Scramble for africa on deity

Ok, well here is my writeup on Boers and Turks on Deity for this scenario. For the most part, outside of maybe Morocco or the Zulu nation, all the other ones are a cakewalk so a writeup is pointless.

Ok let me write guide for Ottomans:

A big thank you both for the excellent write-ups and help.

I'm 78 turns into an Ottoman play using this strategy, just went into the lead by wiping Ethiopia completely out of the game and now I am concerned about the fall patch messing up my progress.

Does anyone know if the fall patch affects this strategy? Or saved games in progress? I'm worried that if I fire up my computer, the patch will be applied and I'll be hosed from getting the achievement.

The update changed nothing in SfA, and doesn't kill save games, so don't worry.
The update changed nothing in SfA, and doesn't kill save games, so don't worry.

Thanks for the info.

I've played the scenario many many times and with the help in this thread I'm so close to finally (hopefully) winning. I didn't want to mess it up at this point and have to start all over again.
I really enjoy to play as Maroco on diety

Here are some save files from my latest victory

Turn 01: NW next to Agadir and a nice mountain ridge in the south
Turn 13: Conquer Gibraltar
Turn 27: Conquer & Sale Algiers
Turn 32: Found Rabat and buy all land next to Condar
Turn 34: Conquer & Sale Cagliari
Turn 42: Conquer & Sale Palermo
Turn 48: Conquer & Sale Alexendria
Turn 54: Conquer Cairo. Remove the Italian threat. Sold Cairo around turn 80
Turn 58: Conquer Condar (chop down forest to extend cannon range)
Rest of the game is a walk in the park with a citadel close to Addis Ababa. Conquer Niamey and Mafeking and sell to Ottoman


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Congrats,that makes you second who did Marroco :)
I really enjoy to play as Maroco on diety

Here are some save files from my latest victory

Turn 01: NW next to Agadir and a nice mountain ridge in the south
Turn 13: Conquer Gibraltar
Turn 27: Conquer & Sale Algiers
Turn 32: Found Rabat and buy all land next to Condar
Turn 34: Conquer & Sale Cagliari
Turn 42: Conquer & Sale Palermo
Turn 48: Conquer & Sale Alexendria
Turn 54: Conquer Cairo. Remove the Italian threat. Sold Cairo around turn 80
Turn 58: Conquer Gondar (chop down forest to extend cannon range)
Rest of the game is a walk in the park with a citadel close to Addis Ababa. Conquer Niamey and Mafeking and sell to Ottoman
I am missing something as Ottomans on Deity.
I got the bloddy italians to look for me since de AI is dumb enough to not know where I am if I sell Tunis to Morroco just after damn Giusepe dow me. They don't know where my cities are if I kill any troop that comes close in one turn. Got that going on for some time.
The AI was dumb but after that it just started to spawn random italian troops south of my capital. They didnt come from anywhere, just spawned in some tile south. Not fair! I mean, are those troops Xcom's grandparents lol? Then the endless wave of italian ships. EVEN when I am able to hold them off, I have little more to do in this time.
Founded one city near Solomons mines, sweet spot with copper, gold stone all around. But still, I am missing some miracle move just like the mongol scenario. Idk if I have to setler spam or make a defense pact with egipt or morroco etc.
Anyway, damn hard scenario as Ottomans. Fun at the begining tough.
Improved my Ottoman game on this one. 1050 gpt on turn 75 and still very far from winning. Boers and Ethiopia spiked score outta nowhere. Wiped out italians without them taking one damn egyptian city. When I need their warmonger ways, they give up :( . That and the fact that I cannot managed ethiopia and egypt to fight are making all my effort useless. The dumb but huge german army eventually captured many cities. They are last but are a pain in the ass. Because of them I cannot invade ethipia from near spawn units point now. Damn germans The Boers are growin magic down there and I can do nothing about it. Allied with all CS but they were wiped out. Oh boy, this map is simpossible withou that pop glitch someone mentioned..
I tried this scenario once and I don't see how the Boers can possibly win. If the Zulus don't beat you, the other Euros will.
I think I've gotten the luckiest start in the world on this one :lol:
Spoiler :

This was the result for who's wondering, still not as easy as I hoped, literally everyone I met was at war with me at some point :mischief:
Spoiler :

sure thing, if you want an easier time you could avoid getting coastal cities. Unless you like the extra challenge of holding on to them :)


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I finally won the achievement with the Boers on Deity. It was quite a challenge just to survive to the end as the Boers. In my best early effort I conquered four cities and dominated the horn of Africa but still lost to the Ethiopeans by 251 points (6471 -6220).

