R.E.D. WWII: Concepts & Suggestions

maybe the data mod is not correctly extracted, you should have R.E.D. WWII Data Files (v 1) folder containing 1777 files for ~182MB and R.E.D. WWII Edition (v 9) folder with 89 files for ~13.8MB

OK, I´ll check.

EDIT: OK, that´s weird, all I can see is a folder that says it´s version 5. Guess I better try and download again...
And I saw that Hungary was at war against axis, but normally they are together, no?
They may have gone to permanent war due to CS invasion from Italy or Germany. I'll have to find a way to prevent that.
Hungary declared axis in my game as well, I think this is because german/italian troops were hanging around in their territory while trying to take back Kosice, not certain though. Maybe make hungary friendly to Germany/Italy would solve it?
I am trying Italy with v9 right now.

Some minor bug:
In Turn 40, the germans captured Paris. Now every turn I get a message that my influence to Morocco and Tunesia has nearly decayed to the point where I'm not their Ally anymore.

The AI has still problems with attacking Cities/Units from the sea or across the river. But there´s probably not much you can do about that right ? (maybe only allowing those attacks with the amphibious promotion?)

Hoping for version 10 to arrive soon. I can't wait for all those new units ;-)
Well it sounds like the animations are making the crash on your computer... Do regular vannila civ animations work?

if you could use the lua console and post what it says (which I think you already did but do it again), it would help us understand.

But your case does seem really wierd...


No, all animations work. And when i play the regular game (not the scenario) everything is fine. I´ve attached the Logfile again. Thanks :)

I mean, when I've reduced its health enough to conquer it with the next attack, the attack animation is played regularly, but immediately after the unit moves into the city, the game crashes to desktop.
It´s similar to my problem. the attack animation is played regularly and then the game stucks for a second and crashes with the message "civ v is not working anymore". But it´s not only when i attack a city. After two rounds it happens whether i attack a city or unit. Sometimes it happens while the AI is moving. I guess it happens after a few times of attacks whether i or the AI attacks. Sorry to say, but this gives me a little hope that it´s not just a problem with my game... Maybe it has to do something with a special configuartion of our systems? Because as i´ve mentioned before, i´ve uninstalled the whole game and scenariodata again and again.
I´ve also checked the files again: R.E.D. WWII Data Files (v 1) folder contains 1777 files for ~182MB and R.E.D. WWII Edition (v 9) folder 89 files for ~13.8MB. Everything is alright here.

EDIT: I´ve found a Database Log of Civ V. It says something about "Invalid Reference on Civilizations.Adjective".Does anybody know what it means? Is this the whole problem?

[285.310] While executing - 'INSERT INTO ArtDefine_StrategicView(StrategicViewType, TileType, Asset) VALUES(?,?,?)'
[296.464] Validating Foreign Key Constraints...
[297.493] Passed Validation.
-- SQLite Memory Statistics --
Memory Usage:
[Cur] [Max]
Malloc: 289384 2390720
PageCache: 3648 3819
LookAside: 45 1878
Scratch: 0 1

Static Buffer Overflows:
[TooLarge] [NoSpace]
PageCache: 0 0
Scratch: 0 0

Largest Allocations:
Malloc: 65280
PageCache: 1160
Scratch: 6640

Prepared Statements:
Current: 5
[350.393] no such column: Type
[376.414] Validating Foreign Key Constraints...
[376.648] Invalid Reference on Civilizations.Adjective - "British" does not exist in Language_en_US
[376.648] Invalid Reference on Civilizations.Adjective - "Italian" does not exist in Language_en_US
[376.648] Invalid Reference on Civilizations.Adjective - "Soviet" does not exist in Language_en_US
[376.680] Invalid Reference on Civilizations.ShortDescription - "United Kingdom" does not exist in Language_en_US
[376.680] Invalid Reference on Civilizations.ShortDescription - "Italy" does not exist in Language_en_US
[376.680] Invalid Reference on Civilizations.ShortDescription - "U.S.S.R." does not exist in Language_en_US
[376.711] Invalid Reference on Civilizations.Description - "United Kingdom" does not exist in Language_en_US
[376.726] Invalid Reference on Civilizations.Description - "Italy" does not exist in Language_en_US
[376.726] Invalid Reference on Civilizations.Description - "U.S.S.R." does not exist in Language_en_US
[377.350] Failed Validation.
-- SQLite Memory Statistics --
Memory Usage:
[Cur] [Max]
Malloc: 368032 2390720
PageCache: 3881 4982
LookAside: 1160 2991
Scratch: 0 1

Static Buffer Overflows:
[TooLarge] [NoSpace]
PageCache: 0 661200
Scratch: 0 0

Largest Allocations:
Malloc: 65280
PageCache: 1160
Scratch: 6640

Prepared Statements:
Current: 19


  • Lua.zip
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They may have gone to permanent war due to CS invasion from Italy or Germany. I'll have to find a way to prevent that.

