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    yo, is MOO2 available as abandonware?

    I suggest you try this: Down load the demo of Moo2 Apply the latest patch See what happens
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    What if FDR listened to General Marshall?

    Truth_bleeds You are confusing production with operational strength. The reason German production kept rising is that the allies were destroying more and more tanks and planes on the battlefield. If you look at German operational strength in tanks and planes you will see it rises throughout...
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    What if FDR listened to General Marshall?

    A couple of point to consider: In 1943 the British/American airforce was still growing. The Luftwaffe was still a potent force in the West. An allied invasion of western Europe in 1943 would not have had the advantage of air superiority like it did in 1944. The American army of 1943 was...
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    Navy 'stopped invasion by Nazis'

    "I believe the Royal navy got beat up good from German dive bombers during Crete?" After slaughtering the naval invasion component.
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    Israel's Lebanon campain -- 'What they don't tell you on CNN'

    I say a more indepth look at the family on CBC the other day. This family were clearly active Hezbollah supporters by their comments. IMO the family must bear some of the responsibilty for their own situation. They were terrorist supporters who went into a terrorist controlled zone when...
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    Should Quebec be Independant Thread

    Raisin Bran You are demonstrating a lack of knowledge of recent Canadian history. Canada has been ruled by and run by Quebecers for a very long time. For example: St. Laurent, Trudeau, Mulroney, Chretien and Martin - these are the names of the prime ministers from Quebec. Almost every...
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    If Quebec separated, would Canada remain bilingual?

    Regions of Canada would remain bilingual where it made sense to do so. The country as a whole would not.
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    Should Quebec be Independant Thread

    Raisin Bran When you wrote "Quebec dosen't receive its fair share of the money/services from the Feds" you are misinformed. Quebec actually recieves more than its fair share from the Federal government. The soveriegnist movement has been lying about this for decades because it resonates...
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    Should Quebec be Independant Thread

    If Quebec genuininely wishes to be independent then that's fine by me. Actually that would be a great benefit to the rest of Canada as we would no longer be financially propping up a welfare state within our borders. The Canadian federal government spends more money per capita in Quebec than...
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    SGOTM 9 - tao

    I tried again last night but no dice. GOTM55 works fine but not SGOTM.
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    SGOTM 9 - tao

    I had time this evening to play but I was unable to play. Same problem as before. Argh! Crash log emailed to AlanH (too big for PM).
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    Canada Solar Power

    So taper what exactly is the energy cost of manufacturing a modern solar cell? Energy cost NOT $ cost. $ are irrelevant in deciding if solar cells are a good way to reduce *ENERGY* consumption from non renewable sources. I beleive that once all factors are considered electrical production...
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    Canada Solar Power

    taper I got my 1uW number from assuming the bias voltage is 1V and the current generated is 1uA (reasonable assumptions for reasonable sizes and reasonable effeciency and reasonable incident sunlight). Remember "back of the envelope". The reason Sunpower's A-300 gets 3.1W is its size is...
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    Canada Solar Power

    Solar power electricty is actually self defeating. It takes more energy to build and manufacture the solar cell than it will ever return in its lifetime. a "back of the envelope calculation" follows: IIRC a solar electric cell is a reverse biased diode where the photons create electron hole...
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    SGOTM 9 - tao

    Alan I'm running the Civ 1.29b2 GOTM mod. We recently upgraded OS. I downloaded the file twice (once with safari and once with firefox). It crashed at 37% of loading each time. I repeated attempted to load the file and it crashed at exactly the same point each time. I downloaded GOTM54...
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    SGOTM 9 - tao

    This is a got it Adrian This is now a don't got it. Arghh. I downloaded the 1600AD save from the server but it keeps crashing on load. Can anyone else read it? I downloaded the GOTM 54 save and tried that. It opens fine. Adrian
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    Pot does NOT help anybody!

    How many of you realize that medical marijuana expenses are now legitimate tax deductions in Canada? I was working on my tax return the other day and found that gem.
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    6 nations protest in Ontario

    It appears to me that they sold the land in 1841. If that is correct, then the native protestors need to acknowledge that their ancestors made a tremendous mistake and learn to live with the consequences of that mistake. If they don't have documented evidence of the lease claim they should...
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    Stopping Moore's Law

    Quantum physics will eventually prevent further shrinking of the mosfet transistor. Why? As source drain diffusions shrink in size the number of dopant atoms becomes very small. That means the number of electrons/holes in a source or drain diffusion is very small. Quantum effects mean...
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    The Western Front: A bad idea after all?

    Tank Guy The Nazi's wanted to exterminate the slavic peoples. Peace was never an option. The Soviet Union was fighting for the very right of its peoples to exist! It was literally victory or death for them. Mein Kampf makes this very clear. Also remember that the US had plans to raise a...
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