My achievement score was 5677 to 5117. I took a different tack in this game. I settled the capital on a river hill with a gold luxury near Capetown. I immediately traded the gold and rights of passage to the Zulus to get them to attack Britain. I marched my second settler around a central North-south mountain range to settle in some hills on the west coast near Swakopmund. There were scant resources but it was easily defensible. My strategy was to keep both my cities as far from Portugal as possible.

I turtled up for the whole game. I fortified the hills around my cities with rings of roads, and fortresses and citadels and racked up culture points destroying the British and German invaders. Belgium declared war but never attacked. Portugal stayed out of the fray and didn't attack me until after turn 80. By that time my defenses were very stout. The Zulus never attacked me. They made peace with the British and managed to survive the whole game and acted as a barrier to the Portugese.

Perhaps I just got lucky since 5,677 is not a very high winning score. But perhaps Ethiopia never got on track because the Portugese were engaged elsewhere when not fighting the Boers or Zulus. Unfortunately, you never really know what is going on on the hidden part of the map.

Here are some tips for my two city win.

1) By not conquering any cities you can keep happiness high. At one point my happiness reached 24 and that gets you extra culture once you get the happiness achievement.

2) I built everything culture related in my capital. Build the Music guild last because there are not enough music slots with just two cities. Otherwise you will generate musicians you can't use.

3)From earlier attempts I learned to be conservative in placing citadels. Keep the first few very close to the cities where they can be defended with volunteers or Gatling guns. Don't get greedy and try to grab land and resources near the water. A citadel by the water will get its defenders bombarded by ships and the AI is very efficient at pillaging unguarded citadels.

3) If you try to grab resources from the Zulus with Citadels while at peace with them, The Zulus will use their own generals to grab the resource back.

4) The great writers have the option to create a great work or convert to culture. Use the culture option at the end of the game since there isn't enough turns to take much advantage of the great work. The culture points count toward victory. I passed Ethiopia by using the Great writer.

5) I like using Gatling guns to defend citadels. They are a good deterrent to enemy Gatling guns.

6) The British come at you like a swarm of bees. But as you reduce their land around Capetown and interrupt their railroads they become less effective and they prioritize building too many cannons. When the British assemble four or five cannons to mount a rush - pull back tour targets and let them move adjacent to the citadels. Then counter- attack them.

7) Be sure to build roads inside your citadels while the opportunity is available. It helps to keep them defended and repaired. Sometimes I start by building a fortress with a road and then promote it to a Citadel when there is an opportunity.
I realize these postings are mostly about a year old, but I am working on getting the achievement for winning as the Ottoman's on Diety. I have tried a lot of tips here and have managed to last until the end of the game and suppress the score of the Ethiopeans by taking their cities. I end up with under 4,000 points. But in the end of my games I get edged out by the Boers (the unmet player) who come out of nowhere in the final turns racking up more than 120 points per turn. So I would like to improve my scoring. After studying the victory conditions table at various points in the game, I realize that the category "North African Gold" is the key scoring element and that the other categories like land population cities and policies are fairly static.

Does anyone know the exact formula for North African Gold. It it a function of saved gold in the treasury? Or is it a function of gold earned in the current turn? Or gold earned over a series of turn?

I have seen it increase in the early turns when my net gold earnings for the turn were negative numbers. I have also tried strategies to hoard gold in my treasury but it doesn't seem to make that much difference to my score. I would like to score around 4,500 to 5,000 points to give myself a chance to win, but I don't see how I can micromanage the gold scoring unless I Know how "north African Gold" is calculated for the Ottomans on Deity?
I finally won the scramble as the Ottomans on Deity. I finished with 4,196 point edging out Egypt by 25 points. This was a tough scenario.

