• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .
Renfair is in breach of the agreement we came to earlier. I will remind Renfair what that agreement is.

In exchange for the safe return of Formatics, Renfair agrees to lift the embargo (which they did) and to pay reparations (which they have not). We do not care if you reinstate the embargo because the agreement didn't forbid it. What we do mind is the fact that Renfair has proven itself to not be able to meet the requirements of agreements it made only few years past.

If Renfair fails to meet the requirements of the agreement that it agreed to meet, then an act of war will exist between the Setting Sun and Renfair as to which time reparations are paid out by the Renfarian government. The Renfarian failure to pay reparations will be treated as an act of war, in which the Setting Sun is defending.
Your oppression that caused your people to rebel against you.

It is not the workers that revolt. Some far right Nazi Tsarists are revolting. And we support the workers of your nation to fight against your capitalist oppression.
Renfair is in breach of the agreement we came to earlier. I will remind Renfair what that agreement is.

In exchange for the safe return of Formatics, Renfair agrees to lift the embargo (which they did) and to pay reparations (which they have not). We do not care if you reinstate the embargo because the agreement didn't forbid it. What we do mind is the fact that Renfair has proven itself to not be able to meet the requirements of agreements it made only few years past.

If Renfair fails to meet the requirements of the agreement that it agreed to meet, then an act of war will exist between the Setting Sun and Renfair as to which time reparations are paid out by the Renfarian government. The Renfarian failure to pay reparations will be treated as an act of war, in which the Setting Sun is defending.

We still are going to pay you. We are simply putting the process on hold until you prove yourself a stable nation who isn't actively trying to destabilize the region. Once you do that, you will receive what we owe you.

No, we don't deny we DO owe you. We deny that there was any obligation to pay RIGHT NOW. You gave us free reign to decide WHEN we paid you. We are honorable enough that we are willing to pay next turn if you stop attempting to provoke wars across the region.

Now, begone with you. I've had enough of your posturing.

We still are going to pay you. We are simply putting the process on hold until you prove yourself a stable nation who isn't actively trying to destabilize the region. Once you do that, you will receive what we owe you.

No, we don't deny we DO owe you. We deny that there was any obligation to pay RIGHT NOW. You gave us free reign to decide WHEN we paid you. We are honorable enough that we are willing to pay next turn if you stop attempting to provoke wars across the region.

"That will be acceptable to the Emperor. The immediate fulfillment of payments beginning of next fiscal year, not the putting the process on hold bit."

-Ambassador Lin
This is an NBBC News special report.

The USSR is a nation that has been described as "a rogue state that would be extremely dangerous if they weren't so incompetent". Despite grandiose statements from various functionaries very few interviews with senior leaders have ever been given. Our own Edward Hughes has become the first New Briton to interview a senior member of the Supreme Soviet. We now bring you that interview with Prime Minister Aleka.

Edward Hughes: Welcome, madam Prime Minister, thank you for joining us.

PM Aleka: Thank you, Edward

EH:I would like to begin the interview with the comments made by Mr Leonid. You claim that his threat to execute 100 civilians for every soviet soldier killed was an outburst born of anger. Do you really believe that a man with such a tenuous hold on his temper is a fit person to hold high military rank in a major world power?

PM: Mr. Hughes, Mr. Leonid stated this in anger. We are all people and when something make us angry, we make threats against it. But we almost never do what threat we said. Mr. Leonid said this threat with anger. It was not an official law.
Also Mr. Leonid is a very good Commander amd although he sometimes losses his temper, he has never executed civilians.

EH: Do you not believe then that Mr Leonid should be setting the example for the troops under him to follow and that these threats could lead to soldiers taking them as authorisation to massacre civilians in retribution for fallen comrades?

PM: Well, yes. This could lead troops to kill civilians. We try to avoid this, but this is war. We cant have someone to watch all troopers and what they do. Also, although Mr. Leonid has made a statement, there is no official law. I believe that Mr. Leonid should apologize for his statement. In the end, Mr. Nikita will decide what will happen.

EH: There are reports that discontent is brewing in western provinces in response to the eastern crackdown. How does the USSR intend to respond to this situation?

