SGOTM 9 - tao

I'm about half way done; too late now; will finish tomorrow.

India has capured Björgvin with GLib, learned all techs, burned Uppsalla :(, captured Jönköping.

Spain declared war and we fight them, capturing cities slowly to not exceed the domination limit. Capture their islands and donate to America.
Pre-turn: move blocking ships from Delhi waters towards new territory for disbanding; sign rop with Mongls; drop troops on their island
research recycling due in 4 while we have the power

1695: India has switched to republic;
move troops out of Stockholm as next present to India
sell wool to Spain for all their cash
donate SS techs to Mongols

IBT Spain declares war on us; Indians capture Bjoergvin with Great Library, 69g

1700: India captures Bjoergvin with Great Library and 67g; learns all SS techs
destroy Mongols; prepare to invade Spain

1705: capture Jaen, sell improvements, donate to Americans

1710: Indian sword walks towards Uppsalla, capture Logorno from Spain

1715: donate Logorno to Americans; sell some Upsalla improvements

IBT America ends alliance vs. India; Spain declares war on America
stupin Indians capture Uppsalla and burn it to the ground :)

1720: 1725: zzz

1730: zzzz

IBT Bjpoergvin flipüs to us, but we rebuff the rebels

1735: capture Vitoria and donate to Americans

1740: learn smart weapons, start ID

1745: capture Santander, donate to Americans

IBT Indians capture Jönköping, 33g

1750: zzzz

1752: India is in anarchy

1754: India is in communism

1756, 1758 zzz

1760: hurry some markets

1762: learn SD, switch pre-build to SDI, start robotics

1764: SDI; we are 4 tiles from domination and I donate Detroit to the Americans

1766: game crashes when completing PoE2 in Orebro - build offshore platform instead

1768, 1770: zzz

Boring: no Indian units showing up. I moved the troops out of Stockholm and Norrköping in the small hope of a flip towards India.
We are 23 tiles from domination now and thus I switched the Toledo temple to courthouse - no risk, please.

Tone: Will you play next?
As you can tell, I didn't play. The weekend was a bit of a nightmare. I've got a set of books to mark but I can also do this tonight. Trouble is I don't know where we are heading! HELP!!!

Am I just trying to encorage India to walk into our cities in the south? When they take Oslo, where do we build our new FP?

Is it just a standstill in Spain until we lose some more cities to India? How will we know when they start Apollo. Don't we need a spy or am I missing something? (Can we place a spy?)

Sorry. I know that I should know this but I don't. :blush: :sad:
Spain first: Yes, we can only conquer more of their cities once India has taken some of ours. Otherwise we will pass the domination limit. But IMHO we need not worry about them, as we can easily destroy them if necessary.

We don't have spies yet, as we don't know espionage. My idea was to finish research of the Modern Age techs, then to sell our libraries and universities to save the upkeep and any chance of a cultural win. (Cheap espionage can be done without those.)

Let me also guess: India did not move out of the captured towns. Thus these towns are not productive, i.e. they are in resistance. And since Gandhi has nearly no troops to quell our (culturally strong) resistors, probably he starves the cities down. In other words: we should pop settlers from the sacrifice cities to reduce pop faster than Gandhi can do it by starvation.
I had time this evening to play but I was unable to play. Same problem as before. Argh!

Crash log emailed to AlanH (too big for PM).
All I've done is try to get back into the game but I've made no moves. Furiey, please go ahead and play tonight and I'll play on Friday.

BTW I like the settlers idea from tao to drain population.
Indians have captured Norrkoping and Stockholm, we have taken Santiago. The current turn is not really finished – I started selling Libraries and Universities as we no longer need them but run out of time – most of them still need selling. We have Espionage and are building the Intelligence Agency in Karakorum so we can plant spies. We’ve got lots of Armies for disbanding.

32 tiles to win by domination according to MapStat. Murcia is currently empty of defenders so we could take that if we wanted, there are plenty of unmoved Armour to do so.

1770 AD (Turn 0): changed cities for India to Settlers.

1772 AD (Turn 1): pollution clearing and more Settlers, 1 guerrilla from Spain.

1774 AD (Turn 2): ditto last turn

1776 AD (Turn 3): ditto last turn except this time the Spanish send an Infantry. Start research on Genetics to give 2 more Wonders to give India an option to cascade from.