Scoring is still a mystery. North African Gold (NAG) is the key factor and accounted for about 75% of my points. I believe it is mostly based on trading revenue with your allies and is especially influenced by revenue from selling cities. It seems to be a weighted average over a series of turns. Don’t worry about your expenses such as road overhead or unit maintenance in this scenario since net earnings per turn doesn’t seem to affect scoring. Don’t hoard your treasury gold since it doesn’t help scoring. NAG is the only one of the scoring factors that continually grows during the game. Other scoring factors such as cities land, population, population, great works are based on their tally at the end of the game. In other words capturing a city and its population on turn 99 counts the same as if you held it the whole game.

Start of the game.
Reroll if both Egypt and Morocco lack coal. You will need to trade for coal once the war with Italy starts otherwise your Ironclads will be ineffective.

I immediately traded Italy for all of its coal so that they wouldn’t build ironclads (until turn eleven when they declared war against me.) I used my gold to buy ocean squares to wrap around Palermo. The idea is to make a navigation obstacle on the channel that will cause a naval traffic for Italy later when I sell Tunis to Morocco. I sent my infantry units to Tunis and declared war on France on turn 2. The sooner you start fighting France the more promotions your infantry earn. I stole their settler and started building roads around Tunis.

I used one of my Siphai to explore the Sahara and deal with barbarian camps. I used the other and sent it to meet Ethiopia and afterward sent it all the way down to meet the Boers. Do not delay since the Siphai will be passing the Portugese, Belgians and Germans who will have declared war. The point of meeting the Boers is that you can trade with them - or if need be -bribe the Europeans to declare war on them. It sucks to lose to the ‘unmet player’ who comes out of nowhere to become a point leader at the very end. After the Siphai discovered the Boers, I worked him back to Ethiopia to map out the territory around Addis Ababa to find the best place to lay a city.

I set all three cites to production focus. I moved my Trading ship from Tripoli to Benghazi on turn 1 an then had it trade with Tripoli to help its production. I used my Caravan in Tripoli to help Tunis with production (an Ironclad). I built a settler in Benghazi. In Tripoli my build order was stable, ironworks, cannon (4), and then stoneworks.

The key to beating Italy is to defend Tripoli with the canons and use the ironclad to capture their battered ships. As soon as Tripoli seemed safe, I moved one of my four cannons to start bombarding Palermo from the outskirts of Tunis. Once Italy lost Palermo (Turn 29) it was easy to eliminate them (turn 41). I sold all of the Italian cities to Morocco and later also Algiers and Gibraltar.

Middle of the game - Sahara
I used my first settler to screen out Egypt from the dessert and to claim some resources. Later I built a string of three cities across the southern Sahara desert. I bought tiles to create a contiguous east-west border connecting Morocco to Eqypt. I tried to hold these cities from an onslaught of the French and Germans. Once their fall was imminent, I sold them to Egypt. This created a protective buffer around the vacant central Sahara dessert which I filled in with more cities later.

Middle of the Game -Ethiopia
I used my second settler plus my first great general to settle on the outskirts of Addis Ababa. It took a long time to trek across Egypt. I used two Siphai to help protect the next turns path for the settler and Great general units otherwise the Egyptian units will block their progress. I settled the city west of Addis Ababa (Hun) on turn 44. I immediately bought up all the tiles around Hun so it would have a large footprint. I used the great general to claim square inside Ethiopia between Huns border and Addis Ababa. I took my time developing Hun. I bought settlers to create a network of roads and forts. I bought a military academy and then started buying canons, Gatling guns and cavalry. My strategy was to wipe out Ethiopia so I wanted to make sure I had enough troops to guarantee success. I attacked them around turn 75. About 5 turns before the attack, I bribed Portugal to attack them. This drew off a lot of their troops. I had enough cannon to take their capital in one turn. Then they retook it for one turn. In ten turns they were gone.

The Boers were eliminated around turn 80. I didn’t need to bribe anyone to fight them.

Dealing with Egypt
I sold five cities to Egypt on turn 75. This used up all of Egypt’s income which pretty much arrested their score. They proceeded to raze two of these cities. This worked out nice since by the time they were razed, I had settlers waiting to rebuild them. During most of the game the Europeans leave the Egyptians alone. But in the final 25 turns, Portugal and France attacked them. France conquered all three of the Saharan buffer cities. Portugal was fighting Egypt and me in the area of Somalia.

