traditional enemies, the Holy Roman Empire and Russia. Failure saw the loss of the Caucasus region and Crimea, and at times Russian armies were even able to threaten Constantinople; a stunning reversal for an empire that, a hundred years ago, was at the gates of Vienna. The most recent war was particularly devastating, with the Russians defeating a Janissary army that was twice its size in battle; the peace treaty signed in 1786 was the most devastating to date. Many in the empire believe that the wars with the Christian powers have shown the Porte must reform, including the new Sultan. However, entrenched interests are bitterly opposed to any reform. It remains to be seen if the empire, still quite powerful and wealthy, can reverse the recent losses and ensure Ottoman power returns to its former heights.

Denmark-Norway-The 18th century saw Denmark’s status of a minor power affirmed, with it no longer able to challenge Sweden on its own. However Danish diplomats secured an alliance with Russia that saw Swedish expansionism contained and the Kingdom protected. Following the Great Northern War, Denmark-Norway stayed neutral during most wars, including the Five Years War, and instead enjoyed a long period of peace and stability. With an enlightened despot guiding Denmark, art and science flourished, and new liberties in expression and the press were permitted. As of late though, it seems that storm clouds are coming. Thirty years is far too long for peace in Europe, and countries are making moves once more, including Denmark’s ancient enemy, Sweden. With Sweden expanding its fleet and signing an alliance with France, the balance of power in the Baltic may be under threat, an intolerable situation to Copenhagen. It may be time for Denmark to once more enter the fray.

Sweden-The loss of the Great Northern War marked a broader decline of Sweden’s fortunes. Losing influence in the Baltics and Germany, it found itself the junior partner in the wars of the European great powers, often allied to France. Some gains were made in the Five Years War, seeing expansion into Pomerania but Sweden was then expelled from Germany after Prussia’s invasion during the Bavarian crisis. The chaos in Swedish politics led to King Gustav III’s destruction of the power of the Riksdag, transitioning Sweden out of its Age of Liberty and into an absolutist state. Now, with the King fully in control, it remains to be seen if he can overturn a century of Swedish decline.

Other Backgrounds

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Morocco-A small independent state in North Africa that has thus far resisted encroaches both by Europeans and the Ottomans.

Abyssinia-A Christian power in East Africa, it has long resisted encroachments from Muslim powers in the region. As of late they have been trading slaves and coffee with the Ottomans in the north.

Qajar Dynasty-A new polity that has recently taken power within Persia. It has grown rapidly, but it is still quite unstable, and it has yet to fully consolidate its conquests.

The Durrani Empire-The product of a great Afghani conqueror, the Durrani Empire near immediately collapsed into chaos and civil war upon his death. The empire has barely stayed together and it is in danger of collapse either from Sikh rebellions, tribal discontent, or even an external enemy.

Maratha Confederacy: An ally to Britain and the East India Company during the Five Years War, the Maratha victory over the Mughal Empire was a stunning success and validated the campaigns of the 18th century, but it has revealed the weakness of the state, with internal rebellions and divisions threatening to tear the country apart.

Mysore: A powerful Muslim state in southern India, Mysore has been at the forefront of resisting Maratha incursions. With a French-trained army and a modernizing streak bringing administrative and financial reform to the sultanate, the Tiger of Mysore is prepared to deliver a swift kick to the Maratha and extend his power throughout the subcontinent.

Konbaung: A powerful dynasty in South East Asia, the Konbaung have recently seen the arrival of the Europeans and their entry into the region’s trade and political affairs. Recently, the Konbaung have used British material to win a war against the Siamese, and have welcomed the opening of a British concession near Rangoon.

Rattanakosin-As Siamese armies fell to both the Burmese and Vietnamese, the new Chakri dynasty took power to repel foreign enemies from the region, opening themselves to British, French, and Dutch merchants. The King, Ranma I, is cautiously looking at the different foreign powers in hopes they might allow him to regain lost territory while at the same time ensuring his court does not fall under their influence.

Dai Viet-The rise of Dai Viet has been marked by an effort to establish an imperial state strong enough to subdue local warlords and ensure the kingdom’s independence. With weaponry supplied by the Portuguese, the Vietnamese were able to subdue local rivals and extend their influence at the expense of the Siamese. Recently, a new concession has been opened to European traders and missionaries in the South, led by the French East India Company, in hopes that Dai Viet can continue to prosper.

Aceh-A powerful sultanate, Aceh has carefully managed its contact with the European powers. While happy to take their silver for Aceh’s pepper, any attempt to push for further privileges has been rebuffed by the Sultan, who is unwilling to risk his careful internal consolidation. As Britain has grown stronger in East Asia, they have attempted to push for more privileges, which has, in turn, caused Aceh to become closer to the French in hopes of deterring any British aggression.

Qing-The Great Qing is mighty and prosperous, as powerful as the sun at midday. No one can come close to claiming the wealth and power the Emperor possesses. Chinese goods are in such high demand that silver has flowed constantly through the Canton factories into the imperial coffers, but as of late, the trend has been reversed with the increase of the opium trade. Other issues, such as corruption, are festering beneath the service. But it is of little concern, for who would dare challenge the Great Qing?

Joseon-The Hermit Kingdom as it has been known to Europeans has been aggressive in the defense of its isolation, only maintaining relations with the Qing Emperor. Attempts to open the kingdom have thus far ended in failure, and officials are confident they can maintain the peace in the kingdom.

Tokugawa Shogunate-Following the stalemate in India after the Five Years War, British merchants began exploring opportunities in the Orient for new trade markets; one such opportunity was Japan. Breaking the Dutch monopoly on trade, the Tokugawa were forced to significantly alter the terms of their opening, dramatically increasing the number of allowed. This weakness has caused many of the daimyo, particularly in the south, to whisper that the Tokugawa shogunate is but a paper tiger, ready to be overthrown, but as of yet, no moves have been made. With the treaty with Britain set for renewal in 1795, many wonder if the British will push for even more privileges and if the Tokugawa will be in a position to refuse them.

To sign up:

Please select three countries that you are interested in from the playable countries category, and rank them in order. I will try to make selections in a timely manner and have stats out shortly.

Roughly, the great powers are Britain, France, the Holy Roman Empire and Russia.

Powerful regional players are Prussia, The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, The Dutch Republic, Spain, and The Ottoman Empire.

Independent powers that can play a role in the concert with the help of a great power patron are Sweden, Sardinia, Naples, Burgundy, Denmark-Norway, The Papal States, and Portugal.

I do not recommend anyone playing Venice or Genoa.

You may now post.
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Will non-European nations be playable in the future?
I currently do not anticipate a situation where non-European nations will be playable
1. GB
2. Prussia
3. HRE
  1. Denmark-Norway
  2. Polish-Lithuanian Commonwelth
  3. Sweden
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1. France
2. The Kingdom of Great Britain
3. Russia
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Yes it is, good catch
1) Holy Roman Empire
2) Russia
3) Great Britain
1) Dutchlandia
2) Venice
3) Naples

Adjusted heavily
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