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  1. N

    Civ V Patch?

    Just wondering how do I download it and install it? I don't have a Steam account, and haven't done anything to do with Steam since Counter Strike lol :mischief:. Is there a standalone installer for the Patch or? I brought Civ V from the local PC Retailers, didn't download it via Steam...
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    Polynesian Civ

    Yeah hey there fellow Civers, Just a heads-up, I'd be more than willing to help with anything to do with the Polynesian Civ in the following categories: 1.) Historical Accuracy. 2.) Cultural Realism. 3.) Proper City Names. 4.) Anything that revolves around the first three options...
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    Arda Mod Preview - last attempt to bring this Mod back up and running!

    This a preview of the Arda Mod, It was first sent to me by Sifaus - Nov 26, 2007. He told me not to give it out, but I believe this to be an exception. Since it's starting to look like this Mod will fall into deep decline. This will be a final attempt to bring this Mod back into production...
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    Civ Col LHs implemented in Civ IV.

    Is it possible to put Civ Col Leader Heads into Civ IV BtS? Or are the shaders too advanced? Please reply, I'm interested :p!
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    Fail! (Come on guys at Civ Fanatics! You can do better than that!)

    And just when I though Civ Fanatics couldn't get anymore interesting! LoLZ :crazyeye:
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    Civ IV - WCG?

    Is Civ IV or Civ III in WCG? Nothing comes up when I search youtube :(
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    This guy just made my night!

    Buahaha! Check for yoruselves, fellow Civers!
  8. N

    Multi-Units = Omfg they rule!!!

    Hey civers, Just wanted to tell you how happy I am to have put multi-units in civ III (The only thing I think lacks). I am currently the Vikings (playing on regent, at war with Carthage, destroyed Japan, Korea) and the whole feel of the game just feels that bit more 'epic'! I mean lots...
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    Pedia: Races of LOTR.

    Hey guys, don't know what is being done on the Pedia side of things, but just wanted to get things rolling faster. Here is just an example of what I am doing at the moment, in concerns with the Pedia. Just some basic descriptions for the races of LOTR. This one is for the secret elvish creed...
  10. N

    African Civs.. lacking? or enough?

    I mean to be honest, Shaka Zulu makes the game farrr more interesting, as does any leader who loves war and blood! So, ummm can we have more African civs LIKE the Zulus'? For example.. Masai, San, Pigmies.. LoLZ.. you get my drift.
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    Writers For LOTR mod?

    Heya guys, just wondering if yah got the writing done for this mod? I mean copying and pasting from the LOTR books isnt exactly original, but you know, I could help out with some descriptive intro etc... I could write a short piece if yah want? To prove my writing style blah blah blah, all I...
  12. N

    C-evo, Best Civ1/2 Clone I have ever played!!

    : Hey guys, : : Just thought I would tell you about a game I have been playing for a number of years (and have modded abit). : : The games name is: "C-Evo", it has huge AI improvements made to it, slightly better graphics than Civ2 (debatible though), and is 100% FREE! :king: . : : Info can...
  13. N

    "So His Name Is SHAKA?"

    : Just a story I left unfinished a long time ago, finally thought I would stop being lazy and finish it off, so here I am, the story is nearly finished - just a couple of more chapters. : : Have a good one! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: This is a...
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    The Zulu And Their Strengths by NubianMercenary

    : It has appeared to me that nearly everybody in the civ3 world thinks that the Zulu are one of the most worst civs ever released in civ3. This is of course ludicrous , in actuality, the Zulu are one of the most VERSATILE and POWERFUL civilizations ever created in the game. Just bear with me...
  15. N

    So His Name Is Shaka?

    NOTE: This is a story I decided to write about historys' most brilliant, black, militaristic leader: Shaka Zulu, leader of the Zulu nation from 1816-1828 and founder of the Great Zulu Empire. Enjoy...
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