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    Multipolarity III - Game Thread

    Russia is neutral, though Namibia may falsely claim that the forces we rented to Romnesia (with no knowledge of their use) count us as involved.
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    Stop changing my color!
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    The Khanate of Oceania formed from the remnants of an aborigine revolution in Australia. The brutal soldiers of the Khan draft all men over eighteen into their army, and hold them until age forty. Every family is expected to provide for several soldiers, by farming a plot given to them by the...
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    BANG! The same shot rings out in the video viewed by millions. Published to the internet, played over the radio, and sent to all national and local TV stations, the Taped Suicide of the Italian quickly becomes viral. Left is a long note, railing against the corruption of the city and the...
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    I mean that they are not confiscated. When Nicholas goes on trial, whether guilty or innocent, his assets are not confiscated, and they are given to his closest relative.
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    Nicholas di Ancona says that he will turn himself in if his assets are not touched.
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    Multipolarity III - Game Thread

    Russia agrees to this treaty
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    Ancona's Corporate Wing, upset at the PR disaster, retracts all previous building plans for the not-finalized turn, and keeps the cash in an undisclosed location, liquid.
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    The terrorists would like nothing better than to have an enemy to lay their problems on. If martial law is put into effect, they will have an injustice to point to, to justify their actions. We cannot stand by the mayor just because he was put into authority for different reasons. He has reneged...
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    Nicholas di Ancona broadcasts to the entire city from Ancona Radio. We denounce this flagrant violation and disregard of the recently passed Gun Law. In addition, the mayor illegally and unilaterally passed the Vigilante "law", which in the way he is applying it directly contradicts the earlier...
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    Actually it would need to charge. It's called taxes, which everyone here is trying to avoid. Taxes don't come from thin air.
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    If we put out fires for free, we'd already be out of business, and no one would have their fires put out at all.
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    Nicholas di Ancona is more than willing to donate the time and dedication of his established team of Firefighters, but it would result in bankruptcy. He takes the moment to encourage the government to send subsidies, so that he can operate more efficiently. "Now is not the time to debate! The...
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    Actually if you keep up on the politics, I believe that the city council has graciously offered my Firefighting company some subsidies. They will be well-used
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    AFH - The Ancona Firehouse, created to battle the devastating fires in the Southern City. It sells Fire Insurance to citizens and will ignore unpaid fires unless the owner pays the insurance dues plus a fee on the spot. AR - The Ancona Radio Company, broadcasting to the entire city, plays on...
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    Nicholas di Ancona, in an apoplectic fit, releases recordings to every news and radio station that will take them. This only proves that this Councilman of the city is in fact a terrible racist! We hard working Italian citizens have for too long been oppressed by the image of the mafioso! The Di...
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    Mr. Anconi supports Calhoun for mayor! EDIT: Errr too late
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    The Southern Family extends its support to John Murdoch.
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    The Southern Family sends members to every business in the southern half of the city, offering protection in exchange for a monthly cut of their revenue. Several businesses refuse, and the city's fire department finds itself vastly too understaffed to deal with the odd string of fires. In other...
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