One technique that was effective was to take a city from Portugal that I couldn’t hold, sell it to Egypt, they would then lose it back to Portugal and then I would take it back.

I made up a lot of the ground on points in the last ten turns. I trailed by 700 points on turn 91. Taking back the Saharan cities from France was easy – especially with the Army of the Sahara policy 50% combat bonus.

Don’t be fooled by the immediate adverse differential in score after trading a city to Egypt. Your score will suffer a one-turn drop from losing its land and population but will benefit over the next 25 turns from the NAG.

It doesn’t make much sense to sell a city at the very end of the game unless you are about to lose it. Try to sell your cities to Egypt by turn 75 so you get the full benefit of the 25-turn stream of payments. When you sell a city to Egypt you are not only increasing your NAG points – you are effectively causing Egypt’s NAG score to stop growing.

At the end, focus on conquering cities to get additional land or population points. Any spare great generals should be used as citadels inside Egypt – 6 less land tiles for them, 6 more for you.

Good luck!
I hope I am not offending anyone by resurrecting this thread.

Basically I've been trying to get the achievement for the Ottomans on Deity (I got a glorious victory with the Boers already!). By turn 11 when Italy declares (because, well, NO DOUBT IT WILL) it storms me with about 4 privateers, 1 Frigate and 3 CDC (Caio Diullio Class). I have traded all of its coal at turn 0, but I think they start with 2 CDC and they probably get one the turn they declare war (they get their coal back). I have been trying to follow what you guys said in this thread, build 2 settlers, have everything with production maxed, used trading dudes for production and so forth. By the time Italy comes knocking at my door, I have 1 cannon and 1 privateer. You can imagine the disaster.

Selling Tunis to Egypt changes absolutely nothing. They come to Tripoli instead, and well, they do take it all the same, hopelessly. Once I've managed to send them off to Egypt. They took Alexandria on turn 9 I think, declared war on me, and came at me on turn 12, for the very same ending. I've tried to hold on Tunis (or Tripoli) by using my single privateer and cannon, but most of the times their CDC simply won't flip, regardless of how many times I reload and try things in different order. I might load back 3 turns until it actually allows me a combination of moves that make it freaking flip. Most of the time it won't help because it gets bombed in the next turn, and they already have another CDC ready in Palermo to replace the one who got down.

Don't get me wrong, I love a challenge, but this is just ridiculous. I am probably doing something very, very wrong. I've seen some of you saying that you bought a cannon on turn 10, but by turn 10 I have about 300 gold, 450 if I am very luck with finding barbarians which is not normally the case, even if I trade absolutely everything I have with Egypt. I usually sell some buildings too (like the Harbor in Tunis) to no help. Having 2 cannons instead of one could definitely change the scenario, but I can't see how it is possible to buy one that early.

Anyway, I have a pretty darn awesome starting game, which I just don't know how to use. I'm attaching here. Basically, you can get Solomon Mines and 18 Coal in the same city, surrounded by hills and all, and Source of the Nile in the next city. I thought that that was just very promising, but apparently it doesn't matter if it is promising when Italy will just fill the whole ocean with their CDC.

Did anything I said sound silly? Am I doing something obviously wrong?


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Okay, I got the achievement.
I still don't know why you guys treat "defeating Italy" as something trivial.

It felt to me as the most random thing in the universe. Sometimes they would zerg me with all ships (and then I'd lose Tripoli in 2 or 3 turns), but two times, the AI derped out and just sent 3 or 4 ships.

That's when I managed to actually PLAY THE SCENARIO...

All the strategy is pretty straighforward actually, and my inital save is just glorious. Much better than the one I found here IMHO. I've finished the game with the possession of all the wonders. Yes, Mt. Kilimajaro too. Etiophia can be "aborted" if you steal his settlers in the beginning (turn 5 I guess).

By turn 77, after Etiophia fall, I was so bored that I stopped playing (just pressing next). I had so many points that I just could not lose. By turn 91 everybody declared war on me, and I didn't even bother defending. I had too many points. I've finished with 8654, second place went to Egypt with 3257. Would I have done something, I could probably close with over 9000 points (literally).

Screenshot for proof.

I'd be curious to know how well you guys would do with my initial save.


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