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  1. L

    [C3C] culture victory

    ok... thx for the info. appreciate it.
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    [C3C] culture victory

    i reached the 100,000 level in 2015, why didn't record a victory?
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    Can't get district click to place districts in eligible hexes

    I just re-installed game and verified the local files. I have a pantheon, researched astronomy and want to build a holy site. When I click on the build for holy site, the screen changes to show the eligible locations but when I click on them
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    acheivement re: New York and Great Artists

    Well, thank you, WillowBrook! Finally got it using your advice!
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    acheivement re: New York and Great Artists

    OK ... officially frustrated and flummoxed! I'll even throw in perplexed! I've spent waaaay too much time chasing this achievement. In my mind, I've completed the requirements twice already but, I did it with changing the name of a city( one I captured) and one I settled( I must have tried at...
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    acheivement re: New York and Great Artists

    I have all the requirements for the achievement: have great works by michelangelo and donatello in the art museum and a sewer and have activated da Vinci; all in New York. Early in the game I changed the name of a city from Leeds to New York. Obviously. I want to know why I didn't get the...
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    acheivement re: New York and Great Artists

    Thx everyone! I can use every one's suggestions. Before I get started, here's my plan and I would like to hear your thoughts. OK, play on settler, concentrate at least 2-3 cities on industrial zones/workshops and 2-3 cities on theatre squares with their buildings and any wonders that would...
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    acheivement re: New York and Great Artists

    I'm trying to get 2 of the 3 GA's required. I'm at turn 283 and must have at least 10 GA's. I'm earning about 110 points a turn now. I need Da Vinci and Donnetti. I'm getting a new GA every 6-8 turns. Is it still possible to get the required 2?... or am I beating a dead horse? Is there a good...
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    National Parks

    What is a valid Nat'l Park tile? Is there a civilpededia reference? tia! I've received the info I've needed from previous questions asked and I truly appreciate it
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    Gift City?

    I am playing as Alexander, prince, and trying to get the achievement of capturing a city that has both the Great Library and Great Lighthouse. Early on, I captured Madrid, a coastal city and then built both of these wonders. Now, I want to gift this city with the intention of capturing it back...
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    Macedon and achievements

    I like to earn my achievements so when I discovered how powerful Macedon is in regards to this, I came up with the following: 1. identify the cities that have campuses and encampments for eurekas and those that have holy sites and theater squares for inspirations. 2. Play normally, but don't...
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    Quick Questions and Answers

    1. Playing as America, I've settled at least 8 cities, trying to get the achievement re: New York and great artists. No New York! It used to be the second or third city founded. Any Suggestions? And 2. I'm attacking a city state that has iron and horses. I've pillaged those tiles, yet the...
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    Ancient Era Theory Crafting

    so far I haven't seen anything about the importance or traders. I think that they are very necessary to this game. from what I've seen, there hasn't been any talk of the importance of internal trade routes, which I believe will help with growth and production needs of various cities along with...
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    help on finer points to dow

    I'm confused. in the scramble for Africa scenario(deity), it's recommended that I try to get England to dow the Zulu, basically on the first turn. now, it's my understanding that in order to bribe them, you need something that will persuade them to do so. in order to trade with them, (a luxury...
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    A Strategy for king

    aaa ,a,
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    Pax Romana Aeternum

    afaik, only one individual(specia3147), has claimed this achievement since the latest patch. his post of imar13 was interesting and i tried to go along with it. no luck. now, normally, a post of this type invites a lot of feedback, not in this case. in fact, since the patch i haven't seen any...
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    Into the renaissance - Russia - Achievement

    1. Just got this achievement. Wow! what a struggle! I now have 210 out of the 227. This was the hardest achievement for me for this scenario. None of them are easy, imo. I will give some insights on how to play this as Russia for those players who are not normally emperor players. I usually play...
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    Observations and a strategy for king level

    okay..long time civ player. just recently got G&K. could play at king/emperor level and usually win at vanilla. have played a few games at king level G&K. Standard map w/quick combat. Observations: 1. much tougher to win a conquest victory. terrain around capitals makes it hard to...
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    renaming cities

    Hi... how does the ability to rename cities belonging to other civs benefit you when playing as Attila? tia
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    Mongol Scenario

    Hi Everybody! I've read all the threads re this scenario and have won on immortal before the last patch. Since then , no luck on deity. A couple of questions: Has anyone beat this on deity since the last patch? and if so, how? Is buying a courthouse smart? It seems to me a waste of gold. i.e; if...
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