Search results

  1. Zelig

    [RD] Should Future Government Grants of Copyright/Patents be Irrevocable?

    See poll. Some points that couldn't fit into poll answers: * Criminality refers specifically to serious crimes that are unrelated to the intellectual property (IP) in question. * The parts in the poll answers after Yes/No are OR statements. So if you think, for example, that IP should be...
  2. Zelig

    Laptop lid.

    Laptop lid, when laptop is not in use as a laptop, should be kept up or down? Poll coming. I live alone and nobody questions me on my computer choices.
  3. Zelig

    Economic Sanctions for Rogue States

    Salesforce abandons all future Indiana plans following passage of SB 101 And in case you're not familiar with
  4. Zelig

    Diet Soda Correlated To Overeating Seriously, soda/pop of any kind is terrible. Stop drinking it.
  5. Zelig

    Poverty lowers brain power
  6. Zelig

    Can you tell why paralegalstudiesdegreeonline.blablabla might not be a good URL?

    Can you tell why this might not be a good URL for a legitimate university offering distance education? Was it immediately obvious to you, or did it take a you a while to realize it? Do you think it actually isn't a good URL? How do you think universities with distance education should...
  7. Zelig

    Youtube Embeds don't work without Flash

    Hey, so youtube works just fine without Flash, as does everything else I use on the internet, except for embedded videos on this forum. Any chance you could fix this? (Upgrading to 4.5.1+ would fix it, or you can manually hack in a fix to the embedding code, or you can give me admin access...
  8. Zelig

    Is Obama a mass murdering quasi-dictator?

    What do you think? Did you vote for Obama in 2008 or 2012? Who other than Obama do you think is or was a mass murdering quasi-dictator? Do you think your opinion is consistent across other mass murdering quasi-dictators? How do you think people with the opposing opinion of the topic/poll...
  9. Zelig

    Is Ron Paul a Libertarian?

    Discuss and provide justification for your choice.
  10. Zelig

    What is your least favorite civilization victory type?

    Is it because it makes the game too long? Too short? Makes the gameplay no fun? Is used by others to always ruin the way you try to play? Explain your choice.
  11. Zelig

    Would you date an adult film actor/actress?

    Would you date an adult film actor/actress? For what reasons would you, or wouldn't you? If conditionally, under what conditions?
  12. Zelig

    Shot Put vs Bowling

    Which one do you prefer? Which one do you think is a more legitimate sport? Which one has better athletes?
  13. Zelig

    You've Woken Up with a Corpse in Your Bed

    You wake up one morning, a regular weekday before you're due at work, except there is a human corpse next to you in your bed. You don't know much about corpses, but it seems relatively freshly dead. Corpse is of the opposite sex, nude, has no visible signs of trauma, and no distinctive...
  14. Zelig

    The Future of Abortion and Cloning is Now

    Let's assume the following technological advances are present: - Home nanobot swarms are cheaply available and the vast majority of households have one more more swarms. (About as common as TVs are today.) - Safe abortions are trivially easy. (You can download an abortion app for your...
  15. Zelig

    How Healthy Are You?

    How healthy are you? 0 - You don't eat any fresh vegetables. You sleep erratically and irregular amounts. You take drugs to excess. (For this purpose, assume excess alcohol is anything putting you over a BAC of 0.08.) You don't exercise. Your daily activities are mostly sedentary. . . ...
  16. Zelig


    What type of eggs do you buy? What size of eggs do you buy? How many eggs do you buy at a time? Where do you get your eggs? How much do you pay for eggs? How quickly do you consume eggs? How do you cook eggs? What type of dishes do you use eggs in? Do you use eggs for any non-food purposes?
  17. Zelig

    Free trip to the Canadian Rockies

    Do you hate your family? Have you always dreamt of spending your Christmas vacation driving me around the Canadian Rockies instead of wasting money on presents and opening junk from people who don't really know you? Are you 25 or over? If so, I can fly you to Calgary this December and pay...
  18. Zelig

    Male Pregnancy: What do you do?

    Scenario: You're a male, who's kidnapped by a mad scientist, who cuts you open and implants you with an artificial womb and a human fetus half composed of your DNA, and a random other half, which develops normally in the womb. If you take no action for the first nine months, the baby can...
  19. Zelig

    First Day of the Week: Sunday vs. Monday

    What do you consider as the first day of the week? Why? Is it the same as what you use as the first day of the week in customizable digital calendars? What should I use as the first day of the week? Why?
  20. Zelig

    Happy Birthday Mise.

    It is your birthday!
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