Yeah Ive had that happen once so far in the 3 games Ive done as Germany, its not a huge issue but it does bug things a bit up :)

No, all animations work. And when i play the regular game (not the scenario) everything is fine. I´ve attached the Logfile again. Thanks :)
I'm really sorry, the log file don't give any indication on why it has crashed, and the xml report is nothing serious.

I'll release v.10 in a few hours, but I'm afraid it won't solve an issue I can't reproduce.
I've checked few dictionaries and realized I gave you wrong English spell.
Correct is Kuybyshev.

Yes, thanks, I had seen it when checking on wiki, it's corrected :D
Champ could you possibly try it on a different computer? I did notice that the lua said your turn was three times longer then the one that I had. Granted that wasn't during combat.
The AI has still problems with attacking Cities/Units from the sea or across the river. But there´s probably not much you can do about that right ? (maybe only allowing those attacks with the amphibious promotion?)

I have something. But it's a bit hacky, and I'm not sure if I will release next version with the function to prevent suicidal attacks activated or deactivated...

I've experimented game hanging between turn during tests, I can save/reload to unhang the AI and continue the game, but it may need some more testing before release.

On the other hand, the feedback here is really helping to improve the mod, so I don't know :D

The function check if a unit about to attack another is going for a suicide run, and as at the time the check is made I can't stop it before the real attack occur, I simply kill it and respawn a new unit with the exact same values at the same plot but with 0 moves. That's radical, the attack does not occur.

So, ON or OFF at release (it will be activable with a simple file edit) ?
So, ON or OFF at release (it will be activable with a simple file edit) ?

OFF by default please. With instructions on how to turn it on so we can test it. For those who do not want to test it, can then still play without having to do anything.

BUG: When Paris is taken by Germany and there is Italian control of french hexes the one's that should become German are instead becoming Vichy. This has happened twice now. I think what ever hexes are supposed to be German should just be made German weather Italian or English.

Playing on Deity, the German AI has a tough time with France (mostly due to only attacking Paris across the river and due to all the Gold France has to buy defensive buildings and units. I find as Italy it is both fun and required that I help in the French campaign. Thankfully France is helpful in this by usually declaring war on me.

Still loving the game. Not sure though that I want to see tank destroyer units, instead of unit buffs. I think Anti-Air units are needed so cities last longer.
OFF by default please. With instructions on how to turn it on so we can test it. For those who do not want to test it, can then still play without having to do anything.

BUG: When Paris is taken by Germany and there is Italian control of french hexes the one's that should become German are instead becoming Vichy. This has happened twice now. I think what ever hexes are supposed to be German should just be made German weather Italian or English.

Playing on Deity, the German AI has a tough time with France (mostly due to only attacking Paris across the river and due to all the Gold France has to buy defensive buildings and units. I find as Italy it is both fun and required that I help in the French campaign. Thankfully France is helpful in this by usually declaring war on me.

Still loving the game. Not sure though that I want to see tank destroyer units, instead of unit buffs. I think Anti-Air units are needed so cities last longer.
thanx for the report :)

do you have a savegame from just before the tile flipping bug perchance ?

I've changed the Seine to flow south of Paris in v.10, we'll see if it helps Germany...

Can you develop about the tank destroyers ?

And for the air defense, fighters in v.10 are much better. Not by their statistics (except they got one more attack per turn), but by the way the AI use them. :D
thanx for the report :)

do you have a savegame from just before the tile flipping bug perchance ?

I've changed the Seine to flow south of Paris in v.10, we'll see if it helps Germany...

Can you develop about the tank destroyers ?

And for the air defense, fighters in v.10 are much better. Not by their statistics (except they got one more attack per turn), but by the way the AI use them. :D

No I not have a save before the tile flip, I am sure to do it again when v10 comes out as I will again play Italy (just to much fun!!).

Great on the change on the river, hope it helps.

As for the Tank Destroyer. Historically they operated at battalion level and maybe regimental level. Usually they were attached to divisions as corps reserves. So after you do the project for Tank destroyers you would have available to some units, Light tanks, med tanks and motor/mech infantry a buff that maybe gives +15% vs tanks, you could do the same with anti-tank guns for infantry. Each level after that can give +10% vs tank for up to 3 levels total, so max +35% vs tanks.

This will keep older (light and early medium tank) units still useful as they will have some ability to stand up to med and heavy tanks. You can make them available to Heavy tanks as well, making those heavy tanks ultra tank killers.

You can do this with all sorts of units, I just do not like so many special units that really were not Division level units. Also the AI has trouble using units that are special types. The AI would do better with a limited set of units that can cover most activities. Even then the AI has trouble with the idea that tanks are not city takers, well medium and heavy tanks anyway.

I also find artillery to be next to useless for me. I move at a quick pace and of course I use airplanes for my artillery and use infantry and armour as need to quickly eliminate my opposition. Hmm, sounds like a certain General who suggested the same thing. I do think Artillery is more useful on defense keeping it in the city to range fire on the enemy, but just to easy for tanks to kill. Having said that the dynamic of Artillery vs tanks vs Infantry would be better if artillery got a bonus shooting at Infantry, but at is they are not good at killing anything and good at getting killed.