1778 AD (Turn 4): Another Spanish Infantry bites the dust, still no sign of the Indians. IBT:

1780 AD (Turn 5): ditto last turn.

1782 AD (Turn 6): Nothing from the Spanish this turn, no Indians either. IBT: America moves a Pike and Archer next to Bjoegovin.

1784 AD (Turn 7): Block Americans, there’s only a Spear defending B. and we don’t want America to get it. Stockholm is down to size 1. IBT: more Spanish, no Indians

1786 AD (Turn 8): deal with Spanish again. IBT: Indians land Militia and Spear on a mountain 2 W of Norrkoping

1788 AD (Turn 9): IBT: Shepherd Indians towards Norrkoping. IBT Indians move next to Norrkoping, Complete Genetics, start Espionage.

1790 AD (Turn 10): Norrkoping, Oslo and Nidaros now also size 1. Sell improvements in Norrkoping in preparation for its capture. IBT: Norrkoping and 15 gold captured by the Indians, more Spanish appear.

1792 AD (Turn 11): IBT: dispose of Spanish, build wall in the hope the Indians will go for Stockholm. IBT: Zzzzz

1794 AD (Turn 12): Dispose of another Spanish Infantry. IBT: Indian Militia heads for Stockholm.

1796 AD (Turn 13): Sell improvements in Stockholm, it should be captured in the IBT. IBT: Indians capture Stockholm and 25 gold. More Spanish appear. Loads of pollution. Complete Espionage, turn off research.

1798 AD (Turn 14): start building Settlers in Goteburg. Deal with Spanish. Capture Santiago splitting the Spanish empire in 2. Start selling Libraries and Universities, but I’ve run out of time tonight so stop and upload.

Treasury: 3310 gold, +1062 gpt, Stealth in 40 (0%)

The Save
Good progress. IMHO we should encourage India to capture Oslo ASAP (before Nidaros), because that will allow us to move our Forbidden Palace with the waiting Great Leader to the new lands.
Furiey said:
Sell improvements in Norrkoping in preparation for its capture.
Just so that I know what to do, is that all improvements?

Sounds like good progress. I'll take a look after work today unless someonme can chip in during the next 12 hours.
Tone said:
Just so that I know what to do, is that all improvements?
Nope, Barracks, Harbours, Airports, and culture producing buildings that would be lost on capture anyway - Unis, Libraries, Temples, Cathedrals.

On this subject, India are making a lot of gold so what about selling banks and stock exchanges? It would however give them something else to build other than spaceship parts so I'm not conviced it's a good idea.

There are also several wonders in the cities they're about to take can't remember exactly what at the moment, I think we may have Copernicus there. Do we want to leave them with those Wonders?

The first major task though will be to sell our Libraries and Universities
Why sell those buildings and not just culture ones?
Furiey said:
There are also several wonders in the cities they're about to take can't remember exactly what at the moment, I think we may have Copernicus there. Do we want to leave them with those Wonders
I thinkj that this makes sense. I'll go ahead with this unless someone else objects.
If they're going to be building troops, better for us that they build regular than Veteran, hence sell the barracks. Better that they can't Airlift troops & build veteran aircraft hence sell the Airports. We don't really want them to keep researching either hence my thought about the research boosting Wonders.
I see that you are logged in Furiey. Which towns are we handing over? Only one more is building a settler.
I suggest as follows:

I suggest to give them all cities southeast including Goteburg, Norrkopping, Stockholm, Linkoping. We should IMHO sell all harbors, airports, and barracks.

IMHO we should encourage India to capture Oslo ASAP (before Nidaros), because that will allow us to move our Forbidden Palace with the waiting Great Leader to the new lands.
Thanks, tao. Will do.

Can you also tell me the definitive answer on the new FP location? All I can find are suggestions but no final decision. (Of course I may have missed it like I missed the other facts.)
We did not decide on it. Camulodunum, Gergovia, or Richmond look good. Don't waste accumulated shields e.g. on a hospital. We have the cash to hurry.
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