• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .


A service that demands fire insurance and lets people die will NEVER get a cent of money from the government. If you honestly believe this system should be adopted then I must ask if you would be willing to donate it to the government to be turned into a public system, the councilman you yourself declared unjust has already donated a large amount of money after all.

I agree with the Mayor, your organisation is very suspicious so we will vote against any proposals to give you money.
In a horrible, horrible stretch of irony, even as the first attempts to relieve the city head out, Calhoun's new fire department finds itself under siege by molotov cocktail-wielding protestors, setting the newly-outfitted building ablaze.
If we put out fires for free, we'd already be out of business, and no one would have their fires put out at all.

I don't think you understand. If you donated the company to the city it would be supported by taxes and thus NOT BE A BUSINESS. Ergo it wouldn't need to charge and everyone could be saved. The fact that this escapes you is worrying.
I don't think you understand. If you donated the company to the city it would be supported by taxes and thus NOT BE A BUSINESS. Ergo it wouldn't need to charge and everyone could be saved. The fact that this escapes you is worrying.

Actually it would need to charge. It's called taxes, which everyone here is trying to avoid. Taxes don't come from thin air.
Special Communication From Top Echelon of Machina Syndicate:

The recent attack by reckless vandals targeted against the fire department is inexcusable. Those who perpetrated the attack will be brought to justice swiftly by MAS forces.
As a series of explosions rock the city, emergency sirens begin wailing throughout Metro's streets.

Though it is as of yet unclear what is happening, large scale explosions have erupted at the SRO and NNN headquarters, and streams of gunfire and more explosions can be heard issuing from both sites.
CivO, how often will you be updating the stats, independent of updates?

Actually it would need to charge. It's called taxes, which everyone here is trying to avoid. Taxes don't come from thin air.

Someone better tell go Congress that.
As of yet uncertain. They're being continually updated, but I'm debating over whether or not they should be publicized before elections.
As the explosions continue to rock NNN and SRO, a combined force of Triumph and Machine Syndicate soldiers approach the media powerhouse, ready to provide aid to the civilians inside.
A van parked upon the curb next to them releases swarms of armed gunmen, who overpower them as the vehicle explodes. The terrorist offensive continues to push into the building, killing employees indiscriminately.

To the south of the city, some small-scale members of the Ancona family were killed before an assassin was apprehended. Prior to questioning, he commited suicide, and no explanation for his origins can be found.
Public Service Announcement

"Hello fair people of the city, It is I Mayor Murdoch, as I read this to you the Noir News Network is being attacked by a horde of people. Luckily they seem to not have realised that I also own the buildings next door and can simply rappel across to them to escape. But that is not the point.

These attacks come after attempts by the budding council to fight violence and corruption in all things. They seek to return the city to chaos on the cusp of enlightenment. But fair citizens they come too late. The Vigilante law has passed and I am donating an additional $50,000. This money is so that every citizen may be armed. Yes all of you may go to a gun shop like Bob's guns or Vulcan, run by one of the Vigilante groups and get a free gun.

Any member of a nominated Vigilante Group may deputise any citizen to act in defence of the law. Under this act we are all defenders of our fair city until the chaos ends. Machina Syndicate in particular is ratified to defend the city by all means. As it the Military Arm of the Temple. We can save this city! But we all must act before the darkness rises once more. I call on all brave people, of the church, of the Movement, of the Machina Syndicate and any free thinking individual to rise up."
Nicholas di Ancona broadcasts to the entire city from Ancona Radio. We denounce this flagrant violation and disregard of the recently passed Gun Law. In addition, the mayor illegally and unilaterally passed the Vigilante "law", which in the way he is applying it directly contradicts the earlier passed Gun law.

The Mayor of this city has turned into a despot and I denounce his actions as being both against democracy, and against freedom.
Simon Curtiss

Building two more apartment buildings, 11 stories tall each. They occupy the rest of the block with Curtiss Building 1. The western one has a bar on the first floor, and the central building has a printing press.

Bob's Guns, the top and most influential distributor of firearms, temporarily closes its doors.

Sales of guns are hereby prohibited to Party members only. We refuse to allow ordinary citizens to have access to weapons of death without so much as a small form filled. This is chaos, and the mayor is clearly insane.

If the mayor wasn't aware, the Movement sent armed men to assist him in his current conflict.

This new ordinance by the mayor - uncalled for and out of his jurisdiction, without the consent of the Council, goes against everything we stand for. THIS law was just passed, and it calls for REGULATION of guns, not FREE DISTRIBUTION.
I, for one, support our mayor in this time of crisis. He passed the law in that fashion because our city was literally imploding. The terrorists are the enemies here, not our legally elected mayor. Come on guys.
The terrorists would like nothing better than to have an enemy to lay their problems on. If martial law is put into effect, they will have an injustice to point to, to justify their actions. We cannot stand by the mayor just because he was put into authority for different reasons. He has reneged upon his campaign promises of freedom by becoming a dictator. Will he abolish elections so the terrorists don't bias it next?
The problem here is not loyalty, the problem is that the mayor isn't seeing in the future.

Let's for a moment assume the best. Armed vigilantes and citizens use their new found weapons and temporarily halt the chaos.

All is well, right?


Now, you have thousands of unregistered and unregulated weapons circulating throughout the city. A criminal wants a weapon? He can get one without a second thought, cheap too.

Even worse, organized crime will rise from the chaos and unite the armed civilians. People will turn to organized crime to be spared the chaos and death that is running rampant.
What you propose is foolish. The gun laws you endorse will keep guns out of the hands of the innocent and do nothing to guns in the hands of the criminals running rampant through the city. In addition, before you talk of disarmament, hand over the guns you've given to your loyal supporters.

A special announcement from Vulcan Enterprises CEO Han Walberg:

Despite the actions of our competitor, we would like to inform the citizens of this fair city that Vulcan Enterprises means to cooperate with the new ordinance in full. We will remain open indefinitely, and all our prices will be slashed by 15% to comply with the new laws, and the opening of our second location in the South will be hastened as well. Our electronics sales shall continue unhindered. Thank you for your time.

Spoiler :
Spending 20K on a new location for Vulcan Industries, I'll pick a location later.
Spoiler :

New Buildings:

News: Defunct, do not count it. Don't want it anymore.

Bob's Guns 2: The newest addition to the widely successful "Bob's Guns" empire. This additional building will greatly increase production, quality, and distribution of guns. One of the few factories that produces firearms, the new investment will cause Bob's Guns to be famous across the city.

House: A large apartment complex will house those in the region that has many of the Movement's followers. While anyone can live there, those part of the Triumph Movement get a 'discount'.
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