PM: Since i am PM of USSR, i can answer this question more easily than your other military questions.
First the army will go out on the streets and make sure that there will be no violence. Second, policemen will arrest violent protestors. Peacefull protests however are allowed.
However if there is a violent revolution, we will protect the workers. We shall send the army and give weapons to the workers, for self-defense. Because other thing is a peacefull protest against the regime, and other thing is an Armed Revolution.

EH: If we may move onto international matters. On numerous occasions you yourself have said you will have the Red Army "visit" Korea and other democracies. You have since backpedalled on these threats once it became clear the Red Army is incapable of controlling a domestic revolution. Do you feel this combination of posturing, flip-flopping and incompetence makes it impossible for the international community to take the USSR seriously?

PM: As a Russian, i would say no. But as a realistic politician, i say yes. To say the truth, i hoped that the internation community would not respond and that Korea would be afraid, back off and stop the embargo. We didnt had the army to take over korea. It was a bluffing. However, everyone embargoed USSR. They could have at least said that they would embargo USSR if it invaded Korea. But instead everyone embargoed USSR. We said that we would not invade Korea, but Yamato forced us to leave the UN. We gave our SC seats to Korea, and some nations still embargo USSR, because they say that USSR will invade Korea. Are those leaders really serious?
In order to make USSR a real international power again, i propose:
1) Creation of a strong army.
2) Takeover of White Russia.
3) Creation of Industry with 2/3 of USSR's income be given to industry.
4) Alliance with Communists nations.

EH: Assuming this strong army succeeds in suppressing the revolutionaries, what would you do with it? And how would it be paid for with your proposed industrial investment?

PM: We would cut the military spendings, keep only half of the Red Army and give the money, that would be given to pay half the Red Army, into industry. Industry is more importand than the Red Army. Remember, before the destruction, China was a superpower because it had a strong industry and a normal size army. However, when Monarchy was restored, the economy collapsed because King Constantine tried to keep a massive army.

EH: Thanks you, madam Prime Minister

From the Prime Minister herself. The USSR cannot be taken seriously by the international community, remarks by an unrestrained military chief will lead to massacres and the USSR intends to raise a huge army and then unceremoniously disband it. Our analysts have concluded that demobilising such a large force so quickly will inevitably lead to chaos and riots across Russia. When it was said that the USSR would be dangerous if they weren't so incompetent, they made a massive understatement.
filli, did you actually interview christos for this? 'Cuz if not, that's a hella convincing RP. :cool:
Yes. He PMed me.
The Republic confirms the signing of trade agreements with Renfair. We hope that all our natiosn will prosper from this association.
Almost there gents! But first it's time for


Egypt buys out Kongo.
ReUSA buys out Texas.
Jinrai buys out Korea.
Kurdistan buys out Oman, which shortly afterward suffers a coup, but remains loyal.
Coup in Libya installs pro-Egyptian régime.
Failed coup in Kongo.

Uprising in the USSR! 2 provinces and 1 army rebel.
Uprising in the Empire of the Horn! 2 province and 1 army rebel.
Uprising in Yamato! 3 provinces and 2 armies rebel.

Riots in Siam; parliament forbids military purchases until Spring 2223.
Riots in the Plains Republic; parliament forbids military purchases until Spring 2223.

Norselands transitions to a democratic government. The political upheaval has generated a slight increase in revolt risk that is expected to dissipate in the coming months.

Mongolia and Orobouros sign a defence treaty in reaction to growing instability within the USSR.

New Zealand adopts the Eastern Commonwealth Dollar.
In light of the Treaty between Mongolia & Orobouros, the Taipei Legion hereby invites Mongolia into SCIENCE.
Egyptian Investments into the Kongo are not indicative of agressive intentions, or desires to expand into the southern areas of Africa. We are simply attempting to establish good relations with the state, as well as improving the conditions for people living there.

Egyptian Investments into the Kongo are not indicative of agressive intentions, or desires to expand into the southern areas of Africa. We are simply attempting to establish good relations with the state, as well as improving the conditions for people living there.


By buying out the government.
We also embargo the USSR for its insanity, probably due to being women
OOC: I'm starting to think the Daedric Prince of Madness has possessed Christos :crazyeye:.
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