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    Unworked, developed fishing tiles adding to gold per turn.

    Title. Is this a feature of Civ 5?
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    Music: nagging thought.

    It seems that they lifted some of the Civ 5 tunes out of Guild Wars...
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    Anti-tank guns before tanks....

    Isn't that a little odd?
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    AI war negotiation is somewhat broken...

    I'm not sure if this is intended or a bug... I'm playing on King. It's very hard to get open borders after the first meeting -- the AI really almost never likes me. The really major issue I'm having is that the AI calculation for concessions in ending a war is backwards: the more they lose, the...
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    BuildingProductionModifier ...? (workshop)

    I don't think BuildingProductionModifier works, as in for workshops...
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    Built/destroyed wonders list?

    Is there a built/destroyed wonders list somewhere in the game...? If there is, I'm not seeing it.
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    A few bugs, I think... (10.1)

    In my game... 1) The Monarchy benefit of extra wonder production does not seem to work. 1b) The Landed Elite benefit of extra food production for defense buildings doesn't work either... 2) Protectionism's -20% purchase cost does not work; instead it triggers the "all policies adopted"...
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    Erm... how many civs / city-states did I start with?

    I'm beginning to suspect that I forgot to start with the 22 civs and 28 city-states that I wanted. I can't figure out how to find out how many city-states (edit: just figured out how to find out how many civs) are in the game, though. Any ideas?
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    QUESTION: Creating suitably small models.

    Hi, I have a 17429 poly model of a Roman trade ship and I need to reduce it in size to, say, 1700 polys, but I don't know much about how to go about this. What kind of techniques do you guys use to reduce your polys for Civ 4? :confused: Thanks.
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    Quick mod question: no cheating?

    I've been a bit mystified with AI cheating and smartness based on difficulty level in Civ 4... hoping you guys can enlighten me. :confused: I want the AI to be smart, but not cheat. What should I do? Q1: Is the regular AI as smart as it can be on Noble? Q2: Does the AI cheat at all on Noble...
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    Automatic vassals out of existing cities ???

    I've been playing this mod this week and it's great. I do have a problem... some of my cities automatically form a vassal state randomly. I think it might have to do with the size of the "colony" island versus my home island. I try to head it off by gifting cities to random AIs, but it's really...
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    Ram Scam!!

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    The US Will Rule The World!!

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    The US Will Rule The World!!

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    How to Conduct Blitzkrieg in the Modern Age

    Hi! I thought it would be useful to compile a list of things that can make a war FASTER!! Ok, here is what I do when I blitzkrieg in Civ III: (especially useful in Democracy gov't..) 1) By this time I have already totally improved all the tiles in my domain. So I send all my workers to the...
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    New and Improved Random Factor

    Note: Posted previously in a very long and winded thread (and not responded to for a while), so I am reposting to clarify.. Disregarding all my previous posts on the subject so as to avoid contradiction, A new and improved system would function accordingly: Function Agamemnsian Random...
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    How to Conduct Blitzkrieg in the Modern Age

    Hi! I thought it would be useful to compile a list of things that can make a war FASTER!! Ok, here is what I do when I blitzkrieg in Civ III: (especially useful in Democracy gov't..) 1) By this time I have already totally improved all the tiles in my domain. So I send all my workers to the...
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    I recently made some interesting programs that depicit graphically the 'growth' of ten civilizations, or colors. 1) GrowG - simulates no wars. 2) GrowH - simulates a balance of power 3) GrowI - simulates a very fast 'gobbling' effect 4) GrowL - simulates a much slower 'gobbling effect'...
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    Needed: > 64KB arrays in QB-esque compiler

    I can never get Futurebas to work how I need it, and I'd rather be not using a library. Anyone know where I can get a QB-like compiler with >64kb arrays? (not just memory) I would much appreciate the help. :)
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    Another Plea for the Innocent Numbers!

    EDIT: Lots of errors here, including the wrong mechanism. See bottom for update. The random number generator / relative strengths of units is messed up in CivIII. HYPOTHESIS: Currently, your Civ III random numbers for the battle seem to look like this (uncorroborated evidence): R...
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