I look at units like rock, paper, scissors game. If a unit exists it should serve a purpose and be the best at that. Consider the Navy, we have 3 units the aptly do naval operations justice. Destroyers are fast and kill subs. Subs are medium speed and kill Battleships and sea transported units. Battleships kill Destroyers, and do good at killing sea transports, but are slow. So each has a role to play.

So when we look at ground units they need to do the same thing. Infantry gets a bonus vs cities, while all other units get a penalty (Great I love it). Tanks get bonus vs Artillery and tend to be stronger vs Infantry in open terrain (Again great). Light tanks are bad against tanks, but do well against Artillery and infantry and Ok vs city. Medium tanks are good vs units in the open (Artillery and Infantry) but not good vs cities. Heavy tanks are great vs Artillery/Tanks and Infantry in open, but really bad vs city and are slow. All great.

Artillery is good at nothing but shooting over things and for this they have to setup to shoot. Bombers do this better. Would be better if they did not have to setup. They have no combat bonus vs anything, which leaves me wondering why I build them.

So when I look at the list of units you want to introduce some of them look like units we already have, eg tank destroyers (just tanks with bonus vs tanks, so faster heavy tanks).

So I come around to looking at fighters/interceptors and we have 1 fighter type, but you can make it 1 of 3 special types. If you add on the interceptor buff it is a interceptor type. If you add sweep buff it is a fighter. Add on tank killer buff and it is a ground attack fighter, all valid types for WWII. As you tech up you change the starting combat value of the type, but the player decides with buffs what sub type that fighter is. The same, to a degree with bombers, you decide via buffs what the bomber is good at, so if you add a new type of bomber it should start with a bonus in one direction (eg stuka gets bonus vs ground units/tanks). Medium bombers maybe get no bonus, but extra range and Heavy bombers get range and city bombing bonus but big penalty to all other attack types.

Personally I like the idea of buffs defining the sub unit of a type then having more actual unit types one can build. I also realize most people like seeing extra unit types on the game board and not as a buff and I can understand the desire to put out the cool units.

I do like the French Foreign Legion as a sub type as it is good in enemy territory but does not take ground, so it has a penalty as well. If you introduce a unit it needs to be special from any other type. Having said that I would never build a Foreign Legion as it can not take ground.

Hope this gives you some food for thought.
Champ could you possibly try it on a different computer? I did notice that the lua said your turn was three times longer then the one that I had. Granted that wasn't during combat.

I wish i could do that but i don´t know anybody with another computer. And if i´m true i don´t know what it would change. You guys have different computers and you are able to play the game. What do you mean with three times longer? Sorry but my english is not that good.

Thank you very much that you are trying to help me!!! :)
The suicide-prevent-hack should probably be off on default like marcel said.

Some more things that I noticed while playing as Italy:

- The river at copenhagen gives germany as much a hard time like the seine river in Paris, maybe remove that one too.

- The city states Romania and Bulgaria declared war on the Axis for being too agressive to city states. For realism reasons I would put them in an alliance with the Axis. Right now they are at war with Russia and the Axis at the same time (I think somebody reported that already).

- When I conquered the French colonies in Africa, the Paris fall made them go back to their city states. Is that intened to be like that ?

I'm hoping to see the new version soon, probably refreshed this forum alot the last day to check for it ;-) Did you consider adding the US east coast and Oil as a strategic resource in future versions ? Those those (US+oil) were probably two war-deciding factors (I dunno how much work it would be to integrate that tbh) :)

Once again, thanks for the effort you put in. I am really enjoying the game.
Took me forever to get Germany to attack Paris and then it did it with tanks across the river, even though they had infantry without river that could have attacked.

Germany should take Paris when you end the Italian turn.

Also a screenshot of the result when Germany takes Paris.


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In my current game as Germany the animations have gone a bit wonkers too, I think its an issue with the game itself cos it happend during my playthrough and I didnt have it happen in my earlier games..

I have downloaded the two zip files, sent them to my MODS directory and used 7zip to "extract here" which makes new folders of the same name in the MODS dir. When I boot civ5, I see the mods, enable both, start a new custom game and choose a leader. Then, during the loading screen (listening to the German speech, for instance) everything looks good until the screen goes black, the cursor changes from the loading-spinning-globe into the regular cursor, then I get the WinXP "Civ5 has encountered and error" thing and I have to shut down.

89 files 13.8MB in MODS/r_e_d__wwii_edition__v_9
1777 files 182 MB in MODS/R.E.D. WWII Data Files (v 1)

I read through the forums and did not find this particular issue, but I apologize if I missed it. Any help would be appreciated--I just heard about this mod recently and have not tried any of the previous versions.

Looks very promising and I'm hoping I can get it to work!

Thank you.
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